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ew aC CCE eae Ol Cees econ pees enc eh eh eee MARK R. WARREN, KAREN L. MAPP, SU aL Le oar ae the onpintason functioned By the end of data ciltin howeve nes ad Into wrk forthe National Tring and Information Centr (NTIC). Hewes, ‘ecceeded by covdectos Lr Vnguet and Alia Anthony who ought ‘sonved ensgy and lent, wells years of experince inthe xp, the roe Fnmer eduion orgzer Amands Deeck-Rnea ao recep ‘more ono wosken aston vl ites wh NTC, lal the Celtion cotiaues look fr naw way to bring the vere ‘sds of the Bron topeter std engage tho they have not yet rahe ‘When we began ths say, the Colton was in = prid af eecton and change Ieooked oa enered Seon increasing he low member of ‘he Coatton sanyo round is organ The Coal ated ane sb commie ofthe gorening board eampose ofnader fom sees sti tions and made an overture to jining he atonal ith based Gamat ‘oxpiting net “Tough thse hangs hae gue prod of eorgniaton the Coaion Jog ago demonstrate silty tage and agro eit intl and eter sa eonents changed Indeed, the goo ely maybe one of great se. The Colton hur proved ale ob x tong bse of naized sd oes eadars wo represent dep eld community value. the sme ‘me, Colton leader sr he at to anaran and pond quiet ae ‘opporonts To the ext thst he Colton cians ta bald these ewe ‘paces, wil nl nese i by en pty edge a demanding cputyand jase a edsatonin New oukCigyandbeyond Building Power and Relationships to Transform Communities and Schools We set out t amie how eammeniy organs groups wos to impeone quay and advance gut sd nc use in publ educaon’ fe he coe hapters fthisbook we Sent and describe thr mporant proces thcagh hich each eganiing group does the edacation wrk, There apps to be ‘wemedows dvesty in organizing satis and inthe Kinds of sdvstion ‘sfaon goals groups purse opening mal schol ncn resound ‘he amber of clasroom rex nd bing retatonal eluent ne of out ingot ndings tat commaniyonsicng snot a monte pp roach Rathe, denen fom diverse ongiing tations nd rerpoding to local cmmmanies and cones, orgunising fort tak bape deen arose the country. To undsestand community organising we need lok dou st “ow ogantighas developed in any parila plas jas wo hare done inthe previous chapter fthirbook. Athens tine, we Seda poops in ourstny do share nambe feo process. nh chapter we Jok aces the seas to ety hey Fees ‘we Bad preseatin the orgninng soups. We daw «compost picture af bow song forms of ommenityorgusing wok li eduation efor, Wale ‘we muinly emphasize commonalities nth chp we ale seb some of the varaonwefound aco the groupe? ‘Our sate pprouch is ret fom othe ants who hee compared ‘rpncinggroape and trons and highend he Alferece between hem, ‘We args conta that despite the vation we ond song ome fog sng sare deper process in comes, at we show i hs chapte, We schnowidgevition across the groupe but ive tt nts who fer on ference mis the ler unde smlitiesin coe proces hat bl the “apt oforaiang groups to make niguient sndsataind contrition to ‘chook efonn" Allfebe soup in rsd hae sstened tha edition rgncing oe long period oftine xn have brought shout important eforn Howey as ‘well cst in ths hpes dacaton rors ce nthe el goa oes, ‘Bung poupe The succes cannot be mented etinly by the acorn? ‘efor gual taht hough he ee ofthe process ky wh they do {Bei woe, hich we dfn a ung tania We we tear neon ‘ational change in contrast o tne cage, Haseena ang fos ‘the achiermentof specie pus or ajees Hk the opening of all ttonmous schools rinceasng state pending olrincome eons Tans ommatonal change involve an etl change in how people or ietatons ‘Community egal groups do step cet tansiconal change st {heir campaigas. Du without tansoemsinalchangs they have be ps suing “ws fe "win" The more profound and sasnale change ooees oe orgning cet new ways for popes individuals and pope ia comma ites dination othiskend ae” Transformation through Power and Relationships Community rpnizing groups nou sy pens edaction xpncinge part. of broader ert to tzasiorn power raion. In other word they below ‘school fom wil oly ou f embeded in ng-tem proves of bling “apt and power fer lowincome cmtaaites, Tough tr proces the eect change the way powerless thikand acto ut they come to seng ‘be the vale of onze communier nd pee to wok wt them, One ng group do preschool fon natives tat spectcaly conti the improvement of eacaton for renin thir commanitin Bet we head nines and ede epeatedy emphases duct ref nae ao enough Oraaisng groups do not se sny pata eform mang igunt ifereace ules thi communities bal the power to be taken sey ‘form discussions and decson-maling proce In edacation en other ‘wena Ths eqs he alain oben petition and leaders ‘countable fo commanty concent, rpaniing groups purse efveation "efor i ode o old tis eapcty and leaders fr longterm serie ‘hangs ols despetely needed meds inrovemctsnthe aey fedcaton cen sire ‘Group i our sty have somewhat dient way of conepraliing the ‘tionship benwenedocation zeform and politcal change Organiers and leaders connote to Southen cho baie tht edaation ad iberaon or Aftcan Ameccns in Missi are nertcbly Bound together The pot ‘galty of eduction prorded to Wace cide has steely hep heen ulding Par ond Batationshins 2 ‘mpovesshed nd dvenianchised The rage to transform education can ‘onl come through the balng of plcal power in Back comraunte cron 4 beter education lps th base the ull development of Arn Aine ‘as io the Delta In One LAS “powee befor pogan’ aprosch he gry seeks tobuld a polite constnency for guy education in acy tom ssp dvsons. One LA works ina through instttions lke chars school to catlendersip nd bring inition des togetiefor co ‘ected action to improve communiesand shoot In One LAs prec ak ‘roving edcation and bul a rong snd incase domocrete Sle ‘roceedintaniem Eachofthe ctherfoar iouprha thei own pic unde ‘standing othe rdatinship between eucationaland pli cnge- yell spproach eduction ref a put ofa broader process of bling power aad ‘easfomiog over latens, ‘Organizing groups hulp communities deep ths on reform natves| swell athe politcal wl to pursue them. Tey pice demands upon then. ‘utsons of pblicedocton and wort hold thoeinstitutinr account ‘le Baling this ind of unter power in comamanites howere ees sufcent strategy to transform pableschocing; that “banging on the oon” ofthe schocthouse fom the ouside proves imdeseat: Oxpating {Fo¥ps find they sso nsed to bl new kind of reionshipe between te {nsutios of pubic eduction and enpoweced communities One LA as laced a central focus on ereting wht cll lta clue cho by beingingall adults inthe schoecommanty together to parse mecnngl ~dilogse and scion. Sonthern Ecko oxgaaaes comity lenders fr elee- tion toca schol boards, engage with oficial the state tepurinsat of ‘tvction inode to dismantle he achicvemeat gp and ellsbates wth 2 ‘ge of edacatns aad othe pret group on speci edvation ref fn {hestate The othergropsin our staple combine pacing demands on the Sestttions of public education with cllborativesetegis tht seek to eae nee hind oflatonshis, Indeed she concept of atonal power cased ia chapter I helps or undetand he nde of tasfomation tht can occa hough new eons, Te the end organising grovps bud zltonship nd power for taaformic onal hang in communis and schol. The way they pare these ‘onal work, howeveishighly contre specie Comamanits hae deet Iastore catony and caeumstances tht alt how they enter the esc ‘ional arena. ination de oppor nd constants hey fein he Bld ‘of eduction seform—like the willogaes of edactors to colors with ‘her-—vay widely ars or sts, We find tht sce orang group rove adept at sponding fo lol onion the inteace f communies Sndechoal In duper ofthis book, we prove amenork for undatanding how orgaizng groups root themsever in the deeply held eations oad eat Mente of comsmuities whe bung rlacnships and pow We wed te metaphor of tre at heart diagram (se fgue 61). n this chap e oss om he Yeahs ofthe tree We are tht eng forms of egg ‘wok st ansfmaton atthe lvl the ndral, commouty and at salve, Ween tet each of those separa We then coscerhow tag fmation at anyone lee gus werk at he sero. West wil te community bess at level coaster the canal focus of orig forts. In the end howe, we fd tat hulding power and aonsipe wo ‘wasform communities and schools rgures& compeebeste seg tat Inks al ere lel, Transforming Communities (Organhng fen misunderstood a simply representing «set of techniques “hat ce be exploed to bring nda fogete for guck acton. Theres any are techniques to orgsing and we he dead may of Sem inthe ase chapters But wefound tha srengenpnisiggoape do ot approach nd viduals ss connect o ltd fom one aaethe. Tey tot emer i sd build thmsetes ot ofthe sometimes latent connection bree people haley ex they Enda expan wy obring poole together base rope hae tory, identity nto. Orgies, bowers do not singly tap etn tie. Song fora of og og wear new connections with za aoe comments sometimes _necing people who were once drut af each ther, Tis Lindo rdgng soci cpt provides «broader base of pos forthe ering group. Whee one wl cets = dymic mix of poopl deny and lent tht eee ‘he onpising pres. Such an approach conten egaiing»comsmny ‘ater than simply cing indore spel pepe ‘The transformatonl work of ongaiing ls he ceaton of ebronder save of sare fit hough he engagement of conneced people int ston for equity and usc. Indeed is trough working together that comme ity sare stengthened and broadened Organising gross buléndope en ngasizations as Lay vehicle or communities to act end erste cheage secordingto thecal nd interests, Thveoginzatons construct spect ‘whese aes fuse cllcive action, and seman bling eval ‘ved, cicose, and pursued. No community exaazton is coterminoas ithan ete commanlty, ut thes group do work connect thereat th bronder networks abd in that way bold themselves scoot the Jargeecommnity All oops empbasne iening and contention at core process to bald ‘eliionsips and commaniy. Souther Eco conde listening taro the ‘rganing fs organizing, One snd PACT in anes hae insane’ the one-on-one ratioeal meang.Paest mentor om the Logan Sars ‘ighbeshood Astocaton (ESN) in Chicago meetin agoupevery dey to are thar epeinces, ‘ough these poosses, poole comet set any ofthe concer ae shared thers By discasing th lesan interes ogi, yeople derlop sense of" we Tndedeniiag rouptap apy ld ves they help om. ‘oaks densify comaoon ttre fr ae con, In this way ey hap & ‘ory about who they rebut ao abot what they arent sche Aa pele ‘ome gee they began dendop vision fat cab scape a2 aren BRT Rass How oups wosk to caggs sed maafom communities how groups ene the “evi a inprtane ways, Some group In ut sah dene ‘omit primary slong racial Ene Souler cho grows depo of he ‘apeence of fan Ameria inthe Misisipp| Del nd dvs epicly ‘poo the i Rights morement won in rpnking ABicanAmeeans fn the Del sha dep rootad ack Crit tnton sd tht ular and St pmboscan be found at evry sep ofthe group orpnng—stgng gape seg sing cllandespense at meeting tnd being sed mel eth a esting Echo worst strengthen reo nd eae them nt ston, To combat the fear and lation ot neal cman then ‘work connects ian Americas ener athe Dela to upper ech ober sd bul a broader bas of power Echo bude naw tes acon counts and woes to crest ese of ager and moe power ak cme cand ore incase“ In cho view te tats payed the primary le Ineepingednstion underfunded ndaaitaningriilneqaliy neesponse, Echo wots to ld power to deliver rete retouse fom the Sat Dot ‘ommanies and ese that these errs uted n ways tht 5200 he to empowered commanitar Ia thir wiy Sothern Eco ends pops ‘apeience of ommanity a5 Afican Ameriane strung suns trie ‘cs nd in para edaetional farce nd Uberaton, Pade y ovnts Unidos (PT) in Deve fr pat, pova dct ot of| te Chino movemen experince. Ie engages both «sha hstny of meal ‘oppression sel asa itor ofseggle Ines PJUisquelntentinal abot ‘sing ollie easton proce tach pret nd yours cbt is history ar foundation for them to wie achat het sragle. PC dees spon lng-sablshed elatonkipen Deve Lain commun Rom {Lind estar has provided both a pial and symbolic enter fr or ‘ing eflors, Bat JU also werkt ne nds tes anongelder sete ss, pets an young people inthe commanityFYU tap te ange ay young Latinos fel aboot theres they experience places Eke North gh School Bat through plc eeaton, PIU hl oang people understand {hei penona and immediate experience Som age oils {he lng srg of people for hamaa gh. Meat es het anger ‘wvard stg for nsnngil chang keh edsign of Noh High Shoal, TU work beet 2 mew “we” tat icy minded ad acing rented ‘th dep historical oes anda son or amore ate ‘LSNA roost in the expres ad saree of ew ata gota Chega LSWA found thar ary Latin ther ft lated a hit ‘semaniy. Coming together fr westy meting inthe parent mentn eo Fem thte women ba chance sha thei expeinces and seg eth thers undetood them. They moved beyond thshig abou ay cl Aovelop sense of xing foc “our ula a x commanly Peet mento ‘ent onto esablsh community Iaing centr that tap atin dance, ate snd clare among oh things Ax patents took acon wound tex once, {hey raced out ots pares nd thee zene of commited its powe ‘apanded even further From this basen Latina expesionceLSNA beg bn eds opens (inky mothe) ao nighorood schools where hey ald ‘ew mitonhip wit sche and principals, Tough soning ESNA table schol as tal enter community balding, I the end LSNA, ‘ates an ene ad incase ation of oan rote in se food othe Latins migrant experience but reaching otto inde resides ad ductor faders ackgoands Ores opaking groups in ou dy do not css easily on oe e+ cally or eleal ined community PACT, dvi shove diet om he Ara onaing tation, els xpi ‘eplacfleacos nsf ee PACT engages members of congregations arth dep bld athvler PACT builds loc organist commit acon congreetins where people ‘hac pei th tudion Hut PACT alo rings pople fom dierent fh trdion toguther. The group works bard o cet ew sya sense of shared {ate and vin fo great schol coe the crpsieaton PACT bought Latina ‘sent in Alum Rock isto relationship and action with i diese soup of leaders and with romp of doco they eablehed new mallchese or PACT, communty emerges out of the efits of people of ith to at togeber wth odes in the puie wo in part ofthe shared interes and ca forte aes Ancdorgnntons. ‘One LAs dae upon th dons to bald bow ‘eri sels to ince schools and other intone ae memes owe Tn "he Fernangeler school the esto nighboood Cabo ues refer the ‘porta rol these hues layin the veal and reel he ound ‘on of fat ation hat anchors Oae LAé work nthe coo Yt is wor in "he Hamony soa shows the groupe to sage wth he county dem. ‘etictton in publi education a wel: Wiha eich ofthese nso, ‘One LA daa pon tant es and shared ado ont of which the group ‘ips develop leaders. One LA then wna hee lander outer to eee = se fared ete anda becader base of power Neertbeles One LA ad the TAP nenork of whic ts papa wack wth ith dion tat call ropeto public action soc juice ae Thea ft vals wth PACT, donot determin the pic agen bt ther mote eta ene eo. lee pariptoninssch wou Indeed areal throghwedngtogthe ad ‘aking acionthet ies fonnand.regthen Intend Oe LAevisons abroad and ies consttuency of many tains tt comes opti for elective scion osc justice inpubliedscaonandin the plies mor bowl ‘he Noctheest Bronx Community an Clergy Coston fellows «hyd ‘preach appeling to peopl mpl Hdenuies nd conto ares dents of Northwest Bro egibosboeds at grant ad as embesof ‘sth tions.Tothisend the Coton makes space forbothnsttiaaland ‘edvida! member inthe empnizaton Tks mulionge nro po- sents challenges, bt ay be wel miedo thi geogeapiealyluge sn aly dvee sea with lage sumbers of se igen, The Colon hs found tht scton on pubic education, 22 shared coca nd deeply held ‘alas, pally potent fee brazing tgaher i wey vere! poplin sndtnatatonal ue. The group creates th “cement between nds od fnsitions aod scot genertins, ofa crossing poe buries of ace lity religion and guage Inthe end the Coalition aes orang ‘weve toutes the dvese sands tht elas ad inattecons bag cote new tation ner sene of shared ine s member ofa Neti Bronxcomaiy In these many way srongfoms of npn sl fad an enthenie means to ‘sggecommanitis sound a sense of red tory, radon end neat ‘Mesa thy weckto reshape ad exp hoe ts oct « bron ermandng sari fie ands nevhisory through concerted action We eon. ‘xpath process the uling of dng oil caitlin chap of {hishook Bar rotons ofa and capa we important, donot ly cxeare the dep cual work of orguitigy Unt the efor eigen seape ‘aloes tons cultural practices and olen dette Bang Benet ‘esis ecesary fo tansfomaton, Bat atlomation occur rote fly en People change the way they think abou he commie more boaly Inches commited zc utc ands mee power ‘Transforming Individuals ‘community isnt a “hing that act. Organaing goups bring together ‘he people who male p a community and build thei spay for acon Te soups in oe study conspriz tis apacky-lng proces ene Aevelopeens ndtey place sigh rnc ons bjtire Infact anyone tec tld sth the derdopmen of ede: i the cntel geal of ugng, ‘more important han any put capig ictory Mayors goes evel tenses tobecome ade woking ith thes to mike ange At {hese ne, oni rope do not entiy seperate the pub fe the vate Taking holistic agsoech, onanlzersapor laden aching he econ eas as wl ie paving edition or res enancerent oon actos our eases we can enti a eof atanon price rg oninixing groupe few to ster the bnd of lady development es, onpining groupe start ot by Inteng cally topple. ‘hey ash people south concer and se wy hey et bout thee aes. Ty sec sy thats and where they want fo devote energie. Orgning spoups lien dose to ws parents, young people community rdents and ductors ae to yep ther rales, tres, nd pesos ln i ey, rgilsng grounds sl nthe conert of peop’ vss they experience Organ provides pope withthe pporintyt pase the alae pa. son nd trooghconsecon an act wth they tis wee for dain Ceingaew ctor ‘Beyoostaing thiskind of engement occ tog wo-way ome ‘on and gop comecton with oer. Ae pont ede engage there ces and othe lenders they cn came hit hindi probes sspretentacllecive coca Foreranpl fds aot doing walneal, ber parents may Sd the cl tfc. Bu hough convertions with other urns parsipants can begin to locate tbe sourc ofthe probe the ine ‘ites and falas of pole isto tn tie way, onlin poups lp people move om Blaming thems to seng these of ec Sonal ae whe ale recog the potent ofthe lho int allyand colactvey—in mang change “Atthehesofendenip devlpreat thee combination of taton| to personal growth and rsionetip bldg LSNA in Chay fo erage, ces a parclr empha on the lnk between he peronal and plc ing spec atenton to the personal ves of emerging lnder.‘The sty Latina moter who join tho Puen Mentorprogram at reicedtosst personal ‘pleat my ncn mig Engle earning GED, creven ching de ‘liens LSNA alo focuses ntentonlly on confidence baling, seutolng now leaders though vais stages of development fom parca nthe ‘ssoomn to schooled dep ad to action and broad comma last. Mean, parent lenders devised» range of progene to meet thet ‘nee inching Grow Your Own Teche prog tat ors opportaiies ‘acallege education. Ins way LSNA cnconrgs pres tose toraelet ative get for personal and eomacty tsfomation. Leadership dereopmentn orang oct through aking elon, Leaders sure new sil as they pacts thea. They lars hoo restrch en oes ‘tof camps and gin knowledge of edctonl re through esearch sand ngagment ith doctors. Lender howto rpeakin publcor chia meeting by doing sa. They develop «eater understanding fw pubinst ‘uonsopete—bothpostivly and neqately—as they wosktn change poly and pci, Indeed, community Iner ball inowad, ty deel the ‘spac ost and ae rantomedin the proces ‘Orgies cold and rapport emerging leader they try out these ner sal We oft ites an ergane: cael gong over tne les r= pated speech in advance ofa meotag rly andthe deveing with thor afervane Thisknd of personal mentoring pip scrical ele inthe deoy- rertolesdore ‘Whe craze bul on popes alent nd provide care super they ane not sy to challenge them. Oae LA els thi igition’ ‘Te Northwest Bronx Colton and PACT both tlkabouthe push Propose encouraged to tak and yout now sls Organisers cage people fo ce he ts and overcome the obstacle in their pathets ede they posh people see hemseles in anew ight and as pubic eder Organi aa work one on one wieder erate how wll thy iin these now roles and help pe te then forthe next ation the net spin the penal development “The Nortwest Bron Colton for example pace get enphat onthe ognize lender reitionship. Like many group, the Colton sealer» let ‘nce. Echo algo began to wok wh efin the state patent of eee ‘ion ndboadofeduatin Tension rein the liane Ea sited on ‘srighto gute pestions sod bol ltt the ee 2007, Bo sd ter fending advocates ally conrinced the lpr to ly nd he Mi sisi Adegaute Eacrton Progra tothe tne of 689 milion, nd fd tn ual coun increased damit: Echo consnaes top fora much gterleeof justice fandng"and works tool the ate depenent fe ‘Seaton accountable fo futher progres work has bees tanlomatona [Arian Ames fem Dela coments, ong ended fom te al of owe now eagle parca nodal plcycusons a Jhon ‘tnd cnn: Eco led othe podcrmang ale Pads yJovees Unido als sees the denial of ily ection ta Latino icon a ort of rate that ara he Latino comma poor and Ssenpowered the 38 pecet drop-out aes Noth High Schoo ostein ‘he hear of Dene Lain community ered aa poten symbol othe hie, ‘ore fae ofpubic econ or Lion Domina roupe’n Dest pehed to ban bingo eduestion wile Latinor retained ley exdaded oe desionmalnginedsxtondlplcyend pace PIU organised pees nd thea oung people a Noth High Schoo to ‘ring thet own vies ber othe snon t Noth Use ret htt student survey, BJU pushed the achat principal to esas bers com tec where the rop trade eolberte with eases nd admire on needed changes Afar two yeas, BTU Et motion sling on th commer nd ‘begat al for comple redesign ofthe cool Consequenty he pnp ‘macy teaches and ther unionofials ae to oppo the pote: Rethng ‘uttn comanity lis, PIU bu he Colton tn Save Nor andy fed ‘new nd powell inthe dsc sopernendeg Michal Bennet Benet owed the mde af North en ooo to PU to orate he comunity ‘Support necessary to oerceme teacher opposton, In 2096, PJ sched I objec nd North was completly redesigned. From symbol flow eapcte ns and le, Nor aw ofr calles preparation rpc to lent JU contnoes to srg with oe nplemeatng tis eae snd ‘aaiog stat Noth ivesup to new pise Whst as chagedin Demet ‘aot snpy Gat Latin eadent rcv abe edacton PJ bat este ‘hat young people andthe rents pow hare sn orpanied wis neduesora lessons whl iti oft them parca ncn sod aye ‘mening poles he the diet nw retort ut dngplie cade. Some grosps in our tay take a deeply atonal aa especialy colabors tie spproach to eduetion orm. L3NA took advantage ofthe conte of (Cacao schol reform which gave parents an important meaner ofpomera local schol coun. ISNA worked deel wih neighborhood soe rn ‘let lannch its parent mentor program. As patent leader enegee, fey arte with edsatcsto develop eine the Litrcy Abate foc progam andthe Grow Your Own Teaches preparation pega Never ‘eles, LSNA mattis its capasty for independent action in communes snd schools Far example parent Monroe cel again to stop the i tc fom clasng he schools seventh: and pith-gde cstooms. Past, lenders hae also emerged fom schouls to one for fondle develop enti the eighboriood. [ESN deep and sustained workin sto ighborhood schools seoilge ‘veal the taasformatve potential ofa ratonshipe between educators snd parents, Before LSNA bepin its edscatonloxpniing peat wore ‘nox ene absent om thee rea scools ind many of her encous ‘er with teachers were laced with miro isundestaading, aad fae {SNA onptnies fhe schoo operated otofwte middle cles noms tat ‘wer not completely appropiate fr educating the chldeen of atin n- ants Nove parent ae everywhere, woking catooms pte menters sd toons, gathered inthe ibeary runing ieacy programs ed aking ‘asses inthe arbour community sng centers Pants er nt eons ned wo suly support roles they participate nthe eal woek of choos By bringing pent into class and sending teachers out t childrens ‘homes parent and teacher are bling colborative elton. Through ‘ese rdtinships, sicher begin to adertnd peat’ azengths and the calc fhe Latino community. Although nt al eacher change the ‘des an practic dhe steady expansion ofpuent patcatio ad eolbor. tion is gradally tassorming the cults of migborhood school fom ‘llaborsnginthe sent period ‘he Norhest Bro Calton har ral to improve schooling ia the costes ofthe masie New York City able wcaton sete, Tbe Ceaiton charge th department fedicason with “ang rae when its olthit he deprmeat cee ceootn eps las asumngony ahd fBronrstdets will ito weft ge Wet mayral conto tbe ostem ‘bosame erenmoreceatairedanddctoneried fom conan erage enue forint fom nnd pens nd young peopl Since the Colon ‘pects inastoneara ofthe cy abet alarge oe thasworledandtctete lies within th Brome as wel a ara the city tobi the power nee to Inunoe ase idly sen we meeponsive Fle ad crete i sponse to opening fr infency, the Colton bas made some important progress The Coals youthed ality Sits end Brots Unite, worked cay wth set of eto f wet up ac high ‘hoo lle he Lendeshp Ise th claw worst lp free evelopment of ew geacraton of youth lees forthe comameiy Yat atc in he Codon broar educational lane wich ince ‘Bows congreptions, bor unions, oaprafeorpnzatons and adecicy _goups Thealance arbegun to wnizeeeriadespetly needed coor ‘speeasit wos onthe conversa ofthe mastveKinpride Armory bing ‘ato a muldperpose commit pace ta woud incade new chore Inthe fice of an unssponta edacaonlbusiacy, the Coulson bar ogi Suiting Pour ond Relationshies 25 ‘ent and youth vole ended is ange ough allinces and owt grass "ool partpation tober a allele within the eduction stem Inallthes esses, oping groups bald processes hat work term ‘he lstatons of public wcaton The independent ase fcomminty ‘oie and demand opes up process of change hi enggenent draws at oo ssonal actor nto calaborion. The lane beter conontation sd cellborton vais someat srs the raps ed, ove tne wi the froups. Yet th dynamic benveondamand ad cgagoeat ss pone oe sl ces. Asa rel, dhe tnsfrmaton of reatonthips Been oguied Commies andthe instteton of pubic education has made these ati tins become marerpnsiny ine and necouable Organizing at Multiple Levels ‘Wi we argued tht orgasing groups bid commarity caps and develop ‘eadarsin oder to transorm pubicedseion Rat wee loo emphasized hat ‘faction ref isnot he nly pos Rather, pursing nntutona change stro rupretent 2 means o bul commises and develop laders eis 57 woking atl hee eels the comm nv an insttatinsl tht soups cree ransoemasona proves, Indeed change at one lvl often edvancas a cange proceed ate thee levels For example personal ansformation of prot sn out ads ome ‘im pts they el the power ofcommanity When «group achieves «victory fat scces emboldeas the group t9 mow frvard snd elaine he cone ence and determination of tno ade Atte same tne, a lenders row thy become more commie to building commit ad helping to ‘casio others Meare the elo of organang group to change how owes holds ac vane elaonshipe alo tnsformatonal to commenty |esders.Commnityleaders grow otf throughrelatnashopswitheachother, “hy are calenged in new waye and develop an ncrened Sense of te om ‘pect a they engage with eestor an pb ofa Ron Jordan for example approached the Notre Bron Coston | vies a school limited hs sous kiderarten clas due to lack of pace. “Thavogh conventions with oes pens inthe Clten, Ronn reloed tat bis soni experience was shared by many ad tht oversoing waste problem in Bronrschocs Rena worked wih ede ie Tew Anderson rd npn lke Cay Sith and became eniblned ote he Jeprtmet of ‘doco’ opal plan and 700 page Ble Book. Ron sad other ede blt ‘se rionshipe wt fs the loa counpeon ice and the cys Office ofthe Public Advoet eearchers the Annenberg Latta or School us A WATCH OW ORY Rass Rofo, and seesetstivs of he Unt Fenton of Teacher. The Col tio proceeded to ul «"ibred St campaiga Ut inked work on ousng ‘ed tmmigation to eduction plcing Ron, Tees, and other lade ie Js Ramen oat flinge sto arms odin tonto dee ‘sitions. Thestrongleader tht Rona today ome apart vara ofa of "hes proceses—buliing inde relasondps acts gears ead ins tutions, working the amu level to dereop crue ses ands ese of shane ts engging with ity fics nd ote ls and shaping citywide ‘smpaiarforedoeston form Vie can ls se how the opti of communis a gr a lenders ‘lop anda they ua expenence worig wth eestor When ae Latino ‘zumiganc red is Lagen Square, they brought rich ures and eons ‘bt ackd the connections and inowdgeneaary ade he challenges of acan intitoons in Chicago. AS ESNA bait a aw geceaton of Late leaders though seduction onan, Logan Squze hs become Leader fied nighorhod. Pant aden ae nv wstiog ona ae of commenity ‘sue om pul heth to mmigaton LSNAG art capi for arate evelopment shows the important ifeeace tat Indep and capacity ‘ling make AS presure fom ginfcton moonted ia Lopan Sa, owing values ose dramatic tresteniogt mak de neghboraood wat fowable to most aet rides, Port ISNA education npn, fare es woud ice retineaesbytemscres Now 150 part mentored any ther parent and comnts are wekingfogethes to oust acampeln ‘orafrdable housing and booed deepen -Recogang the les work ofcomruniy orga evel ht he roups ae not he entrely “bosom” erations tht ape eereorypes thane usbekeve, Orguniaing groupe do bring pepe npther for conver tion ndhelp hem devel thee wie ln canpigs gow otf nse com ‘eatin: but hey ae alo enoenced by othe fcr Groups come out of xsinng traditions thy have Bost goals deriopd over Se thy ay ve policy ins developed carerin thr rasp oelowhere in the ntwons sd cheyarindarnced ty dlogeandeltionships wh poi and edacton pees "PACT anal schools campaign shows how ogansing nitive ake rotin ommanity concerns and local lowodge but rach beyond tem 2 wall. PACTS erating cee hich takes fn tele PICO network, being ‘ith Intenng Trough steing none omen boore sings, and lc or pining commites, PACT leased aout the rust parents experienced ‘wih tant and nesponive Alam Rock choca The tore aed sates {med the foandates fra approach tht emphasved sully more ting ‘ersroment for clea in schools where fale: would be welcome aad Inv oie Bu ne ogni Mt Hanmer, rough the pci stegy focoesmallantonomonsschools within fom PACT sss PICO orgie. ‘on in Oakland The srategy resonated with oc leadein San Jose wo alt ‘beirown version ofthe ite fo nf thar needs PACT lees slo eon. ested with pb advoate regionally and aos the country stheymousted the campigy, meanwhile the group semble ky alances with etd of ‘asthe county and sate goerament Afar he chl bord aproned {See school PACT did anther roud of ietenng topes nd placed ey the tablein the design proces ofeach school. The LUCHA schoo more ove iniorlediseningas teachers conducted ome vats digi et ‘mont an agprosch ponered by nother PICO alin Sacrament a it sop LUGHLA. teaches wore eit the ogaiing process bing the hopes and dreams ofpeets isto i clstoorpacce they but cols Infsed wth colahontineeltoshipe with pare Ath example fom PACT show, seoag eating groupe are grosndedi osuminty cotet and rooted in eutenns Being, but they mor gh ‘ull leas. Indeed they set indie, commit aod breve ine. ona actors in relationship to each oe tong ts male] process that porerlatonr begin os Fo ths eson we descbe orang at «dy proces-oretd ap ‘osch to eduction reform. In othe words, erpninng sts of and apes proces of change thou prodtined sdnestion efor goat Beaton ‘efomers typeface on eherng peierefonm ebjers ik he gle ‘mentation of programs desigaed tiene staat achievement, However et have seen tht orpting group ink ach parcel “wit” thet brondergolrn teams ofidrdaaand commanéytaasiormaton inoue, {he power of oping tel comes fas te dynamic tension between these ‘nesdependent proses aed gas Diversity and Context in the Education Goals of Community Organizing Although weve spentthebalkof his haps drain compote pita of song forms of commit organizing for ection reer, we wat etura ‘our beginning point tits, the dens of ngniingapprovches Indeed ‘the group our rudy work to improve sition na io wy ling Increasing resources promoting mor agate plc and hanging the cal tue of schooling. Sere groups ke One LA and LSWA, ae chenging hoa) cure as ay, an that eqs a oce o advo school a the core of ‘helework Conversely ote ros ke Souther cheese change in eA ATEN On oY GRASS lage poll sractices so they fos moe on etouce and pole sues [Nevertheless ll woups know tht cel chage canna be diated ough strict and/or teateevel work and ge hae some foot the er oe ot schooler Convey al groups indo ecool cannot hang iat ‘vacuo hey spit adds dc and tate lees wher posse ‘We foand that dae a0 simple model to epi why ong goeps pre elucation fem in he way the do, This ene the focus of ore ng efi is not spy on winning pata fms Wo understand ore sngara proces onethatierotdin dvr ton snd commutes, nd one tht sponds toa vary of opportune aad const in ini ‘ona contxts and ple ecvizamens saree grou pute ecatona change in ays ha canot be ently reiced Inga we fd hs dry tobe one ofthe lds gat suegta around change flrs in parte Toe adterand intrest” ‘We hae empaszed that comma oganig inet defined by a et of| technigues to beng dconneed individ fpster for mmole seon- [Rasher song owsasing dros pon one or more tations starts fom ¢ hc. Ita. theory behind an analysand et of tecconnested par Rooted in story and eadtion song groupe alka gow and develop as they ogg with commits and intitosene oe ine Organising groupe ae to new crutnces and respond to changing Gatents Button gies meaning othe orgenising end provider an anchor hat rains gouge oe the Tnngand hard oud of eansfoming communes and choos Onpng group care about proving he gay of and inceasng ey ‘in public edcaion becuse the ecnoms fate of dren in low ome “communis depends to ey on shot success. Bat editions maters ‘bce provides the foundation ffl pctpton in sos forte bee on of pope sbjngated by acim aad power and forthe expan fot spose that serie communion doesnot justbsing ne aman sd social setources to schelrefonm It brings rch tds that ground ‘ange comms rales whe connect edston ef er po Joctofadrncing demecriysndsoc tc. Conclusion ‘Lessons for Schoo! Reform ond Democracy Burling (Questions of edcaonalaguty and sciatic wlincesngy moet the eaterof debates ver eden rf. Nex hall pblicecool dents In the United Sates come ors lwincome fares and tat proportion is roving Mesnwhle, tents ofcolo ae expe become he majesty of allsidentsin plc choles the ouaty within he nex tn ye! “These cden sere or county fe. we canna fd away foe bi schools to dente these cidren elle 20st wl fice «profound ‘tins: We wil aot ve the workforce we need eompste in tn increasingly Goble economy noe the Hd of tizeny pepe a des the chalenges fan increasing) cvese sce: Marilee geecton of adults wnat ete easton necesaryto suppers and part fl zene ‘moar democracy. American poble dation hs tonal been een athe et egutier in ow soci). Cae serves es a engine prodaca i ‘equal insoco-conamic and demontili? “Many school refomect nd others he ben wong at ce the promise of American ple edoston. Ty do nt are odo this woek lone Indcd they cana fl aces the des ples np edvewon solely throogh shoekimprovement tg, Welare argon haghont hie ook tht the problems of eatin fare eden tori nay in ower and rscuresin Ames sce. Tis tet exes shoe eens forthe free Ratheritisa urdheaded relation tht we ttt nes the ovetyand racism that weiner nd commit, and at cone. ‘eto voenc, oor hey andthe myriad arta ore the hey de ‘elopmentofchldren is lowincome commutes? isla fan reception har tasuuons chang when the peopl withthe most tak lhe poveto anand change The chp in ook dese | mmbe of impocant was at wince ones apie fo demand 1504 WATCH OW BRT Geass [her uly and greater ety om cr poe edacton ste. Howes we [weal seesed at rpg np do nt singly path oe age They ad ‘otra deayteduesion fm fort Orga ospincenseresruces {opuble schoo serengowiocme cranes, The bad strong partici ‘ype and sootines yous peop In cool ange ers ding at epeng he oc sues ale ech inpvement. Ty go deg Into shoes to chang the cule nd patos teaching ova morro sd clay esporane approach, The eee egress tat Se soak |mprormeot tothe raat oe commas a which sents Be a gor lal ese was they wd docton oem spat ofabrade ae ‘Pld he power aces wads retards in Amero Tati chapter we etre she eros ar stady or eucstn and ot sll Americans who care soot the tre ofpublc education ad of deme: _n5y Comunity organising elf os ot provide te complete taser toa ‘in oarpublicedaation stem But prordesimporat contations to the sech for new segs an, we bales, malar an etn cotton to shoolinprovement fers a lowincome communis. a ths capt Sit highigit the dstnctvecontrbaone forging to schoo fm. We then dca the prospec fo inzeasingealibontion between eats ead ‘community expnsing pup and coord the challenges that he decor many rpg ee nite tengo become amare cate pljeria cheek ‘fom efrts We end hy ighlping the bosdrcontabuton ht comm ‘yong makes to democracy balding nd rel jute ‘The Contributions of Community Organizing to School Reform ‘A MULTIDINENSIONAL, PROCESS-ORTENTED APPROACH ‘Organising connect schoal efor to sc utc. Sock jute, Rowen ‘not primary a cutcome bt proces where people who hve been margin Jae bl the caput 0 eet «mere of cet Oe he nsaions at shape the ves. Community orgnang, in tat ces, ota program t be Implemented Its 2 proces tobe anderen whoveetoncaot bee ‘uel foeeen or poited—benes, the ity of ages and outcomes ‘lucaon efor ported hs book? “Assoc, community ageing repretentsadifernt padi han the a sch nomally take by shoo former By school eon inthis coment ve mein profeton]actiy focused on improving scale inlwineee ‘communities. Edsetion refomn i picalyandetaken ss an expertcien ‘nd tchicl enterprise Researches anys the cause of shoo far and Aevelopppropitesuataies to addres them Indeed fede poleyhas more and mor peo evidence based model and pactcs bated on sinc sevearch, These reforms are plot, red andthe seld-ap® mn ober sods they ae spread oot Ioclies whee they are edopted by dicts sd often imposed on schools and thee teacher The sarch i frees programs tat is reforms that wl work everywhere ora en that wl work forlage population groups! In many was cs appsach ba ed to dsappining ress, Eduction ‘efor natives often rman athe sfc essen penettingdecpy ‘nt ection pron our most dsfnctional moe Univeral po gas ave ot yer set to ed elturaleieencs in shels an com ‘tes The tadiosl top-down, progammaicenghas of schoel reform Inkltes Ele toappacte tat faetoonal change ie aay »ealletve proces This pproach ack aseaegy foregoing the asad minds of ‘crs athe scl oe foe aang the expeiace end wndertandg sh put oft cage proces andar brnging ther together asa rop comme’ ‘0 improvement. Meanie, #joorr the impoctan le pret ad young people hems can payin choo change inte! Community orpazang brings 4 power bottom-up tte education ‘efom efor. The process approach f onan tar wi litening and com ‘eration a the ground vel Organising dom tarts wth pest ged ut ‘ahr responds to focal contr appresats the lcl knowledge bl by all cos and work to enggethirpasions andintererte. Tee soe ncade pac ‘s young pvp and commmansy reset, bt alo teachers wh often foe west in piel choo seem nie, Orginiing bulls moa parle ‘onan fers peopl achaneto bese plese in hang process rtcipstion fen proves waasfrmasoal nd power them ined or ‘ters push eopleto row and develo andar on ew challenges Aspeople ‘ral eltinshipshzeagh action, thy comet rit and in seo it ‘es. In thse mys people ake ownership ofthe process of ae. 1t comonaty orptcng snot neaiey boom. appsack 2 lns, oes nt provides the never needed to mproveschocls Rather ompalang ups work on spl lees. They engage Pepi in aang the probes ‘ing scholsandcomuaiie andy desoppogeansthatan eet tet eed In doings thy sek techie epert knowledge and they bul theca act thomscies to derlop sre ofthat anaes, Indent contrary tose. ‘mes seep vews of community group many ogniing poop 8 pt sopistaedin hereof the aes senha in lesing fern) Inkaves roan the coun If they Endo ip deel good program that ‘hey tink might woken ter placa they promt speead ofthe nati ‘Novartis, rag onpning foray anchor reform stregsinhe sain process they develop. ne way, fom agendas ote ine ‘pec endo and In Wel schosl and communities an the specie ‘ales interests and pasions of creo the gain. As aes laos a the school commiting teachers parents youn pope tad coma nity residents, hae the opporanty to devsap eng ownenp af the poo eset of chang and that promis to make reform ates deep and lasting Onganinng is dynamic muidersonal proces tht requires lenin ‘rent nede nd gals ba can create perl change proces ithe end ‘We do ot wat to stzeotpe al doctor dsven soo orm a op down” Thera many ew cents in coal nprorement hat ae interest ‘n cet vuhentlc process of change tthe koalleeendin bling ee ‘nships and ealsbersion sco the soa comma Ince fllowng ee ‘ons we css some ofthese now dzetons whl highlighting te Atnctve contbtions community oraliagcan make tothe SUILDING THE SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS FOR SCHOOL CHANGE ‘A growing numberof cols and resercae are bing torso the Importance ofereting change proce within schocl at engagetbe price ‘stonandledeshp ofthe ete shoe corey Indeed an portan sew evelopment instal efor the ppreaton of heimporance obi + sci foundation for schoalnpeorement eet tat lations and ‘nosamongallactes inthe schel mma Antony eyes cllegaes ve dane the sna aga the nod bul soci rst the bans foray 1 inprorement in education in itasied school I ae sais ofthe reat kinds ofpropess pub shoals ave ad in Chicago Bras shows {Satschool wth srg and sing elsonship ve rte cpt gem. ‘ney embrce and eftctely implement fort inten, Trg eltons song educator atthe seal ear prone ty bt Byala demanstes {helmportace of aldng rat and forging cooperation serosal ators te ‘choo eommanty nclading parent ad comment ade” {ned nthe oe een work Bean his colleague deny pet sad ‘comunity eagageent aoe ae Se een suport improving pubic ‘school. The researchers measured gaosin ade et scons in Chap able ‘schools ros 199001996, comparing he opal prong ches and ‘he bottom gare sagnting stool Anapang hs dt By aod i cole dengue Sesied ve sapportsacesary fr improvement nding Sebo Jaden, profesional expec, stadeatcentered lsning imate: ‘Sonal godin an family and communi engigenent. The sathors cone, “Wend thas stained material weaken anyon ofthese bytes (ncaing fmt and community eeggemens) undermined vil alt {emps at improving sadn! ering" Brk and hie lenges so found that ‘schoo ev ofits tat wa a stong peer of parent ad eam rity ngigensent and chat there aires lationship beeen a ad ‘agate. Other stad aj ware the importance of oc ap slong fy nd community engegement to scl improvement For ex angle ety by Designs for Change found that the aw perforin chose that improved the most ia Chiage Betoun 1990 and 3008 were one chase tered by 2 collaborative tre tn the scoala across eds ot en andcommunty leaders? Commnty orang approche le lig wth new thinking on ec ‘tonalendeship ke thove that enlace the lo of atte and adaptive spprouches, Rather than seg the pencil ar a eric ade ths new pat ign steses collaboration The ale of he inp sao longe to led in ¢ topdown manner butte to lp bul the ladestip of exes tht ‘eachersand sta the school Rather than empbasing niger ad tech stl competences the new school leader's one who cana one stanes and lend other in chango proces nape suo, people learn ‘hesofton fo th problems and devlg the let sehen teat of sorting together ‘Thus new conceptions of leadenip connec to ets ob whst ae ‘alle eammenies of practice in shooe This ian approach tat emphases ‘cetng connections berveen aches acted on dacson ofthe este “Tevagh dling comnts of pace, eaters can bl rs oes ‘ta wall at develop «shred sense of orp ad cenmitnent to ase octets. A rcet contzbason vo tit fl dws apn the lnsteuctonl rounds developed in the made! profeon and recommends ht teachers obser sah ther techingansyz thou pracice ngs bd workcolabo ‘tively to improve teaching and lag thei casos ln is approach, ‘actors ror rom restachand evidence sboaefetieinrecton, bt sin orgsning approaches, they foc on racy the lec lere! td hve ste ‘ealcoa ove theinplemestaon of pale ox pops” ‘Wiihitsempbass on rlasonshp bling nd olen comm ‘ty ping represents power way ould vcial capa ead ene ‘ctor falls aad community leads in clibortive eos to teprone ‘school, Rater dan starting wit proverent plans organi sugges he ower ofbuiding depron eakeresin cols chaptr 3 show ‘One LA helped cate ow kinds of estonship aong teachers and Sat “ismonyHlementary Sehoolin Lor Angele Rather tha fos fit or satowly ‘pct Harmony principal Robert Cords ta tata the ime to bud eitionshipe hat ware deep and meaning. Cordova ands sninisntve 456A aT ON any tas ‘eam usd ogpining tates be one.on one tonal mestings, Trust bt ‘rough thse elnsipeencourged nachos to be pen and hoes about ‘he stages ey were having caroems I the end he combination ote. Iaonsps and eaershp edo athe collabo proche to mproe chsseeminmrastoa, owes orgnaing speach ech eyond educa t connec to pat ‘at a¢ ell PACT in Sin Jose bu dsgs tas fr new small aatonoeous ‘chook tat combined edncates and parents rom the congregation in which {he poop worked Parents pushed sro foraschcl hat wead ily inorpo. ‘thet participation, whore parents and tachers wold see thule an cv presi, and where enching woud be sponse to the ere of thes crn, Ox ois proces emerged schoolle LUCHA wher Pine cipal Hey ser errs ul commun ots asoageschers Detacossthe ene school common Peet oman present ought he schools tscor and amas wor together forthe cation ofehen ‘Community xpanising with s expense on ltontipblding cam fet wit eduestcs ar come a eal 'he srotonal ee of schools A growing ‘umber of reseache and decaf ave emptied tat scboel ang pte i they ae to sgn inceasesadect achive mat foes om ‘usual practi nthe assoom. Teacher content knowlege ates to the core, bat emplssi ale placa on th practice a he echerineonsap to hestaden nother words teaching unenmood a tainberety elon erv In oar view when teachers ae deconnsced om he fe and ecmunlls of ther aden the abity to engage sadets and eonnest leamingto te: expences fadarely nied When teicher an ald "ich and meaning atlonhips with ans and commits as we have seunin the chapters this book they canbe anerstand the cla of ce students nd incorporate thle knowledge bout th lie of ile int ‘oom pace, They cn ls oem pret wi ae fo wook gett forthe edocaonfchltea® BUILOING STRONG PARENT PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOLS ‘Research only communi engagement ke that Anthony ipkte ‘tes bs shown how importa pares prion so scoojpeoenent snd to chien edcatonal ccs Mote and mor doctors are Scoring ‘ners ining ways ove pets in he eduction ofS ci, ‘ No Cid Left Behind Act mandated pret oath ots in school hat ceive Tite finding Tadtonally schools iw reached oot totale nos sespportas ofthe schools agenda A more ect mips ben placedon eveoping messing putes with pet and ober consi aor ‘Some dsc now even sy they want cts “demand parents who wllbth soppet ther dara lain ad demand tht schools provide the qu ‘fuaatonto which hehe hr aight? ‘mounting research demonsts the eseatl le of faily sd coma ‘iy engagement in schol improveen, ew eects know how to do hs ‘wo we. Our mesench on cmamansty eran dates efertve ys to ‘bud red and perl forms ofpaption Too olen school-based fac tee fora on the djstigeson of fein lowincome commas May ‘me posers forthe problems ofthe dade ad expt ite of them Few educators ng about, et slone ani the eng of pats wha work, lwo boursinlow-wage jobs ostrogge to mrvie on unriploynent whe ase ‘nls in crowded ae ebstanda hong conditions who aces pat foodon the table for ther hdres, nd wo coonel theta daly aboot how to -nigue dangerons tet Many pare, tts ou ay aie ee in it ‘cemmanes spor teams and aeigborbood oranzations wile others poo ‘enfomaldpt-day soppet fo thle Eas and nights, Pere ‘et serpin hit many parent est when acer lok own om them and twat thom with patent condeenion™ Onaising groups by ona sppeosch parents ith git ae flit 2s They itn to th Leo: They engage tr psoas ad nee, whe ‘they support ther dewopment The Lagan Sqr Nelgiharhod Ascaton (LSNA) in Chap for example sows how thrappreach ca re widen and pore fom of eet patton in shoo LSA hs tied oer ‘vere acre pres across ght schools rough ts model Parent Mentor rogram nd lfted tem ave ofopporsntestopetpte and ext ead ‘evhip Parents hae gone ca o werkt shoes open conan ee tas rent Literary Ambasedos programe whee ech sn paras pal upto sale home vs to files, and start 2 Grow Your Ov Teather pogo Seigpathvasfocpnnst become Mga sachesn sighborode nals “The xpning speach alo shows the aus ofbalding et among parents ssputofte engagement proces. Schone pill each cate pret alad ‘ida Through commaniy orang, groups in our stay hawaii tie parent base tht advocate al chin in cholo commas sd take omnes forthe sche practice inthis By woking opts par ‘ets in some thoes ated by PACT in Se ose for amp he 3 ach ‘enersip over the achool that they cet io lngnage tat sy the schools involv them inate, Rates they set that pret beled dn the ‘hol and eet eaciviesin the st place™ Some orgeiing loops dn etsy new dnension engagement They sesktoonpnine young people at par of hang oer fe highschool lve ‘Typ eduatrs fou onthe disengagement of edt in lowincome 256 A MATCH On DR Gass oomunits By conta, young people t North High School a Dereon ‘nal to amanda beter oduct or theres, Waring throogh Pater y ‘ovens Unidos the surveyed he flow students and wotked with parcte ‘doer comma leaders to crate schoo reform pli in cthereamples, oun people inthe Bone campalgned to open scl jase igh school and oung peopl in the Suter Eaho nebo egaie to dramatic tte fundseadalet thei school ine Misisipx Dee ADDRESSING INEQUALITY AND POWER IN FAMILY-SCHOOL RELATIONS. ‘As pzeot and young people become powecl acn in hey they oad to ‘este meaning partnerships with eaters and tha fea means sing the cial and css divides that opt them. A new propo fortuna alleging educates to addresses face and power snd py ep ten. son tore mist when balding hol iy pres A rowing ody of research shows tht ast can be Dull when the tre goups tae op Portanty to have meaning convertion, Tse coaresonsen be part ‘Shy suceifelwhen ondaced nthe cot of woking tet fr tard gly ks th aly deaapmnt chen recent rey by Care Ads: sndhissrociate fer example comparedschoo wth dike oo-ecnome ‘cosposons ad found tha rast wa lr Sependest on conte ad mere dependent on social noms and colaborstive process that bought parents fom the psphery into te operating croft schools Organising offers anintentiona rate hat aes power som in oa tag these colabortons. Onng groupe ar wing to assert ther unter powerifecesy bat ther ama geal rt ld the eaten] power at lead to colsborton, Rather han ignore aves of ce ad powee eres Ip techs andpateats ore ough ths ines eons adc hat ‘est tofnd omen ground tomove forward” Indeod pa of hat males orang» Ayame poctt i attains alerts a micof peopl wih diverse BckgoondssndinterstsForenmple, {SNA bing pres of ifn acgreand together thmagh aeigberboed vide caning sons forthe purpose of mppting he doction oft chil re noel cole Altiough teachers we nly cal faving pent ‘mentor intel cataooms, ever te LSNA blped theca work to Seno ‘ote cellbortive reliionspe and wong pscneis with pte lads, shige balince of powerin schoo As many school and school dtc become incaingy interes infoe- ‘ering stronger forms of pen putcpton, community gop ny amet Playa event role. Fit of al commusty orpannatons ae ofen beer sod to engage fais than scbols May re ood in commis and ‘apr in soil exit bung whe metaborate ot. arthermor th Independent status use of choallows them to ply aslessbiie ull ‘They help acne eon pots, tach snd pcp to del ‘withthe negoalies and power balances that fen mathe baling ofsong lssonthipe"| BUILDING SCHOOL-COMMUNETY COLLABORATIONS. Inproving the sdcrton of chien i lowincome cnmmunies cry aves rei famly pariipason and improvements ching zdletingta schools titers somehingleyoe ht requesting the ile cts ofpore and ac on ies snd the ideo tat stented ool ety and ey toler Indeed a renng body oft dows thatthe codon clea fie at home ania tae common ane mosh ot ‘reamot ofan afc on academic shseement thn shonling paces” ‘Nov research by Anthony Bry sn bi collegueehows tha the rl | eghborhood’ soci cpt ands nadehaveezportutinfene oa he ably of publ schools eed thee ogre, ig data he Projet on Hanan Development ia Chage Neghbaoods Beyk demonstales tht ‘shoolsin communis with ghee oft and re engagement lother things bing equ ese bert abet deve the sential eupports eceary fr ‘shoolingrovemert and aks efe a ofthore upp Indeeachoos in ‘commutes without each seal capital nd wih high levee of socal neds rodent to chang ediag the etorsoconclaethain such gor Iod “A much aoe power mods of schol development eedel one thar mlisacomprhensve commonly chelate” Asundentanding of hese coaneins rowan increas amber fea torrarebecoming intra i ererng wth onan teed orpnions inerdertotkeamorelntpredtratgyo cle ely develope tod leasing We now have thoasends of coment ofall servic seboos that lr ‘bea and famly support serie inthe schol ulin. nates like he arm Childs: Zon (CZ) tae a rea more exe ppc tlk {ng fay, commonly and school HCZ waka provide compen st focal suppor fr chien fom beth to callage nd excl coodinates this work with atempts to crete highly eduction in Ibe schools Impressed with sey reste federal goremmnent now tempting to ssppor the deadopmen of Promise Neighborhoods modeled vpon CZ in ther comtnier sco the county ‘Alou HCZ concn oa program proviso de hie comsnity upineso engage parents and fay members HICZ ands supporters know

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