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Bed Bath

Out come learing

by the end of this lecture the student should be able to:-

 List the benefit of hygiene to the client.

 List the types of baths.

 List the types of bed bath.

 describe the steps of bed bath.

 Explain the types of therapeutic bath


 Hygiene is the science of health

 Hygienic care promotes cleanliness

 It is provides for comfort and relaxation

 It is improves self –image, and promotes healthy skin


Bathing removes accumulated oil, perspiration, dead skin cells and

some bacteria.
Types of bathes

the two general categories of bath are:-

 cleaning bath
Therapeutic bath
Cleaning baths

 Are provided as routine client care ,it is purposes is personal hygiene ,it
has five types

 for client with limited physical ability

 the nurse provides minimal assistance with shower

Shower Bath
 Allow patient to perform as much care as possible

 Provide dry surface on the floor by using a towel for patient to step on
after the shower
 Never leave patient unattended

 Wash back and feet as needed

2. Tub bath

 Clients frequently performed enjoy tub baths

 A tub bath permits washing and rinsing in the tub .

 It is also can be therapeutic

 continue
3. self –help bath

 It is used to provide hygienic care for client who are confined to bed

 The nurse prepares bath equipment but provides minimal assistance (eg ,
wash feet and back)
4. partial bath

 Consistent of cleaning only body areas that would cause discomfort

 .these areas are the face ,axillae ,hands and perinea area it can be
performed with the client lying in bed or while standing or seated at the
5.complete bed bath

 Is provided to dependent clients confined to bed. The nurse washes the

clients entire body during complete bed bath

 Choose a bath time convenient for patient, if possible

 Make sure the room is warm

 Keep the patient warm with a blanket or sheet while bathing

 Place a towel under the part of the body being washed to keep the bed

 Change the water when soiled, soapy, or cooled

 Test water using inner wrist
 Provide privacy
 Place blanket or towels to cover patient while bathing
 Remove patient’s clothing
 Place towel under patient’s head
 Position patient on his back
Procedure of bed bath

1. Confirmed client's identification and explain the procedure

2. Wash or disinfect your hands , done clean gloves.
3. Position the patient lateral.
4. Assembled all equipment required
5. brought them to bedside
6. Starting from head to toe and right to left
7. Turn the patient to another sit and do same that
8. Do bed making during that
9. Concentrate to perennial area
10. Return the patient to the center of the bed
11. Cover the patient by top sheet
12. Return the equipment
13. Disposed the gloves.
14. Wash or disinfect your hands and recorded the procedure on the patient's chart
Bed Bath: Genitalia
 Change the water
 Place towel under patient’s buttocks
 Clean between the buttocks and genitalia using a clean wash cloth
 Rinse and dry thoroughly
 Wash females from front to back
 Change the water
Bed Bath: Foley
 If patients have a Foley catheter,

 wash carefully around the Foley with a clean wash cloth after cleaning
their buttocks and genitalia
Therapeutic bathes
 It is require physician's order stating the type of bath, temperature of
water, body surface to be treated, and the type of medicated solutions to
be use.
 Therapeutic bath is usually performed in a tub and lasts about 20 to 30
Classification of therapeutic bath

 Hot or warm water

 Cool or tepid water

 Soak

 sitz,or aveeno or sodium bicarbonate.

Hot or warm water tub baths :-
Used to reduce muscle spasm
Cool or tepid baths
are used to lower body temperature
Asoak bath
 Asoak can include the entire body or be limited to one body part.

 to reduce pain, swelling, or irritation or to soften or remove dead tissue .

Sitz baths
 Reduce inflammation in the perennial and anal areas, they are commonly
used for hemorrhoids or anal fissures and after perennial or rectal
surgery .
 Skin irritation can be soothed with aveeno or sodium bicarbonate baths

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