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Q1. What do you understand by demography? Highlights its Importance.
Q2. Why did Malthus believe that epidemics and famines become a cause of large scale
Q3. Explain the theory of demographic transition. Why can the transition period become
Q4. What is meant by birth rate and death rate? When death rate falls rapidly why does
birth rate become less relatively?
Q5. What do you understand by age structure? How is it relevant in economic
development and growth?
Q6. What is sex ratio? Describe some of the consequences of declining sex ratio. Hasn’t
the son preference mindset changed yet?
Q7. Which states in India have achieved replacement levels in population growth at high
levels? What are the reasons for these regional differences?
Q8. Define caste and distinguish between caste and varna.
Q9. Write any four characteristics of caste system.
Q10. What is the role of the principles of separation and hierarchy in caste system?
Q11. Discuss the mandatory rules imposed by caste system.
Q12. What changes occurred in caste system due to colonialism? Explain briefly.
Q13. Describe the concept of Sanskritization.
Q14. Discuss the existence of dominant caste.
Q15. What is elite? Why is caste invisible in urban elite?
Q16. Highlight the changes in caste in contemporary India in the background of caste in
the past.
Q17. What changes took place in caste system due to colonialism. ‘Today, upper castes
are relative invisible in the cities and the lower castes are visible.’ Explain this statement.
Q18.What do you understand by caste? Highlight the role of separation and hierarchy in
caste system.

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