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Tips for patient discharge counseling from the hospital setting: Improving

John R. Tomko (Randy), PharmD, BCPP

Assistant Professor and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy and UPMC Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Discharge counseling, adherence, pharmacist
Psychiatric pharmacists make a constant effort to are both medication as well as non-medication related

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improve patient’s psychiatric outcomes while minimizing issues that should be articulated and emphasized with
the untoward side effects that can occur as a result of patients to improve overall patient care outcomes in the
taking psychiatric medications. Once patients show an psychiatric populations. Performing these tasks at or prior
adequate response, and ultimately remission, of to discharge can aid in transitioning the patient from a
psychiatric symptoms, many may conclude that patients controlled hospital environment to success in the
will continue improvement for the foreseeable future. outpatient setting.
Those who have experience with psychiatric
4. Describe the incidence and relative severity of specific
pharmacotherapy know otherwise. Medication adherence
adverse effects of medications and suggest methods
is the ultimate long term goal in both the medical and
of management. Some of the drug information
psychiatric populations in order to maintain sustained
provided to patients by their pharmacy as a result of
illness remission; however, it is known that adherence
the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
rates are far below what is optimal.1 It has been estimated
(OBRA 90) may be overwhelming and confusing. Lists
that approximately 50% of patients become non-
of possible adverse effects, while comprehensive,
adherent with medications within a short period of time.2
may intimidate patients and lead to possible non-
The reasons for this vary. Some of the reasons are
adherence. Provide patients with a brief handout
economic, lack of insight into illness, misunderstanding of
which reviews the most common side effects,
care goals, or even stigma of mental illness.3, 4, 5 Each of
management strategies, and the incidence of their
these can facilitate medication non-adherence, leading
occurrence. These effects can be further divided into
patients to discontinue medications, remain ill, or seek
two categories; one that requires immediate
readmission to the acute hospital unit.
physician notification, and the other which should be
Pharmacists have provided patients with pharmaceutical discussed at the next visit. Providing perspective and
care for years. Helping patients understand their clarity to the relative risks of side effects may calm
medications’ role in their recovery from illness, while patient apprehension regarding psychiatric
simultaneously educating them on possible side effects medications and improve adherence.
and the management of these effects, are some of the 5. Emphasize the need for long term monitoring,
services that pharmacists frequently participate in.6 In including laboratory tests and psychiatric evaluation.
recent years, the concept of medication therapy Psychiatric symptomatology may wax and wane over
management has been introduced, expanding the time with the introduction of life or physiologic
traditional pharmacist roles with the addition of patient stressors. Accentuating the need for adherence to
follow-up and ongoing care management.7 While follow-up psychiatric and physical assessment on a
medication provision and counseling encompass the scheduled basis is essential. This may seem
primary care roles of the pharmacist, there are many elementary, but patients should be aware of their
facets of care that a psychiatric pharmacist must next appointment with their psychiatrist and have
incorporate into patient interactions in order to afford the that information reiterated by the pharmacist at
best opportunity for long-term treatment success and discharge. In addition to psychiatric assessment, the
positive outcomes. patient should be reminded that some of their
medications require periodic laboratory testing to
When counseling patients prior to discharge, medication
avoid adverse events or insure that serum drug levels
adherence is paramount to positive outcomes. Yet there

Mental Health Clinician, February 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 8 240

are appropriate. Educating the patient on the periodic to discuss the integrative role of these treatments
need for these tests gives an opportunity for with medications may prevent patients from
pharmacists to allay patient apprehensions, achieving optimal outcomes. Thus, adherence to
disarming a potential reason for non-adherence. appointments with psychologists, therapists, or
6. Counsel patients on any prescribed long-acting counselors should be included in patient counseling,
antipsychotic injections prior to discharge. Don’t and these appointment dates should be added to the
forget about these! Patients may have prescriptions patient’s outpatient care plan.
for oral medications upon hospital discharge, but 9. If possible, have an initial supply of medications filled
forgetting about outpatient administration of long- for patients at discharge. Having an ambulatory
acting injections may bring about serious pharmacy in or near the hospital can help to facilitate
consequences for the patient, leading to potential this. Develop a system where faxing of prescriptions
non-adherence and possible rehospitalization. Since to the pharmacy and delivery of initial supplies can be

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the depot injection may have been administered accomplished. Discharge counseling for patients with
during the acute hospital admission, the importance the presence of their filled prescriptions is well
of attending the next scheduled injection needs to be accepted by patients and provides the patient with a
discussed. Patients may or may not have an actual visual learning experience prior to discharge. Filling
prescription for this type of medication when an initial supply of psychiatric medications for
discharged. Pharmacists should investigate the patients helps to alleviate the opportunity for non-
administration date and location during hospital adherence by failing to fill prescriptions after
admission and proactively counsel the patient prior to discharge. Patients can then be discharged with their
discharge. Discussion on these medications should medications, not just a prescription.
include the date and place of the next administration Findings suggest that the addition of these key points to
as well as management of the potential unique side medication discharge counseling, coupled with providing
effects of these drugs. the patient with filled prescriptions for their psychiatric
7. Obtain necessary medication prior authorizations. medications immediately at discharge can decrease 30
Since insurance plans may require prior day rapid readmission between 35 and 50%.11
authorizations for coverage of certain medications,
Employing these tips can help to prevent rapid
failure to obtain these may lead to delays in obtaining
readmission to the hospital, encourage medication
medications upon discharge. This can be discouraging
adherence in the initial acute phase of treatment
for patients. While waiting for an inadvertently
following hospitalization, and give patients the
missed authorization, patients may leave their
opportunity to be treated in a less intrusive outpatient
pharmacy, causing unnecessary delays in care or
setting. Not only can these improve patient quality of life,
avoidable non-adherence. If these medications are
but they can increase hospital bed availability, leading to
identified during admission, and prior authorizations
better stewardship of precious acute care resources.
obtained, patients can receive their medications in a
timely manner in the community. This avoidable REFERENCES
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How to cite this editor-reviewed article

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Tomko JR. Tips for patient discharge counseling from the hospital setting;
Improving adherence. Ment Health Clin [Internet]. 2013;2(8):240-2. Available

Mental Health Clinician, February 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 8 242

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