DSC-245!4!5 Engineer Manual

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ceed oSLAice Cylinder-bed, 45 feed Lockstitch Machine DSC-24. Cylinder-bed, 245 feed Lockstich Machine with Automatic Thread Trim DSC-245-4:DSC-245-5 ENGINEER’S MANUAL rerace This Engineor’s Manual {2 written for the technical personnel reaponsible for The sericing and uaintenance of sewing machines. The manual cesoribes "how to aajust,”" *Reauite of tnproper adjustment” and’ other functiens not covered ty the Instruction Naqual intended for the maintenance personrel and seving bntchine operatore at sewing factories. Ninon deing naintenance work on this sewing machino, it 18 reocarended thet you Fofer to the Instruction Hanuad end Parte Liat in addition to this Engineer“ anus. Tr thio Sngineer’a Manual, the "Standard adjustments," vinteh desorite the esto standard adjuetaent values, are explained prio? to "How to adjust and “Results of inproper adjustment" which desoribe seving trovrles end nechaniesl problons. conrswrs, 1. SPRCTFTCATIONS 2, SHANDARD ADOUSTIGAET’ OF” MATW' UWE 6.00.1 ia) Hedent of the needle bar seenserseere paeeeee 3 (2) Tintng relationship betwean the needle and the heok 2 (3) Hoight oF the feed don v++e res 5 (1) Longitudinal. position 8 () Tiaing of the feed sovenant cesecscre pare 6 1) Vertsoal feed ca TRIKE ¢ 2) Bocentric Feed can’ cuseverescescvecescorcouceeeeesor ae (6) Top feed novenent sverisrussnssessesseecenceveenes 8 (1) Timing of the top Feed cam 210 (2) Stiton length for normal feed or reverse feed co lec seen on (9) Lnbrieation (hook) weeesenee ary 3. STANDARD ADJUSTVENTS OF ADDETIOWAL” DEVTOES' «+ tis CG) Thvead tréamer oe elses tie 1) Sining of the’ thread erineer’ + fis 2) Maxinun osoillation point of the moving wnife a6 4) Can roller arn presaer secseserrereeensce 118 1) noone of plover movonent vercscrece 218 5) Pressure of the counter knife’: 1 20 8) Can roller and the periohery of the thread trimer cat aa (2) hutonatio reverse feed. Jevc0 eeeeesereeeee 222 1. THREAD TRIIOER COMPONENTS v.sueerceecesceecnesousotsts 1 5) ASSENBLING/DISASSEMELING THe THREAD PALMER’ COMPONENTS 26 BL SMUCHEONIZER se seeevconeseeseses er 28 "T, List OF SELECTABLE PARTS FOR JOINING" ©0000 Fa 8, FARTS 70 BE APPLIED WITH LOCK-TITE PAINT c.eescuececsee 30 9% COMPONENTS TO. BE APPLIED WITH A SEALING COMPOUND OR ADKESEVE AGENT eee 10, LIST OF CONSUMABLE PARTS «.tesccvcees 11, GPLIOMHL, PARTS ase sueanesuse 2 tare sevmno arckcinent” 13) TRouaLesnoorina (MECHANICAL PAidS) penne ae 14! TRovBLEsHooTING (SWING cowDrTrow) Recreate 1S: TROUBLESHOOTING FOR THE ADDITLOUAL DEVICES" ..\s.s+see~ 36) INSTALLATION DIAGRAM OF KNEE LIFTER 377 DIAGRI OF THE MACHINE TABLE ae 1, specttearzons Pe Te Species 1 |i aber ETB. DEEDES 2 Model tase iesiis, eylinger= —T-Weedle eylinder=bed, i bed, untseneteed, |untaunefees, Lock- heckstitoh machine |stiteh uachine with an| automate thread tenner (cutonatic reverse) 3 ipetioatians Ordinary Tabris, vinyl Teather, Tear | (= (oediuméweight wateorsai) i [eater apes Hats 2,200 Sep.m. 3 [tees BR Tae eo a tsoweie ster ETT] | [real E50 to #20 7 [seieon Tanger resyeveraas (norna) 2 reverse) faexé TYLirt of the presser Foot [Nand Tifter Va [and Tina Fa neo lifter 15'ea _|knee lifter 13 em 3 | Seiten Tena eajuaeeene echanten Wedge type aiat To"[Reverae stitSy Beier [roaoibeok ype Ti [tinea Eaeenup Side type 12 [Weedie_bar stake a VF [alternating vertioar ees TF Yio Voriaontal, Tuliy revatlaaTy selfolubrioating 1 rar moa Forked link oof lation wood 15 [Welicing f05t mechan aa Linked to the S9ttom Fad TT [orive gachsitise of the nein shart and hook Griving shat Bevo gear WY ibrseation anal, Seif-Tubeioating Wook with @ pines? pune 15 rene osetTiating write oi the end_of ‘the nook PO Bia eating wearaneR = By the Sutehdemaunts | (ec hiaerearer t Wey Gefeie oi WoT 22 [Sewing arew depth 23 [opiindar gianeter 1 eetar 25 [Conausting SIE Tetype F-bele STANDARD ADJUSTHRNTS 2. STANDARD ADJUSTAENT OF TE MAZH WRIT (2) Height of the needle bar Conditions fo Set the dial to 0. } ae sl us (2) Timing relationship between the needle and the hook (1) Lift amount of the needle, and the position of the neesle and biace Condition © The needle ber gous up from the Lowest position or tts stroke. | © Set the dial to 6. __} How 70 a0uUsT ‘Turn the hardest so that tho needle bar Feaohes the lowest dead point of te stroke. Loesen the clamping screw of the needle, bar Sonnecting stud. ign the needle bar with the engraved upper sarker Line, and tighten the elasping sere of the needle bar connecting study (Cauttoa) ‘Use the marker Line engraved on the needle bar only as a reference potnt when sdjusting the dlatance between the needle snd the Blade point of the hock. Weve that the distance between the upper end of the needle eyelet and the blade point of the hook should be 1.5 1a sen the center of the needle is aligned with the blade point of ESUES OF THPROPER ADJUSTENT © Stiteh skipping on thread eakage nay oncur, if the land the blade point of the hhook £8 not prapery adjusted, logsen the throat plate satecrew and reaove the throat piste. aise tho neodie bar by 2.5 mm frou ite To adjust the clearance between the nestle snd the blado point of the hook, ieasen the hook setscrews, move the hack in the ‘hireotion of the arrow until the specified Slearance is obtained, and then tighten the f@ adjust the poottion of the neadle and the blade point er’ the heck, 1o08en, the hodle setsereva and tuna the hook by and uneaD the centor of the needle ia aligned with the blade potnt of the hook Irregular stitorea, stitoh skipping on thrvad’Dreakege. Irregular stiteres such a2 isolated sling loops will be observed if the hoale Hing 13 too early or too ste. Irregular stitohes may be prevented if the hook timing {eaet 0 that it is, relatively late, AE the ook timing 48 set 20 that it ts date, tho thread tension will be decresaed. Any isolated Sd-ing Jeeps ta Reskstitaning well be eliminates {fF the hook timing ie aet 0 that it is Te may not be prasible for the ngedie threcd to be trinmeds Zo] | mee | |G) Longitudinal postion (3) Hetgnt of the feed dog ‘STANDARD ADJUSTHRNTS conaitions| fo The feed anoint ia get to 0. © The section af the feed dog protruding mst shoul be 6.6 am higher then the surface of tie throst, plate. ‘conastsons fo Feed asount: Max. 6 mm ® Longitudinal clearances A land BDetwees the feed dog fand throat piste should be qual (For bots normal feeding find reverse Pesdine)- How 70 apaust 1) Wetant of the eed doe 1 Set the feoa regulating ial to 0. 2, fomove the throat plate, top face cover of the bed, end spring support shaft, Then ult out the feed bar. IP the hoigne of she feed dog ts inadequate, use a feed driving pin with any marker ines engreved on ite surface. IF the Teed dog 2 poektioned too high uve a fees driving pin with fewer marker Lines engraved on ite surface, yoo 1. Set the teed roguiating dial to 6. 2 Loosen the rocker clamping screw and adjust |" s0 that the reed doz moves evenly with egard to the groove in the throat plate, ‘Then Pix the Coed rocker clamping screws, Loosen’ the clasping serey using the hexagonal wrench key aupplted vith the unite) RESULTS GF THPRGRER Dsus If the feed dog is positioned too hi © Tho food dog may oone én contact with the throst plate. fo The actus) titan 1ensth imsy become greater than tthe value set on the feed regulating dial. 6 Irregular stitches aay be ‘rormed. If the feed dog 19 positioned © The atitoh lengtt may actually Become snalier than the value set by the Teed roguisting dial: © The feed force may by decreases, (© The feos dog v2 come ta plate, and a hitting noise will te neara, © Irregular atitehes may be observed. ‘STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS G) Timing of the Feed novesont a Conditions 1) Vertical feed cam © Feed amour! ©The tp die should be aligned wien tho surface of the throst plate vhon the tip | | “ZIT —s | | ontrse feed can - Condtt sone ° S fen the noodle sar goce up f fron the lowset dead point of fsa are Lie strake Sy 2.4 my the feed oe does noe wove oven if lever 18 losered. 8 Se te | Ss ee __absustaen 1, Renova the hook. (See instruction manual for detaiis on the cover removal procedure. ) of the vertical feed cam, and remove the Plate cover, the plate washer, and plate a | eee ae of the vertical food eam sine iste Turn the handheel until’ the Loser narker Atne engraved on the needle bar te aligned leith the bottom of the needle bar tran (at this tine, the needle bar goes up by 2x4 ‘30 from its lowest position.) Install the vertioal feed cam 20 that the ‘oteh mark on the vertical feed van ia posstsoned as illustrated sn the figures | If the timing of the vertioat © Teolated Laing Loops may be eliminates, but loose sstitones may Soour (cautten oulSal'o"anLena auch Samy eee ‘regula sultan nay bw a settee nets o Taw nedia my Drea. If the timing of the vertices food ean 19. toa Late: = vo" (Caution) TE the gesr ratis to engage, adjust ao tat | the noth mark aoves to the left by one gear | = | + tooten staccons D ana @ of te te stitch tea daring Ssoettreinees shou bores fond or reverse fog 2 Rielthe'eceenria reed can untst tne fend | tay notte oft nulue sts dot, 2o Songer nveo with the feed lever” | o Srfapelastitevs ay ‘Shetea hen the eeshe'bar gee up ty'2.4 | ecauke te from the lowest position of its stroke. eke sure that the top faed does not move Dsokward. Then tighten the aetsorena, (caatioa) 4 the cau has been adjusted so that it hes been moved cut of ite aorrect position toward the shaft, aneoth oan operation aay be hindered. ‘STANDARD ADJUSTHENTS (6) Top feed sovenont 1) Longttudinal position of the walking foot (needle entry point) Conattiona Feed aaount: 0 am The need ‘the food os. 2) Alternating sovencat conastsone | > Feed anoune: 0 | © The alternating norenent of | Toot’ should be equsl. | 1. set the aiaa to 0, 2 Loosen the clanping eorew of the rear orank ot the frane rocking sharte 5+ Turn the handvineol and nove the needle nar Frane so that the needle eaters the center of the noodle hole tn the feed dogs Then Ueiten the clamping screw. top food rear cover inn the hendsheel by hand until the thread takenup reaches the lovest position of tts strove 3. Lover tne presser bar Lérting lovers A. Loosen the clamping serew of the top feed 5. Hove the top reed shaft sn direction @. Te vertical stroke of the presaer foot Will be decreased, while that of the valking foot wilt be increased, Nove the top feed shart in direction @ . ‘the vertioal stroke of both tho walking foot and preaaer foot will. be equal Is. Renova the top feed front cover and open the | TESICTS OF TaPROPER _snsusmeent | If the needle entry point 48 Stenificantiy atrterent frow the center of the needie hole in the feed dog? ‘0 The walking foot componente ney cone in contact with resulting in operating noise. © The needie night break. © Adjust the vertioal stroke of the walking feot so that At is larger than that of the presser foot in accordance vith the type of Baterial tobe aeun. © Sewing sponge watertal. © Seuing material with ‘overlapped ezetions. © Sewing piping. © If the alternating vertical strokes of the walking foot nd preaser foot are ‘significantty al:reren ‘¢ Tho stiten Length say actually be different trea te value sot by the dial. # Me feed eftic:ency nay be decreased, The rate of rotation of the motor aust therefore be decreseed, STANDARD ADJUST a10- © Align the boss with tne engraved rarker dot "1/8" a5 shown in tbe Figure. fo The walking foot S2 aligned with the surface of the feed fog when the needle comes dove and the tip of the needle Peaches the surface of the throat plate. How 70 ADJUST Loosen the mut of the serew conneeting the top feed roa. Aajust the position of the toss on the cam od by moving the boss up or down. Then Lighten the sore mute 0 Ir the boss 15 fixed tn the upper section of the long note (3/16): ‘mount of movement Max. 8.8 am o Ir the bose La rixed in the Lover section of the Lone hale (1/8): ‘Amount of movenent: Min. 3 am Loosen the to setsorews of the top Feed 2. Turn the top fod osm until the aurtace of the throst plate, the Lip of the needle and She walking foot’ (presser Face) are ail Sligned with each others Then tighten the yo setsareus of the top feed cam se that the top foee oa 19 firmly fixed in that | NDUSENT TESTCTS_ OF IMPROPER © Change the anoint of novenent. in acvordance with the type of maverial to be ‘2 Sosing sponge materia: or the Likes © Sewing material witn overlapped sections, © If the anoint of novenent te Set to a larger vat © The stiten length may actually be different fron the value set ty the dial. © The Teed ettteionoy sey bo decreased. the rate of rotation of the soter ‘must therefore be © If the timing of the top feed can i too early (when the top feed can is aoved Sn aireotion A) © Loose stitches may be © The stiten lenge aay actually bo different tron the value se: by the cial (analier than the set value). © The vaiking Zoot may be forced to nove in the opposite direction. © If the timing of the top Fs0d oan is 100 late (unen the top feed can ia moved in direction B © Loose atstehes may be beers © The needle thread 42 Likely to finely split. 0 The stitch Length may actually be different from the valus se> by the dial Garger than the eet velue). STANDARD ADVUSTHERTS 1 (8) Stitch length For normal Feed or reverse Food conditions Set the etal te 6 a. © Turn the handutee? 20 following 1s obtained. Normal fees anaunt/revorae eed amount x 100 = S282%. . if He S Qs (Cautto0) ‘The statio etiteh Length is ect toa slightly saaller Value sndicates by the seale fon the dial ab How 70 ansusT reguiating sere bushings 2. Seb the reverse feed Laver to neutrel. 3. Turn the notan of the eccentric bushing using 2 small sorewdrdver 4. Measure the claarance between the reverse eed actuating lever and the stopper pin using a ruler and check that it fe 1.0 mate Then firmly Lighten the setooreue, oe oat | RS Ber — | Sewing speed, stiten length, ADSUSCMENE | Jo IF the wocentric woshing ia | P turned in direction A Yiornal feed ¢everse feed jo Tf the eocentrio bushing is | turned in direction. Normal feed , Feverse feed The stiton lengths for norsai feed anc reverse reed WEIL not be mateheds Je IF the stiteh length for noraal Feed anc reverse Feed fre oct. so that they are Doth equal, the value ast \L1I be affected by the the amount of alternating vertical feoa, or the oat {bdjustment. (caution) 1 the normal reed and reverse food asounts are Frequently adjusted, the arm tap sient become ‘riioted. sta ADSUSTRENTS. (8) Labeication (hook) conasesons (Caution) o After the seving mactine has been TFELL the oll tank with cli up to” idling fer'90 to 120 seconde, splash ell lever sarker Line H+ ‘ft should begin colvesting in fon a shoot of paper placed 10 from the perighersl ef the hook, Lasting for five socends. Set the dist tos. “ib How TO ADJUST ining the of] lovel edjueting sarew in the @ direction (contersiackise) vil Anorease the asount of cli to be supplied to the hook. “Turaing che o13 Level adjusting sorew in the G direction (eleckvise) Will decrease the anouat of ofl to be supplied to the hook ae RESULTS. OF IMPROPER Tf the aaount cf oft ‘suppited to the nook t= Inadequate, loese stitenes tay be formed. ‘The hook ight generate heat and ts Likely to quickly wear ove resuiting ine burned out hook Furthersore, an snsufficient supply of oi2 to the hoot say cause irvesslar n the other nena, 4 too mich of1 18 supplied to the hook, the thread or materiat nay become stained with cil. be conditions Setscrew No. sare. fo Turn the handvbeel untii the ned mrker dot fon the nachine ar 2 aligned with the ste marker dot on the handwoee). of the thread trinner oan should now be aligned with the can roller 2) Maxim oscillation point of the moving knife Conditions| ©The cam roller 4s at the maxtou osefllation point of the cam groove in the thread trinner can. fo The tip of the woving knife should reseh the engreved mirker line on the throst plete mounting base (2.7 ma ‘ay from the center of the hook Griving shaft). ae Wow To aDJUSt + Loosen the two setacraus of the thread — ‘Aiign the white mrker got on the hendunest vith the red marker dot on the nachine arn. 3. Press the can roller arm until the oan roller fits in the groove Sn the thread 4‘, Taro the thread trinmer cam unt] seteorew Ko. 1 of the thread trimer cam is alignea with the cam roller shaft. Tron tighten the (Caution) ‘Be sure to finaly tighten the two seteoreve of the thread trimer can. If they decane Tooce, st may reauit in faulty thread crtaming or knire breakage. TESUTS OF IMPROPER If the timing of the thread trimer is teo early: ‘oTho nscale thread retaining in the needle may be too stort. | © The needle thread may slip Off the needle eyelet. ir the timing of tne thread tntaner ie too late: ‘ovThe neadle thread remaining in the needle bey be too long. © The clearance betwoon the throat plate and the tip of the needle may be Gecreased when the machine Stops with the needle up. 1. Alga the waite marker dot on the hancubee! Mth the red aarker dot on the machine art 2. Press the cas roller ara until the cam roller fits in the groove in the throad Then ture the bendukeel unt] the oan roliee Pesenes the naxina oeetllation point of the proove tn the thread trimer oan. 4, Loosen the tio setecrova of the knits driving plate end adjust the Tength of knife fariving plate “A a0 that the tip of the hoving knife travels to the sarker line ‘engraved on tae threst plate mounting base. (Gf the value for length A. Sa large, the anouat of knife novenent will be decreased, IP the value fer iength A is small, the ‘auoust of knife movenant will be incteaged.) Af the amount of unite suovenent 1s inadequate: © Defective thread cutting 40 the amount of knife sovenent ie exaesaive: ‘If the anount of knife ovonont ie set toa ‘significantly targe value, the machine say Lock. STANDARD aDJusmuRNTs 3) Cam roller are presser ee r° a nt = Tn conattion fo The olesrance between the am rolier som and the oan | Poller are frosser should be | 0.3 to 0.5 tm wen the actuated. 4) Amount of picker movement, Conaitton ©The picker should nove the @nd face of the Heo cover by 2 mn. = How To ADJUST 12 Loosen the sotsores of the am roller are | 2 Adjust 30 thet a 0.3 to 0.5 mm clearance 1s obtained between the oam reller arm presser and tho cam roller arm.” Then tighten the RESULTS OF THPROPER Le ADJUSTMENT If the clearance is inadequate: © Thread trimer actuation Wil be defectives The throad wismer may be actuated ropeatedly, Pesulting an thread trimer Sreakage. If the olearance 42 too Large: Faulty thread trdaming nay Antgn the red marker dot on the machine arm with the white marker dot on the henduneols Loosen the tvo astecrens of the pioker eiving plate and press the plate, Adjust tho clearance betuesn’ the picker driving plato and the picker driving ed 20 hat the: picker travels 2 an fron the end Fase of the hook cover Then, tigaten the scree » it the o1earanee is too anaili Faulty thread trimming way occurs (The thread rtawor WAIL not aut the thread.) f the e1earance is too large: ‘o'Tho needle toread will slip off the needle ayelet inmodiately acter it hea been. trimea 0 the needle. thread remaining’ in the, needie MAIL be too short. 1. i ‘STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS 5) Pressure of the counter knife 6) Cam roller and the periphery of the Uiread tntaner cas Condition fo The clearance tetween the periphery of the thread Poller shovld be 2°) 1m whee tthe thread trimer Solenois ia turned of. a + loosen the two setearewa of the counter ienste, 2 Adjust. the preseure spplied to the counter lite by moving the Knite pressure adjusting plate. |. loving the katte pressure adjusting plate tn |" caectson’ "wii inerense the pressure | applied to te counter knife, oviag the plate in direction B vill decrease the pressure applied to the counter lentes 4, Adjust 0 that the optimun pressure is obtained. Then tignten the setsoreuse RESULTS OF DAPROPER “DSSTHENT [If the pressure applied to the counter knife 42 inadequate ‘0 Both the neesle thread and bobbin thread way not be thinned. 16 the pressure applied to the counter kntre Se enaesai fo The machine Le likely to le It ds advisabie to use the chine with minimal. pressure applied to the | knife, provides thst the | neoaie thread end bobbin thread are out auecesafuty. Loosen the clauping sorew of the thread trisser solenoid are. 2. kijust the position of the thread trimer solenoid arm 30 that the elearance between the periphery of the thread trimmer eam and the Gan Poltse 2 2°¢ my and then fix the solenoid ars by tightening the clamping (cautson) Check that the stroke of the thread trémuar solenoid is correct when fixing the solenoid TP the stroke 1a not proper, faulty thread cutting say occur. 1 the elearance 2 too large: o The thread eriamer cannot be aotuated. Jf te clearance is signifi- ‘cantly smalls © The thread tninmer will be | © actuated ropesteaty, Desulting in thread thinner Breakage. ae sogusraenrs |(2) futomatic reverse feed (1) Plunger stroke cou Condit sons © Feed snount: Maximum © The clearance between the reverse feed ragnet. and the plunger resicual plate 420.5 to 1 am when the reverse feed sotuiting lever ie Lowered until tt MII go to further. mane How 70 abst 1s Set the feed regulating dial to its waxtmun | 2 Loosen setsoren @ of the magnet aounts baa: “ 3. Lower the reverse food actuating lever vats St'WiLt go ro further, move the magnet sounting tave up and down, snd'adjust go | fiat the clearance setwcen the residual plate attached to tne plunger and the inner furtaoe of the reversa feed nagnet 1s 0v5 to ‘Vim then tighten the setsoren | ESITS OF THPROPER ‘nDsUSTAENT Ef the olearance is too are ‘0 The wagnetio pull will be Gecreased nd’ th reverse Feed moohanion may fail to be actuated. If the elearance is too saat © Tho stiten length during reverse Teed stitohine may be antler than curing orsal feed stitoning. 1, TREAD TRIMER COMPORENTS ‘Thread trimer solenotd 4m of the thread trinmer solenoid em roller arm Thread trimer can Cem shart ‘Thread trimer driving shart & Picker draving plate Picker driving rod Pasker connecting Link © 2 ® o 8 6 ® ® ® o a nae ©8OSS03060 Thread trimmer driving shart 5 Knife raving piste & Knife driving plate 8 Woring knife Counter knie Cam roller arm presser Returning spring { Ploker prosser “cat spring eee 4, Men shvesd totmer sclenota @ 1s tured on, the arm of the threed rlaner solenoid @ turns in direction “A | ® Alena with the rotation of the arm of the thread trimser solenoid, ean roller arn (Q) startg rotating. Can roller @ will then oneees oie threed trimer cen @) 3+ The rotation of can snare © wiit move wnread trimer driving anatt a @® in a strateht ine in direction B "by way of the thread trimer aoe 4. Ploker driving plate @) Joined to the aru of the thread trian Setonota Will" toon taen tn ehvestian As : Tho rotation of the picker driving plate will carry picker @ in direction °C “by way" of picker drivine rou @)- 5: The straight novesent’of the ploker vill cactliate moving kaif throu cooneoting Link Gy thread trimmer driving ara "lS, road teinmer driving saert GQ, thread trinnar driving are” BWA) © theced rinmer driving plate 4 5 ) and thread trisscr driving plate 8 ‘eB 6. If the can roller enters tio invard aeation of the sroove inte three trtaner oan, esch Conponent viii ove in direction Ear f. ‘anisieso'the cppostie direction of the outward novenent. "ihe moving kaife sn eountee nite wt then cut tho tnrendy Son the can roller reaches the end of the groove in the thread trimer at, the as roller arm will be released fron eas roller arn seesesn The’ thread telamer solenoid wiit be similtanmousiy turned orton the Gy roller apg will return to Its starting position with tne force of fotucetag spring 8, Tf the thresd triamer solenoid {9 turved oft, the ploker deiviag plate viii return to tts hone position, and ploker presser teat spring, GS itt Tetum the picker to ite houe pooltion, Pe ae 5. ASSEMOLING/DISASSEAGLING THE THREAD TROGER COMPONEITS wsenbLing procedure (ierer to the configuration of the thread trimmer components and the Fs Book) emovethresé trimmer aniesta ©| Somove cua rele aru presser (| ——resow the two seteorowee EE =e Sega triawer | ——! [Rese siregt imer ane Lowman tn aetacry of tw th remove cat start ©. Caution when asseabl ing. > tater tose scan potter are presser —o —— [ BN SSHGh nee ot een ering ara A mau oe 9° with rene og oe rie ata ie ttn oct fa of tn an Tt f>——_______ (Cusion) fmye he ire tear can ae Sh bak ving sate How 70 anuust Alig the red marker dot on the synohrouteer vith the rea marker dot on the bese of the handyheei.. ‘Then teaporarily £8x the synchronize» in place using the eetscrey of the synohreatzer, be sure that che mohine 42 stoped with the needie up (to place the wateriel in the Sowing position ang to thread the needle). Eocsen the two screva in the synchronizer rotor and finely adjust 20 that the ned lusrker dot on the nachine arn is aligned ith tho red warker dot on the handvliee!. Er Et actuation t9 too early: Ir the timing of synenronizer actuation ia toc late TESICTS. OF IMPROPER —_ADSRIENT o Thread trimming ay be faulty. © The cam roller will be lunabie to. diseneage from the Uhrosd’ trimer eas, It the timing of nchronizer aotustion 18 significantly early, the foving knife might be actuated resulting in Soviag trove © Thread trimsing may be faulty, © The position of the naesie bar Ill be Lower’ than normal 1 LIST OF SELECTABLE PARTS FOR JOINING Select the appropriate part ror Jotning frou the following 16st, | Fan ase aL ae HEIR Harker Line | ‘aYeqz215000 =o} ‘Top and botten reed pin [HisgzzN5000 Higgs ———— B1B555 (200k BIW535 12005 Taite pressure eajusting [oelzeetso00 plate Daweazisa0R Bie g2245008 5 Tarist plate of the hook [BIbjo224S00K Engraved marian A ariving shaft BiB s2¥5008 BL Czo sean) BrBs2uH0OC =e] ——] ‘i85351200k1 Brgraveg wanker A [27 ‘Trust plate of tress [BIB5351200B0 | trimmer driving shart 3 [B1B53512000K [5 tana: D, = FARTS TO BE APPLIED WIT LOOT PAT ‘the nlustrated components are fixed by applying LOOK-TITE paint. After disassembling any of these conpononts, be sure to clean the section te be spplied wth LOCK-TITE paint with thinner and then dry the section completely, after uhieh LOCK-TITE paint should be applied and the couponcnt Ira serev fixed by LOCK-TITE paint cannot be resoved, nest the sorew by neans of & torch lasp on the Like. hia should wake it easy to rencve the sore. | (Caution) Tt i advisable not to disassemble any component which hae been applied ee R- a = Es EA ae 9. COMPONKES TO HE APPLIED WITH A SEALING COMPOUND ON ADKESIVE AGENT ‘he following parts should be applied with a sealing compound or adhesive fagent to prevent an ofl leak ar to securely fix then in place. | Parts to be applied with a sealing ‘Sealing soupeund/ | compound or adhesive agent. adhesive agent | 1. setsores of the eylindete cover mreessond 1101 2. Setsores of the rear bushing of the hook ™ driving shart 3. Setscrew of the front, intermediate and rear " bushing of the sam shatt 8, Satscrey of the front and rear bushing of the " thread trinmer driving shaft | 5. Sotsorew of the fixing plate of the thread trimer solenoss 8. Setserev of the oil Level adjusting device (aom.) " 1. Setscrey of Iubefeation hale Casa.) * 8. Oty iover adjusting devies asm.) " 9: O12 level window . 10: Setscrey of the plunger prasser otal fitting . 11, Setseren of the thread trinmer solenoid cable : 12) Bed Bracket spacer Rubber adhesive agent 10. LIST OF CORSUNABLE PARTS (CEE rari aan, ae (ck Fi edie OF: BIBRA | Hock Caan) ‘BYBS72NSUAD | Bosbin case (aR, Taoludiag the idling prevention TUTTO o000 | Wabi Cad chou the Thread Trae [(hus11ss2100- Rluninaw bobbin _Gwith the thread” Crimar) eWOIZHSEOO [Waving kat Fe DeWOezUSE0 | Counter Entre aS 11. OPTIONAL PARTS Taree TEE EE Fears —— Bierozusoo [walking Foot, For betion sowing —— TBibztas0or | Presser foot Supplies with “sis2i205008 | Presser foot ee ‘BIGiS2¥5004 [Feed (For PabrTe (uithout the thread eniaer) | aiprsanston | Feed (for a thin neeaiey Tithoa ewe ial I Geithout the thresd trtaner) DIOTSEISEOR | Feew (Tor Fabric) Tana T HoaTe (ltnout the tnrend trtaner) DISTSEISEDE | Feed (For © thin needle) Wiha e weave L (ultnout the thread trimmer) 12, TAPE SEWING ATTACHMENT (1) moder nsc-2i5/9092 (tape guide for a narrow tape) ‘nsc-285/@093_ (tape guide for a wide tape) | Ds0~285-5/@094 (tape guide for a narrow tape) DSC-205-5/4095 (tape guide for a vide tape) (2) How to select the attachenant Xf the binding width (distance Ain the figure) is 5 1m or less, select the 092 0° 09H tape guide for a narrow tape. {Tr the binding width 12/5 ma on nore, select the ‘4093 cr G095 tape guide for a wide tapes ape (cautton) The type of binder depende fon the ehiokness and width Sr tape to be ned. The Dindara are therefore nade to order and are not supplied with the. 0092, (2095, 09% on 0095 tape guides. ao » 3) » 5) ® D 8) ” 0) Removal prosedure tor Renove presser foot Locsen setecrena. @) of ecsen setscren G) cover of the Peed beck of the bed top face cov "LLiptical feed with the horizontal Teed BLiptioal feed and walking toot @. . the throat plate snd remove throst plate _®. the top fave! cover of the bed and sorew @ of the: wot shaft. Rewove bed top face cover), epring @ er, and cover @ of the feed bracket shat, Pt ahatts Tenove the spre up Henove feed bracket ee Geaove the teed bracket vith feed {By food brashet Soot sha tenors Boring "ane bloat sat Qe Loosen feed & ket box esove feed brocttt bis ‘and the other components mounted.) ‘and retove feed (3) tron feed braceet @® . Fenove feed bracket block Bq) tron feed Seasket elf Gane moe fee toot baat @ « (Do not renove feed rocker reed pin Fenove top and bottom fe Uist of parte to be Fenoved =] Fare Was Fare naa Te Fane His auztsaiy_ [Presa Fost ‘SSEIIO9ISSP [Throat plate setsarews | 2 | T1764 thread riage 60, 28.5 a, T 7 t 2 [prt 7Uz¥5o0o | valleing Foot ms + v Br iUSzTHUOT_| Taree pia 7 [Drs052U5E00 [Throat plate a | [SS20907 USP |Setscrew of the bed top| 1 | SET thread Pies W,—| | Ley = [BYOSSENSUOT |Soren of the Feed TY S78 tirese riaee WT, fprasket_ cover. tt T[BITTaaWECOO [ed top Face Sovee i DITrsz¥ss00 [Bed top face cover r =< TYBIIT5ZH6000 | Spring of the bed top| T - [fece cover TISTOZISOOD_| Fees bracket wary corer To orsBe%5000 [Spree support share pall Ti Tsiso6245000- [reed Brecket. Digabo4sz00 [Feed bracket TE Tai6r32¥5000 DigTso¥sE00 Tz Perowbet500N ir B1652205000 TA Thread Fades OR, beat 5 aogoownaR [erin 16-[Br6842u5000-[ aed brEORSE BIGSE TTBI6%3245000-[ Feed brackst_blook A 157 B1603205000~ [Feed rocker Sea 19" [Bt63z045000 [Top and botten Feed pin Jo 2 > » 5: 6 n ® 2 10) ” 3) (ote) 1. The parts marked with a star (e) are used after making a Installation procedure for the horizontal feed replacenent. 2, The parts marked with an asterisk (#) are exolusive “on the DS5-215- Wor +5 modelo. Attach feed bracket block @ to,tesd rocker @. ee ee | Rapratly Steed 25 fttea atte Oe | ED rea tant §B Watts Bases toon are ane Ene tte atin govt hate @ « Bee rca BPP maT Pate enters tne cetor of ss ae exe eaetastt = ' ee ee Og mt meg O. seretetts Ben te Seerhe Install tape guide “€9 on the bed top face cover €} using setscres @ ‘Upon completion of steps 7), 8) and 9), attach ded 9p facn oover Pit spring @9 of the bed top rece sover and feed bracket snact cove @. ‘Thon tighten screw @) of the feed bracket shaft vover ggtal] throat plate GQ and fax it da place with throst plate setsorevs Avtach presser foot G) and valking foot @ . a ae List of parte to te replaced (an Tarte Fant pane Te Tae —[20" |igos2 0060 Feag Wrasket Bleck H 21 }i0e211005 | Feed bracket piosk aur] = {_Traosin 1000 | ress” treckst block stare 2E_|waaos209000 | Feed eee area 1909309000 | Feed iio attache eige taps ¥—}hneasiogooe trees 1 [te sttach + nartor tap AG093090007 Feed [ie attach r vide taps 5 |ac0s 202000 | Bes Cop TSS SON =| ~unaostozo00-[ pea top-tace- saver t 2 |wacos20%000 | Binder setsereve 2 ieee Page a 29 |h05205000_[ Binder sstsorew alts ——[-2—[ 18 hee ee 6 |wua0$206000-[ tape patie i PT /SSTIV05103F | Tape guide SetsoraT 1780 thread Fae WO, (2B | RROGATINGT | Spring OF the ted tap 4 face gover a emaopar oe threat prate r 3] ~|unuogsor000-[tarost-siaes 1 3 ssz1 109303" Trost plate aaUscrane TIPS tient Files WO, Lbs 37 aaaosestooe Presser Toot 1p attach a narra [ttw09 308500 Presser Fost To attach swde tape SE [rco3207000 Walking Fost To attach § marron Ga 11909507000 alin Foot To attest a wide tape (Wote) 1. The parts marked with an asterisk (#) are exclusive for the DSC-245- Wand =5 nodeisy 2 Select the feed, presser root and walking foot es a whole set in accordance with’ the width of tape to be Cosa, ae 13. ‘THOUBLESHOOTING (WECHARTCAL PARTS) ee ae | | 4245 j Le. | > Lo T 16, UISTALLATION DIAGRAM OF HEE LiPrER

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