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What Do You Remember From Grade 9 Science?


1. Complete this table:

Element Name Element Symbol Element Name Element
oxygen P
sodium K
chlorine N
nitrogen He
iron C
magnesium Pb
sulfur Zn

2. Elements and compounds are both pure substances. This means

a) they are composed of only one kind of atom.
b) that the smallest particles of the substance are all the same.
c) they are all found on the Periodic Table.
d) none of the above.

3. Classify each of these substances as an element (E), compound (C) or mixture (M).
a) water (H2O) b) sugar (C6H12O6)
c) nitrogen gas (N2) d) silver
e) air f) chalk/calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
g) table salt (sodium chloride) h) ozone (O3)
i) steel j) carbon dioxide (CO2)

4. What is the best definition for a compound?

a) It is a substance made of two or more elements.
b) It is a substance that can be separated by physical means.
c) It is a substance made of molecules.
d) It is a substance made of two or more elements chemically bonded together.


5. An atom is
a) the smallest particle of matter.
b) easily broken down by chemical means into its components.
c) the smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of the element.
d) all of the above.

6. Complete this chart describing subatomic particles:

subatomic particle charge relative mass location in the atom
(amu = atomic mass units)
1/2000 amu

7. Every element has an “atomic number”. What does the atomic number tell you?
a) The # of protons in the atom. b) The # of protons and electrons in the atom.
c) The # of neutrons in the atom. d) The # of protons and neutrons in the atom.

8. In a neutral atom, the number of protons equals the number of

a) neutrons. b) energy levels.
c) electrons. d) all of the above.
9. Electrons are found in energy levels around the nucleus. Which of the following statements correctly
identifies a stable number of electrons in each level?
a) first level = 1; second level = 2; third level = 3
b) first level = 2; second level = 2; third level = 2
c) first level = 8; second level = 8; third level = 8
d) first level = 2; second level = 8; third level = 8

10. Draw a Bohr-Rutherford diagram for an atom of

a) carbon (atomic number = 6) b) chlorine (atomic number = 17)
(atomic mass = 12.01 amu) (atomic mass = 35.45 amu)

11. The mass number of an atom represents

a) the total mass of an atom. c) the # of protons and electrons in an atom.
b) the # of electrons in an atom. d) the # of protons and neutrons in an atom.

12. An atom has atomic number 12 and mass number 25. Which statement describes this atom?
a) It has 12 protons and 25 electrons. b) It has 12 protons and 13 electrons.
c) It has 12 protons and 25 neutrons. d) It has 12 protons and 13 neutrons.

13. An atom has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 12 neutrons. Which statement is correct?
a) Its atomic number is 22 and its mass number is 34.
b) Its atomic number is 11 and its mass number is 34.
c) Its atomic number is 11 and its mass number is 22.
d) Its atomic number is 11 and its mass number is 23.

14. Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers
a) belong to different elements. b) have identical atomic masses.
c) belong to the same group in the PT. d) are called isotopes.

15. Which of these pairs of atoms would be considered isotopes?

a) carbon-14 and nitrogen-14 b) carbon-12 and carbon-14
c) oxygen-18 and fluorine-19 d) all of the above

THE PERIODIC TABLE - Use the following table for question 16-25.
The symbols R, Q, W, X, Y and Z are not the true symbols of the elements in those locations.

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 85 86

87 118

16. How many groups are shown in this Periodic Table?

a) 3 b) 7 c) 8 d) 18 e) 87

17. How many periods are shown in this Periodic Table?

a) 1 b) 7 c) 8 d) 18 e) 87

18. The number in each square of the Periodic Table represents the
a) atomic mass of the element. b) atomic number of the element.
c) mass number of the element. d) the age of the element.

19. What is the name given to the group of elements identified by 3, 11, 19, 55 and 87?
a) noble gases b) halogens
c) alkaline earth metals d) alkali metals

20. What is the name given to the group of elements identified 2, 10, 18, 36 and 54?
a) noble gases b) halogens
c) alkaline earth metals d) alkali metals

21. The element with atomic number 25 would be classified as a(n):

a) noble gases b) halogens
c) alkaline earth metals d) transition metals

22. Each vertical column in the Periodic Table is called a group or family.

a) Label each column in the table 1 to 18.

b) Label the names of these groups?

Group 1 Group 2 Groups 3-12 Group 17 Group 18

c) Which of the following is the same about the atoms in all elements in one group?
(i) They have the same number of protons.
(ii) They have the same number of electrons.
(iii) They have the same number of outermost electrons (valence electrons).
(iv) They have the same number of energy levels.

d) Which of the following is the same about all the atoms in all the element in one period?
(i) They have the same number of protons.
(ii) They have the same number of electrons.
(iii) They have the same number of outermost electrons (valence electrons).
(iv) They have the same number of energy levels.

23. Consider element “X” on the Periodic Table above. Label each statement below as true or false.
Change each false statement into a true statement.

a) T F There are 17 protons in the atoms of this element.

b) T F There are 17 neutrons in the atoms of this element.

c) T F Electrons occupy two energy levels in the atoms of this element.

d) T F There are 7 valence electrons in the atoms of this element.

24. Which atom would have electrons in 4 energy levels and only one valence electron?
a) R b) Q c) W d) X e) Y f) Z

25. Which atom would have 3 valence electrons?

a) R b) Q c) W d) X e) Y f) Z

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