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Kunci Jawaban Room I pts kelas 5

1. playing basketball
2. Yes, it can
3. He usually plays it on Sunday and Wednesday afternoon
4. He plays it with his friends
5. Andi's favourite player is Michael Jordan

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1.c  2.b  3.a  4.d  5.d  6.a  7.b  8.b  9.b  10.a  11.d  12.c  13.a  14.a
15.b  16.b  17.c  18.d  19.a  20.c  21.b  22.b  23.a  24.c  25.c  26.b
27.a  28.c  29.a  30.b

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. Hobi Rina adalah menari
2. Membaca bisa memperkaya pengetahuan kita
3. They play marble in the yard
4. Naomi tidur siang pada jam dua
5. Tina sedang bermain lompat tali pada sore hari

Kunci Jawaban Room IV

1. My hobby is reading story book
2. Tono is playing marble
3. Almira cooks at twenty past five
4. Reno usually goes home from school at one o'clock pm
5. In the morning, Amanda always sweep the yard

Kunci Jawaban Room V

1. They never come late on Monday
2. She often helps her mother mop the floor
3. Candra sometimes gets up at four o'clock
4. Vano can play flute
5. Hasan likes reading very much
Kunci jawaban  pts kelas 6
Room I
1.c  2.a  3.d  4.b  5.a  6.b  7.c  8.b  9.c  10.c  11.d  12.a  13.b  14.b 
15.a  16.a  17.b  18.d  19.a  20.a  21.c  22.b  23.c  24.b  25.d  26.a
27.c  28.c  29.c  30.b

Room II
1. Ibuku lebih muda dari ayahku
2. Rumahku di jalan Kawi
3. Penggarisku lebih panjang dari kepunyaan Tia
4. Anni suka memasak pada hari libur
5. Talita dan Tina suka bermain lompat tali

Room III
1. I like gardening
2. Dio likes writing during holiday
3. My house is in front of Mr Sunaryo's house
4. Bali is located between Java and Nusa Tenggara
5. Farhan is the smartest student in his class

Room IV
1. I like gardening on holiday
2. Adi is the fattest boy in this class
3. Anton is as handsome as his brother
4. There is a chalk on the table
5. Where is Makassar located ?

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