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Đặng Diệu Linh 1611110322

Task E: what do you think are the biggest economic problems in your countryat
the moment ? what do you think the government’s priorities should be? Talk to a
partner about your ideas

The biggest difficulty facing the Vietnamese economy today is the impact of the
corona virus. The epidemic has had a great impact on exports, imports, production
and consumption of goods

The Vietnamese government needs to speed up the treatment of the disease and
vaccinate the people so that the economy can recover soon

Task F: write a short paragraph about the economic profile of ypur country

Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world and its economy has
shown resilience to trade wars and slower growth rates in neighbouring China.
This accelerated economic pace is due to labour shifting from agriculture to
manufacturing and services, private investment, a strong tourist sector, higher
wages, and accelerating urbanisation. Exports constitute an increasingly significant
contribution to Vietnam's GDP and certain sectors, such as industrial production,
textile, electronics and seafood production have been growing rapidly. Growth
reached 7% in 2019, down from a 10-year high of 7.1% a year earlier. Due to the
outbreak of the COVID-19, growth dropped but remained in positive territory in
2020 with 2.9%. According to the updated IMF forecasts from April 2021, GDP
growth in Vietnam is expected to bounce back to 6.5% this year and 7.2% in 2022,
subject to the post-pandemic global economic recovery.

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