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NUR 544 WEEK 3 TUTORIAL Activity

Learning Outcome

 Explain the different types of community settings where you lived.

 Explain the importance of Community Health nurses to understand key

characteristics of Communities

Question 1 Explain the following

a) Community - A community is a social unit (a collection of living beings) that

shares certain characteristics such as conventions, religion, values, customs, or
identity. Through communication platforms, communities can share a sense of
place in a certain geographical location (e.g., a country, hamlet, town, or
neighborhood) or in virtual space.
b) Community Health Nursing - take interest in promoting and maintaining the
health of communities in addition to providing clinical services to individual
c) Community as a client - A group of persons from all around the community who
are the focus of nursing care. Individuals, families, groups, sub-populations, and
populations who are a member of the community have a direct impact on their
health. The majority of health services are delivered in the community.
d) Family - is the most influential person in a child's life. Children rely on their
parents and family to protect them and cater for their needs from the minute they
are born. They are a child's first teachers and serve as role models for how to act
and interact with the world.
e) Community dynamic - are the changes in the structure and composition of a
community over time. Environmental disturbances such as volcanoes,
earthquakes, storms, fires, and climate change can sometimes cause these
alterations. Equilibrium is defined as a community having a steady structure.
f) Community Needs Assessment - highlights the community's strengths and
resources for meeting the needs of children, youth, and families. The evaluation
focuses on the community's capacities, including residents, agencies, and
g) Health Promotion – where the Individuals and groups are encouraged to choose
healthy behaviors and make changes that minimize the chance of developing
chronic diseases and other morbidities through these programs.

Q2. Each Community is unique and nurses need to know specific

characteristics of a Community.

(i) Differentiate the following types of communities:

 Urban - Urban community is an area with high density of population, with the
availability of basic requirements, an area of good resources, has lots of
opportunity of employment and such an area which can be considered as life-
giving for luxurious desires of human or individual.
 Suburban - The settlements that grow on the outskirts of cities are known as
suburban communities. They provide families the convenience of city living while
maintaining the peacefulness of the countryside. Children can play in the
gardens, and neighbors can socialize. At the same time, suburban towns benefit
from the same community organizations that are available in cities. Schools,
hospitals, police, and fire services are all important parts of living in the suburbs.
 Identity based - range from today's global community cultures to local cliques,
subcultures, ethnic groups, religious, multicultural or pluralistic civilizations. They
could be categorized as communities of need or identity, such as disabled
individuals or the elderly.
 Location – based communities - a neighborhood, a suburb, a village, a town or
city, a region, a nation, or even the entire world. These are sometimes known as
"place communities."
(ii) Identify some key characteristics of the following dimensions of the
community that you need to know as a Community Health nurse
1. Place - The quantity of area covered by trees or water, for example, are natural
aspects of a locality. Types of housing and routes to hospitals, schools, and other
government-run facilities. Sanitation, water supply, economic source, culture, and
religion are all essential considerations. As a result, the nurse will be able to
identify dangers, risks, and at-risk populations. Assess the likely impact of threats
or dangers in the context of a situation. The community's population, climate,
built environment, infrastructure, and resources. Determine probable resource
needs and public health activities that could reduce or avoid sickness, injury, or
death in the event of a public health emergency.
2. People - As a nurse, I must be able to recognize people's characteristics as well
as how they view medical experts. I'm interested in learning about their
educational, economic, and employment opportunities, as well as their physical
and mental health care and the foods and beverages they consume. And also
the way they carry themselves in the community and their hydenie practices and
and to understand the psychologically.

(iii) Explain why it is important for Community Health professionals to

understand Community characteristics
- Knowing about the community can assist nurses improve health by allowing
them to:
 promote a healthy lifestyle
 Getting people to take a more active role in their own health care
 Creating an environment conducive to living a healthy lifestyle
 Lifestyle diseases are now recognized as major causes of sickness
and mortality.
 Consolidation Participation of the community
 Having good relationships within the community will help the nurse
in carrying out awareness for diseases and risk management in the

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