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Emma Mike Cindy John Anna

-grow a plant

-water a plant everyday

-usually take photos

-do exercises on sundays

-wash the car every week

-sweep the lawn once a

-walk the dog every

Answer the questions

 1. Does Emma grow a plant?    5. Does Anna wash the car every week?

2. Does Mike water a plant everyday? 6.  Does Emma sweep the lawn once a week?

3.  Does Cindy do exercises on Sundays?           7. Does Anna walk the dog every morning?

4. Does John usually take photos? 8.  Does Cindy water a plant everyday?

  doesn't/ don't

1. Two boys   wash the car everyday.     4. Mike and John  drink milk in the

2. She  like bananas.        6. One boy  help their parents at home.

3. Rosa like video games  8. One girl  watch T.V. in the afternoon

      Write the verbs in Present Simple

do,  watch, wear,  drink, help, like, play

1. Anna  homework every day.      5. John  video games.

 2. Roberto and Anna  the parents at home 6. Rosa  school uniform.

 3. Anna  T.V. in the afternoon.

4. Anna milk in the morning.


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