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Art Appreciation Quiz 3

1. A work of art possesses balance when its visual or actual weights or masses are
distributed in such a way that they achieve harmony. Balance gives a feeling of
stability and rest Balance
2. Are pigments bound by wax and compressed into painted sticks used for drawing
especially among children in the elementary grade. They adhere better on paper
surface. Crayons
3. Drawing can be done with different kinds of mediums and the most common is
____________ which comes in different degrees of hardness or softness Pencil
4. is the comparative relationship of the parts of or composition to each other and to
the whole. Much of classical Greek Parthenon was constructed according to the
principle of the golden section, which states that a small part must relate to a larger
part as the lager part relates to the whole. Proportion
5. Is the hard substance formed from mineral and earth material. The finish is granular
and dull in appearance. These are normally used for gravestones in cemeteries
6. On the basis of medium, the arts are primarily classified as: Visual and __________?
7. The following are the Major Types of Prints except? Crayons
8. Balance may either be formal or informal True
9. Color is also used to create emphasis. Contrast of colors can be used to produce a
center of interest. True
10. Emphasis is important because it relieves monotony. It can also be used to call
attention to pleasing center of interest True

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