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BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR ion FIRST SEMESTER 2021-22 COURSE HANDOUT Date: 20.08.2021 In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time table) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. Course No : MPBA G503, Course Title : Marketing Instructor-in-Charge : Anil Bhat Instructor(s) : Praveen Goyal ‘Tutorial/Practical Instructors: 1. Course Description: This basic course in marketing is designed to familiarize students with the strategic and tactical decision making process in marketing that deals with the fundamental goal of creating, communicating and delivering value to the customer. This requires a professional knowledge of market drivers, competitors’ capabilities, technological trends and the market dynamics of value. The focus will be on the imbibing the skills of uncovering market opportunities by asking certain strategic questions. 2, Scope and Objective of the Course: On successful completion of this course, participants will be able to critically analyze and intelligently draw inference about the marketing strategies of organizations. Through an assignment an effort will be made to develop the necessary skills for crafting a typical marketing plan grounded in real world data. Finally awareness of tools available to marketing managers to facilitate intensive planning and decision-making would be one of the gains from the course. Students are encouraged to bring some of the topical issues of contemporary concern in marketing to the classroom for discussion. Students will also be expected to imbibe path-breaking classic marketing literature in a group setting through group discussions for a sound academic base. A number of journal articles will be discussed in this course to give the course its academic rigor. The course pedagogy lays special emphasis on “learning by doing” through regular discussion of cases as well as through a project assignment 3. Text Books: Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileswar Jha, “Marketing Management — A South Asian Perspective”, Pearson Education India Limited, New Delhi, 13" Ed., 2009. (v1) 4, Reference Books: * Paul Bains,Chris Fill, Kelly Page and Piyush. K.Sinha” Marketing” Oxford University Press India, Asia Edition * Philip Kotler, and Armstrong, “Principles of Marketing” Management Printice Hall India,New Delhi * Different editions of the Marketing whitebook. * Reference Journals: - Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Vikalpa, IIMB Management Review, Decision, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR Division 5. Course Plan: Module No. Lecture Session Reference | Learning outcomes chapters T Marketing 1 © To understand the concept of Marketing Management: ‘+ Awareness of the evolution of ‘Marketing process ‘* Marketing as a value creation Process Strategic Marketing and 2 ‘© To understand the process of marketing marketing Plan strategy formation and of components of marketing plan The Marketing 3 + Tobe sensitized to the environment of Environment marketing and draw implications for marketing 1 Market research a ‘© Awareness of the process of Market research Building Customer 5 ‘To recognize the importance of satisfaction, Value and perceived value for the consumer and its retention implication for profitability ii ‘Analyzing Consumer 6 Understand consumer Behavior andthe Markets influences on behavior 1V Industrial buyer 7 Understand the organizational buyer behavior behavior Vv Segmenting and a ‘© Recognize the importance and need for Targeting the Market segmentation ‘* Understand the bases of segmentation ‘Analyzing Competition 9 To beableto examine competition using a systematic framework Creating and managing 10 ‘© Tounderstandthe role of brands and brand equity devise a branding strategy Positioning and i © Tounderstand and be ableto apply differentiatingthe positioning concept market offering BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR Division VI Product strategy 12 ‘© To understand the issues related to product offering Services marketing B > To understand the nature of services and strategies for managing service quality Pricing strategies and 1% ‘© Recognize the availability of different programs approaches to pricing Designing and 5 ‘> Awareness of the channel options and Managing Marketing the criteria in selecting from the options channels Integrated marketing 17,18 © To understand the steps involved in communications developing a communication program ‘+ To be aware of the different promotion techniques ‘© Social Media Marketing Marketing mix and all © Understand the importance of strategy chapters integrating the elements of the marketing mix for a coherent strategy Evaluation Scheme: ‘Component Duration | Weightage Nature of component (%) (Close Book/ Open Book) Mid-Semester Test 90 Min. 20 cB ‘Comprehensive 3h [30 CB Examination Project/s 243410 15 GROUP Cases 3X5 15 GROUP Research papers/ Term 20 INDIVIDUAL papers/Assignments/Quizzes 7. Chamber Consultation Hour: Saturdays 11-12 noon 8. Notices: Management Department Notice Board 9. Make-up Policy: No make-ups will be given except only on genuine medical grounds and only with prior permission from Instructor-in-charge 10.Note * Each student has to take up a project by selecting any marketing problem of interest that is within the scope of the course and collect primary data. The progress in the project will be continuously BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR ion monitored and evaluated. A written report of the same will have to be finally submitted to the instructor and also presented before the class. Highest level of intellectual integrity is expected of students while they work on term papers/projects in terms of giving proper acknowledgement and avoiding plagiarism. Students are also expected to submit their assignments on time failing which these may not be evaluated Instructor-in-charge Course No. MBA G518

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