Training and Development Questionnaire

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Dear respondent,

I am a student from Multimedia University (MMU), Bachelor of Business

Administration (BBA) (Hons) majoring in Human Resource Management. I am
conducting a research on how training and development in support innovation. This
research is part of my degree program in MMU.

The purpose of this research is to find out which type of training and development
are perceived by organizations in making to be relevant to innovation. This research will
help to further understanding which of the factors towards the training and development
can be greater generate innovation in the future.

Your kind assistance in answering this questionnaire is very important for the
development or result of this study. The information and responses gathered will be
strictly be used for academic purposes only and will be kept as confidential. Finally, your
kind cooperation in completing this survey is very much appreciated

Thank you.
Part A: The following questions are about your demographic information. Please (  ) the answer which best
represent you.

1. Gender :

( ) Male ( ) Female

2. Age :

( ) 16 – 25 ( ) 26 – 35 ( ) 36 – 45 ( ) 46 – 55
( ) 55 and above

3. Race :

( ) Malay ( ) Chinese ( ) Indian

( ) Others. Please specify :

4. Education level :

( ) Primary Education / UPSR ( ) Secondary Education / SPM / O-Level

( ) Pre-U / A-Level / STPM / ( ) Diploma


( ) Bachelor Degree ( ) Postgraduate Studies

( ) Professional Studies ( ) Others. Please specify :

5. Monthly income :

( ) Less than RM 1,000 ( ) RM 1,000 – RM 2,999

( ) RM 3,000 – RM 4,999 ( ) RM 5,000 – RM 6,999

( ) RM 7,000 – RM 8,999 ( ) More than RM 9,000

6. Which department / division do your work in?

( ) Human Resource Department ( ) Finance / Accounting Department

( ) Marketing / Sales Department ( ) Information Technology (IT) Department

( ) Operation Department ( ) Others. Please specify :

7. How many years have you worked in this company?

( ) 0–3 ( ) 4–7 ( ) 28 – 11 ( ) 12 – 15

( ) 16 and above

8. Which of the following best describe your position in the company?

( ) Senior Manager ( ) Manager

( ) Senior Executive ( ) Executive

( ) Junior Executive ( ) Fresh / Entry Level

( ) Non-executive ( ) Others. Please specify :

Part B: To gather some information on the company in order to find any correlation in the survey.

a) Please state your corporation name and location.

Name of corporation :

Location of corporation : (e.g. Cheras, Kuala Lumpur)

b) Which of the following industries best describe your corporation?

Education Manufacturing

Finance Information Technology

Telecommunication Others. Please specify :

c) What is the size of your corporation?

Less than 100 employees 100 – 200 employees

201 – 300 employees 301 – 400 employees

401 – 500 employees More than 500 employees

d) Which of the following best describe the ownership of your corporation?

Local own corporation Multinational own corporation

Joint venture between local and foreign corporation

Please specify the joint venture partner :

e) Please circle the rate of the following factors in your corporations.

Manpower Turnover : High Medium Low

Absenteeism : High Medium Low

Grievances : High Medium Low

Part C: The following questions are awareness about innovation. Please tick the answer which you agree to the
statements. You may choose more than one.

1. Goal (s) of innovation is/are :

Improved quality Extension of the product range

Creation of new markets Improved production processes

Reduced labor cost Reduced environmental damage

Replacement of products / services Conformance to regulations

Reduced energy consumption Reduced materials

Others. Please specify :

2. Failure (s) of innovation is/are due to :

Poor Leadership Poor goal definition

Poor Organization Poor alignment of actions to goals

Poor Communication Poor participation in teams

Poor Empowerment Poor monitoring of results

Poor Knowledge Management Poor communication and access to information

Others. Please specify :

3. Barrier (s) to innovation is/are :

Organization not conducive to innovation Traditional management behavior

Environment not conducive to innovation Group behavior

Insufficient resources Individual behaviour

Traditional accounting practices Others. Please specify :

Part D: This section measures how training and development support innovation. Please circle the degree of
your agreement using the following indicator.
Indicator : 1 - Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neutral

4 - Agree 5 - Strongly Agree


1. E-Learning can support innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

2. E-Learning provides learning opportunities in order to be innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

3. E-Learning consists of a broad range of learning strategies and technologies from 1 2 3 4 5

courses available online, DVDs, CD-ROMs, to videoconferencing.

4. E-learning can change existing ways of thinking and understanding in response to 1 2 3 4 5

new development.

5. E-Learning is an effective and efficient training method which can equip employees 1 2 3 4 5
with the most advance skills and latest information.

Transfer of Knowledge

1. Transfer of knowledge can support innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

My company provides sufficient training can equip employees with the important
2. 1 2 3 4 5
knowledge for my job in order to be innovation.

3. Transfer of knowledge can change behaviors and the growth of new thoughts and 1 2 3 4 5

4. Knowledge transfer occurs when experience in one division / department of 1 2 3 4 5

influences another division / department.

5. Meeting, presentation, internet, intranet and videoconferencing are the important tools 1 2 3 4 5
to transfer the knowledge within employees to enhance innovation.

Learning Organization

1. Learning organization support innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

2. Collaborative learning or continuous education is always adopted by companies. 1 2 3 4 5

3. Job rotation is one of the ways to acquire knowledge. 1 2 3 4 5

4. Learning organization constantly enhances the knowledge base to retain and develop 1 2 3 4 5
new competencies for innovation.

5. Leaning organizations continuously recognize, test, and improve the mental models of 1 2 3 4 5
employees for innovation.

Career Development

1. Promotion can motivate me to be more innovative. 1 2 3 4 5

2. Internal promotion for career development that can affect the employees’ innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

3. Dual career tracks encourage and retain the potential employees to develop new 1 2 3 4 5
competencies for innovation.

4. Upward mobility in hierarchy based can increase employees’ innovation. 1 2 3 4 5

5. Performance management and appraisal is one of the career development tools. 1 2 3 4 5

~ The End ~

Thank you!

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