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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

First Quarter
Week 1 – Day 4
A. Content Standards Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and
adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral
and written)
C. Learning Competencies Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: Aspects of verbs EN5G-Ia-3.3
D. Learning Objectives (KSA)
Knowledge Define what verbs are
Skills Identify simple present and past form of verbs
Attitude Give the simple present and past form of verbs
A. References
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Pass the Cabbage Review Game about the different elements of a
or presenting the new lesson narrative. Pupils will pass the cabbage when the music plays.
When it stops, the last pupil holding will peel the cabbage and
answer the question.
B. Establishing a purpose for What are the things that you do everyday?
the lesson
C. Presenting Each day we perform a lot of actions. Action words are called
examples/instances of the verbs.
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Tense refers to time as in present, past and future. Aspect has to
and practicing new skills # 1 do with the form of structure of the action happening at any time.

The Simple Present Tense

The base form and -s form of verbs are present tense forms.

Present Tense ( Singular) Present Tense (Plural)

-s form Base/Simple Form
leads writes works jumps lead write work jump
swims dances travels swim dance travel

What makes the two different? Remember. Verbs that end in -s

have singular nouns. Example: Lisa leads the group. How many
subject? Only one therefore the verb should end in -s.

On the other hand, Verbs that do not end in -s have plural nouns.
Example: Lisa’s friends lead the team. How many subjects? There
are many that is why no need to add -s on the verb.
Let us try this! Check the correct simple present form of verbs in
the brackets.

1. Ram (love, loves) chocolates.

2. The girls (dance, dances) well.
3. The teachers (teach, teaches) us grammar.
4. The baby (cry, cries) for milk.
5. We (enjoy, enjoys) playing games.
E. Discussing new concepts The Simple Past Form of Verbs
and practicing new skills # 2 The past tense of a verb is used for events that happened at a
specific time in the past.

Present Past Present Past
float, floats floated fight, fights fought
survive,survives survived leave, leaves left
save, saves saved make, makes made

The verbs in Column A are said to be regular verbs because

they use the -ed form to express past tense. The verbs in Column
B are irregular verbs because they form the past tense in other

F. Developing Mastery Group Work No. 1

Give the simple present regular form of the verbs in parentheses.

The World Wildlife Fund or WWF is an organization that (work) for

the preservation of endangered animals. It (believe) in saving our
planet’s natural resources. It (promotes) awareness through its
different conservation projects. Its work has spread to many
countries of the world, including the Philippines. Organizations like
the WWF (need) our support. We (be) all responsible for taking
care of our environment. We must (act) now before it is too late.

Group Work No. 2

Read the article below. Copy the regular and irregular verbs that
are used in the past tense.

Lolong held the record as the world’s largest crocodile ever

captured. However, the time it spent in captivity made it more
vulnerable to sickness which led to its death. The People for Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA) suggested that instead of capturing
wild animals, ecotours that promote the preservation of animals in
their natural habitat should be organized. PETA said that crocodiles
should spend their time submerged in water deep enough for them
to swim. They also emphasized that the crocodiles should be free
in the wild, not in big pens.

G. Finding practical Activity 1

applications of concepts Read the paragraphs below. Copy the verb form to be used in each
1. Mangrove trees (grow, growing) in tropical swamps. Their long
roots (grow, grew) high above the mud. Roots (hold, holding) the
tree in place, The (keep, keeping) the rest of the tree above the

2. The water moccasin (is, be) a snake. It (lives, live) in some

swamps. It (eats, eat) some of the swamp animals.

Activity 2
Write the simple past form of the verbs.
1. collect 2. paint 3. fight 4. stop 5. become

H. Making generalizations What are verbs? Give some examples of simple present and
and abstractions about the simple past form of verbs
I. Evaluating Learning Identify if the verb is in the simple present or simple past. Write
your answers on your paper.

1. We are all stewards of creation.

2. Liza and Lulu just went to the pet shop.
3. Every Saturday, Liza takes her dog for a walk along the
4. Liza’s dog, Toby, loves playing on the sandy shore.
5. However, last Saturday, Toby hurt his right paw.
6. He accidentally stepped on a spiky rock.
7. How Toby writhed with pain!
8. Liza carried Toby and brought him to the clinic.
9. Liza and Toby played in the shore.
10. Both of them smile happily.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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