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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 August 30, 2021 – a.m.

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART LXXXI] – MontCo GOP Picnic

The Intergovernmental Operations Committee will meet after Labor Day to hold a public hearing
and to issue subpoenae; a portal for public input will be established, but the website has neither
a scheduled meeting nor a mechanism by which anyone can impact composition of subpoenae.
Numerous people @ the MCRC Picnic provided pledges that they would try to shoehorn my data
into the staff (identities unknown), and I promised to update these memos accordingly; therefore,
Memos I-LXXX [] can be perused, with focus on Testimony (A)-(D).

The Senate shouldn’t start de novo; rather, it should build upon the admissions in the testimony
provided to the House/Senate State Government Committees summarized in my Memo IV
[“Grunt-work based upon review of 9/10 hearing transcripts/attachments”]; subpoenae should
be directed both at the counties and at the perps who confessed multiple unrepaired errors. Thus,
I was again asked to provide bullet-points that x-ruff with the data in my analyses/syntheses and,
therefore, I again cite the “Navarro Decalogue” {neologism} as the structure for what I distilled;
his ten categories of PA irregularities (, page 79) identify almost a
million suspect votes (noting the bulk in Philly - *) while the official candidate-splay was only 81K:

10,000 {a} Absentee ballots cast that arrived after Election Day
14,328 {b} Absentee ballots cast from addresses other than where voters
legally reside
58,221 {c} Absentee ballots cast that were returned on or before the
postmark date
9,005 {d} Absentee ballots cast without a postmark (violating state law)
8,021 {e} Dead voters
742 {f} Double voters: in-state
7,426 {g} Out-of-state voters who voted in-state
202,377 {h} Over-votes (per State Representative Frank Ryan, et al.)
680,774 {i} Poll watcher & poll observer abuse (defying SCOTUS orders)*
1,573 {j} Voters age 100+ (suspect, per state records and obituaries)

My 8/13/2021 interview [“The Fight For Election Integrity”] provides context for my efforts.

My eight op-eds published in Israel during the past ten months build to REFUTE
potential legal challenges to the SCOTUS accepting Cert; we had projected that
Trump would follow a Study Guide and how it had been Handicapped, triggering
him to orient litigation toward the Supreme Court; reviewing Pennsylvania cases
would have provided a vehicle to honor myriad voting irregularities, a
seismic action that would have energized Originalists. These unique essays
remain 100% applicable, even as Wisconsin may soon activate election probes

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