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University of Moratuwa

Faculty of Business

Department of Management of Technology

Master of Business Administration in Management of Technology

Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration Specialized in Management of

Semester 3 - Examination

MN 5214 – Human Resource Management

Time allowed: 3 Hours August 2021


This paper contains Two (02) compulsory questions on four (04) pages.

This examination accounts for 70% of the module assessment.

This is an open book examination.

The maximum marks attainable are indicated in square brackets.

Clearly state any assumptions made on the script.

If you have any doubt as to the interpretation of the wording of a question, make your
own decision, but clearly state it on the script.
If two or more students provide similar answers, those will be treated as examination
MN 5214

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MN 5214

Question 01
Based on the below description of CreativeWorks, answer questions from 1.1 to 1.5.

CreativeWorks is a household product manufacturer, and rated as Sri Lankan’s most admired
company by people’s choice. It produces 1000+ wide range of products such as mailboxes,
storage boxes, toys, snap-together furniture, desk organizers, play houses, drink coasters, ice
cube trays, garbage bins, bathmats, sporting goods, dinnerware, playground equipment,
laundry items, kitchenware, and more. In addition to introducing new products, Creative
Works makes constant small improvements to its existing products, which makes it the most
successful market leader in all product categories.

It re-invest 15% of its profits into R&D. The Trade Tours, the industry watch admits,
" CreativeWorks is in a class by itself". The dedication of CreativeWorks’s employees comes
through in the way they worry about the smallest details of products others might not take
seriously. Clearly, CreativeWorks is a company that profits by taking seriously the simple
everyday products others dismiss as unimportant. Most ideas for its products flow from a
single source: teams. The team approach to innovation has been so successful at Creative
Works. Employees working in teams have acquired the habit of seeing new product ideas
everywhere. Twenty teams, each composed of five to seven people (one each from
marketing, manufacturing, R&D, finance, and other departments), focus on specific product
lines, such as bathroom accessories.

All your answers should relate to the context of CreativeWorks.

1.1) Describe how you understand the competitive strategy of CreativeWorks (9 Marks)

1.2) Describe how you understand the job design and what job holders do in their jobs.

(15 Marks)

1.3) Discuss how you would evaluate current employee resourcing practices at CreativeWorks,
and decide on the type of workforce that they need for the future.

(15 Marks)

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MN 5214

1.4) Evaluate giving examples how CreativeWorks could develop an integrated performance
management and rewards system to motivate employees for effective performance, job
satisfaction and retention.

(18 Marks)

1.5) Describe THREE possible HR strategies (other than used performance management and
rewards system) used by CreativeWorks to keep a fit between the HR strategy and its overall
business strategy to gain a competitive advantage through innovation.

(18 Marks)

(Total 75 Marks)

Question 2

2.1) Port City Condominium Constructions Ltd employed Ravi as an Executive Officer in the
Finance Division since the commencement of its business in 2014. Ravi was also the
Treasurer of his School Old Boys’ Association. The Association removed him from the
position for a fraud committed by him with regard to the funds belongs to the Association.
Ravi accepted the fraud, and reimbursed the money to avoid the possible legal action against
him. The Company came to know the fraud, and intends to terminate his services. Advise
the Company.

(12 marks)

2.2) Green Construction Ltd employs thirty workmen in construction work since the
commencement of its business in 2005. The business of the Company is affected due to the
Covid -19 pandemic. The Company terminated the employment of ten workmen who
worked since 2005 as they are redundant in the Company. The Company has not obtained
their consent or any approval for termination of their employment. The ten workmen seek
your advice as to the legality of the termination and the relief available to them, if any.
Advise them.

(13 Marks)

(Total 25 Marks)

- End of Question Paper -

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