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Easy money

ex.: Some people think running a website is easy money.

Money that you earn with very little work or effort


Made of money

ex.: Paul must be made of money. Look at his brand new car!

If you say that someone is made of money, you say that the person is very rich.


Money doesn't grow on trees

ex.: Don't be so wasteful! Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.

If you say that money doesn't grow on trees, you say that money is limited.


Put your money where your mouth is

ex.: You keep saying you can beat me. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

If you put your money where your mouth is, you prove yourself something with actions, not just words.


Spend money like water

ex.: Julia spends money like water. She goes shopping almost everyday!

If you spend money like water, you spend too much money.


Time is money

ex.: It’s much quicker for you to take the plane. Time is money.

Time is valuable and shouldn't be wasted.

Throw money around

ex.: The government is throwing a lot of money around. People think they should economize more.

If you throw money around, you spend it on unnecessary things.


See the colour of (someone's) money

ex.: I will not give him the product until I see the color of his money.

To make sure that someone will pay for something before you give it to him/her


Rolling in money

ex.: Jim is rolling in money. He must have won the lottery or something.

If you are rolling in money, you are very rich


In the money

ex.: Jake won the lottery – he is in the money now!

If you are in the money you suddenly have a lot of money.


On the money

ex.: Your judgment of his character was right on the money. You have excellent intuition.

If something is on the money, it is exactly right


Pour money down the drain

ex.: Kate is pouring money down the drain by eating at overpriced restaurants every day.

If you pour money down the drain, you waste it


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