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ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level HISTORY 4044/2 PAPER 2 Regional and International History JUNE 2020 SESSION 2 hours Additional materials: ‘Answer paper TIME 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer Paper. Answer any four questions. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘This question paper consists of 22 questions. Each question carries 25 marks. Read all questions carefully before choosing the one you intend to answer, Candidates are advised to spend 30 minutes on each question ‘This question paper consists of 5 printed pages and 3 blank pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Couneil, 12020. eS (a) (oy (©) (a) () © (a) (b) © (a) (b) © (a) (b) © (a) () © State any five items of trade used by European merchants to obtain slaves in West Africa. 13] Describe the Triangular Slave Trade. 112) ‘To what extent did European slave merchants benefit from the Triangular Slave Trade? [8] State any three crops grown and any two animals kept by the Ancient Egyptians. (5) Describe the economic activities of Ancient Egypt, 112) To what extent did agriculture benefit the peasants in Ancient Egypt? [8] State any five European countries that met at the Algeciras Conference in 1906. [5] Deseribe the Franco-German hostility over Morocco in 1911 02) How far did this hostility increase tension in Europe? [8] Identify any five new weapons used during the First World War. [5] Describe the German Submarine Warfare. 112) ‘To what extent did the submarine warfare contribute to the defeat of Germany? [8] Identify any five members of the Allied Powers during the First World War. 15] Outline the political and economic results of the First World War. 112) ‘To what extent did women benefit from these results? (8] ‘Name any five countries which met at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. [5] ‘Outline the aims and ideas of the peace makers at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. [12] How far were the Germans justified in condemning the decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference? [3] 10 ul 12 @ (b) ©) (a) () ©) (a) (b) © @ (b) () (a) ) © (a) (o) © List any five commissions/committees of the League of Nations. [5] Describe the work of the Secretariat and the International Labour - Organisation (I.L.O) of the League of Nations. 02) How successful was the International Labour Organisation({ .L..O) of the League of Nations in carrying out its duties? [8] Identify any five slogans used by Mussolini to motivate the Italians between 1922 and 1939, [5] Outline the measures taken by Mussolini to make italy a totalitarian state. [12] Did these measures benefit the Italians during this period? Explain your answer, [8] State any five groups who opposed the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1933. 15] Describe the efforts made by Gustav Stresemann to improve the German economy up to 1929. 12] To what extent did the efforts of Stresemann contribute to the rise of Hitler? [8] Name any five countries that fought on the side of the Allies during the Second World War. [5] ‘Outline the causes of the Second World War. [12] To what extent can Hitler be blamed for the outbreak of the Second World War? 18) Give any five reasons why Hitler attacked Russia in 1941 [5] Deseribe the Battle of Britain in 1940, 2) How important was the Battle of Britain in the defeat of Hitler in the Second World War? {8} Identify any five social results of the Second World War. [5] Outline the political and economic results of the Second World War. 112) Did the people of Europe benefit from the war? Explain your answer. [8] B 4 15 16 7 18 (a) (b) (a) (b) © f@ () © @ (b) © fa) (b) © @ ) © [cSt.any five founding fathers of the Organisation of African Unity (0.4.U) 1. Council of Ministers (6) , General Secretariat (6), Jounal extent were these organs successful in achieving their aims up to 2002? Name any five non-A rican members of the Commonwealth of Nations Outline the origins and aims of the Commonwealth of Nations. ‘To what extent has this Organisation achieved its aims? Hist any five main organs ofthe United Nations Organisation (U .N .O), Describe the work of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Organisation (U.N.O.) To what extent has the Economic and Social Council succeeded in implementing its work? Name any five economic results of the Russian Revolution, Outline the role played by Lenin in the Russian Revolution, How far did Lenin's role contribute to the success of the Russian Revolution? ‘dentify any five Chinese territories occupied by Japan in the 1930s. Describe the Chinese struggle against Japan from 1937 to 1945. How successful were the Chinese in the struggle? Name any five leaders of the Cuban Revolution of 1953 to 1959, Describe the Student Revolutionary Directorate of 1957 How important was the role played by the Student Revolutionary Directorate in the Cuban Revolution? [5] ._ Describe the following organs of the Organisation of African Unity (0.4.U): By) 5] 2) 8] 5] 012) [8] {5] 12) (8) (5) (12) 19 20 fa) (») © @ (o) © {gently any five economic probiems faced by Stalin's government between 1927 and 1939, (5) Outline the measures taken by Stalin's government to improve the Soviet economy in the period 1928 to 1939, [12] How far did Russians benefit from these measures? [8] List any five roles played by the peasants during the Communist Revolution in China, 6] Describe the economic reforms introduced by Mao Zedong in China from 1950 t0 1960. 12) ‘To what extent did the peasants benefit from these economic changes? [8]

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