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LISTENING (50 points)

Part 1. Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A
NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)

Order taken by: Ms. Jones
Names: Harold (1) _________________
Address 58 Fulton Avenue, apartment 12
Type of service (2) ___________________
Employer Wrightsville Medical Group
Occupation (3)____________________
Work phone (4) ___________________
Time at current job 9 years
Special service (5) ________________ Internet.
Installation scheduled for Day: Friday - Time of the day: Morning

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2. You are going to listen to a radio interview the Channel Tunnel and choose the correct
answer A, B, C or D for each question. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
(10 points)
1. Why did Mrs Jamieson first start campaigning against the tunnel ?
A. She realized at the start that the tunnel was unsafe.
B. She knew the tunnel would disrupt the village life
C. She thinks it is important to fight for what is right.
D. The construction work was interfering with normal life.
2. Why was it difficult to choose a suitable route for the tunnel link?
A. The first route selected was considered too unsafe.
B. Most possible routes were inconvenient to passengers
C. Much of the south-east is covered by dense forest.
D. All possible routes passed through residential areas
3. Why are there still problems with the tunnel, according to Mrs Jamieson?
A. The construction work was never properly finished.
B. The construction company became short of money.
C. The normal safety checks were never carried out.
D. The operators did not spend enough money on the tunnel.
4. What does Mr Ashton say about the problems reported in newspapers?
A. They were problems that have already been solve
B. Those responsible for the problems have been dismissed.
C. The reports do not affect his confidence in the tunnel.
D. The reports were untrue and designed to scare people.
5. Why does Mr Ashton find the idea of a rabies epidemic in Brita in “silly”?
A. It would be impossible for a rabid animal to enter the tunnel.
B. It is unlikely that a rabid animal could get to Britain via the tunnel.
C. No rabid animals have ever crossed the River Seine in France.
D. It would be impossible for one animal to cause a epidemic.

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Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 3. You will hear a radio interview with Ryan Patterson, the inventor of a new device. Decide
whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes. (10 points)

1. The idea for the invention occurred to Ryan while waiting at a Burger King restaurant.
2. A cell phone is used as the receiver when using the Sign Language Translator.
3. The invention brought Ryan money to cover the costs of his further education.
4. Ryan had no previous experience of building electronic devices
5. Ryan has sold this invention to a deaf community centre.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 4: You will hear a part of an interview with a man called Ewan Richardson , who is trying to
persuade people to use less paper. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
(20 points)

1. Every year, the average UK citizen uses about ________ of paper.

2. Most of the world’s paper comes from very ________ forests.
3. The production of paper causes terrible ________ in some places.
4. The destruction of the forests is a much bigger cause of global warming than ________
5. Ewan says that there are already paper recycling bins in many ________
6. You can use less paper by avoiding unnecessary ________ when you are studying or working.
7. You can often reuse ________ that you have received.
8. To receive less junk mail, don’t ask for ________ when you buy something.
9. Stop receiving any magazines you don’t always read, or ________ them with others.
10. Most ________ published in Britain are now printed on recycled paper.
Your answers:
1. 3. 5. 7. 9.
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

Trang 2/10
A. LEXICO - GRAMMAR (50 points)
Part 1. Choose one of the words marked A, B, C, or D which best completes each of the following
sentences. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)

1. It was imperative for the authorities to _______ the epidemic.

A. succeed B. localize C. spread D. define
2. His efforts, though futile, are still ________.
A. refined B. intimidated C. pious D. commendable
3. To me friendship is a(n) _______ thing.
A. precious B. insignificant C. costly D. obscure
4. The driver's attention was _______ by a child running across the road.
A. deterred B. disturbed C. distracted D. destroyed
5. He's told us so many lies that we no longer place any ______ on what he says.
A. conviction C. prediction D. reputation
6. His driving license has been _______ on the grounds of drink driving.
A. repealed B.revoked C. nullified D. recalled
7.This road is _______ to floods in winter.
A. fragile B. sensitive C. leading D. unprotected
8.The new town development has begun to _______ on the surrounding green belt,
A. reach B. encroach C. enter D. intrude
9. I was informed by the police officer that he would be forced to take me into ______.
A. guardianship B. bail C. custody D. protection
10. My inquiries did not _______any information of value.
A. elicit B. arouse C. illicit D. swell for
11. An international hotel has recently been built on the_______ of the old school.
A. expedition B. landscape C. site D. ground
12. He was ____________manslaughter.
A. indicted for B. blamed for C. condemned to D. respected for
13. Many tax payers are ___________ at what they regard as an illegal use of public funds.
A. indifferent B. interested C. happy D. indignant
14. Dan wouldn’t sign the contract because he felt it was_____.
A. his line of work B. a raw deal C. none of his business D. out of work
15. They continued fighting despite all the_______ they met with.
A. adversities B. amenities C. properties D. liabilities
16 .He was in an extreme state of ______when his wife left him.
A. calamity B. mishap C. distress D. trial
17. At length, it _____him that his life wouldn't take a turn for the better unless he left his
present employment.
A. assumed that B. happened to C. realized that D. dawned on
18. If the computer hadn’t been ______, I would have replied to your email.
A. playing up B. acting on C. running through D. coming out
19. It's my _______ that he's a fraud.
A. conviction B. choice C. indignation D. mistrust
20. He ________ hard to make a success of his life.
A. saved B. plunged C. strove D. throve
Your answers:

Trang 3/10
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Part 2. Read the following text which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
correction in the corresponding numbered boxed (10 points)
While the internet opens up a whole new world of knowledge and information for this and future
generations to explore, it also poses a number of serious concerns as parents with young, net-savvied
children. For starters, it is exceptionally difficult to monitor your children's net activity and make
abreast of whom they are interacting with online. Secondly, there is little if any censorship of the
internet, so parents must be willing to do the censorship themselves or rely on software products to do
it for them. Even still, there are ways around the best-intentioned of such programmes, and, besides,
the alarming level of growth in cyber-bullying is indication of a trend parents should, perhaps, be far
more concerning about. It used to be that children were protecting from the bullies one they returned
to the safe confine of their home, having escaped their schoolyard tormentors, but not anymore. There
is nowhere to run thanks to social networks like Face book, which, if anything, make the spreading far
and away of malicious rumours and the like easier than ever before given the virulence nature of the
Your answers:
Line Mistakes Corrections

Part 3. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. Write your
answer in the boxes provided. (10 points)

1. He didn’t have time to prepare a speech so he had to give one ________ the cuff
2. Paul won’t do anything without asking his wife first. She’s really got him _____ her thumb.
3. They are planning to wind _____ their operation in Greece and concentrate on Eastern Europe.
4. I couldn’t believe it when Jake came _____ with the news that he was going to move to Australia.
5. We were walking through the woods when we chanced ______ a trap set by hunters.
6. Organizations concerned about the environment seem to have sprung ______ everywhere these days.
7. As I was flicking ______ the magazine, I came across an article about the local nature reserve.
8. You are going to knuckle _____ if you do not want to fail the exam next month.
9. Mull my offer ______ for a few days and then let me know what you think.
10. I had to give a talk about history, so I spent the weekend reading ______ on the August
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Trang 4/10
Part 4. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes. (10 points)
People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet
meditation is a (1) ______ (STRAIGHT) technique which merely involves sitting and resting the
mind. In addition to its (2) ______ (SIMPLE), meditation offers powerful help in the battle against
stress. Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation, when (3) ______ (TAKE) in a principled
way, can reduce hypertension which is related to stress in the body. Research has proved that certain
types of meditation can (4) ______ (SUBSTANCE) decrease key stress symptoms such as anxiety
and (5) ______ (IRRITABLE). In fact, those who practice meditation with any (6) ______
(REGULAR) see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy percent fewer days in hospital.
They are said to have more stamina, a happier (7) ______ (DISPOSE) and even enjoy better
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal ‘mantra’ or word which
you use every time you practice the technique and which is (8) ______ (SUPPOSE) chosen
according to your needs. Initial classes are taught individually but (9) ______ (SEQUENCE) classes
usually consist of a group of students and take place over a period of about four days. The aim is to
learn how to slip into a deeper state of (10) ______ (CONSCIOUS) for twenty minutes a day. The
rewards speak for themselves.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. READING (50 points)
Part 1. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (10 pts)
There can be no (1)______ that online shopping is of huge benefit to the consumer. Far from
becoming (2) ______, online shoppers are very demanding. Overpriced merchants with poor services
should beware. Gone are the days when stores could charge what they liked for goods and get away
with it. The same, too, for shady manufacturers: smarter consumers know which products have a good
(3) ______and which do not because online they now read not only the sales (4) ______ but also
reviews from previous purchasers. And if customers are disappointed, a few (5) ______ of the mouse
will take them to places where they can let the world know. Nowadays there is nothing more damning
than a flood of negative comments on the internet.
However, the big boys, as always, are ahead of the game. Some companies are already
adjusting their business models to take account of these trends. The stores run by Sony and Apple, for
instance, are more like brand showrooms than shops. They are there for people to try out (6)
______ and to ask questions to knowledgeable staff. Whether the products are ultimately
bought online or offline is of secondary importance.
Online traders must also adjust. Amazon, for one, is (7) ______turning from being primarily a
bookseller to becoming a (8) ______ retailer by letting other companies sell products on its site, rather
like a marketplace.
During America's Thanksgiving weekend last November, Amazon's sales of consumer
electronics in the United States (9) ______ its book sales for the first time in its history. Other
transformations in the retail business are (10)______to follow.
1. A. query B. examination C. question D. proposal
2. A. complacent B. dissatisfied C. competent D. compassionate
3. A. distinction B. resolution C. opinion D. reputation
4. A. bubble B. message C. blare D. blurb
5. A. taps B. clucks C. clicks D. prods
6. A. devices B. tools C. emblems D. schemes
7. A. mistakenly B. rapidly C. unreasonably D. secretly

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8. A. mass B. block C. lump D. chunk
9. A. receded B. excluded C. repressed D. exceeded
10. A. tied B. secured C. bound D. fastened
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (15 points)
A prodigy is defined as a person with a great natural ability which shows itself at an early age; they
may become expert musicians or be (1)______ of doing complex mathematics. Some youngsters
develop (2) _____ remarkable abilities that they attract the (3) _____ of the media, like Arran
Fernandez, a five-year old who became the youngest person to pass a GCSE, an exam for school
leavers. He had obviously benefited intellectually (4) ______ being taught at home by his parents,
who said that their son was still a happy and normal child (5) ______ never having been to any form of
school. Arran could add up at the age of two and a half, so he obviously had a natural gift, but without
a great deal of effort on the part of his parents, it’s unlikely that he would have applied (6)______ to
serious study. The role parents (7) ______ in such cases is highly controversial. Many people believe
that the more you push young children, the greater the chances are that the child will have social and
emotional problems (8) ______ in life. The story of another young person, Sufiah Yusof, who entered
university at the age of 13, is often quoted as proof of this. She (9) _____ out of her studies at Oxford
two years later, claiming that her parents attitude towards her constituted emotional abuse. It seems
that being a prodigy is (10) _______ substitute for a normal childhood.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions. Write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)
Population ecology is the science that measures changes in population size and composition
and identifies the causes of these fluctuations. Population ecology is not concerned solely with the
human population. In ecological terms, a population consists of the individuals of one species that
simultaneously occupy the same general area, rely on the same resources, and are affected by similar
environmental factors. The characteristics of a population are shaped by its size and by the
interactions among individuals and between individuals and their environment.
Population size is a balance between factors that increase numbers and factors that decrease
numbers. Some factors that increase population are favorable light and temperature, adequate food
supply, suitable habitat ability to compete for resources, and ability to adapt to environmental
change. Factors that decrease populations are insufficient or excessive light and temperature,
inadequate food supply, unsuitable or destroyed habitat, too many competitors for resources, and
inability to adapt to environmental change.
Another important characteristics of any population is its density. Population density is the
number of individuals per unit, such as the number of maple trees per square kilometer in a country.
Ecologists can rarely determine population size by actually counting all individuals within
geographical boundaries. Instead, they often use a variety of sampling techniques to estimate
densities and total population sizes. For example, they might estimate the number of black bears in a
national park by counting individuals in a few sample plots representative of the whole park. In some
cases, they estimate population size through indirect indicators, such as the number of nests or
burrows, or signs such as tracks or droppings.
Another important population characteristics, dispersion, is the pattern of spacing among
individuals within the population’s geographical boundaries. Various species are distributed in their
habitats in different ways to take better advantage of food supplies and shelter, and to avoid predators

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or find prey. Within a population’s range, densities may vary greatly because not all areas provide
equally suitable habitat, and also because individuals space themselves in relation to other members
of the population.
Three possible patterns of dispersion are clumped, uniform, and random. A clumped
dispersion pattern means that individuals are gathered in patches throughout their habitat. Clumping
often results from the irregular distribution of resources needed for survival and reproduction. For
example, fallen trees keep the forest floor moist, and many forest insects are clumped under logs
where the humidity is to their liking. Clumping may also be associated with mating, safety, or other
social behavior. Crane flies, for example, swarm in great numbers, a behavior that increases mating
chances, and some fish swim in large schools so they are less likely to be eaten by predators.
A uniform or evenly spaced distribution results from direct interactions among individuals in the
population. For example, regular spacing of plants may result from shading and competition for
water. In animal populations, uniform distribution is usually caused by competition for some
resource or by social interactions that set up individual territories for feeding, breeding, or resting.
Random spacing occurs in the absence of strong attraction or repulsion among individuals in
a population. Overall, random patterns are rare in nature, with most populations showing a tendency
toward either clumped or uniform distribution.
Population change in size, structure, and distribution as they respond to changes in
environmental conditions. Four main variable – births, deaths, immigration and emigration –
determine he rate of change in the size of the population overtime. A change in the birth rate or death
is the major way that most populations respond to changes in resource availability. Members of some
animal species can avoid or reduce the effects of environmental stress by immigrating to another
with more favourable environmental conditions, thus altering to population’s dispersion.
1. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in par.1 ?
A. Any species of life can be studied in population ecology.
B. Population ecologists care about the future of humanity.
C. The growth of the human population is a major concern.
D. Population ecology does not consider humans worthy of study.
2. According to the passage, which factor might cause the population of a species to decrease in size?
A. A favorable amount of light and water
B. An ability to hide from or defend against predators
C. A large number of other species competing for food
D. A greater number of births than deaths
3. Which of the following is an indirect indicator of a population’s density?
A. The distribution of food in a given area
B. The number of nests in a given area
C. The number of births in a given period of time
D. The number of individuals counted in a given area
4. The distribution pattern of individuals within a population’s geographical boundaries is known as
A. population ecology B. population density
C. population change D. population dispersion
5. The word “range” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. territory B. control C. history D. shelter
6. The word “patches” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to
A. dark places B. family groups C. warm spots D. small areas
7. The word “their” in paragraph 5 refers to ______.
A. resources B. trees C. insects D. logs
8. All of the following are given as reasons for clumping EXCEPT _____.
A. uneven resource distribution B. territorial disputes

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C. mating behavior D. safety from predators
9. Which of the following situations would be most likely to result in a uniform dispersion pattern?
A. Birds compete for a place to build their nests.
B. Fish swim in large schools to avoid predators.
C. Whales develop strong bonds among relatives.
D. Elephants form a circle to protect their young.
10. Why does the author mention immigration and emigration in paragraph 8?
A. To identify factors affecting population dispersion
B. To give examples of territorial behavior in animals
C. To show that populations balance themselves over time
D. To explain why animal populations are uniformly dispersed
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 4. Read the text and do the following tasks. (15 points)
For questions 1-6, choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings below.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.

List of headings
i. Why some early social science methods lost popularity
ii. The cost implications of research
iii. Looking ahead to an unbiased assessment of research
iv. A range of social issues that have been usefully studied
v. An example of a poor decision that was made too quickly
vi. What happens when the figures are wrong
vii. One area of research that is rigorously carried out
viii. The changing nature of medical trials
ix. An investigative study that may lead to a new system
x. Why some scientists’ theories are considered second- rate

Example Paragraph A: x
1. Paragraph B ________
2. Paragraph C ________
3. Paragraph D _______
4. Paragraph E ________
5. Paragraph F ________
6. Paragraph G ________
Try it and see
In the social sciences, it is often supposed that there can be no such thing as a controlled
experiment. Think again.
A. In the scientific pecking order, social scientific are usually looked down on by their peers in the
nature sciences. Natural scientists do experiments to test their theories or, if they cannot, they try to
look for natural phenomena that can act in lieu of experiments. Social scientists, it is widely thought,
do not subject their own hypotheses to any such rigorous treatment. Worse, they peddle their untested
hypotheses to government and try to get them turned into policies.
B. Governments require sellers of new medicines to demonstrate their safety and effectiveness. The
accepted gold standard of evidence is a randomized control trial, in which a new drug is compared

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with the best existing therapy (or with a placebo, if no treatment is available). Patients are assigned to
one arm or the other of such a study at random, ensuring that the only difference between the two
groups is the new treatment. The best studies also ensure that neither patient nor physician knows
which patient is allocated to which therapy. Drug trials must also include enough patients to make it
unlikely that chance alone may determine the result.
C. But few education programmes or social initiatives are evaluated in carefully conducted studies
prior to their introduction. A case in point is the ‘whole-language’ approach to reading, which swept
much of the English-speaking world in the 1970s and 1980s. The whole-language theory holds that
children learn to read best by absorbing contextual clues from texts, not by breaking individual words
into their component parts and reassembling them (a method known as phonics). Unfortunately, the
educational theorists who pushed the whole-language notion so successfully did not wait for evidence
from controlled randomized trials before advancing their claims. Had they done so, they might have
concluded, as did an analysis of 52 randomized studies carried out by the US National Reading Panel
in 2000, that effective reading instruction requires phonics.
D. To avoid the widespread adoption of misguided ideas, the sensible thing is to experiment first and
make policy later. This is the idea behind a trial of restorative justice which is taking place in the
English courts. The experiment will include criminals who plead guilty to robbery. Those who agree
to participate will be assigned randomly either to sentencing as normal or to participation in a
conference in which the offender comes face-to-face with his victim and discusses how he may make
emotional and material restitution. The purpose of the trial is to assess whether such restorative justice
limits re-offending. If it does, it might be adopted more widely.
E. The idea of experimental evidence is not quite new to the social science as sneering natural
scientists might believe. In fact, randomized trials and systematic reviews of evidence were introduced
into the social sciences long before they became common in medicine. An apparent example of
random allocations is a study carried out in 1927 of how to persuade people to vote in elections. And
randomized trials in social work were begun in the 1930s and 1940s. But enthusiasm later waned. This
loss of interest can be attributed, at least in part, to the fact that early experiments produced little
evidence of positive outcomes. Others suggest that much of the opposition to experimental evaluation
stems from a common philosophical malaise among social scientists, who doubt the validity of the
natural sciences, and therefore reject the potential of knowledge derived from controlled experiments.
A more pragmatic factor limiting the growth of evidence-based education and social services may be
limitations on the funds available for research.
F. Nevertheless, some 11,000 experimental studies are known in the social sciences
(compared with over 250,000 in the medical literature). Randomised trials have been used to evaluate
the effectiveness of driver-education programmes, job-training schemes, classroom size, psychological
counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder and increased investment in public housing. And where
they are carried out, they seem to have a health dampening effect on otherwise rosy interpretations of
the observations.
G. The problem for policymakers is often not too few data, but what to make of multiple and
conflicting studies. This is where a body called the Campbell Collaboration comes into its own. This
independent non-profit organization is designed to evaluate existing studies, in a process known as a
systematic review. This means attempting to identify every relevant trial of a give question (including
studies that have never been published choosing the best ones using clearly defined criteria for quality,
and combining the results in a statistically valid way. An equivalent body, the Cochrane Collaboration,
has produced more than 1,000 such reviews in medical fields. The hope is that rigorous review
standards will allow Campbell, like Cochrane, to become a trusted and authoritative source of
For question 7-10, choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Fighting Crime
Some criminals in England are agreeing to take part in a trial designed to help reduce their chance of
7.________. The idea is that while one group of randomly selected criminals undergoes the usual
8._________, the other group will discuss the possibility of making some repayment for the crime by

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meeting the 9.___________. It is yet to be seen whether this system, known as 10.________, will
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

C. WRITING (50 points)

Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one
printed before it. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1. He assumed that she would brush up her English after this course.
He took it _________________________________________.
2. Passengers can only board the plane when all bags have been checked.
Only after _________________________________________.
3. My boss has got to persuade the investor to sign the contract.
My boss has got to ___________________________________.
4. Reports say that police have arrested a number of people since the robbery.
A number of people ___________________________________.
5. Josh does a very good imitation of the French teacher.
Josh takes ___________________________________________.
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including
the word given. (10 points)
1. Most people seem to think that I will be next to be promoted. LINE
Most people seem to think that __________________________a promotion.
2. Paul wanted to be famous so much that he participated in a reality show. DESIRE
So great _____________________________ that he participated in a reality show.
3.The police have put a barrier around the building to keep people out. CORDONED
The building ___________________________ police.
4.He was unable to take part in the tournament because of nagging injury. RULED
A nagging injury ____________________________ the tournament.
5. Troops are not allowed to go into the town’s pub and bars. BOUNDS
The town’s pubs and bars __________________________ troops.

Part 3. Paragraph writing. (30 points)

Write a paragraph of about 200-250 words to express you opinion in the following topic.
Some people say that children spending much time working on computers is actually good
preparation for their education and their working lives.
Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your knowledge or experience.

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