C.V. of Md. Reboul Islam: M.S.S (Masters of Social Science)

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C.V. of Md.

Reboul Islam
Contract of information
Mobile: 01727983733
E-mail - j.c.modelschool33@gamil.com

Carrier objective:
To work in a dynamic, Intensive environment. Where the creativity and interest can be found
to develop the skill as Well as the career with a strong emphasis on Sustained growth and

Academic Records:
M.S.S (Masters of social science)
Institute : Govt. M.M. university college.
Board : National university
Result : 2nd class
Passing year : 1999
B.S.S (Bacalar of social science)
Institute : Govt. B.L. college
Board : National university
Result : 2nd class
Passing year : 2000
Institute : Cantonment college, Jessore
Board : Jessore
Department : Arts
Result : 2nd class
Passing year : 1994
Institute : Hamid por High school
Board : Jessore
Department : Arts
Result : 1st class
Passing year : 1992

Experience: 16 years
Institute : J.C. Model school and college
Designation : Principal
Duration : From 2003 to 2018.
skill: (1): Has successfully Computed training Program-Verbal communication in English.
Work Place skill Development Academy:
New Zealand.
Supported by-SEIP-BACCO, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
skill (2): Professional Customer service (PCS) skills for Employment Investment program
Institute : Finance Division
Duration : 8 February 2021 to 30 June 2021.
Skill (3): Computer literacy program
1) Microsoft word
2) Office excel
3) Power Point
4) Advance office application on program
5) Software, Internet Browsing and E-mail
(Technical youth Development and computer Training institute)

Skills (4): Steno typing in Bangla and English.

Duration : July-December 2019.
Department : youth Development Ministry of youth and sports
Duration : 1998
Skills (5): Typewriting : English speed 40 words a minute.
Bangla speed 30 words a minute.
Short Hand : English speed 40 words a minute.
Bangla speed 30 words a minute.
Award (1): For contribution in Education Sector.
Sher-E-Bangla A.K Fazlul Haque Gold medal- 2019.
Place : Engineer Institution, ramna, Dhaka
Duration: 27 December, 2019.
Award (2): As a principal – J.C Model School and College foundation- Award- 2018.
Award (3): As a sport and function maker award- 2019, J.C Model School and College.
Extra Activities:
1. Scouts jumbury camp, 1988, Mouchak, Gazipur, Dhaka and Parade Commander in
B.N.C.C. in cantonment College, Jessore.
2. Drama’s Actor : i) Joutok Protha.
ii) Shahed Borkoter-E-Rokto
3. Singer : Jari Gan
4. Hobby : Reading book, Knowing about new things, Traveling.

Personal details:
Name : Md. Robiul Islam
Father’s Name : Let. Omad Ali Biswas
Mother’s Name: : Zohora Khatun
Blood Group :B+
National Id : 19772613451205020
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Islam
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 02.01.1977

Present Address Permanent Address
J.C Model School and College, Vill: Nurpur, P.O: Churamon Kity
Jhawchar Model Town, P.S: Kotoali Sadar, DistL Jessore.
Zigatola, Hazaribag, Dhaka.

I am highly committed with you that you may take any step against me if you can prove my
provided information in wrong.

Md. Robiul Islam

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