Vinyl: Chloride Acetylene and Chloride: Catalvtic-Rate Studies

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Vinyl Chloride from Acetylene and Hydrogen

Chloride: Catalvtic-Rate Studies

Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana

The reaction rate of gaseous acetylene and hydrogen chloride was studied experimentally wall temperature was held constant to
on a mercuric chloride-activated carbon catalyst at pressures from 1 to 4 atm. and temper- within 025°F. Temperatures within the
atures of 167", 212", and 257°F. The measurements were made in a differential reactor reactor were measured with seven thermo-
packed with mercuric chloride impregnated on activated carbon, the data being taken to couples at fixed positions in an axial well
obtain the separate effect of the partial pressure of each of the components on the rate. of %-in. stainless steel hypodermic tubing.
The results indicated that hydrogen chloride was strongly adsorbed on the catalyst and The well extended the entire length of the
that vinyl chloride was also adsorbed to a significant extent. A rate equation, which well reactor. The end sections of the reactor
represented the data, was developed from the following postulates: ( a ) acetylene is ad- were packed with glass beads and heated
sorbed on the catalyst on one type of site, ( b ) hydrogen chloride and vinyl chloride are electrically to minimize thermal gradients.
adsorbed on a different kind of site, (c) the formation of vinyl chloride occurs by reaction Preliminary studies (9) indicated that one
of adsorbed acetylene and adsorbed hydrogen chloride, and ( d ) the rates of adsorption part of catalyst (by volume) in sixteen
and desorption are fast compared with the formation rate of vinyl chloride. parts of inert packing minimized the com-
bined uncertainty due to temperature and
Vinyl chloride is produced commer- to a ratio of approximately one part composition effects. Initial tests showed
that the inert material, 6- t o 8-mesh crushed
cially by the hydrochlorination of acety- of catalyst (mercuric chloride impreg- porcelain, had no catalytic activity. The
lene with anhydrous hydrogen chloride or nated on activated carbon) t o sixteen catalyst bed contained 9.08 g. of catalyst
by the chlorination of ethylene. The avail- parts of inert packing (porcelain). This particles and 285 cc. of inert material.
ability of low-cost acetylene from natural arrangement resulted in conversions from A diaphragm type of back-pressure
gas has increased the significance of the 2 to 395, based upon total feed, and regulator at the outlet from the reactor
first method. I n it acetylene and hydrogen reduced the temperature gradients in permitted operation at any pressure up to
chloride in the gas phase are passed over the bed to a few degrees (maximum 60 lb./sq. in. gauge over the entire range
a solid catalyst carrier containing radial temperature difference = 6 O F . ) . of flow rates. The gases were metered with
mercuric chloride. While the commercial No evidence of by-product formation a precision rotameter and then scrubbed
process ( I , 2, 3) has been in operation in a water-spray column before venting. 9
(dichloroethane) was found in operating soap-bubble meter, especially constructed
for some time, suitable rate data for at these conditions. for corrosion resistance, was inserted after
studying the kinetics of the reaction are the rotameter and used to calibrate all
lacking. flow meters in place
Wakano and Shenichi ( I S ) proposed EXPERIMENTAL WORK Product gas analysis was based upon a
an empirical expression of the exponential comparison of the thermal conductivity
form for the rate There were three main parts to the of a small portion of the feed gases with a
experimental equipment used to obtain small portion of the product gases by the
rate measurements: gas purification and use of a thermistor type of thermal-con-
metering system, the reactor system, and ductivity cell. Flow rates to the cell were
in which the values of a, h, B, and C, held at fixed known values. This procedure
depended upon the operating conditions. the product gas-analysis system. Figure gave greater precision than the use of a
Lynn and Kobe (8) presented data
1 shows a schematic diagram of the single reference gas for two reasons: the
reactor and product gas-analysis system. cell was used to detect directly the differ-
showing the effect of impurities in the
acetylene feed and variations in catalyst Feed gases from commercial cylinders ence in thermal conductivity due t o re-
preparations on the product obtained. were purified and dried to minimize cata- action, and the effect of small errors in
lyst poisoning and corrosion. The feed
The reaction product was identified as rates of acetylene, hydrogen chloride, and
pure vinyl chloride. Conversions were vinyl chloride were controlled with needle VI
measured as a function of space velocity, valves augmented with constant-differ-

but accurate rate data could not be ential pressure flow meters. Steel-encased
deduced from the measurements. glass capillary meters were used in the
A number of laboratory investigations flow measurement. Wherever either hy-
have been carried out in fluidized beds drogen chloride or vinyl chloride was
(4, 6, 11, 15) over limited ranges of present, the connecting lines were con-
conditions and with varying precision. structed of %-in. Hastelloy-B tubing to
resist corrosion. A nitrogen feed was pro-
Because of these limitations substantial vided for purging the system.
conclusions regarding a rate equation The acetylene was purified by passage
could not be reached. through water, a ferric chloride solution
The chief objective of the present (an aqueous solution containing 5% ferric
study was to obtain reliable rate data
for the mercuric chloride-catalyst reac-
chloride, 0.5% mercuric chloride, and 1%
acetic acid), and a silica-gel column before
I u
tion over a range of pressure and com- metering. Traces of moisture were removed
position. Because of the uncertainties in from the hydrogen chloride and nitrogen
interpretation introduced by back-mixing by scrubbing with concentrated sulfuric
acid and from the vinyl chloride by passage
in fluidized beds, a fixed-bed, differential through a column of silica gel.
type of reactor was used. The total The reactor (Figure 2) was fabricated of

catalyst bed of about 22 in. was diluted standard 1-in. stainless steel pipe with a THREE w m STOPCOCH cb -

length of 36411. Heat transfer oil was NEEDLE V I L V E 9

R. D. Wesselhoft is with the Humble Oil and circulated through a jacket surrounding
Refining Company, Baytown, Texas, and J. M. Smith
is a t Northwestern University, Evanston. Illinois. the central section, 22-in. long. The reactor Fig. 1. Flow diagram.

Vol. 5, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 361

setting the relative flow rates of the feed the bulk gas and catalyst surface was
gases was almost completely canceled. about 10-4 atm. An estimate of the
In the use of thermal-conductivity effectiveness factor from the reaction
measurements for a three-component sys- rate, pore volume, particle size, and
tem the mole fractions of the components diffusivity data following the procedures
must be interrelated in a known manner. of Smith (12)gave a value greater than
In the present investigation the ratio of
acetylene to hydrogen chloride in the feed 0.99 under the worst conditions. Under
gas could be set, and the molal composition these circumstances it was supposed that
of the product gases was related to the neither external nor internal diffusion
feed by the stoichiometry of the reaction. resistances were significant in the over-
To determine this information, the cell all reaction. Thus the bulk-gas partial
had t o be calibrated for various ratios of pressures could be substituted for the
the reactants and various conversions. This values at the catalyst surface in the
was accomplished by preparing known kinetic interpretation.
mixtures of the three components. In the The conversion for each run was used
calibration procedure the cell imbalance
[difference in cell electromotive force when to evaluate a n average rate for the
the feed gas was passed through both sides differential reactor by
of the cell and when the product gas
(synthetic sample) was passed through the c _
r = - Ax '
sample side] was measured under constant W/F
current conditions. From this information
Corrections for the significant varia-
calibration curves were prepared giving
the mole fraction of vinyl chloride in the
product stream as a function of the im-
I / tion of catalyst activity with time (the
rate, at the same conditions, decreased
balance and the feed-gas composition. 0 - RING
to one-third the initial value from the
The acetylene used in these experiments initial to final run) were made by alter-
was a commercial grade. Besides the ace- nating standard runs with data runs.
tone solvent, the principal impurities were Fig. 2. Reactor details. The conditions for the standard run
phosphine, arsine, ammonia, and hydrogen were a feed of 50 mole % acetylene and
sulfide. The hydrogen chloride was 99.8% 50 mole % hydrogen chloride, total
pure; air was the principal contaminant, CALCULATION OF RESULTS
although traces of carbon dioxide, feed rate of 0.06 cu. ft./min. (at standard
benzene, and chlorobensene were present. To have the data in a form suitable temperature and pressure) total pressure
Vinyl chloride contained 0.1% each of for interpretation i t was necessary to of 1 atm. and a reactor temperature of
polymer and water vapor. The monomer convert the measured conversion to 212OF. A standard conversion curve of
was inhibited by 1,000 p.p.m. of phenol. vinyl chloride in each run to a rate at x' vs. W/F was prepared by varying the
Mercuric chloride, 8.7% by weight of a known temperature and composition. feed rate while maintaining the other
the total mass, was deposited on granular Because of variations in catalyst activity standard conditions constant. This curve
activated carbon. A 6- t o %mesh size with and the results for the alternating
an average particle diameter of 0.00833 ft. with on-stream time, the treatment of
was used. The fresh catalyst had a total the measured conversions included cor- standard runs were employed to obtain
area of 868 sq.m./g.; this had dropped t o rection to a standard activity. a corrected value of W/F for each run.
130 sq.m./g. at the end of the experiments. Before the corrections were carried Then assuming that the activity of the
The bulk density of the active catalyst out to a point rate at a standard acti- catalyst was directly proportional to the
particles (undiluted) was 25 lb./cu. ft.; vity, the importance of diffusion had to rate, one obtains the corrected rate by
the external surface per unit volume, 504 be estimated. When one used the pro-
sq. ft./cu. ft.; and the external void fraction, cedures of Hougen and Yang (7) and
approximately 307,. measured rate data, it was found that
Because of the potential explosion hazard
of acetylene, high surface-volume ratios the partial pressure difference between The rate evaluated from Equation (3)
were maintained in all lines and vessels. is a n average value for the varying
Extensive data on the conditions and compositions in different parts of the
hazards of acetylene decomposition have differential reactor. To place these results
been presented by Sargent (10). on the basis set forth in the experimental
P,(rru) P,(rTr) 0.5 0.66 1.0 1.53 2.0 2.66 3.0
design, each rate was corrected to a
zero-conversion value, that is the rate
Most of the rate measurements were corresponding to conditions at the inlet
carried out a t 212"F., although data a t 1.35
to the reactor. Since the conversions
a few feed compositions were obtained 2.0
were low in all cases, these corrections
at 167" and 257°F. The partial pressures 2.66 were likewise small. They were made by
of reactant gases for which runs were using the approximate values from Equa-
made are shown in Table 1. The pressure tion (3) to determine the variation in
combinations were chosen so that the rate with partial pressures of each of
feed ratfos corresponding to the thermal- PA(.-) P,(&TW) 0.5 2.0
the components, acetylene, hydrogen
conductivity-cell calibrations were used. chloride, and vinyl chloride. Knowing
The total pressure varied from 1 to 4 atm. these individual gradients and the
Flow rates were chosen for each feed com- average conversion in the bed, one could
position so as to give the best precision in PA 1- PH PYc 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 correct the average rate to a zero-con-
evaluating the average reaction rate and 0.25 I version value.
temperature and in reading the flow-rate Sfmilarly the average rate from Equa-
manometers. The order of the runs was tion (3) represents the combined result
randomized, and duplicate runs were of the temperature variations with
made for each condition at 212°F.)since position in the reactor. The method of
these data were most important in correction of all runs to a single tempera-
analyzing the kinetics of the reaction. ture must be approximate without

Page 362 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1959

multiple temperature measurements in TABLE
the bed. Preliminary work (14) indicated RUN PA PH EXPERIMENTAL CALCULATEO DEVIATION PERCENT
the thermocouple readings in the well, R4TE RATE k v IATI O N
and the adjacent gas temperature agreed
within 1°F. Also the radial gradients 260 0.5 0.5 0.0130 0.0120 -0.0010 -7.7
were small, and most of the resistance
to heat transfer in the bed is probably 304 1.0 0.5 0.0200 0.0202 0.0002 1.0
near the wall. Hence the measured
temperatures in the thermocouple well 383 1.0 0.5 0.0195 0.0202 0.0007 3.6
were assumed to be the same as the bulk
mean-radial temperature. 327 2.0 0.5 0.0275 0.0308 0.0033 12.0
The axial temperature changes in the 37 1 2.0 0.5 0.0290 0.0338 0.0018 6.2
bed were somewhat larger. Whereas a
maximum change of 15°F. was obtained 300 0.6E 0.66 0.0175 0.0169 -0.0006 -3.4
at the highest operating temperature,
most of these changes were about 6°F. 373 0.66 0.66 0.0174 0.0169 -0.0005 -2.9
An average gas temperature was cal-
culated from the values determined at 321 1.33 0.66 0.0260 0.0273 0.0013 5.0
the six axial positions in the thermo-
couple well. 356 1.33 0.66 0.0266 0.0273 .
0 0007 2.6
Once the average gas temperature was 341 2.66 0.66 0.0378 0.0396 0.0018 4.7
obtained for each run, the rate was
corrected to one of the reference tempera- 370 2.66 0.66 0.0384 0.0396 0.0012 3.1
tures (167", 212" or 257°F.) by the
Arrhenius equation. The approximate 302 0.5 1.0 0.0154 0.0152 -0.0002 -1.3
activation energy (determined from the
data a t different temperatures), used for 362 0.5 1.0 0.0152 0.0152 0.0000 0.0
this correction was 12,400 B.t.u.j/lb. mole.
The Arrhenius plot was based upon 310 1.0 1.0 0.0261 0.0257 -0.0004 -1.5
catalyst-surface temperatures rather than
317 1.0 1.0 0.0250 0.0257 0.0007 2.8
gas temperatures. These surface tem-
peratures were estimated from the heat 364 1.0 1.0 0.0251 0.0257 0.0006 2.4
(-71,500 B.t.u./lb. mole) and rate of
reaction and a dimensionless correlation 331 2.0 1.0 0.0400 0.0391 6.0009 -2.2
(6) of heat transfer coefficient between
the fluid and solid particles in a packed 360 2.0 1.0 0.0400 0.0391 -0.0009 -2.2
bed. This difference became very signi-
ficant at 257°F. The rate measurements 336 3.0 1.0 0.0496 0.0470 -0.0026 -5.2
in the vicinity of 212°F. were referred
387 3.0 1.0 0.0484 0.0470 -0 0014 -2.9
to the average gas temperature rather
than to the estimated surface value 319 0.66 1.33 0.0201 0.0205 0.0004 2.0
because of the uncertainties in the latter
temperatures. 385 0.66 1.33 0.0201 0.0205 0.0004 2.0
The resultant values of the rate and
temperature along with the initial com- 347 1.33 1.33 0.0333 0.0333 0.0000 0.0
position are shown in Table 2.* Both
initial rates (no vinyl chloride) and 368 1.33 1.33 0.0312 0.0333 0.0021 6.7
values for vinyl chloride in the feed are
shown. Complete data for each run are 39 1 1.33 1.33 0.0333 0.0333 O.oo00 0.0
also available (14). The results are 2.66 0.0490
350 1.33 0.0483 -0.0007 -1.4
represented graphically by the indicated
experimental points in Figures 3 to 6. 377 2.66 1.33 0.0503 0.0483 -0.0020 -4.0
Figures 3 and 4 show initial rates; Fig-
ures 5 and 6, the effect of vinyl chloride. 392 2.66 1.33 0.0501 0.0483 -0.0018 -3.6

325 0.5 2.0 0.0184 0.0176 -0.0008 -4.3

354 0.5 2.0 0.0175 0.0176 0.0001 0.5
The primary sources of error in the
rate data are the measurements of flow 329 1.0 2.0 0.0290 0.0297 0.0007 2.4
rates, the assignment of an average tem-
perature for the gas in the reactor and 358 1.0 2.0 0.0291 0.0297 0.0006 2.0
for the catalyst particles, and the varia-
tion in catalyst activity. 338 2.0 2.0 0.0450 0.0452 0 0002 0.4
Errors in flow-rate measurements
affected the results in several ways: in 389 2.0 2.0 0.0458 0.0452 -0.000c -1.1
the calibration of the thermal conduc-
343 0.66 2.66 0.0222 0.0250 0.0006 3.6
tivity cell, in the value of W / F assigned
366 0.66 2.66 0.0223 0.0230 0.0007 3.1
*Complete tabular material has been deposited
ae document No. 5973 with the American Eocu-
mentation Institute, Photoduplication Service, Li- 344 1.33 2.66 0.0340 0.0373 0.0033 9.7
brary of Conmesa, Washington 25, D. C., and may
be obtained for $1.26 for photopnnta or for 35-mm.
microfilm. 37 5 1.33 2.66 0.0364 0.0373 0.0009 2.5

Vol. 5, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 363

2. (CONTINUED) The summing of all the errors indicates
a maximum error in reaction rate of
RUN PA P,n EXPERIMENTAL CALCULATED DEVIATION PERCENT 10 to 15%. At most conditions the error
RATE RATE DEVIATION would be'less than this maximum. The
scatter in the data. as seen in Figure
" 3
352 1.33 ?. 66 0.0351 0.0373 0.0022 6.2 for example, is well within the maximum
predicted error.
334 1.0 3.0 0.0297 0.0314 0.0017 5.7

379 1.0 3.0 0.030s 0.0314 0.0005 1.6 KINETICS OF THE R E A C T I O N

3.3 The determination of a mechanism for
most gas-solid reactions from over-all
412 0.5 3.5 0.00604 0.006 33 -0.0005
rate measurements is virtually impossible.
o.015a 0.0152 -0.0006 -3.8 The hydrochlorination of acetylene is
413 2.0 3.5
no exception. Information on adsorption
415 0.5 2.0 0.00935 0.00913 -0.0002 -2.3 rates of reactants and products on the
catalyst a t reaction conditions, as well as
416 2.0 2.0 0.0203 0.0221 0.0017 8.4 identification of intermediate products, is
5.5 necessary before conclusions about the
mechanism can be stated. Over-all rate
416 0.5 0.5 0.0235 0.0216 -0.0019 -8.1 data can be used only to test rate equa-
tions determined from likely postulates
420 2.0 0.5 0.0590 0.0572 -0.0018 -3.0 about the mechanism of the reaction and
to reject those which are incompatible.
421 0.5 2.0 0.0350 0.0322 -0 0028 -8.0 From the data as plotted in Figure 3
it is seen that the initial rate (no vinyl
423 2.0 2.0 0.0800 0.0050 0.0050 6.2 chloride ,present) increased with partial
6.3 pressure of hydrogen chloride a t low
values of p R and then became constant
39 8 0.25 0.5 0.0033 0.0021 -0.0009 -30 a t higher partial pressures. This behavior
suggests that hydrogen chloride is
do0 0.375 0.28 0.0067 0.0056 -0.0011 -16.5 strongly adsorbed, filling most of the
active sites available to it a t relatively
403 0.375 0.75 0.0043 0.0034 -0.0009 -21 low partial pressures. I n contrast, Figure
4 indicates that the rate increases with
405 0.5 1.0 0.0065 0.0046 -0.0019 -29 PA over the whole range of partial pres-
sures of acetylene. The curves in Figure
396 0.75 0.5 0.0117 0.0119 0.0002 1.7
4 are evidence that acetylene is less
407 0.75 1.5 0.0065 0.0067 0.0002 3.8 strongly adsorbed than hydrogen chlo-
ride, If it is adsorbed. If both acetylene
410 0.75 1.5 0.0060 0.0067 -0.0001 -1.2 and hydrogen chloride are adsorbed on
the same types of sites, and reaction
409 1.125 0.75 0.0162 0.0169 0.0007 4.3 occurs between the adsorption com-
pounds, the rate would be expected to
13.7 pass through a maximum and ultimately
to decrease with continually increasing
partial pressures of hydrogen chloride.
5.7 Thus the more strongly adsorbed hydro-
gen chloride would displacc acetylene
Temperature = 212°F (without vinyl perature was accurate within 2°F. Esti- from the active sites. This would result
chloride in the feed). mates of the temperature difference in fewer adjacent pairs of adsorbed
Temperature = 167°F. (without vinyl between gas and catalyst surface should hydrogen chloride and acetylene and a
chloride in the feed). be accurate to f 2 " F . The total tempera- lower rate, particularly if the surface
ture error of f 4 " F . suggests a maximum reaction between adsorption compounds
Temperature = 257°F. (without vinyl error in rate of about 5%. were a relatively slow step in the over-all
chloride in the feed). The variation in catalyst activity with reaction. The data (Figure 3) did not
Temperature = 212°F. (with vinyl chloride time was taken into account by alter- show this maximum in rate. This be-
in the feed). nating runs at standard conditions, as havior and the chemical dissimilarity
already described. While the variations between acetylene and hydrogen chloride
in activity were large, there were indica- suggest that the two components, if
to a run, and in determining the compo- tions that the correction method ade- adsorbed, reside on different types of
sition of the feed gas. Analysis of magni- quately accounted for the possible errors. sites.
tudes of flow-rate fluctuations indicated The repeat runs made a t different times, The effect of vinyl chloride on the
that maximum errors of a few per cent and hence different activities, were in rate is shown directly in Figure 5 and as
were possible from this source. good agreement after correction for a parameter in Figure 6. Since the reac-
Temperatures were read to 24°F. on activity variations. This is evident from tion is essentially irreversible at the
the recorder, which was calibrated to Table 2, for example, by comparing runs conditions studied (equilibrium con-
the same accuracy. Since the maximum 304 and 383, 327 and 371, 300 and 373, stant = 10' a t 212"F.), the decrease in
radial-temperature difference between the etc. (The runs were numbered in sequence rate with the partial pressure of vinyl
oil (in the jacket) temperature and that so that the difference in two numbers is chloride suggests that this component is
in the center of the reactor was 6"F., it a measure of the time interval between adsorbed and occupies active sites on
was believed that the average gas tem- the two runs.) the catalyst. Other evidence is available

Page 364 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1959

r I 0 03
T - 21PF

P.s 0 666

Pb= 0 5

0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Pvc (olrn)
0 I 2 3
Pn latml Fig. 5. Effect of vinyl chloride partial pressure on rate.
Fig. 3. Effect of hydrochloric acid partial pressure on initial

indicating the vinyl chloride is adsorbed. If the fraction of the sites of type 1 1wvc(l - OVCZ - OH21
Frescoln (4) found that this component occupied by acetylene is OA1 and the (10)
produced channeling and slugging in a fraction of type-2 sites occupied by hydro- - k,evca = o
fluidized catalyst bed. I n an adsorption gen chloride is OH,, the rate may be
apparatus he noted that vinyl-chloride written I n these expressions (1 - OAl) is the
adsorption was irreversible, and he fraction of type-1 sites which are vacant,
theorized that short-chain polymers r = k,e,,Ox, (7) and (1 - OH, - Ovcz) is the fraction
formed on the catalyst. At steady state conditions the fraction vacant of sites of type 2. Equations (8)
On the basis of this information a of the surface occupied by the three through (10) can be solved for OA, OHZ,
rate equation, which agrees well with and Ovcz. The expression for OK2 is
the experimental data, can be derived.
It is supposed that all three components
are adsorbed, acetylene on one type of
site and hydrogen chloride and vinyl
chloride on another. The reactions may
he written and in terms of OrT2
kx components will not change with time.
A+Sl+A:X, (4) Hence the net rate of formation of each
k, of the three adsorption compounds may
kJ be set equal to zero. Thus for acetylene, These two expressions can be adapted
H + S2 S Hk.
: 8, (5) when one follows Langmuir's formulation
of rates of adsorption, to explicit equations for OAl and OH,
and substituted in Equation (7) to give
a n equation for the rate of reaction in
vc + s, + vc : s
2 (6) klpa(l - - iczeAl terms of the partial pressures and con-
- k5eAleH2= o (8) stants (at a given temperature). However
The reaction to form vinyl chloride is the result is too complex to be useful.
postulated to occur by interaction be- Similar equations for hydorgen chlo- gimplifications are possible if one
tween adsorbed acetylene ( A : St) ride and vinyl chloride are makes assumptions regarding the relative
and adsorbed hydrogen chloride ( H :SZ) magnitudes of some of the reaction rates.
on adjacent sites; that is It is evident that many sets of assump-
k3pH(l - evcz - e m )
(9) tions may be made, each leading to a
A Sl +H S, -+
VC + Sl + 8 2 - k,e,, - kjeAleHZ= o final rate equation which will contain
PWC (om)
0 0
0 25
0 5
0 75
I 5

0 2 3 "0 05 10 15 0
PA ( a h ) PI and Pu blm)

Fig. 4. Effect of acetylene partial pressure on initial rate. Fig. 6. Effect of hydrochloric acid and acetylene partial pressure
on rate.

Vol. 5, No. 3 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 365

several constants. One set which leads of the constants from Equations (16) and standard catalyst activity [used
to a result in agreement with the data is (18) are shown by the solid lines in only in Equation (3)]
as follows. Figures 3 to 6 and numerically in Table yo = initial rate of reaction, that is
It is supposed that the rate of reaction 2. The absolute deviation between ex- rate with no vinyl chloride pre-
given by Equation (7) is slow compared perimental and calculated rates (all the sent
with the rates of desorption and adsorp- runs being employed) averaged 3.3y0 a t R = gas constant
tion of both acetylene and hydrogen 212°F. and increased to 5.5 and 6.3% a t Ro = reactants ratio in feed, moles
chloride. Then the term k d A l b can be 167' and 257°F. where only a few runs acetylene per mole of hydrogen
neglected in Equations (8) and (9). were made. The values used for the chloride
Under these restrictions Equations (11) constants at 167" and 257°F. are s = active site on catalyst
and (12) reduce to S = entropy, B.t.u./(lb. mole)("R.)
167°F. 257'F. S1 = active catalyst sites of type 1
C 0.08 0.232 Sz = active catalyst sites of type 2
T = temperature, OR.
KH 2.9 2.5 VC = vinyl chloride in chemical equa-
K, 0.58 0.40 tions.
W = mass of catalyst (including
It is apparent that Equation (15) closely carrier)
follows the data within the range of W / F = reciprocal space velocity, (lb. of
conditions studied. However extrapola- catalyst) (hr.)/lb. mole
and tion of the equation beyond these con- x' = conversion of acetylene based
ditions may lead to considerably larger upon total feed, moles of
errors. acetylene converted per mole of
As mentioned earlier, previous investi- feed
gations (4, 6, 11, 15) of the kinetics of y = mole fraction
the reaction did not result in quantitative 0 = fraction of catalyst sites
Substituting these quantities in Equa- rate measurements. Hence numerical com-
tion (7) gives the following equation for Ax' = conversion
parison with these studies is not possible.
the rates: Subscripts

r= CPAPH (15) A = acetylene

(1 f KHpH + KVCpVC)(l +KApA) H = hydrogen chloride
VC = vinyl chloride
where Based upon different postulates for = adsorption site type
G = k, X k X -
k, k4
K, = G,
the mechanism, other rate equations can
be derived which would agree as well
= adsorption site type
with the data. Hence the results for
Equation (15) cannot be cited as con-
clusive evidence for the postulates. 1. Boesler, Johannes, Ernst Eberhardt,
The constants C, KH, and K A in However the mechanism of rapid adsorp- Wilhelm Sandhass, and Robert Stadler,
Equation (15) were determined first, tion and desorption of the components, U. S. patent 2,265,509 (Dec. 9, 1941).
with the initial rate data given in Table and a slow conversion to vinyl chloride 2. Bralley, J. A., U. S. patent 2,436,711
2 used. The numerical values were by interaction of adsorbed acetylene (Feb. 24, 1948).
3. Carter, A. S., and G. A. Cain, FIAT
obtained by an iterative procedure, with and hydrogen chloride, does predict Final 'Rept. 988, p. 10, Office Tech.
one of the constants changed at a time rates in agreement with the data. Services, U. S. Dept. of Commerce,
and the agreement of the rate data Washington, D. C. (April 1947).
with Equation (15) evaluated (with ACKNOWLEDGMENT
4. Frescoln, 2. O., Ph.D. thesis, Case
pvc = 0). The values which gave the This work was supported by a grant Inst. Technol., Cleveland, Ohio (1951).
minimum absolute deviation are from the National Science Foundation. 5. Geiger, M. G., Ph.D. thesis, Purdue
University, Lafayette, Ind. (1954).
C = 0.14, K, = 2.67, NOTATION
6. Hougen, 0. A., B. W. Gamson, and
A = acetylene in chemical equations George Thodos, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem.
KA =0.46 AE = thermal-conductivity-cell im- Engrs., 39, 1 (1943).
Kvc was determined by relating the balance, emf. 7. Hougen, 0. A., and I<.H. Pang, Chem.
rate data with vinyl chloride and the C = over-all rate of reaction constant Eng. Progr., 46, 146 (1950).
initial rate. Thus the ratio obtained from [Equation (15)], Ib. moles of 8. Lynn, R. E., and K. A. Kobe, Ind.
Eng. Chem., 46, 633 (1954).
Equation (15) is vinyl chloride/(lb. of catalyst) 9. Reerink, Herman, M. S. thesis, Purdue
(hr.1 Univ., Lafayette, Ind. (1957).
EA = activation energy, B.t.u./lb. 10. Sargent, H. B., Chem. Eng., 64, No. 2,
mole 25 (1957).
F = flow rate, cu. ft./min. 11. Sheng, P. H., M. S. thesis, Purdue
H = hydrogen in chemical equations Univ., Lafayette, Ind. (1957).
AH, = heat of reaction, B.t.u./lb. mole 12. Smith, J. M., "Chemical Engineering
A plot of ro/r vs. pVc, a t constant partial k = reaction-rate constant Kinetics," pp. 265ff., McGraw-Hill,
pressures of hydrogen chloride, gave a K = ratio of forward and reverse New York (1956).
series of straight lines whose slope was 13. Wakano, Seiji, and Kondo Sin-ichi, J.
reaction-rate constants for ad-
equal to K v c / ( l+ K H p H ) . The slope of sorption reactions; adsorption
Chem. Sac., Japan, Ind. Chem. Sect.,
57, 909 (1954).
these lines was plotted vs. the reciprocal equilibrum constant, atm.-l
of 1 + K H T ) H . The slope of the least-
P = partial pressure, atm. (defined
14. Wesselhoft, R. D., Ph.D. thesis, Purdue
Univ., Lafayette, Ind. (1958).
mean-square line fitted to the points as total pressure times mole 15. Wortman, F. G., M. S., thesis, Purdue
gave fraction) Univ., Lafayette, Ind. (1955).
Kvc = 3.8 (18) = reaction rate, lb. moles/(hr.)(lb.
The rates from Equation (15) pre- of catalyst) Manuscript received September 1 5 , 1958; revision
received December 17, 1958; paper accepted January
dicted by means of the numerical values = rate of.reaction corrected to a 5 , 1959.

Page 366 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1959

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