Why Were Men Hesitant To Groom in The Past

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Why were men hesitant to groom in the past and what are the conditions that allowed them to do so now. Why is
Asia a driver of this market and why might this be considered ironic?

Why were men hesitant to groom in the past :

1. Hegemonic Outlook of Masculinity (Women Dominated Segment)
2. Stigma against homosexualism (Personal & Beauty Care Industry prominent to Women)
3. Hesistance to convey the beauty desire
4. Lack of Personal Motivation to groom oneself (sexual orientation)
5. Cross country barries & Social Differences
6. No open discussion/ Group Talks
7. Masculinitty image potrayed as Rugged Looks with Facial Hairs
8. Hollywood potraying Asian Men as Emasculated (Lack of Aspirations)
9. Absence of Men’s Grooming Lifestyle Trend
10. Involvement of Females and Families as a purchase decision maker/buyer and they only serving as reviews as
an Experiencer & Satisfiers

Conditions that allowed them to do so now:

a) Men Caring about their appearance (Self Driven Motivation)
b) Open Mindness and Accepting Social Attitudes about Maculinity
c) Opinion leaders as Influencer to desire and aspire and pushing the Aesthetics Boundary of Male Masculinity
d) Social Status and Luxury Lifestyle Trend (Social Consciousness & Acceptance)
e) Expressing about Individuality to Groups (Social Affiliation & Belonginess)
f) Technological & Product Innovations catering to Men’s Personal Care (Developments & Diversifications)
g) Seeing a long term investment in identity & Public Expressions
h) Achieving Professional Competencies & Career Chances (Preferences for Young Good Looking)
i) Noteable Brands Providing One Stop Solution to Men
j) Increading Cross Countries Trend and Demand
k) Decision Maker/ Buyer tending to be Men (Going out shopping alone for personal Grooming)

Asia As a driver of Men Grooming & Beauty Market and Why might this be considered ironic:

The Asian Men were more of a Late Adopters for this Personal Care Beauty Segment Products and Since they have
now opened up to adapt this Grooming Trend, the Market Canvass/ Footfall is highly potential and huge as compared
to its other counterparts. The segmentation is diverse and effective in boosting up the demand level across countries,
driving the discussion at a much increasing spread. Also in Asian Culture, Men are more accepted as “Pretty Boy”
Image of Familiarity. Statistical Parameter by Euromonitor also Projects Asia’s CAGR 8.1% as the greatest growing
percent figure in global grooming industry as compared to its counter part West which has a CAGR 3% (less than
half of potential Asian Market) but Ironically due to the limited narrowed mindset of the Asian Men, this lucrative
booming market was not able to explore the undiscovered potential at the earliest phase a compared to West, where
the later was serving as a Market leader/Innovator/Influencer. The Asian Men should be more daring and thought
beyond just ‘to Look Clean And Good’. They themselves have subdued their motives in this inter country differences
of Masculinity.

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