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Candidate Name e = . General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level MATHEMATICS 4008/1, 4928/1 PAPER { JUNE 2012 SESSION 2 hours 30 minutes Candidates answer on the question paper Additional mate ‘Geometrical instruments TIME — 2 hours 3 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES your name, Centre nuraber and candidate number in the aces at the top of this page. Answer all questions, Write your answers in the spat if working is needed for a Omission of esse Decimal answer otherwise, ovided on the question paper question #1 raust be shown in the 1e below that question uit in toss of marks. given correct to three significant figures uales Mathematical table room, slide rules and calculators shouid not be brought into the examinati INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of cach question or part question. ‘This question paper consists of 29 printed pages and 3 blank pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Fxatninations Council, 2012. \enarcnee {Turn over ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL | | | ) stated ion 7 2 NEITHER MAT MAY BE USE i (by Evaiuate 4,01~ 3,4» 108, i i i i { t i I ! i | Answer (ay ty (b) Ry 42081, 402 aon i i } | Solve the inegnel Write down ihe maximum po BxHlT 10 (a) Simplify (Sp+2)° (b) — Factorise Gy*-i2ve 4 Answer (a) (b) 40081, 4008 3012 [Turnove uw (by ro) wf DCF which mat Answer 3683 CDEF acveli fa) i) we sos BO ACE and DCB are | Basminer Ue 12 A boy completes a 400 metre race in one Express (a) 400 metres as 2 perventags of kilometre, (b) his speed in kilometres per hour. ' i | { | I | | i | | i | : | Answer (a) oO | © kh | sou, soaet me | [Turnover Use 14 13 One litre of paraffin costs $1,90. 50 milli-titres of noratiin, (a) the cost n caa ine obtained from jive bottles of pueaiiin (h) the number of 75¢ mith a full 39 litre cootsin Answer (a) tb) . 2 4008), 46081 ROLE i Answer (a) (by standard form oe @ Q) [Turnover | i i i | 1 i | | | i t 18 16 x 3H ame that y Itis given thar y varies inversely os fa) Express y in terms of x (b) Find the value of < when y=. Answer (2) om 407s Bee For Use i Given that p= (x - 16 of x and p. express q in ter fa) ved and p find the values of q wher: (by q Answer (a) 80081, 402611204 {Turnover ‘The diagram show che graph of the function f(x} + 2x7 +3x- - Use the graph to find fa) ) & (a) the minimum value of the function f(2) the gradient of th atred, the urea between the curve, the wards the y-axis and the Hine x the roots of the equation 2x? + 3x =2. seuss, e281 ONE Answer (a) {Turnover i) () a) 40081, 4025" 02 18 Relow are tive 20 A. figure B and fignre © soe. 028 none | 21 (2) State the order of rotational symmetry of the shupe labelled @ figure A, (i) figure B (b) State the number of fi metry of the shape labelled @ tigate A. (figure B. (i) figure €. Answer (a) (i) a Oa i__ (iii) aw a) a 3) a) {Turn over i | i | | | Use rulee and compasses only for all constructions, Show clearly all the | toe construction tines and ares Exsnine’t Uae Constrvet on the diagram below, {@) the locus of a point witch is euuidistant fron PQ and QR. (b) the locus of a point X svt of AQNR = area of AQPR. Ansaer (ay onthe diagran: a | (b) on the diagram $0061. 4098 220 23 20 In the diagram, AB = 6 cm, BC = 4.em, BE = 3 em and BY is parallel to CD (a) Find the length of CD. (b) Express each of the following ratios in the simplest form () BE: CD, Gi) areaof A ABE : are quadrilateral BCDE, Answer (a) (b) @ (ii) 008, $0284 oy For Use Far Us mw Find the three inequalities which detine the unshaded region + the diagram above. Answer 5061, 40281 2012 22 (a) (b) Evaluate (—tog,91~ log,9,0001 Gi) fog, 3. Express (9° x 9°) as a power of 3 Answer (a) __ Co (uy 48, S028 012 Fee | Wanminer’s Ue | i | | i i i i 1 | i fey ad) 26 (5x- 2) em by (x +1 om, Write dowa an capression for the area of the rectangle in terms of 12 em’, form an eqvation and show Solve the equation 5x? + 2x-14 = Henge find the fengtl of the rc Answer (A) a o 2 © @ @ 2 490,4928)) R12 2 Abox es the t @ a) for colour. Three of For | Sxacmimer's ee frora the bos is | | Gi white, ' (i) black, Two balls are picked at random from sous, sages 2082 Pind the probabitity that they ere: : (hy of the same colour : (ii) of differcun colours ' i \ Answer fay GY a) i { (ii) w | ) | 1 Gh \ = i i velocity (sv/s) 40 time (8) The diagram is the velocity-time gras elevates uniformly from rest and atiains a velocity of 20 m/s The object maintains a constant velocity for a further 4s and then accelerates uniformly again for 4s after which it reaches a velocity of 48 mis Calculate (a) the acceleration of the object during the first 2 seconds, (b) the distance covered by the object during the 10 seconds, (e) the average speed of the object during the (11 seconds, (@) the velocity of the object 9 seconds Irom rest $083, 28 2082 For ‘Baaminer’s Use Answer (a) nv ms (b) © (ay sow. mer 2012

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