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Conceptual framework for evaluation of

ecotourism carrying capacity for sustainable
development of Karkheh protected area, Iran

Mehdi Salemi, Seyed Ali Jozi, Saeed Malmasi & Sahar Rezaian

To cite this article: Mehdi Salemi, Seyed Ali Jozi, Saeed Malmasi & Sahar Rezaian (2019):
Conceptual framework for evaluation of ecotourism carrying capacity for sustainable development
of Karkheh protected area, Iran, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World
Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1570379

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Published online: 08 Feb 2019.

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Conceptual framework for evaluation of ecotourism carrying capacity for

sustainable development of Karkheh protected area, Iran
Mehdi Salemi, Seyed Ali Jozi, Saeed Malmasi and Sahar Rezaian
Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The maintenance of natural and virgin ecosystems against an unnecessary influx of humans Received 16 November 2018
requires a modern and efficient model such as the carrying capacity model to optimize the Accepted 3 January 2019
management and development of ecotourism in these areas. The model is one of the key KEYWORDS
tools for conservation and sustainability of these areas. The present research attempts to Carrying capacity index; PSR
formulate a framework for the ecotourism carrying capacity model for sustainable develop- model; ecotourism;
ment of Karkheh protected area in Iran. The information was collected using a citation protected area; geographic
method as well as, interviews with experts, and visitors, and director of the region with 24 information system
key indicators being regulated by field surveys and library studies. In this study, the network
analysis process model, the Pressure-State-Response conceptual model, and Arc GIS10.5 soft-
ware were used to determine the potential for the establishment of ecotourism performance
in the scale of 1: 50,000. In this research, 70 questionnaires were completed by experts in the
field of environment and ecotourism to determine the relative importance of effective
pressures. According to the results, the highest values belonged to physical carrying capacity
(13,425,681 persons per day), ecological carrying capacity (2,482,226 persons per day), and
social and culture (985,706 people per day), respectively. Based on the regional carrying
capacity, the physical, ecological, and social carrying capacity index was calculated as 3356,
621, and 246 (greater than one), respectively. According to the results, the region has a high
carrying capacity, which can accept visitors.

Introduction was gradually introduced into environmental science,

demography, and economics (Li et al. 2017). Carrying
One of the important parts of the biodiversity conserva-
capacity is an ecological concept, which is defined as
tion is protected areas. These areas are categorized
a limited number of individuals who can be supported
according to the management objectives and the pur-
at a given level of consumption while the environment
poses of conserving biodiversity to achieve the long-
is not damaged. This definition shows the relationship
term advantages for related ecosystem services (Pasetta
between a population and the environment to ensure
2017). Human population growth is assumed as a threat
sustainability (Ma et al. 2017). Many scientists consider
to protected areas (Xu et al. 2016). One way to overcome
the carrying capacity as an effective strategy for tourism
the above-mentioned problems is ecotourism, which
managers an indispensable measurement tool
involves instruction through entertainment by incorpor-
(Bhattacharya 2005). The conventional definition of car-
ating environmental awareness into recreation beha-
rying capacity is the number of people visiting an area
viors (Tal 2017). Today, community-based Ecotourism
without damaging natural resources (Prato 2001). The
is increasingly considered as a part of sustainable devel-
other definition of carrying capacity is as follows: max-
opment to encourage local livelihood, environmental
imum possible number of people who can visit
conservation, and culture (Tran and Walter 2014). The
a naturally protected site causing any unacceptable
development of sustainable tourism is a common solu-
change in physical environment and reducing the qual-
tion, which is widely used to plan and manage sustain-
ity of the recreation aspect (Tisdell Clement and Julie
able performance of tourist areas (Ocampo et al. 2018).
2001). The research records in this regard can be sum-
Therefore, there are some factors with negative effects
marized as follows: in the Sagarmatha Conservation
on a restricted area and tourism improvement including
Area, evaluated the magnitude of this region’s carrying
a high number of visitors, accommodation facilities, and
capacity using the tourism carrying capacity and driver-
the related activities (Vujko et al. 2017).In the 1870s,
pressure-state-impact-response models (Salerno et al.
carrying capacity was applied to biological systems for
2013).In addition, the carrying capacity of Santana
the first time (Chapman and Byron 2017).In addition, the
Cave region was selected using the CCSC model. The
word ‘carrying capacity’ first appeared in ecology, which

CONTACT Seyed Ali Jozi

© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

most important factors in this study were air tempera- has no rainfall during the summer. The average tem-
ture, CO2, relative humidity, and air pressure (Lobo et al. perature levels are 25.18°C and 13°C during June and
2015). A research evaluated the ecological carrying January, respectively (Figure 1). The Karkheh protected
capacity using the photo linear transect technique on area and its dependent wildlife has significant socio-
the Malaysian island of Mabul (Zhang et al. 2016). The economic values. Vegetation within the region is con-
space-mode model and the AHP model were used to sidered as a pasture and source of food for livestock in
evaluate the carrying capacity of the Marine National the marginal villagers. Fishery and hunting of aquatic
Marine Park (Jiang et al. 2017). birds, in addition to the economic value and impor-
The issue underlying the research is that the mainte- tance of living in the surrounding area, provide the
nance of natural and pristine ecosystems against the necessary ground for employment.
massive human exploitation from these resources
requires a modern and efficient model such as the carry-
ing capacity in order to optimize the management of Methodology
these areas, where the current model is one of the key In terms of objective, this research is of applied type and
tools to maintain these areas. Karkheh protected area is has a descriptive-analytic method. General tools for col-
located in the southwest of Iran. Due to its untouched lecting information are library studies, interviews with
scenery, including the proximity to the Karkheh River and area managers, and completing the questionnaire by
the presence of natural landscapes, it has a variety of visiting experts (environment and ecotourism). The gen-
plants and animal species. This region is one of the areas eral stages of the research are as follows: investigating
with a high potential for ecotourism. Therefore, the status and studying the existing scientific records in order to
of the carrying capacity of regional should be continu- identify all the ecological, social, and cultural factors in
ously determined in line with the development of determining the potential of ecotourism, determining
ecotourism. Unfortunately, the role of ecotourism man- the relative importance of effective criteria using the
agement in natural developmental areas is being over- network analysis process model, generating maps from
looked, while humans, having overexploited natural existing resources using Arc GIS 10.5 software, weighted
resources, affect the environment of these areas. Hence, linear combination technique of the layers and the zon-
we ignore our responsibility for managing and protecting ing of ecotourism, determining the quantitative physical
such areas. In this way, managers can plan more accu- carrying capacity of the study area, identifying of effec-
rately by gaining knowledge about the carrying capacity tive indicators in the ecological, social, and cultural
of the protected areas and ecotourism-related businesses. pressure in the study area,creating a network modeling
The major aims of this research are as follows: (a) structure and determining the relative importance of
determining the potential of ecotourism in the study effective indicators in the ecological, social, and cultural
area, (b) Identifying the effective indicators in the pressure,grading the indicators on the ecological, social,
ecological and social–cultural pressure in the study and cultural pressure, calculating the ecological carrying
area, (c) quantitatively calculating the physical, ecolo- capacity, calculating the social and cultural carrying
gical, social and cultural carrying capacity, and (d) capacity, and calculating the carrying capacity index.
determining the physical carrying capacity index, eco-
logical carrying capacity index and social-cultural car-
rying capacity index of the studied area.

Materials and methods

Study area
Karkheh protected area is located about 2 km away
from the center of the city of Shush in the southwest
of Iran. This region has been registered as a protected
area since 1970 and is under the supervision of
the Environmental Protection organization. In addition,
it is an appropriate habitat for mammals such as
DamaDama Mesopotamia and is one of the major tour-
ist attractions in Khuzestan province, Iran. The geogra-
phical location of this area is 31°, 36ʹ to 32°, 57ʹ latitude
and 48°, 10ʹ to 48° 32ʹ longitude and in zone 39 in the
UTM system, with an area of about 2685 ha. This area
has the highest rainfall during the statistical period from
2009 to 2017(8 years), in December with 57.76 mm, and Figure 1. Geographical location of the study area.

Identifying the effective factors in determining the importance according to the WLC method and finally,
potential ecotourism the potential of the development of ecotourism in the
In this research, different data and maps were pre- region was obtained. Indeed, the weighted linear combi-
pared using various sources. In order to determine the nation technique method represents a useful tool for
potential areas of ecotourism development, multi- prediction and quick assessments when the baseline
criteria assessment methods were used; they were information and expert feedbacks are missing and time
also employed to determine the relative importance constraints do not allow for data collection (Gulci and
of the ANP model. According to Morteza et al. (2016), Akay 2015).In other words, this technique is based on the
the analytic network process model is composed of concept of weighted average. The reason for using this
three elements: (1) goal of selecting the best alterna- method is that decision makers obtain the final value for
tive, (2) criteria and sub-criteria of the model, and (3) the potential of the development of ecotourism based on
alternatives. The elements in the hierarchy of deter- the weights obtained by the ecological and socio-cultural
minants are divided into aspects and attribute factors by multiplying the relative weights of factors,
enablers. The main purpose of applying this model where the amount with the highest value has a low
in this study is to determine the significance of each potential and a high potential for the target. The scale
ecological, social, and cultural pressure, since all eco- used in this study was selected according to the area and
logical, social, and cultural pressure indices do not the target of 1: 50,000 and all baseline maps were pre-
have the same value, and each factor has a different pared in a coherent scale. The study area is located in the
weight and value used by this technique. Arc GIS northern zone of the UTM coordinate system WGS1984.
10.5 and Super Decisions 2.8 software were used to
map and analyze the data and to determine the Evaluation of the carrying capacity of ecotourism
relative importance and inconsistency ratio in the net- Calculation of the physical carrying capacity. In
work modeling process, respectively. In the next step, the next step, the physical carrying capacity of the
the effective ecological and socio-cultural factors of area was calculated, and to determine the physical
the study area were investigated and information carrying capacity of the studied area, we calculated
layers were prepared in the form of a map in order Equation (1) (Bera et al. 2015):
to evaluate the ecotourism potential of the region. In
order to take into account the views of the visitors of PCC ¼ A  V=a  RF (1)
ecotourism in 2018, 384 questionnaires were distrib- In Equation (1), the parameters are as follows: A is the area
uted among respondents and the other sample, of the ecotourism zones used by the ecological, social,
which was related to the experts, was completed in and cultural potential assessment, and the ANP method;
the form of 70 questionnaires by experts in the field v represents the value equal to 1 visitor; a shows the
of ecotourism and environment familiar with the amount of space required by each visitor determined
region in 2017. The first questionnaire was designed through a visitor’s questionnaire; RF is the ratio of the
to determine the regional management status while usable time of the area to the average length of the visit
the second was used to show the relative importance time. The time to use the area to protect the area and to
of effective factors on determiningthe potential and prevent more damages was determined by a 10-h inter-
relative importance of effective pressures on carrying view with the manager in the study area. In addition, the
capacity. In all cases of binary comparison, the incom- average visiting time was calculated by answering the
patibility coefficient was less than 0.1, indicating questionnaire nature visitor distributed and calculated.
a satisfactory state. Two of the best examinations to
determine the reliability and validity of the question- Identification of the effective indicators in the ecolo-
naires are Cronbach’s alpha and Lawshe test. The gical, social, and cultural pressure in the study area.
results of content validity index of all questions At this stage, the effective indicators in the ecological,
exceeded 0.79, and therefore were appropriately social, and cultural pressures in the study area were
recognized with Cochran method employed to deter- identified and selected through retrospective surveys.
mine the number of required questionnaires.
Creating a network modeling structure and determin-
ing the relative importance of the effective indicators
Overlaying and creating potential of ecotourism in the ecological, social, and cultural pressure. At this
Taking into account the conditions of the region, the stage, after identifying and selecting the effective pres-
classification of the ecotourism potential in the Arc sures for the ecological, social, and cultural pressure, the
GIS10.5 was classified into three classes: the classification structure of the network modeling associated with the
of the layers included the suitability, moderate suitability, ecological, social, and cultural pressure was drawn up
and in suitability capability; the ratings were graded and the questionnaire was prepared based on this struc-
according to the Satty method between 1 and 9. Then, ture. For calculating the statistical population at this
each of the layers was derived in terms of relative stage, questionnaires were distributed to among the

environmental experts with 35 questionnaires distribu- cultural pressures determined using ANP technology
ted among ecotourism experts. The relative importance and expert opinions (environment and ecotourism); Di
of the effective pressures in the ecological, social, and denotes the degree of ecological, social, and cultural
cultural was calculated using the ANP model and the pressures of each class, from 0 to 1. In this study, to
Super Decision2.8 software,where the incompatibility calculate the ecological, social, and cultural stress
coefficient was less than 0.1. percentage Equation (3) was used (Dong et al. 2011):
Pi  Ai
Grading the pressure indicators using the ecologi- CFðPiÞ ¼ P  100 (3)
cal, social, and cultural pressures. At this stage, each
class of pressures on the ecological, social, and cultural In Equation (3), Pi represents the ecological, social,
pressures was graded between 0 and 1, with the number and cultural pressures; Ai is the area of the zone
0 indicating the lowest degree of pressure and 1 showing with ecological, social, and cultural pressures; ΣAi
the highest degree of pressure in the studied area. Then, denotesthe total area of the zones for ecotourism (at
pressure-status – response model was used to identify this stage, the area of each zone was calculated from
the pressure on the carrying capacity of the area. This the Arc GIS10.5 and the total area of the zoning eco-
model consisted of three pressure indicators, status, and tourism was identified in the first phase of the study
responses during the process of the research. In addition, and further used in this section).
it is associated with the concept of causality (Huaa et al.
2011). The main purpose of this model in the present Calculation of the ecological carrying capacity.
study is that this model is a conceptual model and con- Equation (4) was used to quantitatively calculate the
sists of three indicators of pressure, state, and response. ecological carrying capacity of the study area. In this
Specifically, in this study, three indicators of pressure equation, PCCi is the physical carrying capacity of each
(ecological, social, and cultural pressure), status zone, Cf (pi) represents the ecological pressure percen-
(ecological, social, and cultural status), and response (set tage; and ECCi reflects the ecological carrying capacity.
of measures that increase the areas with low carrying 100  CfðP1Þ 100  CfðP1Þ
capacity) were used and reviewed during the model ECCi ¼ PCCi  
100 100
process. In order to calculate the ecological, social, and 100  CfðPnÞ
cultural pressures of each class (Rice et al. 2001), its 100
resources and map should be known and (Table1),
where Equation(2) was used as follows: Calculation of the social and cultural carrying capa-
Pi ¼ WI Di (2) city. In order to quantitatively determine the social
and cultural carrying capacity of the study area (Bera
et al. 2015), Equation (5) was employed, where Cf (pi) is
In Equation (2), Pi reflects the ecological, social, and the cultural and social pressure percentage and SCCCi
cultural pressures; Wiis the ecological, social, and denotes the social and cultural carrying capacity.

Table 1. The effective carrying capacity pressures and data sources for the input layers.
Sub-pressures Indicators Projection Source Refs.
Soil Distance from fault, Soil Depth, Soil WGS1984 Raster Geology organization Khuzestan province, Iran (2017)
texture, Soil erosion
Water Distance from river, Distance from WGS1984 Raster Water and wastewater organization of the village
wells Khuzestan province, Iran (2017)
Vegetation Coverage of vegetation WGS1984 Raster Landsat satellite image 8 sensors (OLI/TIRS 2017)
Physiography Slope, Elevation, Aspect WGS1984 Raster Mapping organization of Khuzestan province,
Iran (2017)
Climate Extreme sunny, Sultry, Dust, Rainfall - - Meteorological organization of Khuzestan Province,
Iran (2009–2017)
Animals Breeding season of animals - - Organization of environment of Khuzestan province,
Iran (2017)
Communication path Distance from communication path WGS1984 Raster Organization of planning and budget of Khuzestan
Urban areas Distance from urban areas WGS1984 Raster province, Iran (2017)
Power line Distance from power line WGS1984 Raster
Historical religious and Distance from historical religious and WGS1984 Raster Cultural heritage of handicrafts and tourism of
ancient ancient Khuzestan province, Iran (2017)
Facilities and infrastructure Distance from facilities and WGS1984 Raster Mapping organization of Khuzestan province,
infrastructure Iran (2017)
Land use Land use WGS1984 Raster
Rural areas Distance from rural areas WGS1984 Raster Organization of planning and budget of Khuzestan
province, Iran (2017)
Agricultural land Distance from agricultural land WGS1984 Raster Organization of planning and budget of Khuzestan
province, Iran (2017)
Natural landscape Distance from natural landscape WGS1984 Raster Organization of environment of Khuzestan province,
Iran (2017)

100  Cfp1 100  cfp2 100  cfpn CSCCi

SCCCi ¼   (5) CCISC ¼ (9)
100 100 100 P

In Equations (6), (7), and (8), CCIP is the physical carrying

Calculation of the carrying capacity index. In the capacity index, PCCirepresents the physical carrying
next stage, the regional carrying capacity index was capacity; CCIE shows the ecological carrying capacity
calculated. At this stage, the statistical information index; ECCi denotes the ecological carrying capacity:
related to the population of visitors Corresponding CCISC is the social and cultural carrying capacity index;
to 2017 was collected to determine the carrying CSCCi represents the social and cultural carrying capa-
capacity index of the studied area. In this step, city; and P is the total number of visitors in a year (about
Equations (6), (7), and (8) were used to calculate 4000 people, April 2017). With carrying capacity index
the carrying capacity index of the study area (Liu (physical, ecological, and socio-cultural) being as fol-
et al. 2011). lows: if the carrying capacity Index value is less than 1,
then the area is not able to accept the number of
PCCi visitors; if the index is equal to 1, then the carrying
CCIP ¼ (7)
P capacity of the area is normal; and it is greater than 1,
ECCi then the area is capable of accepting more visitors. The
CCIE ¼ (8) procedure has been presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The flowchart of the PCC, ECC, SCCC, and CCITevaluation process.

Results and discussion considered as the highest total percentage of pressure.

Also, socio-cultural factors including facilities and infra-
The weight of effective factors extracted from the
structure (0.814,0.959,0.894), communication routes
extreme super-matrix showed that the factors such
(0.887,0.969,0.921), agricultural land (0.921,0.938,0.945),
as distance from wells, slope, coverage of vegetation,
and rural areas (0.918,0.977,0.940) were found as the
and distance from river with significance coefficients
highest total pressure percentage on the carrying capa-
of 0.078, 0.065, 0.059, and 0.059, respectively, had the
city((low suitability zone, medium suitability zone, and
highest importance in the process of determining the
high suitability zone), according to Appendices 1 and 2.
potential of ecotourism development (Figure 3).
Finally, to calculate the socio-cultural carrying capa-
Based on the results of the map of the potential of
city, Equation 5 was used as along with the results of
ecotourism in the study area (Figure 4), 24% and 60%
physical carrying capacity, pressures, and ecological
of the area had high (629 ha) and moderate suitability
carrying capacity. According to Table 2, the results of
(1616 ha), respectively.
calculating the physical carrying capacity of the studied
The weight of ecological pressures extracted from
area indicated that the zone with the suitability poten-
the extreme super-matrix showed that the pressures
tial was equal to 3,143,997 people per day while the
such as coverage of vegetation (0.078) and distance
zone with the medium suitability was equal to
from river (0.069) had the greatest importance in deter-
8,081,249 people per day. Further, calculation of the
mining the ecological carrying capacity of ecotourism
ecological carrying capacity of the studied area showed
developmentFigure 5(a).On the other hand, the weight
that the zone with the high suitability was equal to
of socio-cultural pressures such as distance from facil-
522,983 people per day while the zone with the med-
ities and infrastructure and natural landscape with sig-
ium suitability was equal to 1,650,343 people per day.
nificance coefficients of 0.249 and 0.131, respectively,
Finally, calculation of the socio-cultural carrying capa-
had the highest importance in the process of determin-
city of the studied area demonstrated that the zone
ing the socio-cultural carrying capacity of ecotourism
with the high suitability was equal to 177,269 people
development (Figure 5(b)).
per day while the zone with the medium suitability was
In this research, ecological pressures including sun-
equal to 728,152 people per day.
shine (0.488,0.488,0.488), sultry days (0.723,0.723,0.723),
The results of the carrying capacity index measured
dust (0.769,0.769,0.769), soil erosion (0.799,0.945,0.859),
based on the statistical information about the number
and coverage of vegetation (0.878,0.967,0.915) were
of visitors in April 2017, which was visited by 4000

Figure 3. Factor preference used for the potential of ecotourism development of the study area.

Figure 4. The final mapping the potential of the development of ecotourism in the region.

Figure 5. Preference of pressures used for carrying capacity ecotourism of the study area (a-b).

Table 2. Estimating the physical, ecological, and socio- people persons per year, indicated that the physical,
cultural carrying capacity of the study area. ecological and social-cultural carrying capacity indices
Zoning of the region were 3356, 621, and 246, respectively
Carrying capacity Low Moderate Suitability (Table 3).
Physical carrying capacity 2,200,435 8,081,249 3,143,997
Total 13,425,681
In this research, the potential of ecotourism in the
Ecological carrying capacity 308,900 1,650,343 522,983 region was determined, considering the influential pres-
Total 2,482,226 sures carrying capacity on the area’s and determining
Socio-cultural carrying 80,285 728,152 177,269
capacity the relative importance of each the pressures, specified
Total 985,706 by a questionnaire. The carrying capacity of the studied

Table 3. Estimating the physical, ecological, and socio- Disclosure statement

cultural carrying capacity index.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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CCIP 550.1 2020.3 785.9
Total 3356.3
CCIE 77.2 412.6 130.7 References
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Appendix 1. Calculation of ecological pressures indicator the percentage

Ecological pressures Suitability class

EPT1/ Medium Low

100- EPT3/100 100- EPT2/100 100 EP3 EP2 EP1 WPi EPAi Di Aspect High suitability suitability suitability
0.571 0.222 0.816 0.029 5,982,185 0.19 N 6,287,994 16,162,497 4,400,870 Area(m2)
0.971 0.378 1.39 0.029 6,780,686 0.32 E
1.69 0.659 2.42 0.029 7,602,686 0.49 S
2.17 0.846 3.11 0.029 7,196,624 0.66 W
0.987 0.995 0.981 1.35 0.526 1.93 EPTi
Distance from wells
0.571 1.42 5.22 0.043 5,343,020 1 84–1300
0.971 0.959 3.52 0.043 5,538,136 0.66 1300–1700
1.69 0.714 2.63 0.043 5,501,744 0.49 1700–2100
2.17 0.496 1.82 0.043 5,723,489 0.32 2100–2700
1.35 0.272 0.998 0.043 5,489,892 0.19 More 2700
0.980 0.999 0.972 0.571 0.077 2.84 EPTi
Soil erosion
14.09 5.48 20.13 0.033 26,851,361 1 High
0.859 0.945 0.799 14.09 5.48 20.13 EPTi
Soil texture
2.99 1.16 4.27 0.021 26,851,361 0.32 Sandy-loam
0.970 0.988 0.957 2.99 1.16 EPTi
Soil Depth
1.46 0.566 2.08 0.015 13,079,000 0.49 Low deep
0.573 0.223 0.819 0.015 7,212,199 0.32 Medium deep
0.356 0.138 0.508 0.015 7,455,683 0.19 Deep
0.992 0.997 0.989 0.796 0.309 1.14 EPTi
1.86 1.86 1.86 0.041 - 1 Rainfall
0.981 0.981 0.981 1.86 1.86 1.86 EPTi
23.08 23.08 23.08 0.064 - 1 Dust
0.769 0.769 0.769 23.08 23.08 23.08 EPTi
0.723 0.723 0.723 27.72 27.72 27.72 0.023 - 1 Sultry
Ecological pressures Suitability class
100- EPT3/100 100- EPT2/100 100- EPT1/100 EP3 EP2 EP1 WPi EPAi Di Distance from river High suitability Medium suitability Low suitability
7.4 2.88 10.57 0.069 67,38,710 1 0–40 62,87,994 1,61,62,497 44,00,870 Area(m2)
0.325 0.127 5.1 0.069 40,89,442 0.66 40–100
3.37 1.31 4.82 0.069 62,39,418 0.49 100–400
2.26 0.878 3.22 0.069 64,49,891 0.32 400–800
0.827 0.322 1.18 0.069 39,98,591 0.19 More 800
0.972 0.989 0.95 2.84 1.1 4.98 EPTi
Coverage of vegetation
17.18 6.68 24.55 0.078 1,38,51,037 1 Coverage of low vegetation
8.16 3.17 11.66 0.078 1,35,00,323 0.49 Coverage of medium vegetation
0.315 0.123 0.45 0.078 7,92,360 0.32 Coverage of high vegetation
0.915 0.967 0.878 8.55 3.32 12.22 EPTi
2.99 1.16 4.27 0.037 2,68,51,361 0.19 0–5
0.97 0.988 0.957 2.99 1.16 4.27 EPTi
2.56 0.997 3.66 0.032 2,68,51,361 0.19 58–89
0.974 0.99 0.963 2.56 0.997 3.66 EPTi
Distance from fault
0.427 0.166 0.61 0.007 2,68,51,361 0.19 21,000–30,000
0.995 0.998 0.994 0.427 0.166 0.61 EPTi
8.33 8.33 8.33 0.036 - 1 Breeding season of animals
0.917 0.917 0.917 8.33 8.33 8.33 EPTi
51.21 51.21 51.21 0.018 - 1 Extreme sunny
0.488 0.488 0.488 51.21 51.21 51.21 EPTi

Appendix 2. Calculation of social, and cultural pressures indicator the percentage.

Ecological pressures Suitability class

100- EPT3/100 100- EPT2/100 100- EPT1/100 EP3 EP2 EP1 WPi EPAi Di Aspect High suitability Medium suitability Low suitability
0.571 0.222 0.816 0.029 5,982,185 0.19 N 6,287,994 16,162,497 4,400,870 Area(m2)
0.971 0.378 1.39 0.029 6,780,686 0.32 E

1.69 0.659 2.42 0.029 7,602,686 0.49 S

2.17 0.846 3.11 0.029 7,196,624 0.66 W
0.987 0.995 0.981 1.35 0.526 1.93 EPTi
Distance from wells
0.571 1.42 5.22 0.043 5,343,020 1 84–1300
0.971 0.959 3.52 0.043 5,538,136 0.66 1300–1700
1.69 0.714 2.63 0.043 5,501,744 0.49 1700–2100
2.17 0.496 1.82 0.043 5,723,489 0.32 2100–2700
1.35 0.272 0.998 0.043 5,489,892 0.19 More 2700
0.980 0.999 0.972 0.571 0.077 2.84 EPTi
Soil erosion
14.09 5.48 20.13 0.033 26,851,361 1 High
0.859 0.945 0.799 14.09 5.48 20.13 EPTi
Soil texture
2.99 1.16 4.27 0.021 26,851,361 0.32 Sandy-loam
0.970 0.988 0.957 2.99 1.16 EPTi
Soil Depth
1.46 0.566 2.08 0.015 13,079,000 0.49 Low deep
0.573 0.223 0.819 0.015 7,212,199 0.32 Medium deep
0.356 0.138 0.508 0.015 7,455,683 0.19 Deep
0.992 0.997 0.989 0.796 0.309 1.14 EPTi
1.86 1.86 1.86 0.041 - 1 Rainfall
0.981 0.981 0.981 1.86 1.86 1.86 EPTi
23.08 23.08 23.08 0.064 - 1 Dust
0.769 0.769 0.769 23.08 23.08 23.08 EPTi
0.723 0.723 0.723 27.72 27.72 27.72 0.023 - 1 Sultry

Social, and cultural pressures Suitability class

100- CSPT3/100 100- CSPT2/100 100- CSPT1/100 CSP3 CSP2 CSP1 WPi CSPAi Di Facilities and infrastructure High suitability Medium suitability Low suitability
1.30 0.508 18.64 0.249 329,450 1 0–161 6,287,994 16,162,497 4,400,870 Area(m2)
25.60 9.96 36.57 0.249 9,814,546 0.66 161–2800
15.42 6 22.04 0.249 7,950,110 0.49 2800–5400
9.26 3.60 13.23 0.249 7,278,992 0.32 5400–8100
1.67 0.648 2.38 0.249 2,229,226 0.19 More than 8100
0.894 0.959 0.814 10.65 4.14 18.57 CSPTi

(Continued )
Social, and cultural pressures Suitability class
100- CSPT3/100 100- CSPT2/100 100- CSPT1/100 CSP3 CSP2 CSP1 WPi CSPAi Di Facilities and infrastructure High suitability Medium suitability Low suitability
Historical religious and ancient
0.778 0.303 1.11 0.039 1,254,336 1 900–2000
3.85 1.50 5.49 0.039 9,293,940 0.66 2000–4300
2.27 0.884 3.25 0.039 7,520,220 0.49 4300–6600
1.39 0.541 1.99 0.039 7,288,951 0.32 6600–8900
0.25 0.098 0.360 0.039 2,260,250 0.19 More than 8900
0.983 0.993 0.976 1.71 0.665 2.4 CSPTi
Power line
10.69 4.16 15.27 0.087 7,724,620 1 361–1800
7.26 2.82 10.37 0.087 8,007,690 0.66 1800–3000
5.23 2.04 7.47 0.087 7,649,745 0.49 3000–6500
3.38 1.31 4.83 0.087 7,584,940 0.32 6500–9700
2.02 0.786 2.89 0.087 7,468,890 0.19 More 9700
0.943 0.978 0.918 5.72 2.22 8.17 CSPTi
Urban areas
0.539 0.523 0.771 0.054 628,188 1 30–515
1.345 0.523 1.92 0.054 2,348,726 0.66 515–2700
3.02 1.17 4.31 0.054 7,295,000 0.49 2700–4900
1.90 0.738 2.71 0.054 7,017,450 0.32 4900–7000
1.64 0.639 2.35 0.054 10,328,600 0.19 More than 7000
0.983 0.993 0.976 1.69 0.719 2.41 CSPTi
Communication path
14.66 5.70 20.94 0.122 7,554,387 1 0–1400
9.73 3.78 13.90 0.122 7,550,430 0.66 1400–2400
7.55 2.94 10.79 0.122 7,914,826 0.49 2400–5500
4.72 1.84 6.74 0.122 7,608,020 0.32 5500–7900
2.85 1.11 4.07 0.122 7,793,516 0.19 More than 7900
0.921 0.969 0.887 7.90 3.07 11.29 CSPTi

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