Audio Narration SINGLE Slide: Google Form in The Discussion Forum

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3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Presentation

Details of the Assignment

You will create a 3 minute presentation on a topic of your choice that is related to a technology
or phenomenon from Unit 1 or Unit 2. You will provide an audio narration with a SINGLE slide
to support your presentation.

You must examine a technology, piece of research, or innovation. This is NOT a project where
they are just looking at a topic and providing multiple examples of applications. You should be
looking at current innovations which impact society and have relevance. You should consider
the societal and environmental impact of the technology, innovation, or research you have
examined. The research should be current and the innovations in the field should be the focus.


● A single, static slide (PowerPoint or Google Slide) is permitted (no slide transitions, animations, or
“movement” of any description are allowed), and the slide is to be presented from the beginning
of the narration and remain in view for the duration of the narration.
● No additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) are permitted.
● No additional props (e.g,. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
● Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum.
● Presentations are to be spoken in standard oratory prose (i.e., no poems, raps or songs, other
than those that may be the target of research).
● Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation
through movement or speech.

● APA citations (references cited) in the Discussion post itself

Unit Topic
Each presentation you make is constrained by the research you have done as well as the unit content.
You MUST ensure that your topic demonstrated an understanding of the content from the unit. The
sign-up for topics will occur on Monday, August 9th - see the Google Form in the Discussion Forum.

You can view some past presentations to see some samples of 3MT presentations here.

Suggested Video Software

For details on audio/video software or the following link:


● See the RUBRIC in the Discussion Forum

● In general you should consider the following:

● Did the presenter use language and terminology that was clear and understandable?
● Was the pace of the talk effective?
● Did the slide enhance, rather than detract from, the talk — was it clear, legible, and concise?


● Did the talk help you to understand the scholarly research?

● Did the presenter clearly outline the nature and purpose of the scholarly research and
● Did the presenter clearly indicate what is interesting about the scholarly research and
● Did the talk follow a logical sequence?


● Was the talk engaging?

● Did the talk inspire you to want to know more?
● Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their topic?
● Did the presenter capture and maintain your attention?

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