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High School

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Elías Antonio Saca
Presidente de la República
Ana Vilma de Escobar
Vicepresidenta de la República
Darlyn Xiomara Meza
Ministra de Educación
José Luis Guzmán Carlos Benjamín Orozco
Viceministro de Educación Viceministro de Tecnología
Norma Carolina Ramírez
Directora General de Educación

Ana Lorena Guevara de Varela

Directora Nacional de Educación
Manuel Antonio Menjívar
Gerente de Gestión Pedagógica
Rosa Margarita Montalvo
Jefe de la Unidad Académica
Wendy Cristela Menéndez Cruz
Jefa de Programa Compite

Equipo técnico
• Augusto Antonio Cornejo Huezo
• Herbert Ovidio Aparicio Castellanos
• José Isaías Parada Díaz
• José Trinidad Galdámez Sáenz

Apoyo técnico externo

• Ana María Martínez Mendoza
• Carmen Castillo
• Edgar Nicolás Ayala

ISBN 978-99923-58-61-0
© Copyright Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador 2008
Derechos Reservados. Prohibida su venta. Esta publicación puede ser reproducida en todo o en parte,
reconociendo los derechos del Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador.

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Dear Teachers:

Within the framework of the 2021 National Education Plan, The Ministry of Education is pleased to
make this updated version of the English Syllabus for High School Education available to you . Its
content is coherent with our constructivist, humanist and socially committed curricular orientation.
At the same time, it incorporates the vision of developing competencies, making the principles of
the policy “Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje” be put into practice.

As part of this policy The Ministry of Education has renewed the guidelines for the evaluation of
learning to match the competencies proposal and the needed type of evaluation for our educational
system: an evaluation in the service of learning. This is possible if high expectations are placed on
our students and if they are told that with effort and steadiness they eventually can achieve their

The Ministry of Education takes advantage of this opportunity to manifest our trust in you. We know
you will read and analyze this Syllabus with an attitude geared towards learning and improving,
taking into account your experience and studies in education.

The Ministry of Education believes in your commitment to the mission which has been entrusted to
us - that the children, young men and women of El Salvador obtain better learning achievements
and develop integrally.

Darlyn Xiomara Meza José Luis Guzmán

Minister of Education Vice - Minister of Education

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English Syllabus for High School Education

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I. Introduction to The English Curriculum for The Tenth and Eleventh Grades
The High School English Curriculum presents a curricular proposal that answers Syllabus Innovations
mandatory questions teachers should respond as they plan their classes. These
questions are properly answered through the following curricular components: The English curriculum designed and implemented in 1998 is definitely one of the
sources for the designing and implementation of the current version; although,
QUESTIONS CURRICULAR COMPONENTS it is worth stating that this is a functional/notional syllabus embracing the
communicative approach for its development in order to achieve objectives and
What do teachers teach for? Competencies/Objectives language proficiency levels. Next, the most salient features are detailed1:
a. Objectives
What must students learn? Contents
Objectives are presented for each High School grade and in each didactical
How to teach? Methodological guidelines unit.
Objectives aim at achieving language and preparation for life competencies,
Evaluation guidelines
How, when and what to evaluate? that is the reason why they are formulated using action verbs introducing the
Achievement indicators goals to be reached by means of procedures. Afterwards, concepts and attitudes
are presented embedded in the objectives, thus, articulating the three types of
The English curriculum is designed based on these curricular components which knowledge. Besides, “the what for” or learning purpose is finally stated to connect
are orderly developed as follows: contents with life and students’ needs.
Description of competencies, proficiency levels and approach that orients Language proficiency levels
the English subject development.
Language proficiency levels are presented for each High School grade. They are
Presentation of content sets which are aligned with the subject objectives meant to serve as guiding references for planning, delivering and evaluating
and allow the structuring of didactical units. teaching and learning to eventually reach the set language proficiency levels2
The Methodological guidelines provide specific recommendations for per grade.
sequencing the didactical units. They describe, in logical order, the b. Contents
phases or steps to develop language competencies by means of
Presentation of content sets
delivering and practicing language functions; moreover, they provide
general recommendations and it is up to teachers to enrich and improve The English curriculum presents and describes the sets of contents by each
them. The English syllabus presents general methodological guidelines grade providing an insightful view on how they are structured from the simple
for teaching at High School. to the complex, from the immediate students’ world to the farthest and most
abstract world, properly integrating and balancing the three types of contents
Evaluation is developed through suggestions and criteria applicable to
or knowledge: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal and knitting language
diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation functions.
learning, ranging from the mastery of simple daily language functions to the
At last, objectives, contents, and achievement indicators are clearly presented in mastery of more complicated and sophisticated discourse. This new version of
each didactical unit. the English Syllabus has structured didactical units in a different form; these
The English curriculum has been designed setting standardized proficiency differences are highlighted in a comparative chart of the former syllabus with
levels to be reached in each grade and cycle of education; in contrast, it is flexible the current one.
and opened up to teachers’ creativeness to contextualize it to their teaching
environment to successfully achieve the stated objectives and language proficiency

1 Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje, Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, 2007.

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Three types of contents: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal Besides, standardized minimum proficiency levels have been set to be
Contents’ relevance relies on their contribution to achieve the stated objectives as reached by the end of each grade and cycle of education; thus, assuring
well as language and preparation for life competencies. Antoni Zabala3 defines teachers and students have clear teaching and learning standards to
contents as follows: pursue.

Set of skills, attitudes and knowledge needed for development of competencies. c. Evaluation
They are categorized in three large groups depending on how they are related Achievement indicators6 constitute one of the most salient innovations.
with knowing, knowing what to do or to be, that is to say, conceptual contents, Achievement indicators prove the expected outcomes in relationship with
deeds, concepts and conceptual systems, procedural contents (skills, techniques, objectives and contents of each unit. They are useful to evaluate students’ learning
methods, strategies..etc.) and attitudinal contents (attitudes, norms and values). because they point out expected students’ performance, therefore, they must be
The conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents have the same relevance considered for evaluation and academic reinforcement activities. In this English
because the importance and articulation of knowing, doing, knowing what to be syllabus, achievement indicators are meant to evaluate students’ development of
and coexisting, is only reflected through their integration. The challenge relies language and preparation for life competencies.
on overcoming the trend to solely ”teach” information or learning by heart. They Achievement indicators are correlatively numbered in each didactical unit.
have a space and importance of their own but must not be understood anymore Example, 5.1 means that the indicator belongs to unit five and is the indicator
as a synonym of successful learning. This takes place only when the three types number one.
of contents are articulated. Academic reinforcement
Procedural contents deserve special attention because there is potential risk of Evaluation results must be used to support and orient teaching planning as
confusing them with methodology. Cesar Coll4 defines them as follows: well as students’ learning. By analyzing evaluation results teachers can make
They are always concerned with certain concrete forms of performance, whose decisions on what to feedback, and how to reshape their teaching approach to
most salient feature is that they take place in a systematic and orderly fashion, address students’ affective and learning needs, thus, preventing frustration and
and that performance is purposely addressed to achieve a definite goal dislike towards English subject as well as drop out.
Procedural contents are not new in the curriculum, whereas the practical By looking into performance outcomes teachers and students will be in a position
dimension or concepts application has been long fostered for decades. They to judge learning quality, understand how learning took place and ponder the
have been labeled before as techniques, skills, strategies, algorithms, etc. obstacles faced in the process.
When categorizing them as contents, the procedures are subjected to planning Graphic description of units
and control in much the very same way activities are adequately prepared to
guarantee the learning of other types of contents5. Grade, number and name of unit: These are the units general data.
Sequencing of contents Time assigned for didactical unit development: Approximate number of
hours that will be devoted to the development of each didactical unit.
The scope and sequence has been meticulously elaborated vertically and
horizontally as to guarantee that teachers will deliver teaching in a scaffolding Objectives of didactical unit: They express what is expected to be
fashion and students will and construct knowledge in much the very same way. achieved by the students at the end of each unit.
Moreover, contents are calibrated to address students’ needs, interests and Conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents: They comprise the
problems to fluently connect learning with background knowledge, previous concepts, procedures and attitudes that must be acquired by students
life experiences and a sense of usefulness; therefore, learning will emerge as a through the mediation of the teaching-learning process.
likeable, enjoyable and meaningful task. Achievement indicators: They are sample evidence that students have
reached the stated objectives at the end of each unit.
Evaluación al Servicio del Aprendizaje, Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, 2007. 2 The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Proficiency Guidelines, New York, 1989.
6 7
Evaluación al Servicio del Aprendizaje, Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, 2007. 3 Marco Curricular. Antoni Zabala. Documento de referencia de consulta para el Ministerio de Educación, página 21.
Los Contenidos de la Reforma. Cesar Coll y otros. Editorial Santillana. Aula XXI, 1992, página 85.
English Syllabus for High School Education 5
Ibid. Página 103.

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Description and Presentation of the Learning Unit Format

Estimated time for the unit

Unit objectives Number and name of unit

Prioritized achievement
Conceptual contents

Procedural Numbered achievement

contents Attitudinal contents

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II. High School Curriculum III. Presentation of The English Subject, Approach,
The High School Curriculum is organized in subjects with specific number of hours as Language Proficiency Levels and Content Blocks
follows: Presentation of The English Subject
The English Curriculum for High School focuses on the development of language
Subjects Tenth grade Eleventh grade competencies essential for communicating and properly interacting with the
environment. Developing these competencies implies the learning of concepts,
Hours per Hours per Hours per Hours per
the domain of procedures and the adopting of attitudes integrally. This integration
week year week year guarantees the acquisition of the expected competencies.
Language and Literature 5 200 5 200 This syllabus promotes the development of four competencies: oral comprehension
Mathematics 6 240 6 240 (listening), oral production (speaking), reading comprehension (reading) and
writing production (writing). Such competencies are developed through a spiral
Science 6 240 6 240 process to internalize language functions by using the language in different
Social Studies 5 200 5 200 contexts and situations with a given degree of accuracy and fluency.
Grammar structures and vocabulary are introduced in each unit through a
English 3 120 3 120 specific content, rather than in an isolated form.
Computer Science 3 120 3 120 The language contents to be taught have been structured departing from the
Life Skills 3 120 3 120 closest and most immediate students’ world to the farthest and most abstract one.
Also, the language functions to be developed have been orderly arranged from
Vocational Skills Course 6 240 6 240 the simplest to the most complex ones.
Seminars 3 120 3 120 The Communicative Approach
The communicative approach pursues the development of communicative
Total of hours 40 1,600 40 1,600
competence. Chomsky distinguished between a native speaker’s underlying
competence- referring to knowledge of the language, including rules of
Implementing the English curriculum implies doing curricular adaptations grammar, vocabulary, and how linguistic elements can be combined to form
to meet students’ needs and adjusting it to the conditions of the context. This acceptable sentences- and the individual’s performance- or actual production
contextualization and adjustability is facilitated by El Proyecto Curricular and comprehension of specific linguistic events.
de Centro (PCC)8 in which teachers’ agreements on curricular components a. Communicative competence is a dynamic concept that depends on the
(competencies/objectives, contents, methodology and evaluation) are registered, negotiation of meaning between two or more persons who share some
these agreements are worked out based on students’ academic achievements, knowledge of the language. Thus, communicative competence can be said to be
mission and diagnose of the educational institution. an interpersonal trait.
Teachers should definitely take into account the PCC pedagogical agreements b. It applies to both written and spoken language.
and the English syllabus as key references for didactic planning. Both instruments c. It is context-specific, as communication always takes place in a particular
complement each other. context or situation. The competent language user will know how to make
The teaching cross-curricular themes contribute to the students’ integral education appropriate choices in register and style to fit the particular situation in which
because through their socialization a democratic society plenty of values is communication occurs.
consolidated, a society where people and nature are respected and people are d. It is important to distinguish between competence and performance.
able to solve personal, neighborhood and nation’s problems. Competence is what one knows. Performance is what one does. Only performance
The cross-curricular themes 9 are an essential part of the syllabus and should be is observable, however, and it is only through performance that competence can
applied in the development of the contents. The present document includes the be developed, maintained, and evaluated.
following cross-curricular themes: Education in Human Rights, Environmental Lastly, the conceptualization of the term proficiency includes specifications
Education, Education in Population, Preventive Integral Education, Education for about the competency levels attained in terms of the functions performed, the
Equality of Opportunities, Health Education, Education for The Consumer and contexts in which the language user can function, and the accuracy with which
Values Education. the language is used.
For further information, read section on Proyecto Curricular de Centro. Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje,
8 Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, 2007.
Fundamentos Curriculares de la Educación Nacional. Ministerio de Educación, paginas 115- 116, El Salvador, 1999.
English Syllabus for High School Education

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General Communicative Competence Level to be Reached by The End of The Eleventh Grade of High School Education
By the end of the eleventh grade of high school education students will be able to participate in conversations on familiar topics, and handle simple situations or
transactions in past, present and future time.

Year Proficiency
Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Able to understand sentences Able to handle successfully a Able to understand main Able to meet limited practical
in a limited number of content limited number of interactive, task- ideas and/or some facts from writing needs. Can write short
Low 10
areas, particularly if strongly oriented and social situations. simple texts dealing with basic messages, postcards, and
Tenth grade 1 AÑO

supported by the situational Can ask and answer questions, personal and social needs such take down simple notes, such
context. Content refers to basic initiate and respond to simple as public announcements and as telephone messages. Can
personal background and statements and maintain face-to- short, straightforward instructions create statements or questions
needs, social conventions and face conversation, although in a dealing with public life. within the scope of limited
routine tasks, such as getting restricted manner. Within these language experience. Frequent
meals and receiving simple limitations, can perform such errors in grammar, vocabulary,
instructions and directions. tasks as introducing self, ordering punctuation, spelling and in
Listening tasks pertain primarily a meal, asking directions, formation of non-alphabetic
to face-to-face conversations. and making purchases. symbols, but writing can be
Understanding is often uneven; Strong interference from native understood by natives used to
repetition and rewording may language may occur. the writing of nonnatives.
be necessary.

Able to understand sentences Able to talk simply about self and Able to read simple texts about Able to write short, simple texts Intermediate
on a variety of topics related to family members. Can participate which the reader has to make about personal preferences, Mid11
personal background interests in simple conversations on topics minimal suppositions and to daily routine, everyday events,
Eleventh grade

and activities, social conventions such as personal history and which the reader brings personal and other topics of personal
and tasks, such as lodging, leisure time activities. Utterance interest and/or knowledge experience. Can express
transportation, and shopping. length increases slightly, but Examples may include short, present time or at least one
Additional content areas include speech may continue to be straightforward descriptions of other time frame or aspect
a diversity of instructions and characterized by frequent persons, places, and things consistently, e.g., nonpast,
directions. Listening tasks pertain long pauses. Pronunciation written for a wide audience. habitual, imperfective. Evidence
to face-to-face conversations, may continue to be strongly of control of the syntax and basic
short telephone conversations influenced by first language and inflectional morphology, such as
and some speech, such as fluency may still be strained. declensions and conjugation.
simple announcements and The Intermediate-Mid speaker Writing tends to be a loose
reports over the media. can generally be understood by collection of sentences or
sympathetic interlocutors. fragments on a given topic .Can
be understood by natives used
to the writing of nonnatives.

Levels of Proficiency. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, ACTFL Guidelines, New York, 1989
Levels of Proficiency. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, ACTFL Guidelines, New York, 1989
English Syllabus for High School Education

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Comparison Between The Former English Syllabus and The Current English Syllabus for Tenth Grade
Relation Between Content Blocks and Didactical Units
The High School English Syllabus is made up of six didactical units. It has the same number of units as the former English Syllabus and the same number
of hours to be developed as well; however, the current English Syllabus has been designed following sound curricular principles to guarantee a coherent,
progressive and fluent learning, they are:
Unit 1. The Choices We Have Unit 1. Meeting Salvadoran personalities: Students talk Expressions to make appointments, commonly used
Systematization of the practice of reading techniques about appointments, personal interviews, goals and questions for personal interviews,biographies of
with simple readings. Expressing judgement and opinions Salvadoran personalities in order to share information and Salvadoran personalities, personal goals
about community problems. Making and sharing plans experiences with peers and appreciate his/her personal
for their future. and cultural environment.

Unit 2. Advertisement Unit 2. My country: Students interpret and produce Jobs/interviews, current issues dealing with: weather,
Practice in reading comprehension techniques continue. language discourse related to jobs, interviews, geography, geography, local/regional food, transportation, health,
At the same time, the students are challenged to deal weather, means of transportation and life style in order to life style
with situations which may affect their lives and to practice fulfill communication needs and share information about
decision-making strategies. places in El Salvador.

Unit 3. Making Friends Unit 3. Feeling homesick: Students discuss personal Personal biographical information, family ties, customs/
Descriptions of people and objects. To help students biographical information, family ties, customs, traditions, traditions, postal services, telephone conversations
establish relationships of cause and effect, readings postal services and telephone conversations in order to
also deal with the environment. Reading comprehension exchange ideas about the value of family and traditions.
techniques are enhanced.

Unit 4. Sharing Is... Unit 4. Eating out: Students generate language related to Language used to order food in a restaurant, review
The concepts of happiness and solidarity complement restaurant situations, invitations, using polite expressions, of expressions to make, accept and refuse invitations,
the concept of friendship introduced in the previous unit. as well as showing possession and interacting adequately tipping, polite expressions in a restaurant
Likewise, the topic concerned with consumer education is with others in order to communicate in an effective way.
taken up again.

Unit 5. Science In Our Lives Unit 5. Vacations in El Salvador: Students recognize Review of numbers up to 1,000,000, means of
Visions of an imaginary future, scientific endeavors of language related to requesting information and expressing transportation, tourist sites, expressions to make
mankind and women’s role in science and expressing ideas about vacations, means of transportation and hotels hotel/ transportation reservations, directions with time
expectations for the future. in order to communicate in the target language. expressions

Unit 6. Let’s Read For Fun Unit 6. The environment in El Salvador: Students generate Pollution, health matters, deforestation, natural disasters,
Health care and the consequences of decisions taken. language related to pollution, health matters, deforestation, protection of the environment
Skills in following instructions and a summary of reading natural disasters and protection of the environment in order
comprehension techniques. to establish effective communication.

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Comparison Between The Former English Syllabus and The Current English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade
Unit 1. Reporting On Someone Unit 1. Meeting famous people around the world Personality traits and professional background of famous
This unit includes topics related to the students’ experiences. Students understand and produce language related to people, life accomplishments of famous people, dreams
The readings introduced attempt to help students reflect on personality traits of famous people, life accomplishments, and wishes
choices made in the past that may help them make new dreams and wishes in order to consolidate knowledge of
choices in the future; for example, as they look for a job. the language and the world.
The topics presented lend to discussions concerning their
country in a national context..

Unit 2. Legends, Fables and Myths Unit 2. The world Fashion, working trends, types of housing, entertainment,
This unit introduces a brief collection of myths, legends, Students understand and produce language related to science and technology
fables and common beliefs. In addition, students are en- fashion, working trends, types of housing, entertainment,
couraged to learn more about the different cultural aspects science, and technology through discussions and authentic
of their community. Students also express their opinions audio material and texts.
about myths and common beliefs.

Unit 3. Homelessness and Poverty Unit 3. Customs around the world Holidays, festivals and celebrations, customs/traditions,
Critical analysis of simple readings about poverty and Students describe holidays, festivals and celebrations, landmarks, cultural advice
homeless people is encouraged. Since these topics customs, traditions and landmarks around the world in
are surrounded by certain stereotypes, the students order to communicate manifesting respect for international
are provided with the opportunity to reflect upon them. customs and traditions.
Examination of the author’s intention in the analysis is

Unit 4. Great People Unit 4. Eating habits Healthy food versus junk food, meals, beverages and
People and events that have made history are introduced Students express opinions and preferences on food desserts, instructions for cooking, recipes
in an effort to broaden students’ horizons. Students are consumption, healthy food, junk food, meals, beverages,
asked to put events in logical sequence. desserts. Tasks include giving and following instructions
for recipes.

Unit 5. Education For a Lifetime Unit 5. International tourism Advertisements, tourist sites, hotel reservations, travel
The main topic is a human being’s need for education. Students generate language related to advertisements, advice
Students are encouraged to appraise the access to tourist sites, hotel reservations and travel advice in order
education available to them. Writing on topics of student to communicate ideas and suggestions.
interest is encouraged.

Unit 6. What Will We Have Accomplished? Unit 6. The environment around the world Pollutants, health matters, oil spills, global warming,
Students express their uneasiness towards their future. Students discuss health matters and environmental issues. natural disasters, protection of the environment
Students use the future forms to plan short and long term Writing skills are practiced and enhanced.
activities in their lives.

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IV. Methodological Guidelines
These general methodological guidelines are intended to present a general 9. Communicative strategies must also be accounted for in the learning process.
vision of the communicative approach and related methods. The application Teachers should make students aware of the way strategies are used to take
of its basic tenets will allow students to develop language and preparation for full advantage of them. For example, when a student interacts with a native
life competencies; besides, teachers will be enhanced to deliver a humane, speaker of English in a situational context, sometimes the learner does not
meaningful, motivating and effective teaching. understand the language used by the speaker, the learner then must use
The English syllabus for the third cycle of education should not only favor that all possible communicative and learning strategies to avoid breaking the
students learn English, but it should also enable them to communicate in the communication channel.
language. 10. Learning strategies are equally important since they contribute to the
construction of the linguistic system of the English language. However, they
Tenets of The Communicative Approach need to be taught and controlled.
1. The communicative approach emphasizes comprehension and negotiation 11. Errors made by the students must not be seen as faults, but as evidence of the
of meaning more than production of structures. Students can learn to dynamic nature of the learning process.
communicate through interacting, and that the appropriate morpho-syntactical 12. English teachers should be aware that English is learned through a creative
structures are developed once the interaction begins. This approach also construction process, being exposed to authentic material, giving students the
favors the instructional value of communication. opportunity to construct hypothesis that may be tested through practice.
2. English teachers and students must create an atmosphere of mutual respect 13. The teacher must create the appropriate conditions for learning. To do so,
and objectivity on the part of the listener in order to understand better. teachers must guide learners in the acquisition process by using activities
3. This approach also develops cooperation and solidarity among the students, that are not only structure-oriented but also communication-oriented in a
which they will carry on to their professional lives. comfortable environment.
4. The communicative approach is student-centered. What is taught and how it
is taught are intimately related with what is learned and how it is learned. The The following methodological guidelines can be useful for teachers to plan and
teaching learning process must be varied. It must not only take into account deliver English teaching in the classroom:
the oral aspect of communication but also those non-oral aspects. It must care
about the non-linguistic aspects such as gestures, body movement, facial 1. Explore background knowledge on the topic to be taught.
expressions, etc. 2. Begin classes with a lead-in or an icebreaker and present language in
5. This approach demands that the classroom be a center of interaction between context.
the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves. Team work 3. Do controlled and free language practice.
allows for the interaction through responsibility in the assigned shared tasks. 4. Integrate macro skills and sub-skills in the teaching – learning process.
6. The classroom must be organized for cooperative teams. Of course, this does 5. Time and pace your teaching.
not mean that work must always be done in teams. Students may choose to 6. Create situations for using language for communication in varied contexts.
work individually, in small or large teams. 7. Encourage students to communicate as early as possible in the teaching–
7. The communicative approach makes learning take place in a real situational learning process.
context and it also makes it meaningful in a variety of situations of everyday 8. Mostly use target language in your classes.
life. Upon finishing ninth grade, students will have acquired the 9. Promote interaction and team work among students.
fundamental communicative skills to face reality skillfully. Only then, students 10. Use authentic materials and input as much as possible.
can value their progress and foster a positive attitude towards learning. 11. Provide opportunities for students to practice an array of language functions
8. Conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents must not be isolated, since needed to go through basic survival situations as well as uncommon and
all of them are strictly related to the communicative act. Attitudinal contents complicated ones.
play an important role in the learning process. Teachers must detect the type 12. Care for equally promoting discourse fluency and accuracy.
of attitude the student brings into the classroom, because this may impede 13. Address students’ cognitive needs as well affective ones.
the development of the learning process. Likewise, solidarity, tolerance, team 14. Create a comfortable, confident and likeable teaching – learning atmosphere.
work, and other attitudinal contents are developed along procedural and
conceptual contents.

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V. Evaluation Guidelines
Evaluation tenets meaning out of it. The goal of this competency is to understand general and
Teachers must take into account evaluation tenets to plan and administer tests. specific information from written texts on various topics to enrich the English
They state that evaluation is holistic or integrating, continuous, motivating, just learning level for interacting in diverse communicative contexts.
and fair, systematic and participatory12. Writing production (writing) is a graphic representation of the language that uses
conventional, systematic and identifiable signs. The goal of this competency is to
Competencies to be Evaluated write general and specific texts on socio-cultural and scientific topics to express
Language competencies ideas, emotions and thoughts with diverse communicative purposes.
Teachers will ponder students learning outcomes by evaluating the following Preparation for life competencies
competencies.13 These allude to the attitudinal contents through which attitudes, norms and values
Oral comprehension (listening) is the skill to listen and interpret oral messages are socialized in school forging the character and personality of humane and
effectively in diverse communicative contexts. It has to do with identifying general educated persons and citizens. Therefore, this dimension of the teaching learning
and specific information orally articulated in a conversation among interlocutors process is subjected to be evaluated through students’ proper behavior when
or understanding texts reproduced by electronic means (cassettes, recorded CDs, being confronted with real life situations.
radio or videos). Types of evaluation
Oral production (speaking) is the capacity of communicating orally making use To evaluate students’ learning teachers must rely on norm-referenced testing15
of grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse and strategic competencies 14: but mostly on criterion-referenced testing . Criterion-referenced-testing classifies
Grammatical competence refers to the degree to which the language user students according to whether or not they are able to perform some tasks or set
has mastered the linguistic code. It includes knowledge of vocabulary, rules of of tasks satisfactorily. The tasks are set, and the performances are evaluated. This
pronunciation and spelling, word formation, and sentence structure. means that students are encouraged to measure their progress in relation to
Sociolinguistic competence addresses the extent to which grammatical forms meaningful criteria.
can be used or understood appropriately in various contexts to convey specific A list of kinds of tests is provided for teachers to choose from the ones that adjust
communicative functions, such as persuading, describing, narrating, and to the intended evaluation purposes:
giving commands. Factors like topic, role of the participants, and the setting will Diagnostic tests16 are used to identify student’s strengths and weaknesses.
determine the appropriateness of the speaker’s attitude and his choice of style or They are intended primarily to ascertain what further teaching is necessary.
register. Discourse competence involves the ability to combine ideas to achieve Consequently, they can be used at the beginning of each grade or cycle of
cohesion in form and coherence in thought. A person with a highly developed education to diagnose student’s entry English knowledge and continue teaching
degree of discourse competence will know how to use cohesive devices, such to attain higher levels of language standards.
as pronouns and grammatical connectors (i.e. conjunctions, adverbs, and Progress achievement tests17 as their name suggests, are intended to measure
transitional phrases and expressions), to achieve unity of thought and continuity the progress that students are making. Therefore, this kind of tests can be used
in a text. The competent language user will also be skilled in expressing and halfway a grade or cycle of education to gather reliable evidence of learning
judging the relationships among the different ideas in a text (Coherence). progress.
Strategic competence involves use of verbal and nonverbal communication Final achievement tests18 are those administered at the end of a course of study.
strategies to compensate for gaps in the language user’s knowledge of the code They can be used to evaluate final learning achievement at the end of each
or for breakdown in communication for other reasons. The more proficient or grade or cycle of education.
communicatively competent an individual becomes, the less he or she needs Proficiency tests19 are designed to measure people’s ability in a language
to draw on strategic competence. However, even educated native speakers regardless of any training they may have had in the language. The content of a
sometimes experience breakdown in their communication with others and must proficiency test, therefore, is not based on the content or objectives of language
rely on this component for the successful transmission of messages. courses that may have followed. Rather, it is based on a specification of what
This competency goal is to produce oral discourse in a conversation to interchange candidates have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered
general and specific information on various topics. proficient. Being proficient means having sufficient command of the language
Reading comprehension (reading) is an interactive process where the reader for a particular purpose.
uses information from a text and relates it with his/her experience to make

12 Evaluación al Servicio del Aprendizaje, Ministerio de Educación, 2007. 15

Testing for Language Teachers. Arthur Hughes, 1989, pages 17-18.
13 Currículo al Servicio del Aprendizaje. Ministerio de Educación, 2007. 16
Testing for Language Teachers. Arthur Hughes, 1989, page 13. 13
Teaching Language in Context. Proficiency-Oriented Instruction, Alice C Omaggio, 1986, pages 7-8. 17
Ibid, page 10.
Ibid, page 10 English Syllabus for High School Education
Ibid, page 9

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Tenth Grade

Tenth grade general objectives
By the end of the tenth grade, students will be able to:

Produce language related to appointments, personal and job interviews by interacting

with peers in order to share personal information and courteously fulfill communication

Generate language related to geography, weather, transportation, Salvadoran

personalities and life style by reading and listening to texts in order to exchange
opinions and information about places in El Salvador.
Use language related to family ties and traditions and postal services by writing and
reading texts in order to communicate ideas about the value of family and traditions.
Use vocabulary related to invitations and restaurant situations by engaging in oral
exchanges in order to communicate ideas and interacting politely with others.
Recognize language related to vacations, transportation and lodging by reading and
listening to texts in order to request and share information with courtesy.
Interpret and produce language related to environmental issues and solutions by
interacting with peers and writing essays in order to exchange opinions and promote
environmental awareness.

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✓ Interpret oral and written English language discourse related to appointments, personal
interviews, goals and Salvadoran personalities by listening to classmates, teacher and audio
material in order to fulfill intended communication needs in the target language.
✓ Produce spoken and written English language discourse related to appointments, personal
interviews, goals and Salvadoran personalities in order to communicate with others in the
target language.

✓ Value the importance of English to learn about oneself and others by cooperatively sharing
information and experiences with peers in order to appreciate his/her personal and cultural
environment. Approximate time: 15 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Developing interest in positive 1.1 Successfully identifies key words and specific
local personalities. information in audio interviews.
■ Expressions to make ■ Identifying key words and
appointments specific information. ■ Evidencing self- confidence 1.2 Effectively identifies and reproduces the
in conversations and oral linked sound of “used to”.
■ Commonly used questions for ■ Recognizing the linked sound presentations.
personal interviews of “used to”. 1.3 Organizes biographical events on a listening
■ Becoming aware of the guide in chronological order.
■ Biographies of Salvadoran ■ Recognizing chronological relationship between a person’s
personalities order of events in different goals and attitude and their life 1.4 Describes past routines appropriately.
sources. accomplishments.
■ Personal goals 1.5 Makes an appointment with courtesy and
Speaking ■ Showing courtesy in clarity.
Grammar in context: conversations with peers and
■ Using polite expressions to others. 1.6 Talks about someone’s life using the proper
■ Use of “used to” make appointments. vocabulary and grammatical correction.
■ Performing academic tasks with
- She used to write poems at ■ Describing people’s creativity and enthusiasm. 1.7 Engages in a conversation about personal
school. personalities. goals and experiences with confidence.
■ Acquiring the habit of writing
- I used to play with my pets. with clarity and neatness.

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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■ Simple past and past ■ Asking and talking about 1.8 Successfully identifies trait-related language
continuous experiences with personalities. in an article.
- We traveled a lot when my ■ Expressing personal goals and 1.9 Organizes events from a biographical text
parents were working there. expectations. with a chronological sequence.
■ Present perfect versus simple Reading 1.10 Elaborates biographical paragraphs correctly
past: yes/no questions and and creatively.
information questions ■ Scanning an article for specific
vocabulary. 1.11 Writes a letter expressing personal goals
- Have you ever been to with clarity and neatness.
■ Contrasting past routines with
Mexico? past events.
- When did you move to San ■ Identifying sequence of events.
- How long have you studied
here? ■ Writing biographical
paragraphs about oneself and
- How long did you study there? Salvadoran personalities.
Vocabulary: ■ Writing a letter about personal
■ Name, age, job/ occupation,
well-known, visionary,
optimistic, remarkable,
idealistic, awards, career,
sports, hobbies, etc.
Useful expressions:
■ I’d like to make an
appointment. Is 3:00 o’ clock
O.K.? How about 3:30?
I’ll see you then. I have
always wanted to … What is
something you would like to
do? I’d like to….

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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✓ Interpret oral and written English language discourse related to jobs, interviews, geography,
weather, means of transportation and life style, by listening to and reading authentic sources
in order to fulfill intended communication needs in the target language.
✓ Produce spoken and written English language discourse related to appointments, job
interviews, issues related to weather, geography, regional food, transportation, health and
life style in El Salvador by using specific vocabulary and structures in order to communicate
in the target language.

✓ Value the importance of learning English to communicate with others and share information
about places in El Salvador. Approximate time: 18 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Showing interest in developing 2.1 Successfully identifies specific information
listening skills. and key words related to job interviews.
■ Jobs/interviews ■ Identifying information and
key words related to job ■ Being tolerant and patient 2.2 Recognizes and correctly reproduces the
■ Current issues dealing with: interviews. during communication reduced sound of “be supposed to”.
weather, geography, local/ breakdowns.
regional food, transportation, ■ Recognizing the reduced 2.3 Discriminates comparative and superlative
health, life style sound of “be supposed to”. ■ Showing tolerance to forms of adjectives in diverse audio material.
pronunciation and syntax
Grammar in context: ■ Identifying comparatives mistakes. 2.4 Uses polite expressions and vocabulary
and superlatives in different when making appointments and
■ Comparative and superlative sources. ■ Being courteous while participating in an interview.
of adjectives conversing with peers and
Speaking adults. 2.5 Compares life style, transportation, and
- San Salvador is hotter health of cities or towns with grammatical
and more humid than ■ Using polite expressions and ■ Performing oral and written accuracy.
Chalatenango. vocabulary in interviews. tasks with confidence.
2.6 Uses “be supposed to” correctly in
- The bus is the cheapest means ■ Describing and comparing ■ Doing research work with conversations related to seasons and
of transportation. places. interest and enthusiasm. weather.

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■ Be supposed to ■ Talking about traditions and ■ Working cooperatively with 2.7 Discusses current issues in El Salvador with
life styles. peers or work teams inside confidence and correct grammar structure.
- December is supposed to be and outside the classroom.
cool. ■ Talking about different means 2.8 Successfully scans an article for specific
of transportation. ■ Valuing the importance of information.
- You’re supposed to wear knowing the history and
warm clothes in winter. ■ Talking about seasons and folklore of El Salvador. 2.9 Infers meaning of words from different texts.
■ Passive voice in the present ■ Applying organizational skills 2.10 Identifies main ideas and supporting
tense Reading in academic tasks. information in diverse written texts.
- Pupusas are made with corn ■ Scanning an article for ■ Acquiring the habit of writing 2.11 Uses pre-writing strategies before a writing
flour. specific vocabulary and with clarity and neatness. task.
- El Salvador is visited by many 2.12 Writes descriptive paragraphs around topic
tourists every year. ■ Inferring meanings of words sentences with coherence and clarity.
from the context.
■ Scanning a text for main ideas
■ Seasons and weather: and supporting information.
summer, winter, spring, fall,
cold, hot, rainy, windy, cool, Writing
cloudy, foggy, dry, and humid.
■ Using pre-writing strategies
■ Country, region, continent, (making a word map,
island, pupusas, tamales, developing a focus and
truck, bus, taxi, train, plane. creating an outline).
Useful expressions: ■ Developing a topic sentence
and supporting information.
■ Nice to meet you. Are you
interested in…? Are you ■ Writing a descriptive
willing to….? Thank you paragraph.
for coming. Thank you, sir/
ma’am. Have a seat. It’s been
a pleasure. We’ll be calling

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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✓ Interpret oral and written language related to personal biographical information, family ties,
customs, traditions, postal services and telephone conversations by reading and listening to
diverse sources to communicate with others in the target language.
✓ Produce spoken and written language by using acquired vocabulary and structures related
to personal biographical information, family ties, and customs, traditions, postal services and
telephone conversations in order to exchange ideas about the value of family and traditions.
Approximate time: 24 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Developing respect for 3.1 Successfully identifies personal biographical
■ Personal biographical ■ Identifying personal individual differences in peers. information in audio sources.
information biographical information. ■ Being aware of the 3.2 Clearly recognizes vocabulary related to
■ Family ties ■ Recognizing vocabulary importance of family ties. family ties in audio sources.
■ Customs/traditions related to family ties. ■ Showing respect for the family. 3.3 Identifies and explains the gist of a telephone
■ Picking out vocabulary used ■ Developing a habit for conversation with conciseness.
■ Postal services
to talk about customs and reading. 3.4 Successfully recognizes polite requests in oral
■ Telephone conversations traditions. conversations.
■ Developing a habit for writing
Grammar in context: ■ Identifying the gist of a clearly and neatly. 3.5 Reports personal biographical information
■ Yes-no questions with the telephone conversation. ■ Showing appreciation and with grammatical accuracy.
present perfect ■ Recognizing polite requests. tolerance for cultural diversity. 3.6 Talks about customs and traditions with
- Have you visited Mexico Speaking respect, using adequate vocabulary and
before? grammatical accuracy.
■ Reporting personal
- Has she ever traveled? biographical information. 3.7 Talks about habits in the past with the correct
usage of used to and would.
■ Questions with how long ■ Describing customs and
traditions. 3.8 Carries on a telephone conversation with
- How long has she been away? confidence and politeness.
- How long have you lived with
your grandparents?
■ The present perfect with for and

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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I’ve been here since August. ■ Talking about habits in the past. 3.9 Successfully scans a text for specific
- She’s been on the phone for two ■ Making polite requests. biographical data.
hours. Reading 3.10 Infers meanings of words with contextual
■ Used to versus would clues in an article.
■ Scanning for specific personal
- We used to celebrate that day. data. 3.11 Writes different types of mail with
grammatical accuracy.
- We would give each other ■ Identifying unfinished actions.
presents. 3.12 Writes a narrative paragraph with correct
■ Using contextual clues for text use of tenses and coherence.
■ Can and could for polite comprehension.
requests 3.13 Performs written tasks with neatness and
Writing clarity.
- Could I speak to Tony? ■ Writing mail (letters, postcards,
- Can I have a stamp for this cards.)
letter? ■ Developing a narrative
■ Direct and indirect objects paragraph.
- I’ll call my sister next week.
- I want to send a postcard to my
■ Nuclear and extended family
members: physical appearance
and personality
■ Christmas dinner, holiday
desserts: pastries, candy,
preserves, beverages
■ Mail, letter, stamp, postcard
Useful expressions:
■ How are you related? My
family used to get together
for Christmas. How much is a
stamp for…? How long does
it take to get there? Could I
speak to…? Is …there? She’s
not here now. Do you want to
leave a message? I’ll call her
tomorrow. Do you miss your
family? I feel homesick.

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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Objectives UNIT 4
✓ Interpret written and oral language related to restaurant situations by reading and listening
to input from peers and others in order to communicate in an effective way. EATING OUT
✓ Produce spoken and written texts related to ordering food, making, accepting and refusing
invitations, using polite expressions, as well as showing possession by using the acquired
language in order to interact adequately with others in the target language.
Approximate time: 18 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Being respectful with people 4.1 Successfully identifies language used in
who work in restaurants or any restaurants in recorded material.
■ Language used to order food ■ Identifying language used to other community services.
in a restaurant order food in a restaurant. 4.2 Lists polite expressions used in a restaurant
■ Showing politeness in from diverse oral input.
■ Review of expressions to ■ Listening and listing polite restaurants and other social
make, accept and refuse expressions used in a events. 4.3 Clearly recognizes the different ways of
invitations restaurant. making, accepting and refusing an invitation
■ Promoting good manners in different audio sources.
■ Tipping ■ Recognizing the different ways while interacting with others.
in which a server takes orders. 4.4 Orders food in a restaurant using polite
■ Polite expressions in a ■ Being aware of the concept of expressions.
restaurant ■ Recognizing the different ways tipping for services rendered.
of making, accepting and 4.5 Expresses possession with grammatical
Grammar in context: refusing an invitation. ■ Developing interest in healthy accuracy.
eating habits.
■ Count and mass nouns with: Speaking 4.6 Uses the appropriate expressions to make,
another, some more accept and refuse invitations.
■ Ordering food in a restaurant.
- Would you like another soda? 4.7 Successfully recognizes expressions for
■ Expressing possession. ordering in a restaurant in different written
- I’d like some more salad.
■ Making, accepting and
refusing an invitation.

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■ Whose Reading 4.8 Scans a menu for different dishes and tip
- Whose sandwich is this? ■ Recognizing expressions for
ordering in a restaurant. 4.9 Extracts different expressions to make, accept
- Whose fries are these? and refuse invitations from dialogues and
■ Scanning a menu for specific other written sources.
■ Possessive pronouns information.
4.10 Creatively writes a restaurant menu with
- The fries are mine. ■ Reading and identifying appropriate vocabulary and tip information.
expressions used by servers.
- The sandwich is hers.
4.11 Writes e-mails making, accepting and
■ Identifying ways of making, refusing invitations using the appropriate
■ Possessive adjectives
accepting or refusing an language for each case.
- My soup tastes delicious. invitation in texts.
4.12 Writes a paragraph from a main idea and
- How’s your chicken? Writing supporting facts with unity and coherence.
Vocabulary: ■ Writing a restaurant menu.

■ Appetizer, main course, ■ Writing e-mails making,

dessert, steak, fish, shrimp, accepting and refusing an
salad, soup, bread, soda, invitation.
coffee, sandwich, rice, cake,
■ Stating main ideas and
ice- cream, the check
supporting facts in a
Useful expressions: paragraph.

■ Would you like to order? May

I take your order? I’d like… I’ll
have… Could you pass …?
Can I have the check, please?
Is tip included? Would you
like to come along? Do you
want to go with us? Let’s go
to the movies. I’d love to. I’m
sorry, but I can’t. Maybe next

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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✓ Recognize oral and written language related to vacations by listening to peers, teachers, audio
sources and reading texts in order to communicate ideas in the target language.

✓ Produce oral and written discourse by using the learned vocabulary and grammar structures
in order to successfully request and express ideas about vacations in the target language. EL SALVADOR
Approximate time: 21 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Being conscious of the amount 5.1 Clearly discriminates numbers from 0 up to
of money spent during a 1,000,000 from diverse audio sources.
■ Review of numbers up to ■ Discriminating numbers from 0 vacation.
1,000,000 up to 1,000,000. 5.2 Successfully identifies different means of
■ Promoting the safe and transportation from recorded material.
■ Means of transportation ■ Identifying means of responsible use of means of
transportation in different transportation. 5.3 Clearly recognizes phrases for asking and
■ Tourist sites sources. giving directions with time expressions from
■ Expressions to make hotel/ ■ Promoting respect for the audio sources.
■ Recognizing phrases for asking
transportation reservations people serving in the
and giving directions with time 5.4 Successfully picks out details and main ideas
expressions in different sources. community.
■ Directions with time expressions about tourist sites from ads and documentaries.
■ Picking out details and main ■ Being polite when asking for
Grammar in context: and giving directions to others. 5.5 Clearly recognizes expressions to make
ideas about tourists sites from reservations in conversations and other oral
■ Past participles of regular and varied oral input. ■ Developing interest in visiting input.
irregular verbs ■ Recognizing expressions to and preserving El Salvador’s
tourist sites. 5.6 Identifies and writes down specific information
- The flight is booked. make reservations in audio
sources. about hotel facilities and categories from
■ Practicing organizational skills conversations and other oral input.
- I have made a reservation. in academic and leisure time
■ Identifying specific information
about hotel facilities and activities. 5.7 Correctly pronounces and describes means of
■ Future time clauses with the transportation.
simple present and the present categories from varied oral
progressive tense input.

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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- I’m leaving before the crowds Speaking 5.8 Describes tourist sites with appropriate
come. ■ Listing and describing means vocabulary and expressions.
- Call me when they arrive. of transportation. 5.9 Uses the appropriate expressions to make
■ Real conditional sentences (first ■ Describing tourist sites. hotel/transportation reservations.
case) ■ Making hotel/transportation 5.10 Successfully asks and gives directions with time
- If I have a reservation, I will reservations. expressions.
travel with confidence. ■ Asking and giving directions 5.11 Talks about vacation plans with confidence and
with time expressions. fluency.
- If you pay in advance, you’ll
get a discount. ■ Talking about future vacation 5.12 Successfully scans reservation numbers and
plans. transportation ticket prices from authentic texts.
Reading 5.13 Successfully picks out main ideas about tourist
■ Train, plane, bus, boat, car,
■ Scanning reservation numbers sites, transportation and hotel accommodations
hostel, three-star hotel, front and transportation ticket prices
desk, security box, elevator, from brochures and articles.
from texts.
lobby, swimming pool,traffic 5.14 Confidently reads and identifies directions with
light, traffic circle, turn left, turn ■ Picking out main ideas about time expressions from written conversations,
tourist sites, transportation and
right, go around, as soon as, hotel accommodations from maps and other texts.
when, then, until. texts. 5.15 Confidently makes numbers to pay for hotel/
■ Tourist sites: El Cuco, El Espino, ■ Identifying directions with time transportation reservations and buying tickets for
Suchitoto, Apaneca, Izalco expressions from texts. traveling.
Useful Expressions: Writing 5.16 Designs the facilities of a hotel on paper and
■ I’d like to make a reservation, ■ Making numbers to pay correctly labels each area.
please. I’d like a round trip/ for hotel/transportation 5.17 Makes original brochures of tourist sites with
nonstop flight. How are you reservations and to buy tickets creativity.
getting there? We’re going for traveling.
5.18 Uses pre-writing strategies (word-maps,
by bus. How are you paying? ■ Designing the facilities of a brainstorming, outlining) before writing
Your room/flight has been hotel on paper and writing the paragraphs.
booked. How are you spending name of each area.
your vacation? Have a great ■ Making brochures promoting 5.19 Writes an 8 to 10-line paragraph with a clear
time! Have fun! Enjoy yourself/ a tourist site. topic sentence and supporting arguments about
yourselves! Have a safe trip. vacation plans.
■ Using pre-writing strategies.
■ Developing an argumentative
paragraph about vacation

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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✓ Interpret oral and written language related to the protection of the environment by reading
and listening to different sources in order to accomplish the usage of the target language in
an adequate way.

✓ Produce oral and written language related to concepts of pollution, health matters, IN EL SALVADOR
deforestation, natural disasters and the protection of the environment by using the learned
vocabulary and structures in order to communicate effectively and correctly with others. Approximate time: 24 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Being aware of the 6.1 Successfully identifies vocabulary related to
importance of protecting the pollution in different sources.
■ Pollution ■ Identifying vocabulary related to environment.
pollution in different sources. 6.2 Listens and lists the factors that cause health
■ Health matters ■ Being aware of pollution matters from live and recorded oral input.
■ Listening and listing the factors dangers.
■ Deforestation that cause health matters. 6.3 Identifies solutions to environmental problems
■ Natural disasters ■ Showing respect and care for from TV and radio broadcasts.
■ Identifying solutions to his/her body and health.
environmental problems. 6.4 Successfully identifies main ideas related to
■ Protection of the environment
■ Developing genuine interest natural disasters from different audio sources.
■ Identifying main ideas related
Grammar in context: to natural disasters from different in keeping the environment
clean. 6.5 Recognizes contrast, cause and effect
■ Present perfect continuous sources. of ideas related to health matters and
■ Recognizing contrast, cause and ■ Actively diffusing and environmental issues in different audio
- We have been polluting our participating in reforestation sources.
lakes. effect in different sources.
Speaking 6.6 Respectfully expresses opinions about
- He has been recycling lately. ■ Responsibly recognizing and pollution during group discussions.
■ Future with will ■ Expressing opinions about promoting the practice of
pollution. safety procedures during a 6.7 Describes factors that cause health matters
- We will start a reforestation natural disaster. with grammatical accuracy.
■ Describing factors that cause
campaign soon.
health matters.

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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- There will be new environmental ■ Speaking about how 6.8 Talks about how environmental problems are
laws next year. environmental problems are being solved with the correct use of the present
being solved. perfect continuous.
■ Linking words to show contrast,
cause and effect: however, ■ Describing natural disasters. 6.9 Describes natural disasters with appropriate
nevertheless, although, even vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
though, so, consequently, as a ■ Talking about the
consequences of deforestation. 6.10 Makes predictions about his/her health and
result, therefore, since, because.
environment with correct use of the future with
- They have been destroying ■ Making predictions about the will.
forests; therefore, there’s no future.
6.11 Recognizes vocabulary related to pollution in
more clean air. magazine and newspaper articles.
- Although it’s not mandatory, a 6.12 Effectively scans paper and online articles for
■ Recognizing vocabulary
lot of people are recycling now. specific information on environmental issues.
related to pollution in texts.
Vocabulary: 6.13 Successfully skims texts on health and
■ Scanning texts for specific
information. environmental issues.
■ Smoke, chemical waste,
carbon hydrogen, green 6.14 Does online research on given websites and
■ Skimming texts.
house effect, the ozone layer, summarizes information about environmental
respiratory illnesses, amebas, ■ Researching and summarizing laws.
floods, earthquakes, hurricane, information about
wildfires, greening, recycling, 6.15 Shows contrast between written ideas and
environmental laws.
land filling, environmental laws. opinions with grammatical accuracy.
Writing 6.16 Coherently develops a 10 to 12-line
Useful Expressions:
■ Showing contrast between paragraph from a topic sentence and
■ What do you think about…? ideas and opinions. supporting facts on how to solve environmental
What have you been doing problems.
for the environment? What has ■ Developing a paragraph
6.17 Writes a 3-paragraph composition, on
been happening to…? Soon, from a topic sentence and
protecting his/her health and environment with
we will….By the end of the supporting facts. coherence and correct grammar structure.
year/decade/ century, we
will… ■ Writing a multi-paragraph 6.18 Uses editing and proofreading strategies
composition. (peer editing, grammar and spelling check,
■ Editing and proofreading a proofreading checklist) before writing final drafts

English Syllabus for Tenth Grade

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Eleventh Grade

Eleventh grade general objectives
By the end of the eleventh grade, students will be able to:

Produce language related to famous people, dreams and wishes by engaging in

conversations in order to share information and opinions and increase general

Recognize language related to fashion, working trends, housing, entertainment,

technology and traveling by listening to peers and authentic audio material in order
to fulfill communication needs.
Produce language related to holidays, and traditions around the world by writing and
reading texts in order to manifest and encourage respect toward world cultures.
Generate language related to food consumption and preparation by engaging in
dialogues and practical demonstrations in order to exchange ideas and opinions with
Generate language related to health matters and environmental issues by giving oral
presentations and writing texts in order to communicate ideas and develop
environmental awareness.

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✓ Understand oral and written vocabulary related to personality traits of famous people, life
accomplishments, dreams and wishes by listening to classmates, teacher and authentic audio
material and reading texts in order to fulfill intended communication needs in the target
✓ Produce spoken and written discourse related to personality traits of famous people, life
accomplishments, dreams and wishes by using concrete vocabulary and functions in order
to fulfill intended communication needs in the target language.
✓ Value the importance of learning English by participating in class and working cooperatively
with classmates in order to consolidate his/her knowledge of the language and the world. Approximate time: 18 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Valuing the role of positive 1.1 Successfully completes a listening guide with
traits of famous people. information from a biography.
■ Personality traits and ■ Recognizing personal and
professional background of professional information from ■ Paying careful attention to 1.2 Paraphrases most of the personal and
famous people different sources. pronunciation, stress, rhythm professional information from a video or
and intonation, grammar and radio interview.
■ Life accomplishments of famous ■ Identifying famous people’s word choice according to
people achievements. purpose and audience. 1.3 Speaks with clear voice and correct
pronunciation when making an oral
■ Dreams and wishes Speaking ■ Showing appropriate verbal presentation about a famous person’s life.
■ Talking about people’s and nonverbal behavior when
Grammar in context: 1.4 Reports orally and in writing about his/her
appearance and personality. interacting with other people.
dreams and wishes.
■ Review of “used to”
■ Talking about famous people’s ■ Cooperating with his/her
lives and accomplishments. work-team in the classroom. 1.5 Uses appropriate organizational pattern
- We used to get together with
to make an oral presentation on a chosen
our friends.
■ Talking about present and ■ Showing acceptance of character.
■ Time clauses in the past future achievements. errors as part of the learning
process. 1.6 Successfully scans an article for specific
- Before I graduated, I did ■ Exchanging information. information.
volunteer work.

English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade

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- As soon as I finished the book, I ■ Summarizing orally and ■ Showing commitment and 1.7 Summarizes the main ideas in entire articles
published it. clarifying information received positive attitude toward the and chapters of authentic printed text.
from different sources. acquisition of the English
■ Review of present perfect language. 1.8 Demonstrates the ability to make inferences
with always, never, since, for, ■ Interviewing celebrities. and predict outcomes in written materials.
already, yet
Reading 1.9 Takes notes and summarizes information from
- I’ve never been to Australia. written and oral sources.
■ Guessing the meaning of
- Have you already finished your words through context. 1.10 Writes a biographical article with correction
project? and coherence.
■ Understanding connections
■ Use of would to state wishes: and sequences.
Yes/no questions, information
questions, affirmative and ■ Inferring and predicting
negative statements outcomes.

- Where would you like to go? Writing

- I’d love to learn another ■ Expressing thoughts about

language. famous people.

Vocabulary: ■ Making an interview.

■ Hardworking, creative, ■ Writing about famous people’s

disciplined, perseverant, contributions and influence.
enduring, dedicated,
leadership, cultural pride, by the
time, before, after, as soon as,
right after.
Useful expressions:
■ How long have you….? What
is something you’ve always
wanted to do? I have always
wanted to…, I’d like to… What
was your childhood like? I used
to be...., but now I’m …..

English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade

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✓ Understand oral and written discourse related to fashion, working trends, types of housing,
entertainment, science, and technology by listening to classmates, teacher and authentic
audio material and reading texts in order to fulfill intended communication needs in the target
✓ Produce spoken and written discourse related to fashion, working trends, types of housing,
entertainment, science, and technology by using concrete vocabulary and functions in order
to fulfill intended communication needs in the target language.
✓ Value the importance of learning English by participating actively in class and working
cooperatively with classmates in order to consolidate his/her knowledge of the language and
the world. Approximate time: 18 hours


Contents: Listening ■ Valuing similarities and 2.1 Carefully finds the information required to
differences among cultures. answer questions set in advance with data
■ Fashion, working trends, types ■ Identifying specific information related to the environment and its effect on
of housing, entertainment about the environment in ■ Paying careful attention to different types of housing.
different sources. pronunciation, stress, rhythm
■ Science and Technology and intonation, grammar and 2.2 Successfully recognizes connections and
■ Recognizing connections and word choice according to sequences of events from audio material.
Grammar in context: sequences. purpose and audience.
2.3 Speaks clearly and articulately (allowing
■ Relative clauses with who and Speaking ■ Appreciating the advantages for some hesitation), when making an oral
and challenges of a diverse presentation about people and communities.
■ Exchanging information about
- Trendy is something that is society.
people and communities. 2.4 Provides relevant details on natural
■ Showing appropriate verbal environmental features with grammatical
■ Describing natural
- A workaholic is someone who and nonverbal behavior when accuracy.
environmental features.
works a lot. interacting with other people.
2.5 Compares and contrasts people and
■ Comparing and contrasting
■ Review of comparative and technological advances with grammatical
people and technological
superlative of adjectives accuracy and coherence.

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- Telecommuting is easier these ■ Summarizing and clarifying ■ Cooperating effectively with 2.6 Uses appropriate language and
days. information from different his/her work-team in the organizational skills to make an oral
sources. classroom. presentation about a chosen country.
- Jeans are the most popular
piece of clothing. Reading ■ Tolerating errors as part of the 2.7 Differentiates between dictionary meaning
learning process. and implied meaning of the writer’s words.
■ Passive voice in the past tense ■ Differentiating between literal
and connotative meanings of ■ Showing perseverance and 2.8 Successfully finds connections and sequences
- The computer was invented in words. positive attitude toward the of events in texts about countries and
the late 1960’s. acquisition of the English technology.
■ Finding connections and language.
- Day-care centers were created sequences. 2.9 Uses reading strategies (inferring
to help working parents. and predicting outcomes) to assist in
■ Inferring and predicting comprehension.
Vocabulary: outcomes.
2.10 Writes short paragraphs on people’s culture
■ Retro, classical, sport, trendy, Writing with respectful language and correct use of
old-fashioned, casual, vintage,
sophisticated, outrageous, ■ Expressing thoughts about
rags, day-care centers, family people’s culture. 2.11 Writes sentences contrasting and comparing
income, shared expenses, facts with grammatical accuracy.
single mothers, telecommuting, ■ Contrasting and comparing
workaholic, apartment facts. 2.12 Uses correct grammatical construction when
building, condos, boathouse, summarizing from written and audio sources.
■ Summarizing ideas from
penthouse, mansions, farms,
different sources.
igloos, concerts, trips,
camping, movies, music,
inventions, discoveries,
Useful expressions:
■ When was… invented/
created/ introduced? What
type of house do you live in?
How would you describe your
clothing style? What are some
of the greatest inventions of all

English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade

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Objectives UNIT 3
✓ Understand oral and written language related to holidays, festivals and celebrations, customs,
traditions and landmarks by listening to classmates, teacher and audio material and reading
texts in order to communicate in the target language.
✓ Produce spoken and written language by using the acquired vocabulary and structures to THE WORLD
convey information and express respect for holidays, festivals and celebrations, customs,
traditions and landmarks around the world. Approximate time: 18 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Diffusing the historical and 3.1 Identifies main ideas and key information on
cultural value of the country’s a country’s tourist attractions and festivities
■ Holidays, festivals and ■ Identifying main and key festivities, customs and from recorded materials.
celebrations information on holidays, traditions.
festivals, celebrations and 3.2 Lists types of world wide local/regional food
■ Customs/traditions landmarks. ■ Diffusing a country’s history and their characteristics when listening to
■ Landmarks with respect and pride. recorded materials.
■ Listing types of international food
and their characteristics. ■ Recognize and respecting the 3.3 Finds the information about major historical
■ Cultural advice
advantages and challenges of events when listening to recorded materials.
■ Recognizing, on a timeline
Grammar in context: basis, a country’s historical a diverse society.
3.4 Asks for and provides basic information on
■ Should/ought to events. ■ Showing appropriate verbal a country’s main festivities with adequate
Speaking and nonverbal behavior when vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.
- You shouldn’t arrive late to an interacting with other people.
appointment. ■ Interchanging information about 3.5 Describes the types of local/regional foods
holidays, festivals, celebrations ■ Cooperating effectively with from any country with adequate vocabulary
- You ought to send a thank you and landmarks. his/her work-team in the and grammatical accuracy.
card. classroom.
■ Describing how holidays around
the world are observed. 3.6 Uses appropriate expressions and structures
■ Had better ■ Identifying and respecting to give advice and express prohibition and
- I’d better call him to apologize. ■ Comparing and contrasting errors as part of the learning obligation.
customs and traditions around process.
- You’d better wear formal clothes. the world.

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■ Must and mustn’t for obligation ■ Giving advice on etiquette ■ Showing perseverance and 3.7 Successfully scans names and places of
and prohibition and cultural behavior. positive attitude toward the country’s tourist attractions from texts.
acquisition of the English
- You mustn’t talk about those ■ Express obligation and language. 3.8 Recognizes concepts and definitions related
topics. prohibition. to a country’s festivities from brochures,
booklets or newspaper ads.
- We must arrive on time. Reading
3.9 Understands the meaning of unfamiliar words
Vocabulary: ■ Scanning names and places by using a dictionary and implied meaning
of country’s tourist attractions of words.
■ April Fools’ Day, Carnival, from texts.
Memorial Day, Children’s 3.10 Identifies names and characteristics of local/
Day,Chinese New Year, ■ Recognizing concepts and regional foods from a magazine, internet
Day of the Dead, Labor definitions related to country’s articles or stories written by the teacher.
Day, Mother’s Day, bride, festivities in texts.
groom, best man, maid of 3.11 Writes information about country’s historical
honor, cemetery, ceremony, ■ Identifying names and events in chronological order.
courtship, custom, court, date, characteristics of country’s
get (engaged/married/ regional foods in texts. 3.12 Writes brochures and flyers containing
together), honor, diamond general and specific information on a
■ Locating sequences of country’s tourist attractions, festivities and
ring, firecrackers, fireworks.
historical events in different local/regional foods.
Esquipulas, New York, sources.
Jerusalem, China, Japan, 3.13 Contrasts and compares customs and
Writing traditions of countries around the world with
grammatical accuracy and coherence.
■ Writing a chronological
Useful Expressions:
sequence of the country’s
■ How old are people in … historical events.
when they get married?
■ Describing a country’s tourist
Where is the . . . usually
attractions, festivities and
held? In my country, people
local/regional foods.
celebrate…What should I do
in that situation? Is it O.K. if ■ Contrasting and comparing
I…? customs and traditions of
countries around the world.

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✓ Interpret oral and written language related to food consumption and preparation by listening
to classmates, teacher and audio material and reading texts in order to reach communication EATING HABITS
needs in the target language.

✓ Generate spoken and written discourse in order to convey information on healthy food, junk
food, meals, beverages, desserts, instructions for cooking and recipes and to consolidate his/
her knowledge of the language. Approximate time: 18 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Appreciating the benefits of 4.1 Successfully lists the advantages and
eating healthy food. disadvantages of eating at fast food
■ Healthy food versus junk food ■ Listening and listing the restaurants from different oral sources.
advantages and disadvantages ■ Diffusing the advantages and
■ Meals, beverages and desserts of eating at fast food restaurants. disadvantages of eating out 4.2 Correctly follows instructions to prepare a
and eating healthy food at recipe from audio and video sources.
■ Instructions for cooking ■ Identifying ingredients and the home.
process of preparing a recipe 4.3 Confidently and respectfully describes eating
■ Recipes from different sources. ■ Respecting the eating habits habits, cooking terms and recipes.
Grammar in context: of his/her own and other
■ Listening and following 4.4 Summarizes main ideas of written and oral
instructions to prepare a recipe. cultures.
■ Sequence adverbs: first, then, texts with conciseness and fluency.
finally Speaking ■ Showing appropriate verbal
and nonverbal behavior when 4.5 Correctly compares and contrasts different
- First, you squeeze a lemon; ■ Describing eating habits, interacting with other people. kinds of food.
then, you add sugar. Finally, cooking terms, and recipes.
■ Cooperating effectively with 4.6 States preferences with respect and
you add water and mix.
■ Summarizing information his/her work-team in the grammatical accuracy.
■ I usually like to … received from different sources. classroom.
4.7 Gives instructions for preparing a recipe with
- I usually like to wake up early. ■ Comparing and contrast ■ Showing interest in practicing logical sequence and correct pronunciation.
different kinds of food people strategies to improve language
- We usually like to have fruit for eat at mealtimes. skills.

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■ I prefer to / I’d rather… ■ Stating preferences. ■ Showing perseverance and 4.8 Successfully identifies main ideas in
positive attitude towards the magazine and newspaper articles.
- I prefer to drink orange juice. ■ Giving instructions for acquisition of the English
preparing a recipe. language. 4.9 Identifies specific information in magazine
- I’d rather eat at home. and newspaper articles.
■ Review of conditional 4.10 Identifies and follows the steps to prepare
sentences (first case) ■ Skimming texts for main ideas. recipes from magazines and Web pages.
- If you eat lean meat, you’ll get ■ Scanning texts for specific 4.11 Writes an 8 to 10-line paragraph with clear
more protein. food -related information. arguments.
- If I eat too much junk food, I’ll ■ Identifying the steps of a 4.12 Writes a food ad with creativity and variety
gain weight. sequence in texts. of language.
Vocabulary: Writing 4.13 Writes an original recipe with correct
spelling, vocabulary and syntax.
■ Lean meat, fat-free skim ■ Writing an argumentative
milk, low-sodium, sugar-free, paragraph.
light, low calorie intake,
carbohydrates protein, fat ■ Expressing thoughts about
cholesterol, triglycerides, people’s eating habits.
dietary supplements, steroids,
■ Writing an ad for food.
cut, chop, steam, stir, mix,
bake, slice, blend. ■ Writing a recipe.
First . . . /Then …/ Next . . .
/ After that. . ./Finally . .
Useful Expressions:
■ What are the advantages/
disadvantages of fast/
homemade food? How do
you prepare/make…? For
this recipe you’ll need…The
ingredients are…What’s
your favorite meal? The most
important meal is…

English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade

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Objectives UNIT 5
✓ Interpret oral and written language related to advertisements, tourist sites, hotel reservations
and travel advice in spoken and written texts in order to communicate appropriately. INTERNATIONAL
✓ Generate oral and written language by giving information concerning advertisements, tourist
sites, hotel reservations and travel advice in order to consolidate his/her language proficiency
level. Approximate time: 24 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Showing respect for the tourist 5.1 Successfully identifies specific advertisement in-
sites of a specific country. formation from recorded material and authentic
■ Advertisements ■ Identifying specific oral input.
advertisement information from ■ Appreciating his/her own
■ Tourist sites different sources. country’s tourist sites to 5.2 Extracts and writes down details about tourist
consolidate cultural identity. sites from audio sources.
■ Hotel reservations ■ Listening and extracting
information about tourist sites ■ Valuing and respecting 5.3 Clearly recognizes language related to hotel
■ Travel advice from different sources. reservations and travel advice from live and
people’s different opinions
Grammar in context: when traveling or visiting other recorded conversations.
■ Recognizing language related
to hotel reservations and travel countries. 5.4 Confidently exchanges information about prices
■ Future expressing different
degrees of certainty: will be, advice. ■ Showing appropriate verbal of tours/trips.
going to be, will probably be, is ■ Picking out lodging and nonverbal behavior when 5.5 Politely and respectfully asks for and gives infor-
probably going to be, probably vocabulary from diverse oral interacting with other people. mation on tourist sites.
isn’t going to be, may come, input.
may not come, maybe ■ Being aware of consumer’s 5.6 Makes hotel reservations with confidence and
Speaking rights when traveling. grammatical accuracy.
- The train may not arrive on
time. ■ Exchanging information about 5.7 Correctly and respectfully gives travel advice.
prices of tours/trips.
- It will probably be crowded. 5.8 Describes future plans with grammatical and
■ Asking for and giving lexical accuracy.
■ Contrary –to-fact conditional information related to tourist
sentences ( second case) sites.

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- If I had some days off, I’d go on ■ Making hotel reservations. 5.9 Successfully picks out information on price
vacation. and features of tours/trips from brochures
■ Giving travel advice. and ads.
- If I were you, I wouldn’t leave
without my passport. ■ Describing future vacation plans. 5.10 Scans names and places of a country’s
tourist attractions from maps and articles.
■ I want to versus I’d like to ■ Expressing desires and wishes
when talking about future plans. 5.11 Successfully recognizes concepts and
- I’d like to request room service, definitions related to advertisement, tourist
please. Reading
sites, hotel reservations and travel advice in
■ Picking out specific information written texts.
- I want to take a walk along the
beach. about tours/trips from texts.
5.12 Reads and marks out major tourist sites in
■ Scanning names and places of maps and other texts.
a country’s tourist attractions from
5.13 Writes original conversations related to
■ Means of transportation: cruise, different sources.
hotel reservations using the appropriate
ferry, plane, jet, subway.
■ Recognizing concepts vocabulary and expressions.
■ Tourist destinations: Spain, and definitions related to
5.14 Writes an 8 to 10- line paragraph from a
France, Italy, USA, Latin advertisement, tourist sites, hotel
topic sentence and supporting facts with
America. reservations and travel advice in
unity and coherence.
■ Lodging lexicon: check in,
5.15 Writes a 300-word essay on a country’s
check out, reservation, luggage, ■ Identifying major tourist sites from
tourist attraction with coherence and
housekeeping, suitcase, room texts.
grammatical accuracy.
5.16 Creatively elaborates a traveling brochure
Useful Expressions:
■ Writing conversations related to with appropriate vocabulary and the
■ Would you like to make a hotel reservations. required information.
reservation? I’d like some
information about…I have a ■ Stating a topic sentence and
reservation for…What would supporting facts in a paragraph.
you do if…? What would you
■ Writing a short essay on a
like/ do you want to do? Do
country’s tourist attraction.
you think it’ll be crowded?
Thanks for your help/assistance. ■ Elaborating a traveling

English Syllabus for Eleventh Grade

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✓ Interpret oral and written language related to health matters and environmental issues by
listening and reading authentic texts in order to fulfill communication needs in the target
✓ Generate spoken and written language by conveying information on health matters and
environmental issues in order to consolidate his/her knowledge of the language and the
world Approximate time: 24 hours
Contents: Listening ■ Spreading awareness over 6.1 Infers meaning of new words and
global warming and natural expressions from recorded authentic material.
■ Pollutants ■ Inferring meaning of words disasters around the world.
and expressions from different 6.2 Successfully identifies main ideas and key,
■ Health matters sources. ■ Engaging with the community information on environmental, problems and
to help and participate in solutions from,radio and TV broadcasts.
■ Oil spills ■ Identifying main ideas and key environmental projects.
information on environmental 6.3 Grasps details on health matters, causes and
■ Global warming problems and solutions from ■ Being aware of the effects of solutions from recorded authentic material.
■ Natural disasters different sources. responsible and irresponsible
human actions on the 6.4 Clearly gets the notions of finished and
■ Protection of the environment ■ Grasping details on health environment. unfinished continuous actions from peers’ oral
matters from oral input. input and other authentic sources.
Grammar in context: ■ Being aware of the
■ Getting the notions of finished importance of respecting 6.5 Confidently and respectfully exchanges ideas
■ Infinitive clauses and phrases and unfinished continuous nature. and opinions on environmental issues during
actions from different sources. group work.
- The best thing to do for the ■ Showing respect toward
environment is to recycle. Speaking peers when giving an oral 6.6 Suggests solutions to environmental and
presentation. health problems with appropriate use of
- It’s important to respect ■ Exchanging ideas and opinions infinitive clauses and phrases.
environmental laws. on environmental issues. ■ Diligently performing school
tasks. 6.7 Correctly uses the passive voice, the present
■ Passive voice with prepositions ■ Suggesting solutions to perfect and present perfect continuous to
environmental and health describe the effects of human actions on the
problems. environment.

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- The ozone layer is being ■ Describing the effects of 6.8 Describes finished and unfinished continuous
destroyed by the use of human actions on the actions related to environmental issues with
aerosols. environment. grammatical accuracy.
- Some pollutants are produced ■ Describing finished and 6.9 Uses pre-reading strategies before reading
by factories and vehicles. unfinished continuous actions. paper and online articles on health and
■ Present perfect vs. present Reading environmental issues.
perfect continuous ■ Using pre-reading strategies. 6.10 Successfully scans articles and pieces of
- We have participated in news for specific information on pollutants.
■ Scanning specific information
environmental summits before. on pollutants from readings. 6.11 Effectively skims bulletins, letters and articles
- They have been building new on environmental laws.
■ Skimming texts.
houses. 6.12 Identifies relations of cause and effect in
■ Identifying relations of cause environmental and health issues from online
Vocabulary: and effect in texts. articles.
■ Pollutants, CFCs, acid rain, ■ Inferring meaning of words
famine, global warming, 6.13 Uses contextual clues to infer meaning of
and expressions from context. new vocabulary related to environmental
overcrowding overbuilding,
overpopulation, oil, ozone Writing and health issues in newspaper, magazine
layer, plant, river, soil, wildlife, and online articles.
■ Describing health problems
conserve, create, deplete, caused by pollutants, oil spills 6.14 Describes health problems caused by
develop, displace, dispose (of), and global warming. pollutants, oil spills and global warming with
eat up, educate, harm, pollute, correct use of passive voice.
pump, reduce, environmental ■ Expressing ideas and opinions
about environmental problems 6.15 Writes ideas and opinions about
summit, environmental treaties, environmental problems in his/her society
environmental laws. in his/her society and the
world. and the world with correct grammar and
Useful Expressions: syntax.
■ Writing solutions to
■ What have you done to help the environmental and health 6.16 Writes solutions to environmental and health
environment? What have you problems. problems with appropriate use of infinitive
been doing to save the planet? clauses and phrases.
What’s the best thing to do ■ Writing a persuasive essay.
6.17 Coherently writes a 300 –word persuasive
for…? What can we do to…? ■ Using editing and essay on actions to prevent further
What’s your opinion about…? proofreading strategies. environmental damage.
6.18 Uses editing and proofreading strategies
(peer editing, grammar and spelling check,
proofreading checklist), before writing final

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VII. Glossary VIII. References
Communicative approach: its main objective is to develop communicative a. Bibliographical References
competence taking into account linguistic and extralinguistic (gestures, body ANDER-EGG, EZEQUIEL (1996). La Planificación Educativa: Conceptos, Métodos,
language, cultural distances or differences) dimensions of language. It Estrategias y Técnicas para Educadores. Buenos Aires: Editorial Magisterio del Río
stresses on the development of four competencies: oral comprehension de la Plata.
(listening), oral production (speaking), reading comprehension (reading) and BROWN, H. DOUGLAS (1987). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.
writing production (writing), prioritizing on oral production. Second Edition. Englewood Cliff, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Competence: It refers to the person’s knowledge of the language, including BUCK, KATHRYN ET AL (1989). The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview: Tester Tra-
rules of grammar, vocabulary and how linguistic elements can be combined ining Manual. New York.
to form acceptable sentences, paragraph or extended discourse. CARTER, RONALD ET AL (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to
Communicative competence: It refers to the learners’ ability to use vocabulary Speakers of Other Languages. New York: Cambridge University Press.
and grammatical rules as well as the ability to form correct utterances and CELLCE-MURCIA, MARIANNE ET AL (1988). Techniques and Resources in Tea-
use them appropriately according to the context. ching Grammar. New York: Oxford University Press.
Contents: It is the set of socially relevant cultural forms and knowledge COLL, CÉSAR ET AL (1992). Los Contenidos en La Reforma: Enseñanza y Apren-
chosen to be part of an area serving its general objectives. The contents’ dizaje de Conceptos, Procedimientos y Actitudes. Madrid: Grupo Santillana de
relevance depends on their role to achieve the the development of Ediciones, S.A.
competencies. Contents are classified in three types: conceptual, procedural Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching
and attitudinal contents. and assessment (2001). European Council. Cambridge University Press.
Functional/notional syllabus: It is one in which the content of the language GALLEGO BADILLO, RÓMULO (1999). Competencias Cognoscitivas: Un Enfoque
teaching is a collection of the functions that are performed when language is Epistemológico, Pedagógico y Didáctico. Santa fe de Bogotá: Cooperativa Edito-
used, or of the notions that the language is used to express. Examples of rial Magisterio.
functions include: informing, agreeing, apologizing, requesting, promising, HUGHES, ARTHUR (1989). Testing for Language Teachers. New York: Cambridge
and so on. Examples of notions include size, age, color, comparison, time, and University Press.
so on. KRAHNKE, KARL (1987). Approaches to Syllabus Design for Foreign Language
Language function: It refers to the language act through which a speaker Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
expresses his/her intended message using grammar, vocabulary, phrases,
formulaic expressions, gestures…etc to make himself/herself be understood. b. Electronic Sources
It is the most specific distinctive feature of communicative competence
because it makes teachers and students move away from structural teaching
and learning, to serve the major purpose of cohesive and coherent
communication with a given degree of fluency and accuracy.
Method: It is a given way to approach teaching and learning based on
selected tenets and procedures/techniques derived from theories of language,
theories of learning and reflective teaching practices.

This edition consists of 11,000 copies. It was printed with funds from the Government of the Republic of El Salvador
Provided by the Commission for Education, Social Peace and Security

Printed in Perú by Quebecor World

August 20, 2008

English Syllabus for High School Education

Ingles Educacion Media.indd 40 7/17/08 9:05:02 PM

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