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Energy storage devices in hybrid railway

vehicles: a kinematic analysis
S Hillmansen∗ and C Roberts
Department of Electronic, Electrical, and Computing Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK

The manuscript was received on 21 July 2006 and was accepted after revision for publication on 28 November 2006.
DOI: 10.1243/09544097JRRT99

Abstract: Concerns over future energy security, energy costs, and competitiveness with other
modes have prompted the railway industry to search for cost-effective energy efficient traction
solutions which will ensure continuing business feasibility. For non-electrified routes, where
the business case for electrification is unfavourable, traction is usually provided by diesel fuel
combustion. Hybridization offers the potential to achieve a step change in energy efficiency.
This article presents an analysis of the potential benefits of hybridization for rail vehicles. The
performance requirements of the energy storage device in a hybrid rail vehicle which is storage
device dominant are derived. A rail vehicle simulator has been developed in order to compute
the drive train duty cycle in typical high-speed and commuter passenger services. The outputs
from the simulator have been inputted into a series hybrid model, which has been optimized to
preserve the state of charge of the energy storage device over a single typical rail journey. The
analysis suggests the energy savings of up to 28 per cent for high-speed intercity vehicles and
35 per cent for commuter vehicles are achievable with practical system components. A sensitivity
analysis exploring the effect of the inherent efficiency of the regenerative braking capability and
the energy storage device revealed that primary energy savings are only realized with in/out
storage efficiencies of greater than ∼40 per cent.

Keywords: rail vehicle, hybrid propulsion, energy storage device

1 INTRODUCTION operating velocity and by the vehicle mass to derive

parameter, which is representative of the specific
Rail offers arguably the most efficient form of land- resistance to motion. This parameter was computed
based transport. This is in part due to the low- for a number of vehicles and plotted against speed.
rolling resistance afforded by the stiff contact between This data confirmed the common perception that
the wheel and rail which has a low hysteresis, and rail transport was fundamentally more energy effi-
partly due to the aerodynamic advantages associ- cient than other modes. Notwithstanding the inherent
ated with the train convoy formation where trail- mechanical advantage of rail transport, there are also
ing vehicles occupy the slipstream of the preceding operational issues which must be accounted for when
vehicle [1]. Comparison with other modes is com- normalizing the use of energy by passenger kilo-
plex due to the different nature of the services that metres or freight tonne kilometres. Moreover, rapid
are offered, but recently an attempt to rank vehi- technological advances in other modes have reduced
cles by transportation mode has been completed [2]. the efficiency advantage that rail transport has been
The installed power was divided by the maximum enjoying [3]. Also, due to the lengthy technological
renewal period that the railway operates within, the
import and adoption of advanced technologies often
lags the automotive sector which is able to bring
∗ Corresponding author: Department of Electronic, Electrical, and new technologies to the market, and achieve deep
Computing Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Edgbas- market penetration in a relatively short period of
ton, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. email: time.

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136 S Hillmansen and C Roberts

Rail services can be broadly split into freight, has a relatively flat load curve in long-distance oper-
commuter, and high-speed intercity. These are pro- ation. However, there could be considerable savings
vided by a variety of railway vehicles. Electrified in energy made by optimizing the operations in
routes primary energy is dependent on the genera- lightly loaded situations or in freight loading termi-
tion mix used by the local electricity suppliers, and nals. An analysis of this complexity would require
therefore electrified rail can offer improvements in detailed understanding of the daily requirements of
gaseous CO2 emissions if the generation mix becomes a freight vehicle. Of note, hybrid shunt locomotives
increasingly decarbonized. On routes where electri- have been developed in North America and have
fication is not present, or not deemed cost effec- demonstrated clear energy savings in comparison
tive, then diesel-powered traction is usually used. It with traditional diesel technology [12]. This is impart
is these routes where hybridization of the propul- due to the intermittent duty cycle in which full power
sion system could offer significant energy savings. is required in short bursts followed by long-periods
Hybridization of power trains is relatively advanced of idling. This is a duty cycle that is well suited to
in the automotive sector with commercially avail- hybridization.
able hybrid vehicles, which at the time of writing
are being produced by Honda, Ford, and Toyota [4].
The worldwide rail market is several orders of mag- 2 DUTY-CYCLE SIMULATION
nitude smaller than that of the automotive sector
and historically rail has often imported technol- The key inputs to the current analysis include the
ogy from other sectors, e.g. marine diesel engines, kinematic vehicle model and route description. The
to avoid high-development costs. There are notable output of the duty-cycle analysis is the mechani-
exceptions, including the Japanese Railway Com- cal power that is delivered at the wheels to achieve
pany JR East who have implemented the first hybrid the desired vehicle service. This mechanical power
diesel multiple unit which is about to enter revenue is then analysed using a hybrid vehicle model in
service [5]. which propulsion energy is derived from a gener-
Rail is potentially well suited to hybridization of its ating set operating at a fixed output to provide the
propulsion system. The vehicles used in rail appli- mean power, and an energy storage device. The stor-
cations are highly utilized and have a well-defined age device is used to track the varying part of the
duty cycle which is a function of the timetable. Opti- duty cycle, as well as providing a receptacle for the
mization of the system can capitalize on the highly captured braking energy. The energy savings of such
restrictive service pattern which fixes the required a configuration come from the benefits of operat-
duty cycle of the vehicle. Plug-in recharging and ing the prime mover at its most optimum efficiency,
system configuration can be scheduled for when a coupled with the immediate savings associated with
vehicle is out of service and in a depot. A number of capturing and redeploying braking energy. Addition-
authors have recently considered the use of alterna- ally, the size of the generating set can significantly
tive power in rail and similar large applications [5–10]. be downsized in comparison to a non-hybrid prime
These articles allude to the potential savings that mover.
are possible with hybrid propulsion. Interestingly, the
developments in which solid oxide fuel cells have
been used to provide a constant mean power for the
2.1 Vehicle models
duty cycle in a battery dominated system may in fact
represent an optimal solution for many rail applica- The vehicle models used in the analysis have resis-
tions [11]. Many of the difficulties associated with the tance characteristics based on the Davis equation
application of this technology to private road trans- [13, 14] and a traction curve with a friction limited
port, for example, long stabling periods and variable region, which is dependent on the maximum creep
duty cycles, are relatively straightforward to overcome force between the driving wheels and rail, and a
in the rail environment. region which is dependent on the performance of
The analysis presented herewith uses typical pas- the traction motor. The characteristics assumed in
senger high-speed and commuter routes and vehi- the current analysis are illustrated in Fig. 1 for the
cles and computes the journey energy consumption high-speed and commuter vehicles with key parame-
for a range of component efficiency ratings. CO2 ters being provided in Table 1. These characteristics
emissions are closely coupled to the energy con- are representative of generic high-speed and com-
sumption, but reductions in other gaseous emissions muter vehicles and are used here to simplify the
such as HC, CO, and NOx could be significant due analysis. For the purposes of modelling the braking
to the reduction in engine transients that would be performance, it was assumed that the braking was
achieved with a hybrid system. Freight haulage has provided by the traction motors. Additional complex-
been omitted from the current analysis because it ity could be introduced by optimizing the driving style

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Fig. 1 Traction and resistance characteristics for the high-speed vehicle and the commuter vehicle,
with available acceleration indicated, derived from reference [14]. The maximum traction
force is computed by assuming a co-efficient of friction of 0.3 of the driven wheels. The
proportion of mass on the driven wheels for both vehicles is indicated in Table 1

to include coasting and blended braking, but has not rail vehicle is governed by the equation
been included in the current analysis.
ẍ = [F (ẋ) · NT − B(ẋ) · NB − M g sin(α(x)) − R(ẋ)]
2.2 Route information (1)
Route information was provided by Network Rail. On
each route, a number of station stops were incorpo- where ẍ is the vehicle acceleration, M the effective
rated into the running diagram. A typical gradient vehicle gross mass (to include the effect of the rotating
profile was also incorporated into the route informa- components), F (ẋ) the tractive force, B(ẋ) the braking
tion. The route descriptions used are illustrated in force, g the acceleration due to gravity, α(x) the slope,
Fig. 2. These routes were chosen to represent typical positive for a vehicle travelling uphill, NT and NB the
journeys, but a full analysis of the intended routes to driver inputs for traction and braking, respectively
be operated would be required to advance the concept (0  NT , NB  1), and R(ẋ) the resistance to motion
design for the hybrid rail vehicle further. described by the Davis equation

R(ẋ) = Aẋ 2 + B ẋ + C (2)

2.3 Kinematic simulation of the vehicle motion
where A, B, and C are vehicle specific coefficients
The motion of the rail vehicle in the longitudinal which are obtained experimentally [14].
direction is governed by: the traction power, the In general, the maximum available tractive force
braking power, the resistance to motion, gradients, and braking force are dependent on the velocity,
and rail curvature. In this simulation, the increased and the driver operates the vehicle within these con-
resistance that is experienced while a rail vehicle straints to achieve the required journey. In this simu-
is cornering has been excluded from the analysis lation, the driver input was not modelled, instead the
because it is only significant on routes with many vehicle was operated at maximum permissible trac-
small radius curves. The simulation developed here tive forces and braking forces to complete the journey
has adopted a similar strategy to models previously in the minimum time. Driving behaviour can have a
described in the literatures [15–18]. The motion of the significant effect on the energy required to complete

Table 1 Key parameters for high-speed and commuter vehicles

Davis coefficients
Effective Mass on
mass driving Power A B C
Vehicle Seats (tonne) axles (%) (MW) (kN/(m/s)2 ) (kN/(m/s)) (kN)

High-speed 600 416 34 2.64 0.0078 0.11 3.2

Commuter 289 142 25 1 0.0094 0.03 1.1

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Fig. 2 Route descriptions for high-speed and commuter vehicles, showing the vehicle acceleration
due to the gradients, and the velocity operating envelope. Station stops occur when the
velocity limit tends towards zero. Both journeys have three stops between the start and end

a given journey and relates directly to journey time. which utilizes the current value of acceleration and
This has not been simulated in the current analysis. the previous value of velocity
As the route is described by discrete data, no

analytical solutions exist to describe the motion of ẋ[n] = ẋ[n − 1]2 + 2ẍ[n]x (4)
the vehicle under real route conditions. Therefore,
the solution is obtained numerically. The solution
where x is the length of the track element (10 m in
algorithm used in the current analysis divides the
the current analysis), and n is the timestep indicator.
track into uniform elements. In each element, the
A similar procedure is used for computing the
acceleration, velocity, and time are computed to sat-
braking curve, but importantly, the computation is
isfy the constraints. A forward projection computa-
reversed and a backwards projection procedure is
tion is used to compute the acceleration, and a reverse
used. The two projections are then superimposed and
projection is used to compute the deceleration under
the lowest velocity in each element is recorded. This
braking. Maximum tractive forces are limited at low
process is illustrated in Fig. 3(a).
speed and are simply described by an inverse law
The total time is computed by integrating the
at higher speed in this analysis. (Conventional trac-
incremental time calculated in each element
tion induction motors would exhibit limited toque
and power at high speed due to machine slip.) This x x
is expressed in the algorithm as: t(x) = (5)
0 ẋ(x)

Energy is computed by integrating the power demand
> Fmax x

E(x) = P(x) · t(x) (6)
F (ẋ) = Fmax 0

else The algorithm was compared with an analytical

P solution obtained by computing the velocity for an
F (ẋ) =
ẋ accelerating mass, which is being propelled using
end (3) a constant power. Under these boundary condi-
tions, the numerical solution becomes increasingly
where P is the tractive power, and Fmax is the maxi- inaccurate at low velocities, and therefore the solu-
mum tractive force limited by the driven wheel slip. tion was compared with the analytical case with an
The acceleration is computed using equation (1). initial velocity of 1 m/s. The comparison is illustrated
The velocity is computed using a difference equation in Fig. 3(b) for the high-speed vehicle simulated

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Fig. 3 (a) Forward and backward velocity projections and (b) analytical solution comparison

with no resistive forces. The simulation results have output torques, each with a unique system efficiency.
a negligible error, which does not grow during the Typically, these data are expressed in the form of an
computation, thus indicating that the algorithm is efficiency map which describes the efficiency in all
stable. The inaccuracies at low velocities are min- possible engine states. Data were extracted from an
imal in realistic simulations since the maximum existing efficiency map to produce a single dimension
acceleration is friction limited. relationship between efficiency and engine power
The high-speed and commuter journeys were simu- demand [19]. This particular engine map is from a
lated and the results are illustrated in Fig. 4. The key modern high speed 720 kW unit whose target appli-
output from the simulation is the mechanical energy cation is in a hybrid 40 ton goods vehicle. This is
that is expended and absorbed at the wheel–rail inter- illustrated in normalized form in Fig. 5(a) and the
face. This will be used as an input in the following diesel engine operating efficiency for the high-speed
propulsion system analysis. journey is illustrated in Fig. 5(b). Figure 5(b) illustrates
one of the principal disadvantages of using a diesel
engine for providing propulsion, which is the signifi-
3 BASE CASE DIESEL EFFICIENCY SIMULATIONS cant time in which the engine is operating outside its
AND PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION optimum efficiency. This base case assumes no on-
ESTIMATES board energy storage and the transient requirements
are met by operating the diesel engine over a range of
In order to assess the benefits of the hybrid simula- output powers. This contrasts with the hybrid case in
tion, it is necessary to perform a base case analysis which the diesel engine operates at a constant power
of a conventional diesel engine for comparative pur- output with high efficiency. The function was used
poses. Diesel engines have varying efficiency and at to postprocess the mechanical power requirements
any given engine speed can produce a wide range of and to determine in the base case the quantity of

Fig. 4 High-speed and commuter journey simulation results. Dashed line – velocity limit, solid
line – computed vehicle velocity

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Fig. 5 (a) Normalized diesel efficiency and (b) efficiency operating point for the high-speed journey

Table 2 Diesel base case fuel consumption (assuming expend energy when the vehicle is accelerating, con-
10 kWh(diesel) /l) sume braking energy, and consume energy from the
generating set when the vehicle demands a light load.
Diesel fuel consumption
The energy storage device was assumed to have an
kWh(diesel) / in/out efficiency in the analysis. Real energy storage
Vehicle l/journey l/km l/(ton km) (seat-km) devices, for example, batteries, have complex effi-
ciency maps which depend on numerous variables
High-speed 919 5.14 0.0127 0.086
Commuter 46.7 2.68 0.0176 0.093 including the state of charge, rate of discharge, age,
and temperature. Optimizing specific energy storage
devices has not been included within the scope of this
diesel fuel used in each of the journeys. This is shown article, but it is worthy of detailed consideration in
in Table 2 and is normalized against vehicle seating future work. The proportion of the available braking
capacity and mass for comparative purposes. energy to be recovered was also used as a variable. For
each analysis, varying the size of the generating set
in order to preserve the state of charge in the energy
4 SERIES HYBRIDIZATION MODELLING storage device at the end of the duty cycle was used
to optimize the system. In Fig. 6, the power analysis is
The principal differences between the hybrid con- presented for both the high-speed cycle and the com-
figured system and the existing propulsion systems muter cycle. The varying mechanical traction load is
are relatively minor, given that many rail vehicles achieved by summing the output from the constant
currently use an electric transmission system. The power provided by the generating set and the varying
addition of an energy storage device to the existing power output/input from the storage device. These
system is the major component which would need to simulations assume an efficiency of the storage device
be incorporated into the propulsion system. Consid- cycle of 0.64 (equivalent to an input efficiency of 0.8
erable experience in electrical energy management and an output efficiency of 0.8) and the regenera-
for propulsion exists in the railway sector, for this rea- tive braking captured of 0.5. The power requirements
son it is likely that hybrid technologies will be adopted of the energy storage device are significant and in
in a timely manner. practise would be realized by multiple energy stor-
The system was modelled by using a generic age devices which were distributed along the length
generator set to provide the mean power across the of the train. For the commuter case, the mean power
whole duty cycle. This technique has recently been produced by the generating set is considerably lower
adopted in a road vehicle simulation by Brett et al. than the peak required power. This would translate
[11]. It was assumed in the current analysis that the into an effective downsize of the power unit for these
device was operating at a high efficiency and could types of vehicles.
convert energy from the liquid fuel carrier to the The state of charge of the energy storage devices
electrical energy used by the hybrid system at an effi- is illustrated in Fig. 7 for both cycles. Four regimes
ciency rate of 0.35. This input variable could be higher of storage device operation are evidenced in Fig. 7.
depending on the nature of the generator set. Fuel First is discharging during periods of acceleration,
cells for rail applications [6, 7] could feasibly oper- second is charging/recharging during cruise periods
ate at higher efficiencies. The variable load would be (dependent on cruise speed), third is recharging dur-
provided by an energy storage device which would ing braking, and fourth is recharging at stations. As

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Fig. 6 Power analysis for both the high-speed cycle and the commuter cycle

Fig. 7 State of charge of the energy storage device

no storage device sizing has been completed in the consumption in comparison with the base case if
current analysis, the initial state of charge for the the storage device has a poor operating efficiency.
storage device was chosen to be zero for convenience Second, that significant savings are only made with
purposes.Varying the size of the generator set enabled high-efficiency storage devices, these are only aug-
the state of charge to be equal to zero at the end of mented by any captured energy from the braking
the journey. A larger generating set than this opti- cycle. In summary, the benefits of the hybrid system
mum would result in a positive residual charge in fundamentally originate from the use of a generat-
the storage device at the end of the cycle, and vice ing set operating at a high efficiency and the use of a
versa. The potential savings that such an optimized storage device with a high efficiency. Captured brak-
system could achieve are explored in the subsequent ing energy improves the energy consumption further.
section. On the basis of the assumptions used in this analy-
sis, a hybrid configuration could offer considerable
primary energy savings for passenger rail, both in
5 EFFICIENCY SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS commuting and high-speed services. Table 3 indicates
the potential savings with a storage efficiency of 0.64
The performance of the hybrid system under vary- and braking capture efficiency of 0.5. These figures
ing storage efficiencies and regeneration capture has have been used to represent practicable devices that
been assessed for both duty cycles. The results are are available now or are near to market. Under high-
shown in Fig. 8. This figure indicates the poten- speed operation, the primary energy consumption
tial primary energy savings in comparison with the will be reduced by 28 per cent and commuter oper-
diesel base case. A performance of zero therefore ation by 35 per cent reflecting the increased amount
would indicate equal performance, and positive value of braking in the commuter cycle. This translates
indicates an improving performance. The impor- into significant economic savings, which need to be
tant features of the plots illustrated in Fig. 8 are assessed against increased capital costs in a whole
twofold. First, it is possible to increase primary energy life-cost model.

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Fig. 8 Sensitivity analysis of the storage device efficiency and braking capture rate

Table 3 Hybrid vehicle fuel consumption suggests that the move to hybrid systems could be
readily facilitated for rail vehicles. The requirements
kWh(diesel) /seat/km
for the storage devices have been derived in this
Hybrid paper, but no attempt has been made to match these
(0.5 regen
Diesel efficiency, requirements with the specification of existing stor-
base 0.8 storage Improvement age technology or to model these devices explicitly.
Vehicle case efficiency) (%) There are numerous storage technologies and many
High-speed 0.086 0.061 28
articles reviewing the merits of each technology. Many
Commuter 0.093 0.060 35 technologies are targeted at either the automotive
sector, or at load levelling at electricity substations,
and therefore, would need some further development
6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS for use in the rail environment. However, on survey-
ing a number of articles, a nickel sodium chloride
Railway transport has enjoyed a reputation for envi- battery could offer a solution for rail where the oper-
ronmental travel for a number of years, but is facing ating characteristics of the battery are more suited
increasing pressure to improve its environmental per- to rail than road [11]. This article has explored the
formance further. As part of this commitment, energy use of hybrid propulsion systems for rail applica-
reduction measures will form a crucial component tions, and from a kinematic point of view there is
of the improvements. This paper has assessed the the potential for energy savings in an optimally con-
potential of a series hybrid configuration to provide figured propulsion system. Table 4 provides some
propulsion to rail vehicles. Hybrid systems allow gen- information regarding the current performance of a
erating sets to operate at an optimum efficiency while number of chemical batteries. In order to design a
the varying load is followed with an energy storage suitably configured system, which satisfies the con-
device which has a high and flat efficiency character- straints of the vehicle, a full optimization procedure
istic. Some diesel powered rail vehicles are currently must be developed taking into account life cycle cost-
propelled using electric transmission and expertise ing and reliability, availability, maintainability, and
existing in the area of power electronics and control sustainability.

Table 4 Characteristics of batteries for use in electric vehicles [20]

Pb-PbO2 Ni-Cd Ni-MH Zn-Br2 Na-NiCl Na-S Li-Ion

Working temperature (◦ C) 0–45 0–50 −40–50 20–40 300–350 300–350 −40–60

Specific energy (Wh/kg) 161 236 300 430 794 795 275
Specific energy (2 h discharge) 20–30 40–55 50–60 50–70 80–100 90–120 90–140
Energy density (Wh/l) 60–80 60–90 100–150 60–70 110–120 120–130 150–200
Specific power (W/kg) 75–100 120–150 140–200 80–100 150–200 150–200 350–400
Cell voltage (V) 2.1 1.35 1.35 1.79 2.58 2.08 3.6

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 11 Brett, D. J. L., Aguiar, P., Brandon, N. P., Bull, R. N.,

Galloway, R. C., Hayes, G. W., Lillie, K., Mellors, C.,
The author would like to acknowledge the communi- Smith, C., and Tilley, A. R. Concept and system design
for a ZEBRA battery – intermediate temperature solid
cations with the Future Rail Research Centre in Impe-
oxide fuel cell hybrid vehicle. J. Power Sour., 157(2),
rial College London regarding the vehicle simulation.
782–798, Sp. Iss. 3 July 2006.
12 Frank, W. D., Raymond, L. C., Nigel, R., and Horsley, M.
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