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Discrete Mathematics
(MATH F 213)
(1st Semester: 2016-17) Comprehensive Exam.(Closed Book)
Date:03-12-2016(2.00PM - 5.00PM) Max. Marks:80

• Attempt all questions and marks are displayed against each question.

• Describe each steps clearly for complete credit.

• Make a page-index.

1. Using laws of logic discuss the validity of the argument “All students go to
parties. Some students drink too much. Therefore some students who drink too
much go to parties”. [10]

2. Using GIEP derive an explicit formula for derangement Dn . [10]

3. A triangular pyramidal numbers Tn are positive integers that can be represented

by triangular pyramidal shapes. Find the recurrence relation for Tn and solve it
using method of characteristics root method. [10]

4. Suppose that each of r people wants to order a Danish pastry from a bakery.
Unfortunately, the bakery only has 3 cheese, 2 apricot and 4 raspberry pastries
left. Find a generating function for {dr }, where dr is the number of fillable orders
for the r pastries. [10]

5. If R be a transitive relation on a nonempty set A, then prove that Rn ⊆ R for

every positive integer n. [5]

6. Prove or disprove that a ∨ b = a ∨ c &a ∧ b = a ∧ c ⇒ b = c for any a, b, c in a

distributed lattice (L, ≤). [5]

7. Find a minimal representation of the Boolean expression xyz̄ w̄ + xyz w̄ + x̄yz̄ w̄ +

x̄ȳzw + x̄ȳz̄w + xȳzw + xȳz̄w + xȳz w̄ using K-map. [10]

8. A security network for a three-guard patrol at a missile base is set up so that
an alarm is sounded if guard one loses contact and at least one of the other two
guards is not in contact, or if guard one and guard two are in contact but guard
three loses contact. Design a combinatorial circuit and find a Boolean expression
for the same. Is the design optimal with minimum number of gate? Justify your
answer. [10]

9. Prove that in a group of 10 people there always exists 4 mutual acquaintances

or 3 mutually strangers. [10]

***** BEST OF LUCK *******

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