Learning Task 5

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Learning Task 5.

1.      Briefly share a personal experience of prejudice and/or stereotyping. Sensitive experiences will
be respected and be kept confidential. The second paragraph will be your opinion or reaction to that
experience: how it made you feel, how you reacted, and how it affects you.  

 When I was young, I’d already experienced stereotyping. Some of my neighbors even my
childhood friends called me black elements, or should I say engkantos in our hometown.
They called me that because of my dark skin, they even belittle me when I join a school
pageant. They said I will look like shadow at the stage since I am black. Their words hurt
me a lot, every night I will cry and ask myself that if I had a white skin surely people will
respect me.

2.   Identify and describe a specific form of discrimination within your locality. It does not need to be
like the IPs experience. It could be anything as long as, to a certain degree, there is a denial of
opportunity/ies to an individual or group that the rest of the community is enjoying. Or it could also
be the other way around, something that only the privileged few in your locality is enjoying and the
rest of the community do not. After identifying and describing such a form of discrimination, explain
why you consider it a social injustice.

 One of the discriminations I observed in our barangay was to look down on the poor people
or the people in the barangay who are suffering. If you are not rich, you will encounter being
belittled and insulted. I will not deny the fact that my family experienced it since we are not
rich. In one morning, my father stumbled at work while holding the sack of cement and
instead of helping him, some of my neighbors are just laughing and said “Paniguro kay pobre
ta, ana mana noy! nakaskwela pa unta” as I heard that words my tears are slowly flowing. It
hurts me so much, seeing my father encounter a word like that. That’s why I promised to
myself that someday we can get out to this poverty.

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