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Dialog 1

Rina: Have you checked the update from Mr. Dennis?

Lara: No, I haven’t. I feel under the weather. What’s new?
Rina: It’s about a new task. Ouch, try to drink more water then take a rest. I hope you’ll be better soon.
Lara: Yeah, sure. Thank you so much.

Dialogue 2
Rati: I feel very tired lately. Do you have any suggestions, Bayu?
Bayu: You should take some vitamins and rest enough so that your body condition will remain on

Rati: Ok, I’ll try what you suggest to me, Thank a lot.

Bayu: Don’t mention it.

Dialog 3
Panca: I think I need to improve my English. What do you suggest me to do?
Damar: It’s better for you to take an English course. The best one is at Padjajaran street.
Panca: I’ve thought about that but I’m not sure I can’t take that course. It’s really far from my home.
Damar: How about taking an online course?
Panca: Wow, that sounds good. Please tell me what to do.
Damar: You should visit English sites then enroll online course.
Panca: Sure. I’ll try soon. Thank you so much.

Dialogue 4
Mr. Daruna: Hi Lempion?
Mr. Lempion: Hi Daruna
Mr. Daruna: Why you look sad?
Mr. Lempion: I am confused?
Mr. Daruna: Why confusedDo you have a problem?
Mr. Lempion: I haven’t been able to pay the school administration. Do you have any advice to me?
Mr. Daruna: I think, you should ask dispensation to the school
Mr. Lempion: It’s good idea. Thanks Daruna…
Mr. Daruna: you’re welcome

Dialogue 5
Anta : Hi Nesa, How are you today?
Nesa : I feel disappointed.
Anta : What’s wrong with you?
Nesa : I got bad mark English examination yesterday.
Anta : Don’t be sad. I’m certain you can get mark better next time and you should study hard.
Nesa : Thank you for your suggestion
Anta : it’s OK .Don’t mention it

Dialogue 6
Elsa: I feel this night is very cold. Do you know what shoud I do?
Lily: I suggest you to wear a thick jacket.
Elsa: That’s a good idea. Thank you
Lily: You are welcome.

Dialogue 7
Revo: Next week Me and my family plan to take a vacation to Palabuhanratu Beach in western Java. Do
you know what I should bring?
Heda: How long will you take a vacation?
Revo: We will spend two days there.
Heda: O …, if it’s just two days, you should bring enough clothing and do not forget to bring other
things you need like a bathrobe.
Revo: I think, That’s a good idea.

Dialogue 8
Rina: I had stomachache from last night. Do you have any medicine?
Dani: I do not have it, Ina.
Rina: O … ok, can you give me some advice, Dani?”
Dani: You had better go to the docter as soon as posibble
Rina: Thank you for your suggest, Dan.
Dani: You are welcome, Rina.

Dialogue 9
Ela: I feel if I’m not good at English lessons Do you have any advice on what to do?
Ria: I suggest you to keep practicing and never get bored, Elsa.Learning by doing is better than do

Dialogue 10
Edo: Hei Teo, why do you look so sad
Teo: I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.
Edo: Really? Where did you lose it
Teo: Hmm… Maybe in the park.
Edo: I think you should be more careful with your belongings.
Teo: Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.
Edo: Don’t be sad Teo. I hope you can find it really soon.
Teo: Thank you Edo. Do you have any suggestion for me?
Edo: If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it more detail.
Teo: I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you have another suggestion?
Edo: Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to find it and also announce it to the
Teo: Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your suggestions.
Edo: You are welcome Teo. Next time, it is better for you to keep your important stuffs in a safe place.
Teo: Certainly Ben.

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