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I am Md. Shafaet Jamil, student of Stamford University Bangladesh conducting a

survey for thesis report to completion of BBA program. You are inviting to join a
part of the survey of “An overview of the management accounting practices in the
listed manufacturing companies of Bangladesh’’ whose mission is to analyzing and
finding the effectiveness of management accounting tools in various industries of

Before you do, I want you to know that:

“Your Company confidentiality will be maintain and participation is entirely
Name of Institution:
Type of Institution:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
[If your organization doesn’t have practice of various management accounting
tools, please do not complete the following questions & avoid the survey] [Mark
the Box]

1. In which of the following industries are the core activities of your

company positioned?
 Cement & Ceramic
 Automobile
 Food & Allied
 Electronics and communication equipment
 Construction and engineering
 Pharmaceutical & Chemicals
 Tannery
 Textile
2. How long have you engaged with this business?

Less than 1 Year 2-3 Year

3– 5 Year 5-10 Year Over 10 Year
3. Does your company have any competitors?
4. If YES, - how do you rate the competition?
Very low Low Moderate
High Very High

5. Please indicate the status of ABC in your company

 Currently using ABC
 Current implementation
 Currently considering ABC adoption
 Not consideration of ABC to date

6. Below are different applications of the ABC system after the

implementation. For each item, please indicate the extent to which it is used
in your company.
 Improve cost knowledge abc
 Performance measurement
 Product/services pricing
 Profitability analysis
 Budgeting

7. Please indicate which of the following departments use ABC information in

your company.
 Head office
 Finance/Control department
 Manufacturing/Production department
 Production factions support
 Commercial department (sale, marketing…………………..)
 Research and Development department
 Other support function(human recourses, purchasing…………….)
8. Please indicate the degree of satisfaction with the implementation of the
ABC project in your company.

Not satisfied simply satisfied

satisfied strongly satisfied

9. Please indicate the degree of difficulty in the following stages of the ABC
 Collecting non-financial data
 Collecting financial data
 Installing ABC tool
 Changes in information technology
 Integrating data to ABC Model;
 Updating ABC model result and report production
 Integrating ABC system to information system of the company

10.Have you made a communication during the implementation of ABC

Yes NO
 If Yes, on which theme?

a). On project objectives

b). On stage of implementation

 If yes, to what target

 Hest office
 Operational departments
 Commercial department others
 If not, please specify why?

11.Below is a list of five factors that may contribute to the success of an ABC
project. Please indicate extent to which you agree of disagree with each of
 Top management support
 Resources allocated to ABC project
 Consensus about objectives
 Training provided for users of the ABC system
 Communication of the objectives

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