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C l e m e n t i P ri m a r y S ch o o l


There was a recent furore in the March 2011

newspapers over the supplementary lessons
conducted during after-school hours in Issue 5
certain schools for Primary Three and Four
pupils. There was even more hullabaloo
over the book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Inside this issue:
Some may not fit into our busy lives, but
Mother, in which the author recounted how other tips just require a few minutes, like
she made her daughter do 2,000 maths verbalizing our pride to our children when Lower Primary
problems a night after coming second in a 2
they do something kind, spending time Sports Day
mathematics competition. These have reflecting on the good deed, or getting
provided me much food for thought. In them to help their grandparents or read to Mid Autumn/Hari
our achievement-oriented society, many of Raya
younger siblings.
us are focused on getting ahead in life. Parent Helpers In
It takes a village to raise a child. Our 2
Given our national obsession with KPIs Action
parent volunteers provide an excellent role
(Key Performance Indicators), do we apply
model in kindness when they sacrifice time Children’s Day 3
KPIs on our children, albeit
to help out at school events and
subconsciously? What are our ―KPIs‖ for
programmes. Especially meaningful for Welcome, P1
them exactly? Do we give ourselves a pat on 3
some volunteers is the Learning Support Students!
our backs when they bring back a string of
Programme for Primary One, where
As, advance in their piano grades, or win Try A Little
parents teach English, Mother Tongue and 4
competitions and medals? Do we feel Kindness
Mathematics to pupils weak in the subjects.
comparable joy when our children make a
new friend, help out a sibling or I would like to end with a quote from Preserving Love 6
neighbour, or thank the cleaning lady? Do someone who was well-known for her work
we value kindness shown by our children? in the cause of women’s emancipation in Your Say 7
Singapore. Even in her eighties, she was
In the hustle and bustle of life, I often rue
running a vocational school in an
the missed opportunities to teach my
impoverished part of Thailand for girls
children kindness. For example, when my
living in poverty. Her work embodies a
child was called upon by the teacher to be a
spirit of equality and kindness that all of us
buddy to a classmate who was new to
could aspire towards.
school, or to help a friend in her work, I
felt a tinge of pride, yet neglected to prod “We must not run so fast in life and seek Special points of
her on to do more. Through my inaction, to always be the best and ahead of others; interest:
my child, who is not proactive enough to you will find yourself running alone, and
offer real help, missed the chance of feeling Try a Little Kindness
that can be lonely.” – Shirin Fozdar,
the joy of giving. Preserving Love
founding member of Singapore Council of
Children can learn to be kind and helpful, Women in 1952.
when we provide good models,
reinforcement and opportunities. The Mrs. Jennie Koh
parenting article on page 4 gives several PSG Vice Chairperson
good ideas on teaching kindness to kids.


Mid Autumn Festival & Hari Raya (17 September, 2010)
The festivities kicked off with a complimentary dinner for Children dressed in traditional
the children,, after which they excitedly gathered at the Malay outfits lit up the Talent
Parade Square with their lanterns alit. Lending to the festive Corner with their smiles and
atmosphere were a pair of lions, swirling and twirling amid charming dance moves. In the
the energetic sounds of beating drums. As the sun set and auditorium, parents
the light from the lanterns began to cast its glow, the demonstrated proper Chinese
children made their way around the school and back to the calligraphy techniques and lent
canteen, where sections of pomeloes, wedges of mooncakes a hand to interested students.
and various Hari Raya goodies awaited them. There were also challenging Mandarin language games to be
enjoyed. A fun and festive night was had by all.

Lower Primary Sports Day (19 November, 2010)

On the last day of Term 4, the school held a mini Sports among others. The children
Day for the Primary One and Two pupils. Parents were were clearly excited – the
invited too. Bright and early in the morning, PSG participants gave their best
volunteers ushered the parents to the indoor sports hall effort while the supporters
where the event was held. cheered tirelessly. The sports
The games began without hall was pulsating with
much delay, in various youthful energy. And medals
forms of tele-matches galore! The pupils donned
which involved crawling their medals proudly as their
through hula hoops, parents’ cameras snapped away.
passing batons, stacking It was truly an invigorating end
cups and rope-skipping, to the year.

Parent Helpers In Action

Page 2
Children’s Day (30 September, 2010)
The school celebrated PowerPoint, which were broadcast to all in the hall. In
Children’s Day on 30 Sep addition, the PSG, with story-telling skills honed over years
with a concert extravaganza. of bedtime stories, presented Roald Dahl’s version of ―Jack
There was all-round and the Beanstalk‖. With Quentin Blake’s illustration
participation, with projected on screen, two mothers provided the narration
performances by students, and voice-over, with help from a cute little voice by Jason
teachers, parents, even a from P1/6. The injection of some toilet humour, animated
magician! The children assembled in the voices and the twist in the end had the children in stitches
school hall decked out in their favourite in one moment, and in enraptured silence the next.
outfits, and their cheers led by the
The stars of the day were certainly the children. To raise
teacher MC added to the festive funds for the needy, the teachers organised a fashion
parade with the theme ―My Ambition‖. Students were
The concert kicked off with a blast. The encouraged to think of their dream job, dress the part and
children were awed by the ―hidden‖ make a short presentation on stage. Proceeds from the
talents of their teachers, who performed participation fees went to charity. What a great way to kill
with aplomb. One male teacher played the piano two birds with one stone! And my, did the children
beautifully, while another two crooned a Chinese ballad to respond, especially the P1s! Some strutted their stuff on
a perfect pitch. But if it were the battle of the sexes, the stage in authentic-looking police or air stewardess
femme fatale would have won hands down. The ―Wonder uniforms, while others were armed with ingenious props.
Girls‖, comprising six gorgeous and stylish ladies in black The stage came alive with people from all walks of life,
(whose day job was including supermodels, a businessman, football players, a
teaching), sang and photographer and a surgeon.
danced in sync to To top it all off, the children were treated to a magic show.
―Nobody But You‖.
It was the end of the concert, and the smiles on the
Judging from the
children’s faces proved they had a fantastic time. Kudos to
shrieks of delight
and surprise by the the organisers for an enjoyable event!
students, these
ladies had definitely won over their new-found fans! The
effort taken by all the teachers was certainly appreciated by
the children.
Of course, parents also took the opportunity to celebrate
this occasion with the children. In an initiative by the Dads
-for-Life group, busy fathers took pains to pen down their
heartwarming wishes and dedications to their kids via

Welcome, P1 Students! (November, 2010 and January, 2011)

Last November, the school conducted an orientation In addition, during the first week of school this year, our
briefing for the parents of the P1 children admitted for parent helpers were deployed to receive the new students.
2011. During the They were stationed around the school entrance to attend to
session, the PSG the little ones who might not be familiar with the school as
chairperson, Mrs. yet. Assuring anxious parents was part of the day’s job too.
Jessica Voo, During recess,
introduced the our parent
parents to our helpers were
PSG activities stationed in the
and welcomed canteen near the
their barricade to
participation. provide assistance
Some PSG to parents and
members also led the parents on a tour around the school pupils.
to familiarise them with the school facilities.

Page 3
Try a Little Kindness… A Parent’s Perspective
Top 10 Tips to Share With Your Children 4. Consider the teaching medium. Just for fun, Ted
by Diane Peters Dreier built a robotic cow in his
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a kind world? A place garage. When he took it to a local
where everyone said sweet words, doors were always held school and had it tell kids about
open, there was no bullying, and peace reigned supreme. kindness — things such as saying
Sure, that’s a dream world, but it’s one you can at least aim thank you, giving out hugs and
for creating with your kids. Children who learn respect and helping to wash the dishes — they
empathy and turn those principles into words and acts of listened in enraptured silence for 30
kindness can have a huge impact. They make their home minutes. "Kids love Moozie, it’s a medium that works," says
and schools better places. And studies show that kind kids Dreier, who now runs the Children’s Kindness Network
are less likely to bully or be violent. and www.moozie.com. Turn your kids on to Moozie or
another character that they’ll listen to.
It’s not difficult to teach your children to be kind and that
kindness has value. "When you do something for others, it 5. Read about it. Slip some kind books into your
makes you feel good. It benefits both the giver and the household reading list.
receiver," says Julie Kaufman of the Random Acts of Ages 3-5
Kindness Foundation in Denver. Those great feelings can
snowball into your kids wanting to do more kind things. Koi and the Kola Nuts: A Tale from Liberia by Verna
So how do you start? Here are 10 suggestions for bringing Aardema. A retelling of an African folk tale, Koi has
more kindness into your family: nothing but kola nuts, but gives them away and receives love
and generosity in return.
1. Model it. The best way to teach your children kindness The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. This simple story
is not by explaining: it’s by doing. Whether you do about a boy and a tree can spark discussions about giving,
volunteer work, mow an elderly neighbour’s lawn or just taking and loving.
treat others with dignity and respect, kids pick up on this The Gift of the Crocodile: A Cinderella Story by Judy
and want to emulate it. But there’s a caveat: your actions Sierra. Set in the Spice Islands, this version of the
should match your words (that means no being nice to Cinderella tale sees Damura finding acceptance by being
someone in person and then talking about them behind kind to animals.
their back!) and you should show respect for others no The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning. Owen the pig
matter what their financial situation, religion or even wants to give his granny a hug, but she lives so far away that
personality. And even if someone is not a great person and he has to send it through the mail. Follow Owen’s hug as it
you dislike them for good reason, you can still be civil. travels across the country in a series of hilarious, sometimes
awkward, always heartfelt embraces between animals of
2. Be kind to your kids. If you run a kind, respectful different shapes and sizes.
household, kids learn what it feels like to be treated kindly. Teachers are Terrific by Golden Books The wonderful
That doesn’t mean you never punish a child! But it does Precious Moments characters teach toddlers to be nice! This
help to keep punishments verbal, not physical, and to make sturdy board book reinforces the joy of learning while
sure all discipline comes with an explanation. encouraging young children to respect and listen to their
nursery school teachers.
3. Reward kind acts. You know how kids love
attention: so shower them with it, when they’ve done kind Ages 6-9
things. Instead of just scolding them for not sharing or The Quiltmaker's Gift by Jeff Brumbeau. A quilt
being rough with another child, make a fuss when they do maker agrees to give a greedy king one of her coveted quilts
share or give. Better still, if your child is ages 6-10, you — but only if he gives away his material possessions. When
he does, he gets happiness as well as his prize.
Children who learn respect and empathy and turn
The Paper Crane by Molly Bang. A restaurant owner
those principles into words and acts of kindness and son give a poor man a fine meal and get a simple gift in
can have a huge impact. They make their home return. The gift becomes so much more in time.
and schools better places. Smoky Night by Eve Bunting. It’s the night of the Los
Angeles riots, and a group of neighbors are brought
might want to adapt the "Caught Being Kind" program that together to learn important lessons from the upheaval.
Maury Nation, assistant professor at Vanderbilt University
and an expert in bullying, has been testing in schools. If you Ages 9-14
catch your child doing something kind, give them a star on Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. A classic full of
the fridge, and have those build towards a treat such as a generosity, including the March girls giving away Christmas
special dinner or an outing. breakfast to a poor family.

Page 4
Try a Little Kindness (continued)

Pay it Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The movie hurt others and ask them to rephrase what they want to say.
was based on this book about a 12-year-old boy who takes an No need for a big lecture (your child might start feeling
extra credit social studies assignment to think of a way to guilty), just a quick correction.
make the world a better place and turns it into a nation-
wide movement. 10. Enjoy kindness. Finally, the whole point of being
Kindness: A Treasury of Buddhist Wisdom for kind is to make the world a more fun, safe and happy place.
Children and Parents by Sarah Conover. Thirty-one So when your child does a kind act, when you witness
Buddhist tales teaching respect, kindness and generosity something kind or even when you’re the recipient of
that will also expose your child to a different religious kindness, show your joy. Keep an open discussion about
tradition. your feelings around kind acts and let your child feel how
wonderful it is to give — and receive — from others.
The Acorn People by Ron Jones. A camp counselor is
overwhelmed at the prospect of working with disabled
children, until he meets his campers — The Acorn People. A Other suggestions include:-
group of kids who teach him that, inside, they are are the Find opportunities to talk to your child about what's
same as any average kid, and with encouragement, happening in the world. Discuss how you could help
determination, and friendship, nothing is impossible. change things for the better, and explain that even a little
bit of time or effort can make a big difference.
6. Give them tasks to do. One study out of the Determine your child's interests or talents and help him
University of Minnesota showed that children who did or her find a volunteer organization or activity to
housework had better feelings of responsibility and self- participate in. For instance, if your child likes to cook, he
worth years later. And children who feel good about or she can volunteer at a soup kitchen, while a child who
themselves are more respectful to others. likes animals can volunteer at SPCA.
Kids ages 3-5 can help put away their toys, set the table for Look for children's groups that promote giving so your
dinner or help Grandma up from her chair. child can be around peers who have similar goals and
Kids ages 6-9 can sweep and dust, do tasks such as washing interests, for instance, Brownies or Boys’ Scouts.
vegetables and tearing up lettuce leaves for salad, or Choose one thing to do with your child that can be
read to a younger sibling. repeated weekly, monthly or yearly that will develop into a
Kids ages 10-14 can help mow the law and cut the grass, pattern of learned giving. Choose something that will put
take out the garbage and even prepare dinner one night your child in direct contact with the recipient of his or
a week (provided you do the main chopping). her giving, like helping an elderly neighbour take out the
garbage, making cards and sending them monthly to show
someone that you care (such as thank you notes to school
7. Help others. Organizations such as the Random Acts of
janitors or school cafeteria staff), or purchasing a new pair
Kindness Foundation and the Pay it Forward Foundation all
of sneakers annually at holiday time for a needy child.
suggest teaching children kindness by having them do kind
Help your child become aware of what other people in
acts, such as:
your community are doing to help others. Let this be an
Participate in a walk or run that raises money for a example of what caring people do.
good cause. Emphasize holiday opportunities to help others.
Donate regularly to the local food bank. Baking cookies for a disabled person during Christmas,
Let your child think of ways to help out victims of inviting a new foreign neighbour over during Chinese
hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters. New Year, or making a home-made gift for a person
who lives alone shows a thoughtful and caring attitude.
If you have money to give to charity, ask your children
Look for special opportunities. If a child enrolls at
to help you decide who to give to.
school from another country, or a neighbour has just
Initiate a fundraiser through school to help people in lost a loved one, or a disabled person moves in next
need. door, remind your children of the special needs these
8. Make friends. Friendship is the most long lasting way people might have, and give some thought to a family
we can show kindness to another person. project geared toward assisting them in a special way,
Have your children make friendship bracelets, cards or like helping to make a hot meal to take over or chipping
other gifts and give to friends. in to buy a new vacuum sweeper.
Encourage your child to befriend someone at school
who is lonely or left out. Helping others is more than an action, it's an attitude of
caring and willingness to serve others. Don't neglect the
9. Watch the language. Words have enormous power. opportunity of cultivating this important trait in your
Work on purging your vocabulary of words such as stupid,
children's lives.
shut up, idiot and any racist or biased terms. When your
child says such words, right away tell them that those words

Page 5
Secrets To a Life-Long Marriage
We would like to thank Marriage Central for contributing this 3. TALK. CHAT. AGREE. DISAGREE. SHARE YOUR
article. For more information, please visit the Marriage Central THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WITH EACH OTHER.
website: www.marriagecentral.sg
To have a successful marriage, you must learn how to
communicate with each other effectively. There is no way
Marriage is for life. It's a promise to love each other through anyone can know what you want if you do not voice them.
good times and bad, through the ups and downs of life. Do not expect your partner to read your mind. So share
Marriage requires effort from both parties to make it work your thoughts and feelings with your partner often. Do it
and make it last a lifetime. everyday.
Here are the secrets to a life-long marriage: Conversations can fill many needs like connecting and
relating to each other, have your feelings heard, respected
and understood, to learn new things and gain another level
1. KNOWING AND MANAGING EXPECTATIONS of understanding towards your partner and to sort through
Why did you want to get married? And why did you marry problems and relationship issues.
me? What do you expect to get out of this relationship? A communication breakdown will eventually lead to a
These are questions couples should ask each other. Is it for relationship breakdown.
love? Companionship? Intimacy? Share your expectations So keep talking to each other. Talk about your likes and
with your partner if you want a successful marriage. dislikes. Share your memories of your childhoods and
school days. Tell your partner where you've been to and
places you will like to visit. Share something new you have
One of the reasons for a breakdown in a relationship is the learnt that day. Discuss your thoughts and feelings about
unspoken expectations a couple have of each other. your day. Ask questions that begin with "if you could", "have
Evaluate your expectations of yourself, your partner and you ever" and "do you believe". Just keep talking and take
your marriage. Be sure to share it with each other. These turns to listen.
expectations have to be realistic too. Before going on any
trip or event, spend some time to discuss your expectations
of the event. When you are clear on what is expected of you, 4. LISTEN WITH BOTH YOUR HEAD AND HEART
you will be sensitive to your partner's needs and it will be
easier to fulfil them. Other than learning to communicate, learn to listen too.
When partners do not listen to one another, they usually
end up in frustration, anger, misunderstandings, hurt and
There are basic emotional needs to be fulfilled to be happy. In a conservative Asian society like Singapore, many
Not fulfilling these needs is a source of frustration for many. children are taught to be quiet and obedient so they may
* The need to love and be loved in return. struggle with expressing themselves when they grow up. This
inability to communicate will in turn affect the quality of
* The need to have a sense of purpose in life.
their relationship with others.
* The need to develop a positive self-image.
* The need for autonomy - personal, private space and
You are responsible for fulfilling your own emotional needs.
Soon-to-wed and married couples can pick up
These are needs to be met whether you are married or
marriage-related resources and information. Marriage
single. So do not place your happiness in other's hands even
Central staff will answer queries, help them sign up
though you're married to that person. Expecting your
for marriage education programmes, and make
partner to fulfill your emotional needs is
referrals to marriage counsellors.
unreasonable and unfair. To put
those demands on someone else is to set OPERATING HOURS
yourself and the relationship for failure. Monday-Sunday: 10am-9pm
What your partner can do is to HELP (Holiday hours vary)
you meet those needs. You have to take
charge of your own life. Email: woodlands@marriagecentral.sg
Contact number: 6767 3924

Page 6

Bullying Canteen Meal Choices

If my child is bullied in school and I have
I observed that the meal choices in the school
reported the matter to the form teacher, how
canteen seem rather limited. I wonder of the
would I know whether any actions are taken by
canteen vendors have tried to provide a bigger
the school? Who will be the best person to
variety of dishes to serve with rice. Will there be
report the matter to in such cases and how will
a possibility that the canteen not sell potato
the feedback be given to me? chips, and limit the drinks to healthier ones like
Ribena and Milo?
The school has a system in place to address the issue of
hurtful behaviours amongst the pupils. The onus is on
everyone in the school to address bullying behaviours, We monitor our canteen vendors’ sale of food and drinks
regardless if the incidences are being witnessed by teachers, regularly and ensure that their varieties are acceptable in
allied educators, or the administrative and support staff. view of our primary school pupils’ population. Our sale of
When bullying incidences are made known to you by your drinks and snack carry the Healthier Choice Symbol
children, you can contact the form teacher so that we can (HCS)/ Healthier Snack
speak with the affected pupils. Symbol logo endorsed by
the Health Promotion
Usually the form teacher will keep the level discipline Board. Products carrying
teachers and the discipline master informed. Depending on the HCS are generally
the intensity and frequency of the hurtful behaviours, lower in total fat,
subsequent disciplinary measures will then be meted out saturated fat, sodium and
according to the recommended actions stated in the pupils' sugar. Some are also
handbook. The responsibility higher in dietary fiber
is on the form teacher to and calcium compared to
contact the parents on the similar products within
relevant follow-up actions. the same food category. Each food category has a separate
Mrs Rosalind Wee set of nutritional criteria to adhere to. A variant of the
HCS for snack foods, the Healthier Snack Symbol (HSS)
Vice Principal
items, includes plain biscuits and cookies, crisps, ice-cream
and plain cakes. Products which are eligible for the HSS are
individually packed in small portions according to serving
sizes reflected on the Nutrition Information Panel, and
they are generally lower in fat, saturated fat, sodium or
sugar compared to regular products.
Mr Chris Yeo
Operations Manager

Editorial Team Special Thanks

Mdm. Tan Bee Hoon (Photography)

Mrs. Jennie Koh Ms. Nancy Tan Yoke Wah
Mr. Sean Ng Mrs. Jessica Voo
Mrs. Rosalind Wee
Mrs. Joanne Lu
Mr. Chris Yeo

Page 7
Clementi Primary
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
Parents Support Group If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
8 Clementi Avenue 3 If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
Phone: 67797449 If a child learns to feel shame, he learns to feel guilty.
Fax: 67732898 If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
E-mail: clementipsg@gmail.com If a child lives with encouragement he learns confidence
http://clementipsg.blogspot.com If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love
in the world ~ Dorothy Law Neite

Openings for Parent Volunteer Service


Date: 3 times a week
Time: 12pm to 12:30pm
Duration: 30 minutes per session
Duty: Read simple stories with LSP students. This programme aims at providing learning support to
pupils who enter Primary 1 with weak English Language and literacy skills.


Date: Once a week
Time: 12pm to 12:30pm
Duration: 30 minutes per session
Duty: Aims at providing learning support to pupils who enter Primary 1 with weak Math skills.


Date: Monday to Friday / Monday to Friday
Time: 3pm to 3:30pm / 9.30am to 11:00am
Duration: 30 minutes per session / 90 minutes per session
Duty: Ensure safe play during recess. Maintain order while buying food. Attend to any accident.


Date: Wednesday
Time: 12.30pm to 2:00pm
Duration: 1.5 hour per session
Duty: Ensure safety and maintain order during IT, Art, Rope Skipping or Chess Enrichment lessons
when teachers are attending staff meeting.


Date: Once a week
Time: 12pm to 12:30pm
Duration: 30 minutes per session
Duty: Conduct Mandarin dialogue. This programme aims at providing learning support to pupils who
enter Primary 1 with weak Chinese Language and literacy skills.


Date: Monday to Friday
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
Duration: Two to three hours/ Twice a week
Duty: Repair damaged books, shelf books, maintain order and noise level

Although some events are conducted daily, we welcome parent helpers who wish to volunteer on weekly basis.

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