FINISHED Professional Growth Plan Graphic Organizer Template

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Growth Plan for Lilian Warner

Domain 3: Conditions for Learning

Step 1: Select a 
(from your self­evaluation)

Establishing and Maintaining Effective Relationships. In the classroom this

Step 2: Select a Target  would look like a good sense of community between the students and me.
Element There will be unconditional positive regard when it comes to my students
(from your self­evaluation and 
describe what it looks like in  and I. My classroom will be a place for each and every student to grow. We
the classroom) will demonstrate good communication skills and long term goals.

Starting Performance  Not using Beginning Developing Applying Innovating

April 15, 2021
Today’s Date

Final Goal Performance  Not using Beginning Developing Applying Innovating

Level of Achievement

Final Goal Date Graduation of college

1) Webinar:

2)build community by having non school work related tasks that help every
Step 3: Develop a Plan  individual in the classroom to get to know each other.
for Growth 3) Make a box that students are able to write about anything. Making the
(Name the webinar that you  classroom an encouraging place to be in, where students know that they can
will view. List at least two  trust me as a teacher to help them to the best of my ability.
additional steps you will take to
improve your performance on 
your Target Element)

Follow the directions in the syllabus for submitting this assignment to both VIA and our Canvas portal.
Include your Self Evaluation (highlight your scores!), this plan, and your Reflective Essay. 
I would measure my progress by conducting my own research by making my
classroom environment welcoming and making the students feel secure. I will
then compare the academics and social community of my class to other
classes. Something else that I will do is create monthly/ weekly classroom
Step 4: Develop a Plan to meetings to see how all of the students interact with each other.
Measure Your Progress 

I think that this will impact my teaching by making me more mindful when it
comes to my students. It will help me know each student on a more personal
level and help me alter different education methods to match their learning
style and background knowledge better.
Step 5: Anticipate how 
this professional 
learning will impact 
your teaching

Follow the directions in the syllabus for submitting this assignment to both VIA and our Canvas portal.
Include your Self Evaluation (highlight your scores!), this plan, and your Reflective Essay. 

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