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Ria Karina Puteri


Mid-Semester Test

1. What knowledge and why do we need to teach student 21st century skills?
Answer: There are 3 kinds of that knowledge, namely foundational knowledge
(digital/ICT literacy, core content knowledge, cross-disciplinary knowledge), humanistic
knowledge (life/job skill, ethical/emotional awareness, cultural competence) and meta
knowledge (creativity & innovation, problem solving & critical thinking, communication
& collaboration). We need to teach these to the students in order to prepare them to enter
the real world full of demands, whether it is in terms of globalization era, high-mobility
tasks, collaborative projects, etc.

2. In relation to HOTS issue, why do Indonesian students perform poorly in the

international measures such as PISA, EF, EPI? Elaborate your answer!
Answer: One of the main reason is because the application of HOTS teaching in
Indonesia is still underestimated. K13 curriculum may have included some HOTS in its
lesson plan, yet the teacher keep focusing on teaching the students with LOTS which is
not suitable with the curriculum. HOTS are yet considered as supplementary instead of
the next big step, so no wonder if the results are disappointing. Furthermore, teachers'
competence also become one of the problem, since there hasn't any teacher training
program that focuses on developing the teachers' HOTS lesson plan, either way that
would make a big improvement in teacher performance, let alone the students' quality in
international measures.

3. When and why do we claim that STEM or STEAM education is good for students?
Answer: This (21st century) is the time when we can claim STEM or STEAM are
important for current education system. Students are needed to be introduced to the real
life situation where knowledge are not the only things that should be understood, but also
survival skills that need to be mastered. What is meant by survival is to be able to
perform certain tasks, compete with other people and adapt to the surrounding in order to
get along with current world issues like globalization and digital era.

4. Why is it necessary for educators to be literate in the scientific writing and publication in
nationally accredited journal or/and internationally reputable indexed journal? Explain
the rationale!
Answer: It is necessary for educators for the sake of their knowledge enrichment, fix
problems that often occur, develop existing issues to build networks in international
markets, expand publicity, and improve quality research so that research results can be
used and improve people's welfare.

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