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S.B. Roll No………………………………………………..

5th Exam/Comp/IT/CSE/2625/Nov’18
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 10x1.5=15
a. A ________is a set of instructions.
b. Types of booting are ________ and _________.
c. ________is an example of multi-user operating system.
d. ________provides interface between hardware and the user.
e. ________ is a language processor.
f. The Linux command used to display the list of files in a directory is _________.
g. ________is a technique used by operating system to allocate physical memory to processes.
h. ________is used to convert hard copy into a soft copy.
i. The actual address refer to the physical location of the main memory is called _________.
j. A process has _________states.

Q2. Attempt any six questions. 6x5=30
i. What is system software? Explain its types.
ii. Explain the difference between compiler and interpreter.
iii. What do you mean by time sharing and distributed systems?
iv. What is process scheduling? Explain the types of schedulers.
v. Explain PCB.
vi. What are the file access methods?
vii. What is deadlock? Explain the conditions in which deadlock occurs.
viii. What is physical and logical address?
ix. Write a short note on virtual memory.
x. Explain the architecture of LINUX operating system.

Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
a. What is the need of memory management? Explain all memory management techniques.
b. Explain process scheduling algorithms.
c. What are the features of Linux? Explain the use of following commands:
Ls, whoami, wc, cd
d. Write a short note on the following.
i. Buffering
ii. Non impact printer

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