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Name: Jeyo A. Zaplan

Date: 8/28/2021

A. Speaker
1. Who is the speaker?
Former 11th President and the 1st Lady President of our country,
Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco Aquino
2. Who is the speaker as a person?
She is referred to for as the spouse of the oppositionist of Former
President Marcos. A loving mother to her girls
     B. Audience 
3. What sort of people constitute the audience?
It was the officials of U.S. also; it was conveyed during the Joint Session of U.S.
     C. Circumstances
4. On what occasion is the speech made?
It was the Joint Session of the U.S. Congress with the lawmakers in
September 19, 1986
4. Was the speech appropriate for the occasion? Why or why not?
Indeed. She is thankful with the Americans by giving the Filipino individuals a free
nation and improving it to live in with the good and monetary help of the America.
     D.  Topic
6. What is the speech all about? 
She magnified the job of America on the planet as the advertiser of a righteous system
of administration and further reinforced the standing of the said country.
a. Introduction: How did the speaker begin the speech?
b. Body of the speech: What were the concerns/issues/topics/views the speaker
discussed in the speech?
c. Conclusion: How did the speaker end the speech?
    7.   What is the MAIN governing idea running through the speech?
     E.   Language
    8.   What language is used?
    9.   What sort of vocabulary was used? (simple? Deep?)
        10.  Did it help you better understand the speech?
    11.  How did the speaker persuade the audience?
     F.   Purpose
    12.  What seems to be the speaker’s purpose?
    13.  Did the speaker achieve her purpose? 
      G.   Appearance
    14.   How does she stand or move about?
    15.   How is she dressed?
      16.   Does she appear emotional or detached? Why?
    17.   What were her gestures?
   III.  EVALUATION (justify all your answers)
                 18.   Did the speech communicate its intended purpose?
    19.   Did it hit its intended audience?
    20.   Did it fit the occasion?
    22.   Was the speaker convincing?
    23.   Were the arguments solid?
     IV.   As a primary source
    24.   What does the speech say about Philippine History during the delivery?
    25.   Were there parallelisms/biases about the speaker? Justify your answer.

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