The Floating Hoard

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An AIRSHIPS! Encounter Below deck, the collection takes up most of the space.
by Polished Cryptid Two objects in the Morkoth’s collection, placed in
the first pile the party encounters on the transport
The party encounters an airship with no visible deck, are Animated Objects and will attack the party
crew that emerges from an unnatural mist. The on sight.
upper deck is empty. Upon exploring the area, the
adventurers must make a Wisdom saving throw PLAYING THE MORKOTH
(DC 15) as they feel the urge to go below deck. On a The Morkoth’s motivation is simple - to add to
fail, the adventurer uses all available movement to its collection. If the adventurers have any items
walk towards the stairs to the transport deck. On a reflecting those the Morkoth collects, the Morkoth’s
success, they resist the urge and can explore the deck primary objective will be to obtain those items. If
freely. the party does not have any items the Morkoth is
The airship is a Morkoth’s island. The Morkoth interested in, it will consider them threats to its
(VGM pg 177) is aware of the party when they touch collection and seek to destroy them if they do not
the ship. Morkoths are hoarders, travelling the astral leave. The Morkoth can be bargained with if the
planes to build their hoard. Unlike most Morkoths, group agrees to help it expand its collection with a
this one has a particular type of item it exclusively successful Charisma (Persuasion) check (DC 15) and
collects. Roll 1d10 on the list below to determine will expect the adventurers to live up to their end of
what the Morkoth collects. the bargain. However, the Morkoth will be unwilling
to negotiate if the players have taken anything from
1d10 Collection the collection.
1 Children’s Toys The Morkoth communicates telepathically and
2 Rusted Metal is highly intelligent. In contrast to its dreadful
3 Arrows & Needles appearance it speaks with a refined and elegant voice.
It favours flowery language and is unimpressed with
4 Vegetables individuals who use crude language.
5 Potions & Poisons
6 Carnival Masks
7 Velvet
8 Broken Magical Items
9 Notebooks
10 Leather



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