Lab 15 Traffic Lights Control

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Industrial Electronics Lab Manual Experiment # 15

Name: _______________________ Roll No:_______________

Experiment # 15

To control Traffic Lights utilizing word comparison using PLC.

Software Required:
PLC software.

Task # 1

Traffic control using single timer.


a) From the Simulations Menu at the top of the Logix Pro screen, Select the Traffic Light

Figure 1

b) Utilizing a single timer, employ the use of Word Comparison instructions to control our
simulated traffic light. The sequence of operation and timing durations are set out in
following timing diagram.

c) Your program should incorporate a 1 second period (delayed green) when both directions
will have only their RED lights illuminated. Note that the timing diagram below only
shows one of these 1 second intervals, but two are actually required.

Industrial Electronics Lab Manual Experiment # 15
Name: _______________________ Roll No:_______________

If a one second delay proves insufficient to get these drivers under control then just go ahead and
jack the delay up to two!

Ladder Logic Diagram:

Industrial Electronics Lab Manual Experiment # 15
Name: _______________________ Roll No:_______________

Results and Conclusion:

The PLC checks the status of the sensors. The system resolution is dependent on the output
provided by the sensors, then PLC checks the priorities and then provide output signal to the
traffic light poles for ON or OFF the red, yellow or green lights and ON time is dependent on the
specific priorities.

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