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Natania Riley

Semester Project

September 29, 2019

Instructional Design Fall 2019

1.0 Introduction

1.1 What is your system of interest?

I currently teach Pre-K at Belair K8 in Augusta, Georgia. Students who are given the

advantage of attending a pre-k program develop much needed emotional, academic, and

social skills they may otherwise lack when entering kindergarten. The majority of my

students have not mastered the goal of dressing and undressing (self-care). Since the students

range from 3-5 years of age, my goal is to teach students how to tie their shoes on their own,

as well as dressing and undressing.

1.2 What are the sub-systems?

The abilities of the students
The students that I am teaching range from the ages of 3-5. For most, this is their first

year in a school setting. I have some who attend daycare, so they have some knowledge of

being around other kids. Each student brings their strengths and weaknesses to the class.

Some of it ranges from knowing their alphabet to numbers to not knowing how to hold a

pencil and how to tie their shoes. By the end of the year, each student will be able to tie their

shoes and know how to button/unbutton clothing items.

The prior knowledge of the students

The majority of these students have no prior knowledge of dressing and undressing (self-

care) since this is their first time in a school setting. Prior knowledge can range from the

parents/guardians teaching them different ways to tie shoes, dressing, brushing teeth, etc.

Resources available
Each student will receive a “tissue box” that is empty and has shoe strings so each student

can practice before doing it on their shoes. Each student will have a turn to put clothing on a
doll and button/unbutton that clothing piece item. Students will also be shown a video that

demonstrates someone tying a shoe.

1.3 What symptoms drew your attention to this system of interest?

Through observation and keeping track of the number of times the question is asked

throughout the day, I noticed that many of my students do not know how to tie their shoes or

how to button/unbutton clothing items.

2.0 Front-end Analysis

2.1 Are there performance gaps involved in this problem that justify a learning
Is there a performance gap?


If their life depended on it, could they do it? Ask the following:

No, the students never learned how to tie a shoe or

dealt with buttons before.
Is performance punishing?

Conduct lessons with a tissue box with lace to teach Is non-performance rewarding?
the correct way for tying a shoe. Have a doll to teach
how to button/unbutton clothing.
Is it motivational?

Providing feedback to the students while they do the Is it environmental?



I will coach the students by using videos as tutorials

Job Aids

Videos, posters, and hands-on props


Both teachers will be there as support and help for the

ones who are having difficulties
3.0 Needs Assessment

3.1 Optimals

3.1.1 What information and data would you collect?

I would provide them with a practice tissue box that demonstrates a shoe and use that

data to drive my instructions on how to tie a shoe. I would provide them with a life-size doll and

clothing item for them to put on the doll. I would use that data to drive my instructions on how to


3.1.2 How would you collect that information and data?

I would have each student tie their shoes and I would see who did it and who struggled

and then use the results for re-teach. I would have each student button/unbutton different pieces

of clothing items on them. I will use this data as well to re-teach the lesson.

3.2 Actuals

3.2.1 What information and data would you collect?

I will observe the students completing these tasks on their own and take notes to see who

is able and who struggles to complete the tasks.

3.2.2 How would you collect that information and data?

I will collect data daily and at the end of the week see who asks for help and how many

times, and who didn’t ask for help and did it on their own. I will pull each student to the side and

ask them what part they think is the hardest to do and why. I will then use this information to

conduct a lesson on how to master these tasks.

3.3 What are the discrepancies between the current (actual) and desired (optimal) state?
One major discrepancy is that I have some who can do it and ones who can’t do it for

themselves. They can do it for others but can do it on their own body.

3.4 What priorities can you assign to the identified discrepancies or goals?

It is important to go over and teach them how to tie a shoe and how to button and

unbutton a shirt, pair of pants, jacket, etc. They need to practice as well so they will be prepared

and don’t have to ask anybody for help when they enter kindergarten and life in general.


The goal is for each student in my pre-k class to be able to tie their shoes correctly on

their own, as well as dressing and undressing without any help or guidance from a teacher.

4.0 Instructional Analysis

4.1 Goal Analysis

4.1.1 What is the domain classification and type of learning (or type and level of learned
capability) for your problem?

The domain for the problem presented is classified as a motor skill. Tying shoes and

dressing/undressing requires the students to use their hands and fingers to tie their shoes and

unbutton and button a button.

4.2 Subordinate Skills Analysis

4.2.1 Choose an appropriate analysis method and provide an example of a subordinate

skills analysis associated with the instruction that you will provide.
1. Mastering the goal of tying a shoe and dressing/undressing themselves.

2. Are students able to master this goal on their own?

Yes- Choose a student who knows how to do the tasks and have them assists a student who needs

No- Break down the concept of a shoe and clothing item (bottom of shoe, tongue, lace; arm
sleeve, head, buttons, etc.)

Teach the shoe step by step and have the student master that step before continuing

Teach how to unbutton and button a button one by one

Combine all the steps for both task to complete the final task

4.2.2 Show which skills are entry level skills

- Students must recognize a shoe (shoe and shoe lace) and also buttons on a shirt, pant, skirt,
and/or jacket.

5. Learner and Context Analysis

5.1 What is the target population?

The target population in this assignment is students in Pre-K ranging from the ages 3-5.

There are 11 boys and 11 girls. There are 18 African American students (8 boys and 10 girls), 3

whites (2 boys and 1 girl), and 1 multi-cultural (1 boy).

5.2 Describe how you would determine the characteristics of the target population.

The characteristics of the target population are determined by their interests and abilities.

I took an interest survey at the beginning of the school year to see what students like and dislike.

I also took into account what they are capable of doing and achieving based on their age range.

5.3 Describe how you would determine the physical and organizational environment.
Based on the technology assessment, my school allows the students to have immediate

access to all forms of cutting edge technology and computers at any time during the instructional

day to pursue their authentic problem-solving surrounding an issue or problem of importance to

them. Since my students are in Pre-K, I will be the only one to use technology to conduct the

tasks. They do not know how to use certain technology or conduct research yet.

6. Writing Performance Objectives

6.1 State the Terminal Objective (TO) for your instructional plan.

The terminal objective for my instructional plan is that students will learn how to tie their

shoes correctly on their own, as well as dressing and undressing without any help or guidance

from a teacher.

6.2 Prepare three (3) Subordinate Objectives (SO).

Students will demonstrate how to tie a shoe by demonstrating the tying technique on a

tissue box with shoe laces attached.

The subordinate objective is part of the cognitive strategies domain.

Students will demonstrates how to dress and undress clothing items by putting on and

taking off clothes correctly on a doll

The subordinate objective is part of the cognitive strategies domain.

Students will demonstrates how to tie a shoe correctly on shoes on their own feet, and

dress/undress certain clothing items on their own body without any help or guidance from a

The subordinate objective is part of the motor skills domain.

7. Assessments

7.1 Select one SO; describe the manner by which you would assess whether or not the

learner has achieved that objective.

Students will demonstrate how to tie a shoe by demonstrating the tying technique on a

tissue box with shoe laces attached.

I would assess if the students had achieved the objective by asking the students to tie their shoes

in front of me without any help from the teachers.

7.2 What types of assessment instruments will your instruction have? Why?

The assessments will come from assessing the students on shoe tying as well as

dressing/undressing a doll. Each part will be examined by visually watching each student

attempting the two tasks.

7.3 Write items that assess the SOs in 5.2 above. Include an answer key or rubric.

Write one item in the cognitive domain.

Students will demonstrate how to tie a shoe by demonstrating the tying technique on a

tissue box with shoe laces attached.

3 2 1 0

Tie shoe with no help Could somewhat tie Attempted to tie shoe- Could not tie shoe

shoe-was not could not tie

Write one item in the cognitive domain.

Students will demonstrate how to dress and undress clothing items by putting on and

taking off clothes correctly on a doll

3 2 1 0

Dress/undress doll Could somewhat Attempted to Could not

with no help dress/undress doll- dress/undress doll- dress/undress doll

was not successful could not dress

Write one item in the psychomotor domain.

Students will demonstrate how to tie a shoe correctly on shoes on their own feet, and

dress/undress certain clothing items on their own body without any help or guidance from a


3 2 1 0

Successful completed Could somewhat Attempted to Could not complete

both tasks with no complete both tasks- complete both tasks- tasks

help or guidance needed help/guidance could not complete

8. Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases

8.1 For the TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate pre-instructional activity or activities
The pre-instructional activity that I plan to conduct is a pre-test to see how well the

students tie their shoes and dress/undress a doll. From there, I will demonstrate the correct way

for both tasks on day 1. On day 2, the students would be introduced to the first SO. Day 3 the

students would be introduced to the 2nd SO, with a review of the first SO. Day 4 the students

would be introduced to the 3rd SO, with a review of the first and second SO. Day 5 students

would demonstrate the tasks based on the prior lessons. Day 6 would allow students to ask

questions and receive more guidance on the two tasks. Day 7 would be the final day where

students would be assessed on the two tasks.

8.2 For a SO associated with that TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate presentation

strategy or strategies

The presentation strategy of this SO would begin with clips that demonstrate someone

tying a shoe and how to dress/undress clothing items. Students will use the thumbs up/thumbs

down method to let me know if they understood the videos or if they didn’t understand the


8.3 For the same SO, specify and exemplify an appropriate practice activity or activities

After watching the videos that demonstrate the tasks, students will practice the concept of

tying shoes with a tissue box with laces. After practicing with the tissue box, students will

demonstrate on their own shoes. After completing the first tasks, each student will receive a doll

and different clothing items, and they will practice dressing and undressing the doll. After

practicing with the doll, students will practice dressing/undressing themselves.

8.4 For the TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate evaluation follow-through activity or

Students will be given another opportunity to demonstrate the tasks on their own if they

didn’t master it the first time.

9. Planning Logistics and Management for Instructional Materials

9.1 For the TO, provide a description of the learning experience and how you have planned

for it

I planned for it by taking each task day by day with a review from the prior day. By taking it day

by day, students can learn and master the goal for that day without worrying about another task

they have to do. Doing a review in the beginning, students can continue to practice on their own

when they have free time. By doing a review, students will remember and keep in mind what

they did the previous day. At the end, students can use all of the information they learned prior to

complete the tasks set out for them at the end to master.

9.2 Provide a material, technology, and resources logistics checklist

Materials: tissue box, shoe laces, shoes, buttons, clothing items (with/without buttons), life-size


Technology/Resources: computer, tutorial video for both tasks

9.3 Provide an organizational matrix/table showing learning initiatives, activities, lessons.

Day 1 Demonstrating on how to tie a shoe and how to put/take off different clothing

Day 2 How to tie a shoe by demonstrating on a tissue box with shoe laces
Day 3 How to dress/undress a doll with different clothing items
Day 4 How to tie their own shoes, and dress/undress themselves with different

clothing items- guidance if needed

Day 5 How to tie their own shoes, and dress/undress themselves with different

clothing items- no guidance

Day 6 Review for those who needs further help
Day 7 How to tie their own shoes, and dress/undress themselves with different

clothing items on their own

10.0 Developing Instructional Materials

10.1 For the TO, specify and defend your choice of appropriate pre-instructional materials.

The shoe tying and the dressing/undressing without any help will be offered in several ways. For

shoe tying, students will have the option to use a tissue box with shoelaces to tie a shoe. Students

will also have the option of tying a shoe by getting a shoe from the home living section in the

classroom and tying the shoe without it being on their foot. For the dressing/undressing part,

students will dress/undress a life-size doll with different clothing items. The results from these

performances will allow me to see what area I need to focus more on with them.

10.2 Select one SO, specify and defend your choice of an appropriate presentation of

The presentation of the first SO would be to ask the students who all know how to tie a shoe. I

will then proceed with the following clips from YouTube on how to tie a shoe: and

v=TqPCGGHoxsE. This will provide students with steps on how to tie a shoe. Students will use

the thumbs up/thumbs down method to let me know if they understood the video or not. Students

will then tell what the easiest and hardest part to them is when it comes to tying shoes.

10.3 For the same SO, specify and defend your choice of an appropriate practice material.
After watching the two videos on how to tie a shoe, students will then be given a tissue box with

shoelaces. The tissue box will act as a shoe, and students will practice "tying" on it. After taking

time out to practice on the tissue box, they will then get a real shoe. The shoe will give students a

more realistic feeling on how to properly tie a shoe. These activities will prepare them for when

they have to tie their shoes correctly on their own.

10.4 For the TO, specify and defend your choice of appropriate follow-through materials.

Students will be given another opportunity to demonstrate the tasks above if they didn’t master it

the first time. This gives students a chance to have a redo and not feel sad that they couldn’t

complete it the first time. After more guidance and practice, they will have the opportunity to do

both tasks again.

11.0 Formative Evaluation

11.1 Describe an approach that you might use to carry out formative evaluation for your
instructional initiative. Include any instruments for assessment, quiz/rubrics, or other
related products used for your evaluation.

The tasks are to tie their shoes on their own and dress/undress themselves with certain clothing

pieces without any help or guidance from a teacher. At the time of the formative evaluation, each

student should have an idea on how to complete both tasks. Learning how to tie shoes and

dress/undress themselves allows for real-life application of what they learned and how it

prepares them for the future. A rubric will be used to see if a student is able, can do it with

guidance, or not at all. If a student didn’t pass, they will be given another opportunity to master

the tasks at a later date.

12.0 Revision

12.1 Describe your plans for revising your instruction

I feel the best approach will be to use the one to one analysis approach with those students who

still have difficulties with the tasks. I will look to see what the common mistake or problem is

with those students and adjust my lessons as needed. After reviewing and showing those students

the new skills for them to master the tasks, I will then grade them on the tasks to see if the new

method helped or not.

13.0 Summative Evaluation

13.1 Describe an approach that you might use to carry out formative evaluation for your
instructional initiative. Include any instruments for assessment, quiz/rubrics, or other
related products used for your evaluation.

The summative evaluation is when each student comes up and completes both tasks

independently. By now, students should have the concept of tying a shoe and

dressing/undressing down. Students will be graded with a rubric and observed by the teacher to

see if each student masters the concept of tying a shoe and dressing/undressing with certain

clothing pieces on their own without any help or guidance from a teacher.


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