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Synthesis of high-density and low-freezing-point jet fuel using
lignocellulose-derived isophorone and furanic aldehydes
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ab ab ab ab ab ab c
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jiawei Xie, Lei Zhang, Xiangwen Zhang, Peijuan Han, Junjian Xie, Lun Pan, De-Rong Zou,
c ab
++++++++++++Received 00th Song-Hua Liu and Ji-Jun Zou*
January 20xx,
Accepted 00th January 20xx
Biofuels synthesized from lignocellulose-derived platform chemicals are very attractive for sustainable development. Here
Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x we reported a new and facile route to synthesize multi-substituted cycloalkanes with high density and low freezing point
using isophorone and furanic aldehydes (furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural), by solvent-free aldol condensation
followed with hydrodeoxygenation. The catalyst was screened and NaOH shows good performance. The reaction
conditions including catalyst dosage, isophorone/furanic aldehydes ratio, temperature and solvent were optimized, and
finally the yield of 70.0% for isophorone/furfural and 72.8% for isophorone/5-hydroxymethylfurfural were obtained.
Pt/HZSM-5 was prepared as the bifunctional catalyst for hydrodeoxygenation of condensed product. The resultant multi-
substituted cyclohexane derived from isophorone/furfural and isophorone/5-hydroxymethylfurfural have density of 0.813
g/mL and 0.846 g/mL respectively and both with freezing point lower than -75°C, which are very promising as stand-alone
fuels or additives of other biofuels.

18-22 23 24
condensation , Diels-Alder addition , Michael addition ,
25-27 28
1. Introduction oligomerization , Robinson annulation , followed with
hydrodeoxygenation. For example, cyclic molecules have been
High-density jet fuels have higher density than conventional jet
synthesized by reductive coupling/pinacol rearrangement of
fuels, and thus can provide more propulsion energy to extend 29
cyclic ketones (cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone) ,
the flight distance, flight speed and increase the payload of
dehydration/oligomerization/rearrangement of cyclopentanol
volume-limited aerospace vehicles like military missile and 27
, and alkylation of phenols (phenol, anisole, guaiacol) with
space exploration1, 2. High-density jet fuels are generally 15, 30
benzyl ether or benzyl alcohols .
composed of cycloalkanes to afford high density, like currently
Another important requirement for jet fuel is the low-
used JP-10, RJ-7 and RJ-53, which are generally synthesized
temperature properties, especially the freezing point and
using feedstock derived from petroleum. As response to the
viscosity. A desirable jet fuel must have low freezing point and
increasing concern on CO2 emission and depletion of fossil
low-temperature viscosity because the aerospace vehicles
energy, production of jet fuels or jet fuel range hydrocarbons
often work at very low temperature like high altitude or cold
from biomass-derived feedstock has attracted increasing
weather. Although polycycloalkane biofuels have relatively
attention4, 5. So far much work has been done on synthesis of
high density, their freezing point and viscosity is relatively
jet fuel range straight and branched paraffins using
high. Notably, branched cycloalkanes have shown excellent
lignocellulose-derived platform chemicals including γ-
low-temperature properties. For example, a mixture of
valerolactone6, furanic aldehyde7, 8, 2-methylfuran9, 10, methyl
pentylcyclohexane synthesized using aromatic oxygenates and
isobutyl ketone11, 12, etc. Nonetheless, these hydrocarbons
furfuryl alcohol, or 2-methylfuran and cyclohexane, as
have relatively low density compared with petroleum derived
feedstock shows relatively high density (0.804 g/mL) and very
and cannot be used as stand-alone fuel13. To get higher 16, 17
low freezing point (-80°C) . And multi-substituted
density, cyclic hydrocarbons such as branched
cycloalkane synthesized using mesityl oxide and 2-methylfuran
monocycloalkanes and polycycloalkanes have been
as feedstock has higher density (0.82 g/mL) and a little higher
synthesized by C-C coupling reactions like alkylation14-17, aldol 14
but acceptable freezing point (-56°C) , but this synthesis
requires complex procedure including alkylation, hydrolysis,
intramolecular aldol condensation and hydrodeoxygenation.
With these considerations, here we aimed to synthesize jet
fuel range hydrocarbons with structure of multi-substituted
cyclohexane to get both high density and excellent low-
temperature properties by simple synthetic procedure using

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easily obtained biomass-derived platform chemicals as with HP-5 capillary column (30 m×0.5 mm) and analyzed
feedstock. quantitatively by gas chromatography (Agilent 7820A).
Furanic aldehydes including furfural and 5- The conversion and selectivity were calculated as follows:
hydroxymethylfurfural, are important chemicals which can be reactant converted
Conversion%= ×100
produced on industrial scale by the hydrolysis-dehydration of reactant input
hemicellulose or cellulose . Isophorone is the cyclic trimer mono-condensed product
Selectivity%= ×100

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

condensate of acetone from the acetone-butanol-ethanol all reactants converted
fermentation of lignocellulose . Considering its multi-
substituted cyclic structure, isophorone should be a good 2.4 Hydrodeoxygenation reaction
building brick to synthesize methyl-substituted cyclohexane.
The liquid condensed products were purified by washing
Meanwhile furanic aldehydes are ideal unit to further
before the hydrodeoxygenation reaction. Hydrodeoxygenation
introduce branched chain. Therefore in this work, we
was carried out in a 100 mL batch autoclave (EasyChem E100).
presented a new and facile route to synthesize multi-
The reactor was loaded with 1 g condensed product, 50 mL
substituted cycloalkanes using isophorone and furanic
H2O and defined amount of catalyst, purged with H2 for 3
aldehydes as feedstock, by solvent-free aldol condensation
times and then heated to 200°C at 6 MPa of H2. After
followed with hydrodeoxygenation. Such hydrocarbons have
Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

hydrodeoxygenation, the organic phase was extracted from

both high density and low freezing point, and are promising as
water by ethyl acetate, analyzed qualitatively by Agilent
renewable high-density fuels or fuel additives to improve the
6890/5975 GC-MS equipped with HP-5 capillary column (30
density and reduce the freezing point of other biofuels.
m×0.5 mm) and analyzed quantitatively by gas
chromatography (Agilent 7820A). Finally, the biofuels were
2. Experimental section obtained by vacuum distillation. The yield was calculated as
follows (C14 for isophorone/furfural, C15 for isophorone/5-
2.1 Chemicals HMF):
Furfural (99%), isophorone (97%) were obtained from Aladdin C14 or C15 HDO product
Yield of HDO product%= ×100
Co., China. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF, 98%) was condensed product input
supplied by Beijing Ouhe Technology Co., Ltd. All the chemicals
used in this work were not further purified, the base catalysts 2.5 Measurements of fuel properties
were all analytical reagents. Pd/C (5 wt%) was obtained from
Shaanxi Rock New Materials Co., Ltd. Palladium dichloride The density was measured by Mettler Toledo DE40 density
(PdCl2) was supplied by Tianjin Guangfu Fine Chemical meter according to ASTM D4052. Freezing point was measured
Research Institute. Chloroplatinic acid (H2PtCl6·6H2O, 99.95%) according to ASTM D2386, and kinematic viscosity was
was supplied by Beijing HWRK Chem Co., Ltd. HZSM-5 determined using capillary viscometer according to ASTM
(SiO2/Al2O3=27) and Hβ (SiO2/Al2O3=25) were purchased from D445. The net heat of combustion was measured by the IKA-
Nankai Catalysts Company. C6000 isoperibol Package 2/10 Calorimeter according to ASTM
2.2 Catalyst preparation

Bifunctional hydrodeoxygenation catalysts were synthesized 3. Results and discussion

using the incipient wetness impregnation method. The
3.1 Aldol condensation of isophorone and furfural
supports (HZSM-5, Hβ) were immersed in an aqueous solution
of H2PtCl6·6H2O or PdCl2 and kept overnight at room The aldol condensation of isophorone and furfural under the
temperature to achieve sufficient impregnation. Then drying at catalysis of alkali hydroxides produces mono-condensed 6-(2-
120°C for 12 h and calcination at 580°C for 3 h, the catalysts furanylmethylene)-3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one (IF,
were then reduced using hydrogen at 350°C for 4 h. mass spectra in Figure S1) as the major product, along with
small amount of di-condensed 2,6-bis(2-furanylmethylene)-
2.3 Aldol condensation 3,5,5-trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-one (FIF, mass spectra in Figure
S2) as the byproduct, as shown in Scheme 1. The aldol
The aldol condensation was carried out in a round-bottom
condensation is triggered by the proton abstraction from the
flask with reflux condenser and mechanical agitation. Typically,
α-carbon of isophorone, then the formed carbanion attacks
70 mmol isophorone and 70 mmol furanic aldehyde were
the carbonyl group of furfural to form β-hydroxy ketone that
heated to defined temperature (from 10°C to 90°C) and then 32, 33
finally dehydrates to mono-condensed product (IF) .
defined amount of catalyst (from 6.30 mmol to 15.75 mmol)
Similarly, FIF is formed by the further cross-condensation of IF
was added. During the reaction the liquid mixture was
with furfural. Figure 1 presents the product distribution in the
sampled regularly and the catalyst was removed from the
aldol condensation of isophorone and furfural. The conversion
organic phase by washing. The sampled mixture was dissolved
of both reactants increases with the increase of reaction time.
in dichloromethane for analysis. The organic mixture was
Since the formation of FIF requires two furfural molecules
analyzed qualitatively by Agilent 6890/5975 GC-MS equipped
while the IF only needs one furfural molecule, the formation of

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FIF is more difficult than IF. Especially at longer reaction time, to improve the reaction. As shown in Figure 3, the conversion
the concentration of feedstock (especially furfural) decreases of both furfural and isophorone gradually increases when
to a very low level, which suppress the formation of FIF. As one more catalyst is added, but the effect is limited when the
can see the selectivity of IF increases slightly but that of FIF dosage of NaOH exceeds 12.60 mmol. The selectivity of IF goes
decreases after 2 hours. Besides, neither 2-furanic acid nor up first with the increase of NaOH dosage and then goes down
furfuryl alcohol presents in detectable amount, suggesting the when the dosage of NaOH exceeds 9.45 mmol, but overall the

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

Cannizzaro disproportion of furfural does not occur under this effect of catalyst dosage is not so obvious as compared with
condition although it is a base-catalyzed reaction . Also the the conversion.
self-condensation of isophorone is not seen because it is hard
to take place under basic catalysis . Therefore in this work we
can consider the selectivity of IF and FIF only.

Aldol condensation

+ R
H 2O

Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

Side reaction
OH - OH - O
H 2O

R = H, furfural; R = CH 2OH, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural

Scheme 1. Aldol condensation of isophorone and furanic

aldehydes. Fig. 2 Activity of different catalyst on the aldol condensation of
isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: 70 mmol
isophorone, 70 mmol furfural, 9.45 mmol catalyst, 30°C and 4
h for NaOH (KOH), 90°C and 24 h for Ba(OH)2 and (Ca(OH)2).

Fig. 1 Product distribution in the aldol condensation of

isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: 70 mmol
isophorone, 70 mmol furfural, 30°C, 9.45 mmol NaOH.
Fig. 3 Effect of NaOH dosage on the aldol condensation of
Since the generation of carbanion is the first step for the isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: 70 mmol
base-catalyzed aldol condensation and the basicity of the isophorone, 70 mmol furfural, 30°C, 4 h.
catalyst may has strong influence on the reaction , several
catalysts including KOH, NaOH, Ba(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 were Furthermore, the effect of temperature and molar ratio of
tested in this work. As shown in Figure 2, among the tested feedstock on the aldol condensation of isophorone and
catalysts KOH shows the highest activity due to the strongest furfural was investigated. As shown in Figure 4, with the
basicity, but the selectivity of IF is not the highest. Because the temperature increasing from 10°C to 70°C, the conversion of
catalysis of KOH promotes the isomerization of isophorone to furfural and isophorone rises from 39.0% and 21.5% to 99.6%
β-isophorone and then condenses with furfural to form di- and 76.5%, respectively. However, the selectivity of IF keeps
condensed FIF. NaOH exhibits a little lower conversion but the nearly unchanged as the temperature increases. The
selectivity of IF is the highest, because the basicity is not so conversion of furfural, isophorone and the selectivity of IF can
strong as KOH. Ba(OH)2 shows very low activity and Ca(OH)2 is reach 99.6%, 76.5% and 84.2% within 4 h at 70°C, respectively.
nearly inactive even with prolonged time and higher Since the by-product (FIF) is generated from di-condensed
temperature, indicating the basicity is not strong enough to between two furfural molecules with one isophorone
generate carbanion species. Overall NaOH shows the best molecule, it is expected that reducing the concentration of
performance to produce IF, so its dosage is further optimized furfural in the feedstock could inhibit the side reaction.

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Unfortunately, as shown in Figure 5, the selectivity of mono- reaction is used in this work, and under the optimal reaction
condensation product does not change with the ratio of conditions (9.45 mmol NaOH, 70°C, 0.5 h), the conversion of
furfural/isophorone. The reason may be that the formation of furfural, isophorone and the selectivity of IF can reach 99.6%,
FIF requires two α-H in the ring of isophorone to condense 76.5% and 84.2%, respectively.
with two furfural molecules at the same time, and isophorone
has to be isomerized β-isophorone first to produce FIF . In this

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

case, it is the basicity of the catalyst, rather than the molar
ratio or temperature, determining the isomerization of
isophorone to β-isophorone and thus the formation of FIF.
Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

Fig. 6 Effect of solvent on the aldol condensation of

isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: 70 mmol
isophorone, 70 mmol furfural, 70°C, 0.5 h, 9.45 mmol NaOH,
15 mL solvent.

Fig. 4 Effect of temperature on the aldol condensation of 3.2 Aldol condensation of isophorone and 5-
isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: 70 mmol hydroxymethylfurfural
isophorone, 70 mmol furfural, 4 h, 9.45 mmol NaOH.
We further explored the aldol condensation of isophorone and
5-HMF. In this reaction, 6-(5-hydroxymethyl-2-
furylmethylidene)-3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one (mass
spectra in Figure S3) is the mono-condensed product, and the
selectivity can approach over 90% under optimized reaction
condition. In comparison with furfural, 5-HMF is more
promising because it can be easily produced using glucose and
fructose which is more abundant lignocellulose, moreover a
longer carbon chain can be obtained that may increase the
density of the final product. Similar to the reaction of
isophorone and furfural, NaOH shows good activity and
selectivity in this reaction, and the conversion of both
feedstock increases with the increasing of catalyst dosage and
temperature, see Table 1. But a higher selectivity of mono-
Fig. 5 Effect of furfural/isophorone ratio on the aldol condensed product (93%) can be approached because the
condensation of isophorone and furfural. Reaction condition: hydroxymethyl group in 5-HMF brings up steric hindrance that
70 mmol isophorone, 70°C, 0.5 h, 9.45 mmol NaOH. makes the di-condensation reaction difficult to occur. Also
water is unfavorable for the condensation. Under optimized
Subsequently, we studied the effect of solvent on this conditions (9.45 mmol NaOH, 50°C, 2 h), the conversion of 5-
reaction, as shown in Figure 6. It is found that adding strong HMF, isophorone and the selectivity of IF can reach 100%,
polar solvents like DMF slightly promotes the conversion of 68.6% and 93.0%, respectively.
feedstock and the selectivity of IF. In water, the selectivity of IF
is also slightly promoted, however, the conversion of furfural Table 1 Results of aldol condensation of isophorone and 5-
and isophorone decreases obviously because the presence of HMF.
water (the product of aldol condensation) suppresses the
21 Temperature NaOH Conversion of Conversion of Selectivity
reaction equilibrium . Although the organic alcohols Run
(°C) (mmol) isophorone (%) 5-HMF (%) of IF(%)
(methanol, ethanol) accelerate the reaction, the selectivity of 1 30 6.30 55.8 100 89.6
IF becomes extremely low due to the formation of 2 30 9.45 57.5 85.5 91.3
considerable FIF. Low reaction activity is observed in the
3 30 12.60 67.0 100 86.1
presence of THF and hexane solvents due to the insolubility of
4 30 15.75 74.4 97.5 92.8
the catalyst. Overall the use of solvent can not improve the
reaction significantly but increases the cost, so solvent-free 5 50 9.45 68.6 100 93.0

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6* 50 9.45 55.7 90.0 97.0 2wt% Pt/HZSM-5(1 g)* 71.0

7 70 9.45 88.2 98.8 85.9 5wt% Pt/HZSM-5(5 g) 79.4
5wt% Pt/Hβ(5 g) 74.4
Reaction condition: 70 mmol isophorone, 70 mmol 5-HMF, 2 h.
*10 mL H2O was added. Reaction condition: 1 g condensed product, 200°C, 12 h, 50 mL
H2O, 6 MPa H2.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels Accepted Manuscript

*The reaction was conducted for 40 h.

To further promote the HDO reaction we prepared

3.3 Hydrodeoxygenation of mono-condensed product Pt/HZSM-5 because it is reported that Pt is more active than
The mono-condensed products of furfural (or 5-HMF) and Pd in hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes41. It can be
isophorone were further hydrodeoxygenated to C14-C15 seen that the yield increases from 44.9% for 0.5wt% Pd/HZSM-
multi-substituted cyclohexane in aqueous phase, as shown in 5 to 68.1% for 0.5wt% Pt/HZSM-5. In addition, both HZSM-5
Scheme 2. Based on the GC-MS analysis, the predominate and Hβ zeolite supports perform well in the HDO. Among the
product is 1,1,5-trimethyl-2-pentyl-cyclohexane (mass spectra prepared catalysts, 2wt% Pt/HZSM-5 shows the highest yield
in Figure S4) and 1,1,5-trimethyl-2-hexyl-cyclohexane (mass (82.7%) in the HDO of isophorone/furfural aldol condensation
Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

spectra in Figure S5), respectively. The major side-reaction is product, and further increase the loading of metal (5 wt%)
the cracking of chain on the C6 ring, which produces small does not promote the HDO performance, probably due to the
molecular alkanes and C12-C13 naphthenes. As suggested in formation of larger Pt particles. Moreover, lower amount of
the literature, hydrogenation of the carbonyl in IFs produces HDO catalyst shows acceptable activity (45.8% yield of C14),
alcohols, which undergo dehydration to alkenes on the acid and a better result can be obtained with prolonged time (40 h,
site and then a fast C=C hydrogenation will happen
37, 38
. 71.0% yield of C14). Finally the 2wt% Pt/HZSM-5 was chosen as
Meanwhile, the furan ring in the IFs can be effectively the catalyst in the subsequent HDO of isophorone/5-HMF
hydrolyzed and deoxygenated with the presence of acid .
39 condensed product, resulting in 85.4% yield of C14+C15.
Therefore this process requires catalyst with both
deoxygenation and hydrogenation functions. 3.4 Properties of obtained biofuels

After hydrodeoxygenation and vacuum distillation, the
O isophorone/furfural-derived biofuel (C14) contains 1,1,5-
H2 trimethyl-2-pentyl-cyclohexane and its isomers (95.4%), 1,1,5-
O Catalyst trimethyl-2-butyl-cyclohexane (1.5%), 1,1,5-trimethyl-2,4-
dipentyl-cyclohexane (1.3%), and the isophorone/5-HMF-
derived biofuel (C15) contains 1,1,5-trimethyl-2-hexyl-
Scheme 2. Hydrodeoxygenation of mono-condensed product. cyclohexane and isomers (64.2%), 1,1,5-trimethyl-2-pentyl-
cyclohexane and its isomers (29.1%), 1,1,5-trimethyl-2-butyl-
Series of catalysts were prepared and test in the HDO of cyclohexane (3.6%). The properties of obtained hydrocarbons
IFs, as shown in Table 2. First, a physical mixture of commercial were assessed using ASTM methods, as shown in Table 3.
Pd/C and HZSM-5 were tested, unfortunately the yield is very Notably, the density of these hydrocarbons (0.813 g/mL for
low because most of the products are uncompleted HDO C14 and 0.846 g/mL for C15) is higher than pentylcyclohexane
compounds. This indicates the synergy of deoxygenation and (0.804 g/mL). This result indicates the presence of methyl
hydrogenation is not strong enough. To enhance the synergy groups and/or longer chain groups can increase the density.
we loaded Pd on HZSM-5 and obtained obviously higher HDO Moreover, the C14 and C15 biofuels have very low freezing
yield. This can be rationalized because the loading provides point (< -75°C), although their viscosity increases to some
more intimate proximity between the metal and the acid sites, degree. Overall they show very good low-temperature
which will greatly increase the possibility of dehydration on properties. Therefore the hydrocarbons synthesized here show
acid sites followed by hydrogenation on metal sites . good potential as high-density biofuels or fuel additives.

Table 2 Results for hydrodeoxygenation of isophorone/furfural Table 3 Properties of hydrocarbons synthesized using
aldol condensation product. isophorone and furanic aldehydes.
Catalyst Yield of C14 (%)
Pd/C(0.5 g)+HZSM-5(5 g) 12.3 structure

0.5wt% Pd/HZSM-5(5 g) 44.9 Furfural and 5-HMF and Aromatic oxygenates

isophorone isophorone and furfural alcohol
0.5wt% Pt/HZSM-5(5 g) 68.1 Density at
0.813 0.846 0.804
1wt% Pt/HZSM-5(5 g) 77.9 20°C (g/mL)
< -75 < -75 < -80
2wt% Pt/HZSM-5(5 g) 82.7 point (°C)
2wt% Pt/HZSM-5(1 g) 45.8 3.4 (25°C) 5.3 (25°C) 2.0 (25°C)

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Published on 30 June 2018. Downloaded on 7/11/2018 7:20:18 AM.

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