Examen PSM1

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PSM I PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER ‘Upon What kind of process control is SCRUM based? 2) IDEAL b) SCRUM enterprise ) Agile IFbumdown charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track? a) Accumulated cost, ») Individual warker productivity. 6) Accumulated busines value delivered to the castomes. An organization has decided to adopt Scrum but ‘management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology already used, What will ikely happen if is done? 3) Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of change, very little change may actually happen. ) Management may feel less anxious. ©) The organization may not understand what had changed within Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost ‘Who determines how work is performed during the sprint? 2) Development Team managers. ithe Serum Masi, {subject matter experts ) Architects, A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum a new Development Team, The Development Team has decided that a retrospective is lunnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take? 3} Consul with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation. 8) calle meting between the Development Team nd senor management, @EEineaal €) Comply with the decison ofthe se organizing team, ‘The definitions of "Done" is used to: (Choose three answers) j)oscive he purpose, objective an tine-bo of each Scrum event €) Guide the Development Teamar Row many Prelut Berg lems to select forthe Sprint. a) DESH UB te Work ths MUstbeiONeHeforE the;Srintishallowedtojend) eiinereasetrarsbaRaieng Choose three responsibilities ofa self-organizing Development Team, Choose three answers, 2) Report dally progress to stakeholders 4) Set the time for the Dally Serum. wnat happens if the Development team cannot complete its workby the end ofthe Sprint? Bi ue aeReDeveopriente Se WHA aU ») The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again €) The Sprints extended and future Sprint use this new duration. A Scrum Master is keeping alist of open impediments, but !is growing and he/she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments, Which three (3} techniques would be most helpful inthis situation? Choose three answers, €) Arrange a lage meeting with all other prolect manager d) Discuss the absence of management sunpart with the Development Team, €) Tall the Product Owner that Serum isn't working. 10 Sprint burndown charts are an ecient tracking tool because they allow a) How much efforthas gone into a Sprint ors re oralwaleremainingtorsesorig. <} How many Product Backiog tems remain 4) How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member. 11. Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master 20d ithe Development Team doesn’t have the engineering tls and infrastructure to completely finish each selected Product Backlog item? a) Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Development Team's infrastructure instead of delivering an increment. b) Encourage the Product Owner to accept parily done increments unl he stustion improves. SHAE NTE DEVEISp TERESA findion’SF Done that ts actualy Bossble TaChIeve GWETTEOCTEY «) Declare the eCSaRHKEN Develo reaver NiCad adjust hEDERKLSROR DONE 12. When is a Product Backiog item considered complete? a} When the item has no work remaining in order to be released, b) Atthe end ofthe Sprint. «) When QA reports that the item pases aceptance te B 13, What does it mean to say that an event has'atime-box? a) The event must at least a minimum amount of time, b) The event must happen ata set time, ¢} happen by a given t 1a The Product Backlog is ordered by: 2} Small items at the top to large items at the bottom. ') Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom. ) Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom, 4) items are randomly arranged 15. Serumis # methodology that telis how to build software incrementally. a) True (ORFS 16 The Scrum Master observes the Product Over struggling with ordering the Product Backlog, What would you consider an appropriate action for Strum Master to take? 42) Suggest he Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have more time to order the Product Backlog ') Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use qjorrertrerPreBvctioumsinelpiimbrdering ne Rroducteacklor ror an lNderSTBnGIn thst the gos Io KONBRAIREWAliIED 4) Suggest that the Development Team does the ordering of work. @) Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development team to see which items technically are fastest are fastest Implement. 17. The purpose ofa Sprints to produce a done increment of Product. b) False 18 Who owns the Sprint Backlog? b) The Product Owner ©} The Serum Master. dd) The Scrum Team 19 When a Development Team is having trouble delivering a working Increment because they don’t understand a functional requirement, what should they do? yieoll Br OLUeTerhilfelW Nati mOssib Ie atid ECERTSDIEy ') Defer the work to a more appropriate Sprint. ¢) Add specialist to the Development Team. 4) Partially complete the functionality, and discuss the remaining work at the Sprint Review, 20 9) Who creates a Product Backlog item's estimate? 42} The Product Owner with inout from the Development Tear ) The Scrum Master. 2) The most senior people in the organization, architects and subject matte. 21 What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Team? Choose two answers. by Tracking quality metrics ) Finding bugs ¢} Verifying the work of programmers 22. When do Development Team members take ownership ofa Sprint Backlog item? {] Whenever a team member can accommodate mover work, Daly Serum: ica RIEATNCTN SRW CCMA, 4) At the Sprint planning meeting 23 How often should Development Team membership change? 2) Justa it would on any development team, with ne special allowance for changes in productivity. ») Every Sprint to promote shared learning. 6) Never, because it reduces productivity. 24 Which ofthe following best describes an increment of working software? A cab lesatethiatico hi pleTEnERHOSeUdelivereeimprevious Iterations) 'b) Anew user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations. «) An automated test suite to verity functionality n future iterations. <) UML aiagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future Iterations €) A decomposition of al Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog sts, 25 When's a Sprint over? 2) When all Product Backlog items meet ther definition of "Done." 1} When the Product Owner sas itis done, «} When al the tasks are completed. Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning? a) Every item has designated Owner, D)itis ordered by the Product Owner. ‘¢} Each task is estimated in hours. ae STRETSESP SI WORRTES! ¢) tis the Development Team's plan forthe Sprint. 27, Which three ofthe following are true about Serums? Choose three answers. @hSequmisectramewrorls fora wielopiieianramteining complex proccss ivelmrenassconteotshenrys €) Serum isa methodology, where you can pick and choose which pats of you think will work for your environment. 4) Scrumis ike traditional processes but with selF- organization ta place Project Managers

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