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TTE 3004
Today’s Lecture

•Top 3 of the week

•Traffic Stream
Characteristics (Chapter
•Introduction To Queuing
Theory (Chapter 6)
1211 Thornton Road
Douglasville, GA 30122
58th Ave and 65th St
Sebastian, FL

5.1 Types Of Facilities

5.2 Traffic Stream Parameters
5.2.1 Volume and Rate Of Flow
5.2.2 Speed and Travel Time
5.2.3 Density and Occupancy
5.2.4 Spacing and Headway: Microscopic Parameters
5.3 Relationships Among Flow Rate, Speed, And Density
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.

facilities have no external interruptions to the traffic stream. Pure uninterrupted flow
exists primarily on , where there are no intersections at grade, traffic signals, STOP or YIELD
signs, or other interruptions external to the traffic stream itself. Because such facilities have full control of
access, there are at grade, driveways, or any forms of direct access to abutting lands.
Thus the characteristics of the traffic stream are based solely on the and
with the roadway and the general environment.
facilities are those that incorporate fixed external interruptions into their design and
operation. The most frequent and operationally significant external interruption is the . The
traffic signal alternatively starts and stops a given traffic stream, creating a
progressing down the facility. Other fixed interruptions include STOP and YIELD signs, unsignalized at-
grade intersections, driveways, curb parking maneuvers, and other land-access operations. Virtually all
urban surface streets and highways are interrupted flow facilities.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
• Average Annual Daily Traffic ( ). The average 24-hour volume at a given location
over a full 365-day year, the number of vehicles passing a site in a year divided by
365 days (366 days in a leap year).
• Average Annual Weekday Traffic ( ). The average 24-hour volume occurring on
weekdays over a full 365-day year, the number of vehicles passing a site on weekdays
in a year divided by the number of weekdays (usually 260).
• Average Daily Traffic ( ). The average 24-hour volume at a given location over a
defined time period less than one year; a common application is to measure an ADT for
each month of the year.
• Average Weekday Traffic ( ). The average 24-hour weekday volume at a given
location over a defined time period less than one year; a common application is to
measure an AWT for each month of the year.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
volumes, although useful for planning purposes, be used alone for design or
operational analysis purposes. Volume varies considerably over the 24 hours of the day,
with periods of maximum flow occurring during the morning and evening commuter "rush
hours." The single hour of the day that has the is referred to as the
. The traffic volume within this hour is of to traffic engineers for
design and operational analysis usage. AADTs are converted to a peak-hour volume in the
peak direction of flow. This is referred to as the "directional design hour volume" (DDHV).

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Consider the situation that would exist if the
of the location in question were exactly
. Although this is sufficient to
handle the full-hour demand indicated in Table
5.3, the demand rate off flow during two of the
15-minute periods noted (5:15 to 5:30 pm and
5:30 to 5:45 pm) . The
problem is that although demand may vary
within a given hour, .
Even though the capacity of this segment over
the full hour is equal to the peak-hour demand
volume (4,200 veh/h), at the end of the hour,
there remains a queue of that has
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Speed is the second macroscopic parameter describing the . Speed is defined
as a rate of motion in distance per unit time. Travel time is the time taken to traverse a defined section of
roadway. Speed and travel time are inversely related. An average speed for a traffic stream can be
computed in two ways:

mean speed (TMS). The average speed of all vehicles passing a point on a highway or lane over
some specified time period.

mean speed (SMS). The average speed of all vehicles occupying a given section of highway or
lane over some specified time period.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Source: Palm Beach County Land Development Code

, the third primary measure of traffic stream characteristics, is defined as the number of
occupying a given of highway or lane, generally expressed as vehicles per mile or vehicles per
mile per lane. Traffic is generated from various land uses, injecting a number of vehicles into a confined
roadway space. This process creates a of vehicles. Drivers select that are consistent with
how close they are to other vehicles. The speed and density combine to give the observed .
Occupancy is defined as the proportion of time that a detector is "occupied," or covered, by a vehicle in a
defined time period. Figure 5.2 illustrates.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Under flow conditions (i.e., The flow
entering and leaving the section are the
same; no queues are forming within the
section), the rate of flow applies to any
point within the section. Where
operations exist (a queue is forming within
the section), the computed flow rate
represents an average for all points within
the section.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.

is defined as the distance between successive vehicles in a traffic

lane, measured from some common reference point on the vehicles, such as
the front bumper or front wheels.
is defined as the time interval between successive vehicles as
they pass a point along the lane, also measured between common reference
points on the vehicles.
A traffic stream with a volume of over a time
period results in a single value of rate of flow, space mean speed, and
density when observed. There would be, however, and
, assuming that all vehicle pairs were observed.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
136 Residential Trips
131 Non Residential Trips

• Flow (Q)
• Speed (U)
• Density (K)
• Headway (H)
• Spacing (D)

Source: Chapter 31. Fundamental relations of traffic flow. NPTEL may 3, 2007
When the density is zero, flow will also be zero, since there is no vehicles on the
road. When the number of vehicles gradually increases the density as well as flow increases. When
more and more vehicles are added, it reaches a situation where vehicles can't move. This is referred
to as the jam density or the maximum density. At jam density, flow will be zero because the vehicles
are not moving. There will be some density between zero density and jam density, when the flow is

Similar to the flow-density relationship, speed will be maximum, referred to as

the free flow speed, and when the density is maximum, the speed will be zero. The most simple
assumption is that this variation of speed with density is linear. Corresponding to the zero density,
vehicles will be owing with their desire speed, or free flow speed. When the density is jam density,
the speed of the vehicles becomes zero. It is also possible to have non-linear relationships as shown
by the dotted lines. These will be discussed later.

The flow is zero either because there is no vehicles or there are too many vehicles so
that they cannot move. At maximum flow, the speed will be in between zero and free flow speed.
The maximum flow qmax occurs at speed u. It is possible to have two different speeds for a given
6.1 Basic Models Of Uninterrupted Flow
6.1.1 Historical Background
6.1.2 Deriving Speed-flow And Density-flow Curves From A Speed-density Curve
6.1.3 Determining Capacity From Speed-flow-density Relationships
6.1.4 Modern Uninterrupted Flow Characteristics
6.1.5 Calibrating A Speed-flow-density Relationship
6.1.6 Curve Fitting

6.2 Queueing Theory

6.2.1 One Capacity Or Two? An Illustration Using Deterministic Queueing
6.2.2 A Problem With Deterministic Queueing
6.2.3 The Basic Approach To Queueing Analysis: Random Patterns

6.3 Shock-wave Theory And Applications

6.3.1 Different Flow-density Curves
6.3.2 Rate Of Growth

6.4 Characteristics Of Interrupted Flow

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Virtually function in , from data collection and
analysis, to signal timing, to capacity and level of service analysis, uses
analytical models of under a variety of underlying
circumstances. These models, and their development and calibration, are the
essence of traffic flow theory : , , and where speed-
flow and density-speed relationships can be derived from a speed-density
relationship knowing that:
Where: V = rate of flow, veh/h or veh/h/ln, D = density, veh/mi or
veh/mi/ln, and S = average (space mean) speed of traffic stream, mi/h
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Using Greenshields's simple linear speed-
density curve as an example, consider the
speed-density relationship shown in Figure
6.1. Two points of interest are the Y- and
X-axis intercepts. The Y-intercept is 65.0
mi/h and is called the "
," that is, the speed that occurs when
density (and therefore flow) is zero. The x-
intercept is 110 veh/mi/ln, the density at
which all motion stops, making speed zero.
This is commonly called the " " density.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.

From , for example, it is

clear that the "peak" of either curve
occurs at a flow ratee slightly less
than 1,800 veh/h/ln (hard to read
exact number from the scale shown).
In , there are two
capacities. The " “ value is also
about 1,800 veh/h/ln, which is on
the highspeed, or stable portion of
the curve. The " " value is
approximately 1,550 veh/h/ln,
which is on the low-speed or unstable
side of the curve.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.

maintain high average speeds The capacity would be the

peak of this portion of the
through a range of flow rates and do not curve, or approximately
slow down until relatively high flow rates 2,200 veh/h/In, which is
achieved at an
are reached. Figure 6.4 illustrates the high speed
general characteristics of uninterrupted of approximately 60 mi/h.

flow on a modem freeway. Figure 6.4

shows three distinct ranges of data: (1)
undersaturated (stable) flow, (2) queue
discharge flow, and (3) oversaturated
(unstable) flow. The speed throughout the
undersaturated flow portion of the curve
is remarkably stable.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.


Although conceptually simple and easy to understand, deterministic queueing has a
theoretical flaw that can be significant: It assumes that the queue forms at a point, that is,
that queued .

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
Both the arrival pattern and the service pattern
have randomness that leads to the development of
queues (i.E., Waiting lines). This is a common
experience in everyday life, including
, , and : even when demand
is less than capacity (v/c < 1.00), arrivals are
random, service times vary, and queues develop.
The most basic case will be addressed now, so that
the basic effects and the resultant "rules of thumb"
can be understood. See reference 11 or other
complete texts on queueing theory for a full
treatment of the subject.

Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
• The demand flow rate Q1 can be served at
some point in section I, illustrated by the point 1
in the roadway. In this part of the section, the
speed and density are as shown for the
corresponding point 1 and curve I.

• This demand cannot be passed to section 2,

simply because it exceeds the capacity of
section 2. The most that can be passed is Q2,
corresponding to the capacity of the section.

• Thus, in section 2, it is the flow Q2 that exists.

This operates at point 2 on curve II and is at a
lower speed and higher density than the traffic
at point 1.

• Only a flow level Q2 can be passed to section

3. Without a mechanism to force operation on
the right (dashed) side of the curves, section 3
operates at point 3: it has a higher speed and
lower density than even point 1.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.
• Figure 6.11 shows the situation at an arbitrary
time and at one hour later. The expansion of
the storage area now (i) adds the hour's
accumulation of (Q1 - Q2) vehicles, and (2)
encompasses an area in which there already
were vehicles at density D]. It is also logical
that the added growth is also defined by its
new density, D4. This is the "shock wave"
traveling up the traffic stream from the
bottleneck interface, due to the discontinuity.
• As shown in figure 6.12, it is the chord between
points 1 and 4 and has a negative slope,
indicating that it travels against the direction of
the vehicles.
Source: “Traffic Engineering” by Roess, Prassas & McShane, 4th edition, Pearson.

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