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Name : Serkilla D

Nim : 201911610007

Synopsis of a stag and his reflection

One day, there lived a stag in a forest. He always drinking from a crystal spring. When he saw
his antlers he was so proud of them. The stag who admired his self because he had a magnificent a
crown. beside that, he was so ashamed of his spindling legs. He thought that it should be cursed when
he has a magnificent crown on his head. But one day, at the moment he scented a panther and in an
instant was bounding away through the forest. But as he run, his antlers caught in the branches of the
trees. Then the stag perceived that the legs of which he was so ashamed would have to saved him from
the panther who was bounding away through the forest than the useless ornaments on his head.

Literally function of A stag and his reflection

-To entertain the readers : Entertaining readers. In many cases when people are getting hard to
entertain, it can't be denied, stories have a solid place in the hearts of the readers.
-Teaching the reader's some moral values: Providing moral lessons and values lessons for
readers. The story that is told is not only entertaining but also teaches the reader a certain
value. Usually this value is related to kindness and being social in the community. The story can
thus become a general learning medium that can be accepted by all groups. Now that's that,
let's take a look at the following fable story that provides lessons of high value, inspires, and
invites us to reflect on what we should call "goodness".
All story texts must be entertaining. If it cannot make the reader entertained, the narrative text
means it fails to fulfill the task and purpose of writing the narrative text genre. As we have often
found that narrative text falls into the category of a story. Stories in this type of text should
consist of the following structure: 1. Orientation 2. Complication 3. Resolution.
The three sets of paragraph arrangements above must be fulfilled if the story is to be grouped
into English narrative text. If it does not fulfill one or several of the structural elements above,
then it is likely that the story is not a narrative text. Every narrative text must fulfill 2
narrative text objectives. The purpose or social function is to entertain readers with unique
stories that are interesting and even magical and surprising. The second goal is to provide moral
lessons, moral lessons that readers can learn and become reflections in living a better life.

A stag and his reflection is a suggestive narrative

The story of “a stag and his reflection “ is including a narrative that tries to give a specific purpose,
and convey a hidden message to the reader, so that it appears as if they are seeing. This Story
consists of a Stag who felt very proud of his antlers and ashamed of his legs. But when a
Panther chases him, his legs help him to run away and the antlers did nothing and served as a
useless ornament. From the srory we can learn that sometimes the things we don’t value are
sometimes worth a lot. This story holds a lot of messages, one of which is that we are always
grateful for whatever God gives. and always don't complain. when the stag is proud of its
antlers. His stored message, in my opinion, is that we shouldn't be too arrogant with the ornate
decorations we have because they may be useless.
Moral value :
Moral value that I can take from the story “ a stag and his reflection” is sometimes the thing we
don’t value are worth a lot. What is most truly valuable is often underrated.
When The stag now realized that the legs, he had despised a little while ago, helped him in
saving his life but the beautiful horns became the cause of his death. we must always be
grateful for what God has given. because there must be a purpose in itself why God gave it. We
also shouldn't be too proud of the jewelery we have, because it might be useless.

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