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March 2010

Building a Successful Captive

Services Centre in the Financial
Services Sector

By David Howie, Ph.D.

Director, TPI


2. What is a Captive?
2. The Market in Context
2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Captives
4. Tips for Building a Successful Captive
9. Conclusion
WHAT IS A CAPTIVE? were currently operating captive facilities. According
to our research, the most common services supplied
In the sourcing context, a ‘captive’ facility is a wholly
are transaction processing, CRM voice processes, and
owned entity that provides services principally to a
IT help desk, research and analytical support. Roughly
parent organisation or its affiliates and is located in a
one-third of current captives are based in India, and
separate country or region. The term is commonly used
the average size of each is approaching 2,000 full-
today to differentiate between outsourced, offshored
time equivalents (FTEs).
processing and offshoring in a service centre that is
owned by the company to which it provides services. Though much activity in the last 10 years has been
The management of the captive, together with the focused in India, we are now seeing a trend for captive
vast majority of workers, will be employees of the growth in Eastern Europe, China and the Far East.
parent company. Captives are used for IT outsourcing There are clear signs that the market is maturing and
(ITO) services, business process outsourcing (BPO) and, companies are becoming more knowledgeable about
increasingly, the provision of high-value ‘knowledge the pros and cons of using captive operations. As a
process’ outsourcing (KPO) that require a degree of result, we are seeing a polarisation of the market, as
specialised domain expertise. companies aim for either niche facilities offering high-
end business or knowledge processes, or larger, more
general facilities aimed at full-scale back-office BPO
and ITO integration. Companies are also responding
According to TPI research, the financial services to the challenges of hiring and retaining management
industry’s first captives were established in the early staff, particularly at the mid-levels, where the rate of
1980s, principally in countries such as Ireland and attrition can be as high as 20 percent or more per
Malaysia, and predominantly to provide technology year.
services and applications development and
maintenance (ADM) capabilities. Subsequently, a
growing number of BPO back-office and customer THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES
relationship management (CRM) captives have been OF CAPTIVES
built, as well as captives providing specialised financial Captive facilities are thought by many to provide
services processing and knowledge-based activities some of the best features of both external and
such as equity research and analysis. Many of these internal service provision. As with an outsourced
captives have been established in India. provider, a captive will typically be based in a low-cost
country and will thus represent an opportunity to
Recognising that financial services companies
improve process economics through wage arbitrage.
have been at the forefront of leveraging captive
Establishing a captive in a region of high growth will
organisations as a central ingredient in their global
also enable a company to access new sources of
service delivery models, TPI has recently conducted
talent. In many cases, companies are using captives
an extensive survey to understand the presence and
to build a foothold in a potentially expanding market
capabilities of these captives. Seventy-four companies
prior to rolling out a full retail presence.
— more than one-third of the financial services
companies included in the survey — reported that they

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
Further, since the captive is a full part of its parent They also fail to appreciate the challenges of building
company, the risks associated with moving work and operating facilities in countries where construction
offshore are reduced because the parent can retain standards may be lower, where risks to the health
a greater degree of control over operations, together and safety of employees may be greater, and where
with the flexibility to adapt services and processes cultural issues may affect business practices when
to changes in business requirements. Captives are sourcing from third parties. The potential for increased
also, in theory at least, easier to monitor than third liability and damaged reputation is greater than if the
parties. Using a captive allows the parent to establish operation had been constructed and operated by a
a controlled environment that minimises the security third party.
risks to valuable intellectual property or confidential
information, and it ensures that the parent retains Establishing a captive typically takes far longer than
ownership of any new intellectual property generated. it would to contract for a third-party service provider
This is particularly relevant if high-end knowledge for the same services. Further, and in contrast to using
processes are to be provided. a third-party provider, full financial and operating
risk is retained, but without the chance to benefit
The parent also retains full control over its touchpoints from an external provider’s scale, efficiency and
with clients. In essence, using a captive rather than a process experience. Crucially, captives are usually
third-party service provider minimises the opportunity more expensive to operate than using third-party
for clients to bypass the parent company and turn service providers, mostly due to scale effects. Finally,
directly to the third party for its services. Finally, the parent company is often unprepared for the
regulatory barriers introduced to protect customers of challenges of ongoing service management of the
financial institutions when processing is outsourced and captive. In particular, the company is often unaware
moved offshore (e.g., the outsourcing requirements in of the extent to which service provider disciplines
the U.K.’s SYS C regulations and the European Union’s need to be introduced to manage the pipeline of
MiFID regulations) are mitigated since the captive is work and the ongoing demands and expectations
fully owned and operated by the parent. The overhead from different parts of its business. These disciplines
of ensuring compliance for outsourced and offshored differ from those of conventional third-party provider
processing can be significantfor financial institutions. management.

Not all the characteristics of captives are positive, As a result, it is common for captives to be closed or
however. Parent companies typically underestimate sold to BPO providers within a few years of commencing
the investment required, both in start-up capital and operations, particularly when the operations are too
management time, and find it more difficult than low-scale to be cost effective. A number of service
expected to recruit talented resources in the host providers have expanded their business operations
country. successfully by taking over the management of captive
facilities for companies whose ambitions in setting up
these operations were unmatched by their ability to
manage them.

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
TIPS FOR BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL CAPTIVE also from management and back-office functions such
as Human Resources (HR), Finance and Accounting
Make Sure You Are Setting Up Your (F&A), recruitment, and ongoing tax, audit and legal
Captive for the Right Reasons activities.Unless the number of FTEs is substantial,
these costs lead to high ‘seat costs’ that can outweigh
In our experience, the decision to set up a captive salary savings of even 50 to 60 percent per FTE or
is often taken for the wrong reasons. It is not, for more. Starting small and growing rarely improves
example, an easy way to climb onto the offshoring payback times, because this requires a costly and time-
bandwagon for those who think that using a service consuming investment in the middle management
provider is too risky. Nor will it deliver short-term cost layer in order to be successful. Factors that can tip
savings. (Indeed, our clients are usually surprised by the balance in favour of selecting a captive approach
the extent of establishment costs, particularly for IT over outsourcing are the complexity and risk involved
and premises setup.) Importantly, moving a process in the processes to be offshored. If they are central
offshore, which is inefficient or difficult to manage, will to the business, are complex or involve development
not magically solve the problem. This misconception or use of competitive intellectual property, the
— common enough when outsourcing to service additional costs may be outweighed by the strategic
providers — is still more damaging in the case of risk and nature of the work performed. Small captive
captives, since there are no third parties involved with organisations will also find it more difficult to attract
new process reengineering or transformation skills to and retain talent, as they will often not be able to offer
address efficiency issues. In fact, performance can the same varied career paths as larger organisations.
further degrade once a broken process is moved into
a captive, since the difficulties of remote management It is important also to decide the location of the
tend to compound the problem. The establishment proposed captive carefully. Each country has certain
of a captive should be treated as an opportunity to characteristics that make it more or less suitable for
undertake a comprehensive review and reengineering particular types of captive facilities. Language and
of inefficient and ineffective processes. time zone are obvious considerations here, but often
as important are the tax and regulatory regimes,
Make Sure the Scale and Scope of Your access to a talented labour pool, and the robustness of
Proposed Operation Is Realistic the local infrastructure, including IT connectivity. And
of course different locations within a country will have
For highly specialised or knowledge-dependent markedly different characteristics, too. Good transport
activities, sustainable captives can be smaller than and infrastructure will be essential to attract workers,
those for standard processing work, but even so, as will the availability of reasonably priced residential
research and practice suggest that it is difficult for housing. In boomtowns such as Bangalore and
captive operations of fewer than about 500 FTEs to Mumbai there can be a war for talent at the right
survive in the long term. For standard processing in levels, and traffic congestion will be an important
India, this lower limit can be in the low thousands. factor when deciding where to site your facility. In our
The prime reason is perhaps economic. Captives experience, the decision on where to site a captive
usually have relatively high fixed costs, not only from is too often driven by anecdote and the personal
premises, business continuity and IT-related items, but preference of senior stakeholders. Location is a major

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
factor in the ultimate success or failure of the captive. be recognised from the start that building an internal
Therefore, it is surprising that this decision is often pipeline of business and managing it effectively is an
made in the early stages of the project. To ensure ongoing process that does not end when the captive
the selection of the most appropriate location, it is begins operation, but which must respond to changes
essential that management allocate sufficient time in business requirements and service capabilities.
and expertise to undertake a comprehensive and
objective location selection exercise. A related issue concerns the equitable allocation
of start-up and running costs of the captive. It is
important that these costs are allocated on a fair and
Have a Clear Mandate from Your Senior equitable basis. For example, early adopters should
Management to Establish the Operation not be penalised with an unfair proportion of start-up
Building a captive is an expensive and lengthy costs, nor should these costs unfairly burden business
business, and it can make significant demands on the units that are politically weak or have no opportunity to
time of senior management. The failure of a captive use the captive services. These considerations should
or its cancellation during construction could be be addressed within a detailed and comprehensive
publicly embarrassing, waste start-up costs, and often business case, which will need to specify internal
damage the processes earmarked for transition of allocations and also set out the financial case for the
roles offshore. As a result, the decision to press ahead captive on a profit-and-loss basis, as well as providing
should be taken only at board level, and only with an accurate view of cash flows for internal budgeting
the buy-in of all affected business units. At the same and calculation of foreign currency requirements.
time, sufficient funds must be allocated to the project
from the start. In our experience, establishment costs Finally, make sure that the mandate is genuine. Even
and timescales are often not well understood at the the approval of the board of directors can turn out
early stages, potentially leading to underbudgeting. to be an empty rubber stamp if the requirements
Particular caution should be exercised when to establish the captive are at odds with the culture
considering the costs and timeframes for obtaining of the parent company. Two issues are common
the requisite regulatory and fiscal approvals together here. The first is around the speed and nature of the
with the process of premises design and fit. decision making process. Establishing the captive in
a timely fashion will require authority over significant
The mandate for the captive should include clear budgetary and operational matters to be devolved
rules on how it is to be used. This can be particularly to the project team and its steering committee.
complicated if the intention is to provide services to Does this fit with the traditions of the parent, or do
more than one business unit. In such cases, it must be decisions usually follow lengthy discussion and wide
made plain whether business units are compelled to engagement?
use the captive for the relevant services, or whether
they are free to opt out and either remain with existing The second issue commonly occurs when the
service delivery or choose to outsource elsewhere. captive is intended to serve more than one division
or business unit of the parent company. Are these
Any exceptions to these rules, together with associated entities accustomed to working together, or do they
decision rights, must also be clarified. It should also traditionally operate independently? Regrettably,

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
often in the financial sector, different business units • Tax and treasury
within the same company act as de facto rivals • Service management and governance
rather than partners. Certain business units will enjoy
significant autonomy and may not be subject to the will We have found that companies typically underestimate
of the parent that initiated the captive, even though the requirements for skills, local knowledge and
the business case for the captive at the overall group commitment. HR is usually a problem here. In India
level is compelling. This can jeopardise the smooth in particular, the strong competition for resources,
running of the captive. Such issues need to be clarified together with the dynamics of the hiring process and
at the start, because attempting to resolve them once the complexity of incentive packages and HR policies
the project is underway can drain management time in a market of high churn (greater than 60 percent per
and energy and result in costly delays. year has been experienced in some locations) mean
that HR should be treated as a front-end function
and resourced appropriately. Indeed, not just the
Ensure the Project Team Has the size of your offered packages — and premiums will
Necessary Experience need to be paid if your brand is little-known locally
Previous experience in building offshore service — but the relative proportions of different elements
centres is essential. Also, ensure that your team such as salary and health insurance will be specific to
has some knowledge of operating in the target the local market. Be prepared to revisit your packages
country. Captives tend to be targeted toward low- frequently, and be aware of rampant wage inflation
cost, developing countries, and these can often be in some parts of the world. It is usually worth seeking
challenging and frustrating places to do business. The local HR advice.
attempt to impose corporate practices and timescales
common in the U.S. or Europe will simply not work, A further consideration for financial services companies
and instead it is essential to adapt to the local customs is the need to demonstrate to regulators that the
and to understand and manage the resulting risks. offshoring process provides at least the same level
of control exercised in the original country. Vetting
In addition to top-quality project skills, the team will of staff and protection of personal data is easier to
also require subject matter expertise in the following control in a captive than with an outsourced service
areas: provider, but it is still impossible in some markets
to conduct the same level of background checks
• HR
expected in the home market and logistically difficult
• Finance to adequately vet staff where the churn rate is high
• IT and significant rapid growth is required.
• Regulatory, compliance and legal
• Risk Another key area, and one with significant lead times,
is IT. Particular challenges here include establishing
• Security
adequate network coverage with appropriate
• Communications
security and back-up safeguards for the network and
• Office design and fit-out systems, and ensuring that local systems are correctly
• Facilities management integrated with the systems of the parent company.

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
In other cases, the requirement for subject matter virtually all activities. As an example, for Indian captives
expertise can easily be overlooked. Capital structure STPI registration requires a wealth of documentation
requirements, for example, can have significant and can be a significant headache. The process is split
economic consequences for how the captive will into several stages, and many project teams have
perform. How many classes of shares will there be, had to scramble against tight deadlines to complete
and what will be the rights of minority shareholders documents that could have been worked on at leisure
in the jurisdiction? Also important here are tax earlier.
considerations. Where is the captive domiciled for
income tax purposes? What is the capital gains tax
Build and Maintain Momentum!
regime? Many countries have tax breaks for overseas
companies establishing local operations. For example, Setting up a captive is tough. For most of the project
Pakistan provides a 15-year tax holiday for international team this will be a new experience, and the learning
call centre programmes. In India, similar schemes curve will be steep. Some of the team will be working
exist. remotely or in isolation, and it can be easy to become
overwhelmed by the complexity of the job. We have
Finally, be aware that it is far more difficult for a parent found that building and maintaining momentum —
to set up a new operation in a country where it does and thus enthusiasm in the project team — is a key
not already have a significant business presence. In success factor. One way to achieve this is to get at
such cases, all legal, regulatory and tax issues will need least part of the operation up and running quickly, and
to be learned from scratch, as will the peculiarities of then incrementally build on this progress, rather than
the local financial and banking systems, and this can aiming for a ‘big bang’ approach in which everything
be a lengthy and costly business. These areas can is timed to be 100 percent complete on Day One. The
also be unforgiving. For example, it can be difficult, captive will eventually require a full F&A function, for
if not impossible, to achieve certain permissions or example, but not all the processes involved will be
registrations if they are applied for retroactively or out required from the start. Instead, elementary payment
of sequence. systems should be established first with other
processes added as appropriate.
Understand Dependencies Among the Set-
Up Activities Don’t Forget to Market Your Facility
Do not ignore the dependencies between your project Locally
work streams at the risk of significantly extending your It can be surprisingly hard to recruit the right people
timelines and increasing your costs. As an example, to the captive, particularly at mid-management levels,
telecom circuits will need to be ordered well in where skills can be scarce. Ensure that you have funds
advance of fit-out, and the ability to do so will depend in your budget for local marketing and search activities.
on an active bank account, which in turn will require This will allow your captive to compete effectively with
legal incorporation and company registration. rival and better-known companies in attracting top-
quality staff. Attendance at recruitment fairs can be
Regulatory issues are often poorly understood for the valuable here, and it will almost always be worthwhile
target country and constitute a potential bottleneck for to engage local recruitment professionals. All this

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
work should start well in advance of the golive date of and culture, living thousands of miles away, who will
the captive, particularly if your facility is large or you often have little or no experience with the parent
are aiming on ramping it up quickly. At the same time, company, and will have different career expectations.
do not forget to develop a marketing plan targeted Though workers in knowledge processes often regard
at potential internal clients in the parent businesses. the captive as a route to transferring to the home
You need employees for your captive, but also a well- base of the parent, other employees may expect only
phased plan for transitioning work for them to do! a brief tenure with the company.

In contrast to service provider relationships, we have

Think of the Future often seen that with a greater degree of assumed trust
It is easy to regard the captive build-out as a closed- from the start, and without a strict contract in place,
ended project that finishes when services start management processes for the captive tend not to
to flow. This is particularly true in organisations be formalised, and rather than being built to control
with a ‘procurement mindset’, in other words, in events, develop in reaction to them. We strongly
organisations that tend to regard sourcing largely as recommend instead that the captive is viewed and
a one-off purchasing process, with continuing activity run from launch as a proper service centre, with a clear
limited to squeezing the service provider. Yet ‘out of operating model, service and problem management
sight’ must not mean ‘out of mind’. In fact, it is vital procedures and measurement tools documented
that business units view working with the captive in and in place, and the constant monitoring of agreed
terms of building and growing relationships — and this service levels and financial performance.
will require much travel and time spent face to face
rather than just the occasional phone call. Business
Maintain Good Project Management
units should also work to ensure that the captive
operations are closely linked to their evolving needs When teams building captives struggle or fail, it is not
and strategies. usually because of any intrinsic problems with the aims
of the project. Instead, the most common reasons are
An important — perhaps the most important — those typical of any change project: a weak project
element of building the captive is thus to put in place team with a shifting or unclear mandate, insufficient
mechanisms for ongoing governance of the captive, buy-in from project sponsors, lack of necessary skills,
sourcing and provider management, and service and lax project reporting and governance.
management. The captive organisation is not a service
provider, nor should it be treated as such; but it does These general pitfalls seem to be magnified for captive
require that many of the same disciplines be in place to build projects, usually because communication is
deal with its customers in the parent’s business units. poor as project members spend much of their time
Experience clearly shows that managing a captive is traveling and working in isolation. With the high
markedly different from managing a service provider. degree of dependency between work streams, plus
In some ways, captives are tougher to manage. Their the strong autonomy and decision rights each work
fully owned nature can lull users into treating them stream leader will need to ensure momentum in the
as casually as an in-house service centre, yet they are project is kept up, the result can be that some key tasks
usually staffed by people of a different background are duplicated while others end up falling between

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
the cracks. To prevent this, all team members will built captives with the capability to operate other
need to be clear on their roles, decision rights, and firms’ processes in order to gain the additional
their interactions with other work streams. There also ability to balance demand and leverage the capital
needs to be strong senior executive sponsorship and investment.
governance across all activities to ensure that risks are
managed effectively and alignment is achieved across These and other approaches can indeed mitigate
the initiative. risks, but they require suitably qualified and motivated
partners. Whatever approach is taken, the decision to
build a captive should not be taken lightly.
Captives can be excellent tools for financial services LOOKING FOR A STRATEGIC PARTNER?
companies to improve their services and access new
pools of talent, while at the same time preserving TPI’s Financial Services experts have served more than
flexibility and cutting cost. The hurdles to setting them 135 unique clients across asset management, banking,
up so that they can perform effectively, however, capital markets, mortgage processing, insurance and
cannot be underestimated. A number of companies private equity with advisors in the Americas, Europe,
are aiming to lessen some of the establishment risks Asia and Australia.
by using third-party service providers to help, in a
so-called ‘assisted build-out’ (ABO) model. We have We can help you achieve your organizational goals
also seen variations to this approach in which a local through objective advice, knowledge of your industry
provider supplies local resources for urgent tasks or and experience with sourcing arrangements from
those requiring immediate on-the-ground response. simple to complex.
Another common approach here is ‘build-operate-
Looking for a strategic partner? Contact Dr. David
transfer’ (BOT), in which a provider builds and operates
Howie, Director at +1 44 7789 771665 or
the captive for a period of time before ownership
is transferred to the parent. Some companies have
also turned to a joint-venture approach and have

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Technology Partners International, Inc.
Dr. David Howie is an accomplished finance strategy and operations professional. He advises TPI’s clients on aspects of their
finance and accounting service alternatives, providing expertise in financial services, business management and academics.

Prior to joining TPI, David worked at Barclays Bank PLC as a Senior Program Manager responsible for directing major initiatives to cut
costs and improve customer service in retail banking through a mix of process redesign and re-engineering, technology solutions
and strategic outsourcing. While in the Group Strategy and Planning team, he carried out a number of projects, including working
with board-level sponsorship to guide the bank’s approach to corporate governance.

David holds a Bachelor of Arts in Physics and a Master of Arts in Atomic Physics from the University of Oxford. In addition, he
earned a doctorate in Atomic Physics from the University of Oxford and a doctorate in the history and sociology of science from
the University of Pennsylvania.

ABOUT TPI: TPI, a unit of Information Services Group, Inc. (ISG) (NASDAQ:III, IIIIU, IIIIW), is the founder and innovator of the sourcing
advisory industry, and the largest sourcing data and advisory firm in the world. We are expert at a broad range of business support
functions and related research methodologies. Utilizing deep functional domain expertise and extensive practical experience,
our accomplished industry experts collaborate with organizations to help them advance their business operations through the
best combination of business process improvement, shared services, outsourcing and offshoring. For additional information, visit

Americas EMEA India Asia Pacific

Brian Smith Denise Colgan Indy Banerjee Arno Franz
Partner & Managing Director Marketing Director Partner Partner & Regional President
Financial Services, TPI +44 (0)1737 371523 +91 80 4151 8538 Asia Pacific
+1 201 233 2384 +61 (0)2 9006 1610


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