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Themes of the Holy Quran

Allah in Himself
1. Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light
is as if there were a Niche and within it a lamp: the Lamp enclosed in
Glass: the Glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed Tree, an
Olive, neither of the East nor of the West, whose Oil is well-nigh
luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth set
forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things. (Nur: 35)
2. Surah Hashr (59):- Allah is He, than whom there is no other god the
sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the
Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, The Exalted in Might, The
Irresistible, the Supreme" Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the
partners they attribute to Him. (23) He is Allah the Creator, the Evolver,
the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful
Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, declare His Praises and
Glory" and He is the exalted in Might, the Wise. (24)
3. Verily, when He intends a thing, His command is "Be" and it is! (36:82)
4. He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is
begotten; and there is none equal or comparable to Him. (112:1-4)
5. There is nothing whatever like unto Him.(42:11)
6. He is the First, the Last, the Most High and the Most Near….. (57:3)
7. He is Allah, besides Whom none has the right to be worshipped…. Glory
be to Allah! (High is He) above what they associate as partners with
Him…. (59:23-4)
8. Blessed is He who has made constellations in the skies, and placed therein
a lamp (i.e. the sun) and a moon giving light. (25:61)
9. It is He who has created seven heavens one above another. No
incongruity can you see in the creation of the Most Beneficent. (67:3-4)
10. He is the First (nothing is before Him), the Last (nothing is after Him),
the Most
11. High (nothing is above Him), and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than
12. Allah! There is no god but He…. The living, The self-sustaining, Eternal….
13. Say: He is Allah, the One, Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not,
nor is He begotten. (112:1-3)
14. There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the
Allseeing. (42:11)
15. He is the First, the Last, the Most High and the Most Near. And He has
full knowledge of all things. (57:3)
16. To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth, whether ye
show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah calleth you to account for
it. (2:284)
17. To Allah belong the East and the West: withersoever ye turn, there is
the presence of Allah. For Allah is All Pervading, All knowing. (2:115)
18. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. (1:1)
19. Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world.”(7:54)

Allah in His relation to His Creation

1. Allah! There is no god but He! (2:255)
2. By the Pen and that which they write…
3. Being true in faith to Allah and never assigning partners to Him: if anyone
assigns partners to Allah he is as if he had fallen from heaven and been
snatched up by birds or the wind had swooped (like a bird on its prey) and
thrown him into a far-distant place (Surah Hajj:31)
4. O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except
in a state of Islam. (Ale Imran:102)
5. The truth is from your Lord; let him who will believe, and let him who will
reject (it).”
6. (18:29)
7. “You knew nothing, and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and
affections that you may give thanks.” (16:78)
8. “Allah burdens not anyone except according to his capacity.” (2:286)
9. “That home of the Hereafter (Jannat) we shall assign to those who rebel
not against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do
mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the pious and
righteous person.” (28:83)
10. “And walk not on earth with conceit and arrogance.” (17:37)
11. “And never do we requite in such a way except those who are ungrateful
(disbelievers)” (34:17)
12. “And My Mercy embraces all things.” (7:156)
13. “Certainly, no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy, except the people who
disbelieve.” (12:87)
14. “And seek the Forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Forgiving, Most
Merciful.” (4:106)

Allah in relation to His messengers

1. We sent Noah to his People (with the Command): Do warn your people
before there comes to them a grievous Penalty. (Quran)
2. Move your hand into your bosom, and it will come forth white without
stain. (Quran about Hazrat Musa (A.S))
3. Then will Allah say: Jesus son of Mary! Recount my favor to you and to
your mother. Behold! I strengthened you with the holy spirit, so that you
spoke to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught you the
Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel. And behold! You make out of
clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by my leave, and you breathe into it
and it becomes a bird by my leave, and you heal those born blind, and the
lepers, by my leave. (Quran)
4. “….. We make no distinction…. Between one and another of His
Messengers.” (2:285)
5. And (remember) when we separated the sea for you and saved you and
drowned Pharaoh’s
6. people while you were looking (at them) when the sea water covered
them….” (2:50-51)
7. “…. But he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets.”
8. “We did indeed send before you Messengers to their (respective) people,
and they came to them with clear signs.” (30:47)

Revelation of the Holy Quran

First Stage: Nay this is a Glorious Qur'an ( Inscribed) in a Tablet
Preserved. (85:21-22)
Second Stage: We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the night of
Power. (97:1)
Third Stage
1. Proclaim in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created –
created man out of a mere clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful
He Who taught by the pen
taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran)
2. “This day have I (Allah) perfected your religion for you, completed my
favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”
3. It comes to me sometimes as the ringing of a bell and this is hardest on
me, then he (the angel) leaves me and I remember from him what he says;
and sometimes the angel comes in the shape of a man and he talks to me
and I remember what he says. (Bukhari)
4. Write this verse in the chapter where such and such verses occur.
5. Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds….. (26:192)

Compilation of the Holy Quran

1. We have, without doubt, sent down the message and We will assuredly
guard it (from corruption). (15:9)
2. Gabriel used to repeat the recitation of the Qur'an with the Prophet
once a year, but he repeated it twice with him in the year he died. The
Prophet used to stay in I'tikaf for ten days every year (in the month of
Ramadan), but in the year of his death, he stayed in I'tikaf for twenty
days. (Bukhari)
3. Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was convinced
that he was right so I accepted his suggestion. (Abu Bakr R.A)
4. How shall I do something, which the Apostle of Allah did not do? (Abu
Bakr (R.A)
5. It would be far easier to carry a mountain on his head than to shoulder
such a great responsibility. (Zaid bin Sabit R.A)

Miracles of the Qur'an

1. These are announcements of the unseen which we reveal to you: neither
you nor your people knew them. (Quran)
2. The Roman Empire has been defeated in a land close by; but they (even)
after (this defeat of theirs will soon be victorious within a few years.
3. Do they consider the Quran had it been from other than God they would
surely found herein much discrepancy. (Quran)
4. We have, without doubt, sent down the message and we will assuredly
guard it from corruption. (Quran)
5. If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce
the like of this Quran they could not produce the like thereof even if
they backed up each other with help and support. (Quran)
6. And He has set firm the mountains on the earth so that it would not
shake with you.

Etiquettes of Reading the Quran

1. This is a glorious Quran inscribed in a hidden Book none may touch it,
except the purified. (Quran)
2. When you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed
satan. (Quran)
3. Here is a Book which we sent down into the full blessing, that they may
meditate on it and that men of understanding may receive admonition.

The use of Quran in Legal thinking

1. …if any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed, they are Unbelievers.
2. This is the Book. In it is sure guidance, without doubt, for those who fear
God..... (Quran)
3. Whomsoever desired guidance from any other (source) except the Quran,
shall go astray. (Quran)
1. O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones and
arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork: shun them so that you
may prosper. (Quran)
4. .....Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury. (Quran)
5. Life for life, eye of eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and
wounds equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of
charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. (Quran)
6. As for the thieves; male or female cut off his or her hands: a punishment
by way of example from Allah from Allah for their crime" and Allah is
exalted in Power. (Quran)
7. Give full measure when you measure and measure with a balance which is
straight. (Quran)
8. Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into
their own bodies..... (Quran)
9. ..... lawful unto you (for food) are all four footed animals with the
exception named..... (Quran)
10. Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority
among you . (Quran)
11. We have sent sown to you the Book in truth so that you may judge
between men, as guided by God. (Quran)

Significance of Quran as basis of thought and

action in Islam
1. Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion to His servant, that it may
be an admonition to all creatures. (Quran)
2. Nothing We have omitted from the Book. (Quran)
3. Say: `Truly, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for
Allah, the Lord of
4. the Worlds….. (6:162)
5. “Seek, with (the wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the Home
of the Hereafter, nor forget your portion in this world.” (28:77)
6. “Work for your life as though you are going to live forever, and work
for your Hereafter as though you are going to die tomorrow.” (Hazrat
7. “We sent you not but as a mercy for all the nations.” (21:107)
8. And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah,
offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith), to establish
regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the
religion right and straight. (98:5)
9. Verily this Quran doth guide to that which is most right (or stable).....
10. “Say: `O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” (20:114)

Relationship of Quran with the Sunnah

1. Establish prayers and pay charity. (Quran)
2. Pray as you have seen me praying. (Hadith)
3. No zakat is payable on property until a year passes away on it.
4. Pilgrimage thereto is a duty man owes to Allah, for those who can
afford the journey. (Quran)
5. Obey Allah and obey the Prophet. (Quran)
6. Whatever the Prophet gives you take it, whatever he forbids you
refrain from it. (Hadith)
7. We sent not a Messenger but to be obeyed in accordance with the will
of Allah. (Quran)
8. Allah advises you concerning your children's (inheritance)..... (Quran)
9. A Muslim may not inherit from a non-Muslim, nor a non-Muslim inherit
from a Muslim. (Hadith)
10. A woman and her paternal aunt cannot be united nor a woman and her
maternal aunt. (Hadith)
1. Thus have We made you an Ummah justly balanced. (Quran)
2. And hold fast all together the Rope of God and be not divided among
yourselves. (Quran)
3. Avoid the branching path and keep to the general community. (Hadith)
4. My community will never agree in error. (Hadith)
5. ...if you do not know, ask of those who possess knowledge. (Quran)
6. Gather together the righteous from among my community and decide the
matter by their council and do not decide it by any man's opinion.
7. Allah commanded Prophet (S.A.W) about companions: Take council with
them in the conduct of the affairs.

1. Then take admonition O you with insight. (Quran)
2. Holy Prophet (pbuh) conversation with Muaz bin Jabal (R.A.)
3. What would you do if she had left debts repayable? (Hadith)
4. There are signs in this for people who understand.
5. Every intoxicant is Khamr so every intoxicant is Haram. (Hadith)
6. Judge upon the book of Allah, if you do not find in it what you need, upon
the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), and if you do not find in that, also,
then use your personal opinion. (Hadith)

Relationship of Quran with Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas

1. O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, And those
charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among
yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, If you do believe in Allah
and the Last Day: That is best and most suitable for final determination.
2. Judge upon the book of Allah, if you do not find in it what you need, upon
the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), and if you do not find in that, also,
then use your personal opinion. (Hadith)
3. These are the limits set by Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His
Messenger, he will admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, where
he will live forever. That is a great success. Whoever disobeys Allah and
His Messenger and transgresses the limits set by Him, He shall admit him
to the Fir, where he will remain forever. For him there is humiliation
punishment. (Quran)
The references mentioned before about Hadith, Ijma and Qiyas could
also be used where appropriate under this topic

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