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Roll No. – 24
Customer Relationship Management

It is a process or methodology used to learn more about customers' needs and

behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. There are many
technological components to CRM, but thinking about CRM in primarily
technological terms is a mistake. The more useful way to think about CRM is as
a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of information about
customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market
trends. CRM helps businesses use technology and human resources to gain
insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers.

Customer relationship management is a widely-implemented strategy for

managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects.
It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business
processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer
service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new
clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients
back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client
service. Customer relationship management describes a company-wide
business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other
Relationship marketing is emerging as the core marketing activity for businesses
operating in fiercely competitive environments. On average, businesses spend
six times more to acquire customers than they do to keep them (Gruen, 1997).
Therefore, many firms are now paying more attention to their relationships with
existing customers to retain them and increase their share of customer’s
purchases. Worldwide service organizations have been pioneers in developing
customer retention strategies. Banks have relationship managers for select
customers, airlines have frequent flyer programs to reward loyal customers,
credit cards offer redeemable bonus points for increased card usage, telecom
service operators provide customised services to their heavy users, and hotels
have personalized services for their regular guests.
When it comes to satisfying customers, one size does not fit all. Satisfying and
retaining customers requires interactions tailored to their needs and preferences.
The above shown figure illustrates how to achieve a superior understanding of
the customer. By turning data into information and transforming knowledge into
action, organizations can measurably increase revenue, improve efficiency,
lower the cost to serve, and deliver compelling and actionable insights to their
sales, marketing and customer service units.
Helping customers connect to the best resource within organizations requires
knowing something about the customer and being able to dynamically act on that
information. Unfortunately, for most companies, the chances are high that their
most valuable customers will be connected to their least capable agents. Many
organizations are looking to remedy this problem by identifying customers (by
matching the caller’s number to a customer profile), making a determination on
how they want to treat the customer (by identifying their preferences or
entitlements in another database) and then routing the call to the right resource
with the right skills (often by matching to agent profiles in another database).

Traditionally, the automotive industry with its unique distribution channels, that
is, they are the vehicle through the different parts of their sales agents as
partners, is mainly responsible for motor vehicle dealers are planning to
promote in the market, and make a strong public relations with co-operation of
the vehicle sold to customers at different levels.
The automotive industry also need to do CRM? The answer appears to be very
clear. Because in this highly competitive industry, enhance customer loyalty,
customer loyalty so that they can change the time or more and when to buy a
family car or business when, once again choose the same brand of car, is a
very important consideration. Similarly, for a new customer base, of course, are
the needs of each vehicle to lobby for a place. Then, in the automotive industry,
the implementation of CRM and what a unique problem? Let us and everyone
here today to explore.
Master customer data
Because the majority of all motor vehicle dealers and motor vehicle dealers,
through sales around the world, so they are not directly face the customer,
motor vehicle dealers is a direct customer-facing. Can imagine, these customer
data often can not effectively return to their motor vehicle dealers and agents
for many reasons, this may be related to motor vehicle dealers the data is not
well preserved, or it may be reluctant to agents and car sharing of customer
data, to these important business data to stay for their own use.
Therefore, automobile dealers in order to better understand their customers in
order to make a different, targeted marketing strategies, we will be working with
a number of motor vehicle dealers and customers with access to activities,
activities through contact with these customers, motor traders can effectively
the accurate and updated customer data to master it, it can be said of the
automobile dealer's CRM is an important action, because only with accuracy of
data before they can take corresponding actions.
And motor vehicle dealers to improve customer satisfaction with contact
Motor vehicle dealers on behalf of motor vehicle dealers as the front line for
customers to their agents how to brand a sense of car??, Satisfaction has a
very important relationship. Sometimes, a very popular popular car brand, the
car if the front-line reception or customer service agent when not doing a good
job will more often than not affected the overall sense of the brand??. So can
be said that the performance of motor vehicle dealers is a very important part.
But at the same time, car dealers often have to sell their unique culture, so
averse to the client. By motor vehicle dealers how to CRM culture, into the
marketing of motor vehicle dealers to culture, is a face of each car will need to
face a challenge. Lei because many customers, the contact with motor vehicle
dealers on behalf of the employees of their agents, one car brand impression.
Therefore, we see that all motor vehicle dealers and some of the corresponding
motor vehicle dealers for the CRM activities and training, thereby enhancing the
overall customer satisfaction.
The use of customer service and maintenance information
Motor vehicle dealers for example, to motor vehicle dealers and their effective
implementation of common customer service program will not only make
customers more satisfied with their products, for example agents, but also for a
stable source of income each year and at the same time motor vehicle dealers
bring the sale of auto parts. More importantly, the customer service system can
only dynamic customer data, including complaints they have, whether their car
warranty has expired, or if almost time for change and so the information can
master them.
For motor vehicle dealers, the question of how customer service data and other
customer-related data integration in together on a 360-degree customer
understanding, will provide more business opportunities.

About the Company

Honda is a Japanese company, which has established its reputation as one of
the world leaders in the production of automobiles and motorcycles. The
company has also undertaken research and development of various other
products such as robots, watercrafts, and aeronautics to name a few. Their
innovative spirit is evident in the complete name of their organization, which
is Honda Technology Research Institute Company Limited. Honda is considered
to be the foremost manufacturer of engines across the world in terms of the
sheer volume of the engines it manufactures annually.

The various CRM activities taken up by the company are:

(1) Facilitate Integrated and Consistent Cross-Channel Interactions

The first step in offering an exceptional customer experience is to offer a multi-
channel contact center comprised of phone, fax, e-mail, SMS, and perhaps even
Web chat, so that patients and customers can conduct interactions with you
exactly when and how they like. With well-integrated channels, healthcare
providers are able to deliver better service, improve pricing and quality
transparency, and lower operating costs. Providing consumers with a seamless
experience across all channels ensures that their interactions are as consistent
and efficient as possible, which will help build a solid relationship with the
consumer. And, streamlining data exchange and supporting collaboration across
all channels promotes operational efficiency and reduces errors.

(2) Handle calls more intelligently

When taking calls, top priorities for healthcare providers are to make sure they
deliver high quality healthcare service, including the ability to quickly and easily
schedule appointments with customers.
(3) Business Priority Routing
During times of peak volume, virtual hold technology allows callers to receive a
callback at a convenient time rather than to wait on hold. This technique
improves call response times and increases customer satisfaction levels without
adding costs for additional resources. Business priority routing uses business
rules to prioritize calls based on customer value, available channel resources,
hold times, and other factors. For instance, response times are easily met during
times of low call volume and, therefore, agents have free time to focus on other
activities, such as verifying contact and insurance information.

(4) Make More Effective Use of Customer Data and Segmentation

Soft Remedies makes efficient use of customer data and segmentation in order
to look for more targeted ways to compete. Going one step further, Soft
Remedies is also into demographic matching where customers are assigned to
agents with similar demographic profiles. The result is that customers get to
interact with staff who more readily relate to their needs because they share
certain commonalities, such as native language, age range, healthcare specialty,
and so on.

(5) Integrated Self-Service

It provides a holistic caller experience while reducing handling times and service
delivery costs. These capabilities provide touch-tone or speech-enabled access
for conversational exchange to identify and resolve routine customer requests
and transfer more complex calls to the best-skilled agent.

Core Team member of “New Vehicle Launch-Technical Team”; Certified

Technical Service advisor.
Assessing customer needs and advising to their needs accordingly with the right
product and solution in the most cost effective manner.

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