CS 5220 Adv Applications Programming in Java Fall '21 UCM: Assessment (Tentative)

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CS 5220 Adv Applications Programming in Java Fall ’21 UCM

Instructor: Sunae (Sunny) Shin

School of Computer Science and Mathematics, UCM
Email: sshin@ucmo.edu
Phone: 660-543-6612
Office: D159 MIC
Office Hours: MW 7pm-8pm, TR 11:10am-12:10pm, S 10:30am-11:30am, or by

Purpose of the Course

A continued exploration of the Java programming language with an emphasis in utilizing more
advanced features of the language in software development. Topics include generics,
multithreading, networking, JavaFX, databases, servlets, and JSP.

Objectives and Desired Student Competencies:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Understand generics and their capabilities in the Java programming language.
• Utilize multithreading in Java applications.
• Use networking capabilities in Java applications.
• Work with databases in Java applications.
• Create GUI applications using JavaFX and event-driven programming.
• Explore server-side capabilities with servlets and JSP.

Textbook: Y. Daniel Liang. Introduction to Java Programming, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall.

Pre-requisites: CS 2300

Topics: Generics, GUI programming Networking, Database, Multithreading, Servlets, JSP

Grading Policy:
Assessment (Tentative)
Exam 1 80 points (~20%)
Exam 2 80 points (~20%)
Project 100 points (~25%)
Homework 80 ~ 100 points (~25%)
Participation (in-class exercise) 40 ~ 50 points (~10%)

Letter Grade:
Your final grade will be determined by the points earned divided by the total number of points
possible. The following mapping from the percentages to the letter grades will be used.

Grade Percentage
A 90% and above
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
F 0% - 59%

 All assignments are to be completed individually by each student.

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CS 5220 Adv Applications Programming in Java Fall ’21 UCM

 Plagiarism or unfair collaboration is unacceptable and will result in zero credit for an
 Late submissions will incur penalties.
 Homework assignments may not be equally weighted.
 There will be no talking or collaboration during the exams.

 As required by UCM policy, a cloth face covering that covers your nose and mouth
must be worn in the classroom. Only students with a documented exemption sent to
me by UCM's Office of Accessibility Services are excused from this requirement.
Please know that conditions and requirements may change during the semester. You
can stay updated by visiting https://www.ucmo.edu/news/media-resources/corona-
 You are expected to attend lectures based on the established groups and schedule.
 Lectures will be the primary mechanism of instruction used in this course. At times,
computer demonstrations and in-class activities may also be used.
 Assignments and project(s) that are to be completed outside of class will be given
throughout the semester. The course will also have two midterm exams.
 Make-up exams will be given for valid excuses. The student will initiate the responsibility of
a make-up exam.
 I do a lot of communication by email. It’s important that you include ‘CSxxxx’ and
‘Section information’ along with the topic of the specific email in the subject header. (I
receive a lot of email every day; this will help me filter).Turn your cell-phone off
(preferred) or put it on vibrate mode during class.
 Blackboard is used for course management/assignment submission. Go to
https://ucmo.blackboard.com/ (logon using your UCM ID)
o Upload your assignment using UCM Blackboard
o Typed preferable (word file or PDF); as an alternate option, you may scan your
handwritten version, save as a PDF file, and upload—make sure that your
scanned version is readable. (Do NOT save your scanned file as jpg or other

Student with Disabilities

Students with documented disabilities who are seeking academic accommodations should contact
the Office of Accessibility Services, Union 220 (Voice and TTY) 660-543-4421.

Academic Honesty
All in-class and out-of-class assignments must be the student’s own work. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated. Plagiarism consists of using another person’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own. If
you have any questions about this very serious issue, please ask me. Additionally, I follow the
Academic Honesty policy as set forth in the UCM Student Planner-Handbook (pp.172-73). A
student who plagiarizes will receive a failing grade on the assignment and may not receive credit
for the course.

Sexual Misconduct
The University of Central Missouri seeks to foster a safe and healthy environment built on mutual
respect and trust. Sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other
forms of sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. All faculty and most staff are considered
mandated reporters by the University and must disclose all information they receive about sexual

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CS 5220 Adv Applications Programming in Java Fall ’21 UCM

misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. As a faculty member of the University, I am a mandated

If you, or someone you know, has experienced sexual misconduct, please know assistance and
options are available. UCM strongly encourages all members of the community to seek support
and report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office. Anyone who wishes to report
sexual misconduct https://www.ucmo.edu/consumer-information/title-ix-sex-discrimination-and-
sexual-assault/reporting-options/ or to learn more about the University process and options
available, please visit https://www.ucmo.edu/consumer-information/title-ix-sex-discrimination-

You may access your library account, the online catalog, and electronic databases from James C.
Kirkpatrick Library’s website at http://library.ucmo.edu. For research assistance you may contact
the Reference Desk: Phone: 543-4154. Email: reference@libserv.ucmo.edu

The Writing Center

Students who need to sharpen their writing skills can visit the writing center located in the
Learning Center, JCKL 3160. No appointment is necessary.

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