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There are more than 100 different type of brain tumor,but the most common found brain tumor in adults is
Gilomas. In Magnetic resonance imaging, a biologically- inspired model and algorithm is proposed to classify
different grades of gliomas .Convolutional neural networks model resembles the connectivity pattern between
neurons present in the brain. In this project, a novel architecture of Convolutional neural networks is evolved
using the Genetic Algorithm. The novel Convolutional Neural Network architecture is obtained by choosing
suitable parameters such as number of convolutional , max-pooling layers, number of filters , size of filter,
number of fully connected layers, activation function, dropout probability, optimization method and learning
rate in order to training the network for classification of Gliomas. When the validation accuracy is less the
selected network is eliminated in order to reduce the computational cost. Thus, architecture with high
validation accuracy is obtained by Genetic algorithm. Four classes of different grades of glioma were tested.
Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed architecture has less computation cost and high validation
accuracy compared to the conventional convolution neural network.

Keywords:brain tumor,magnetic resonance imaging,convolutional neural network,genetic

algorthim,image classification

A brain tumor is caused due to abnormal cells which is present in brain. Many different types of brain tumors
exist. A collection, or mass, of abnormal cells in your brain constitutes brain tumor. Our brain is enclosed by
the skull which protects the brain from injury and rigid in nature. Growth of any abnormal cell inside such a
restricted space can cause problems. Brain tumors can be malignant or benign. The tumor growth inside the
brain can cause the pressure inside your skull to increase, which results the brain damage or serious illness .

According to which location the tumor is present , they are divided into primary and metastatic brain tumors.
Generally,primary brain tumor cell are grown and present in our brain. Mainly primary brain tumors are
benign. A metastatic brain tumor, also known as a secondary brain tumor, occurs when cancer cells spread to
your brain from another organ of our body. Tumors can be cancerous or non-cancerousous. Due to the
presence of brain tumors in the center of nervous system of human body, even non-cancerousous tumors may
incapacitate the brain and cause irrecoverable effects.

Primary brain tumors originate in your brain. They will develop from our brain cells, the membranes that surround
your brain, that square measure known as membrane, nerve cells and glands. Primary tumors is benign or
cancerous. In adults, the foremost common sorts of brain tumors square measure gliomas and meningioma’s.
Gliomas square measure tumors that develop from interstitial tissue cells. These cells usually support the structure of
your central system nervous, give nutrition to your central system nervous, clean cellular waste and break down dead
neurons. Gliomas will develop from differing kinds of interstitial tissue cells.

Gliomas are tumors that develop from glial cells. These cells normally support the structure of your central
nervous system, provide nutrition to your central nervous system, clean cellular waste and break down dead
neurons .Gliomas can develop from different types of glial cells. The possible brain tumor that are formed in
the glial cells of brain are:
• Astrocytic tumors such as Astrocytomas, which originate in the cerebrum
• Oligodendroglial tumors, which are often found in the frontal temporal lobes
• Glioblastomas, which originate in the supportive brain tissue and are the most aggressive type.

Gliomas are considered as the most common type of primary brain tumor in adults[1]. According to the World
Health Organization grading system, gliomas are diagnosed in grades of severity from I to IV.The table-1
represents the type and nature of different grades of giloma[2].

In [3] classification schemes and their performance in order to classify several types of
brain tumors and grades of Gliomas are investigated. The accuracy of the multiclass
classification according to the confusion matrix provided in this paper is low. In [4] the
classification performance of three tumor types using fully connected and convolutional
neural net-works (CNNs) is compared. The paper [4] requires extra preprocessing such
as vanilla preprocessing in order to obtain effective classification accuracy. Despite the
valuable works being done in this area, developing a robust and practical method to
classify brain MR images still requires more effort. Convolutional neural networks have
had many remarkable successes in solving complex problems of machine learning and
currently are considered as the most successful method for image processing [5].
Developing a robust and practical method to classify brain MRI still requires more effort.
In paper[6], the digital image processing methodologies along with machine learning
techniques aid radiologists inefficient diagnosis. Thus in the above literature survey in
order obtain better accuracy different data set requires different network layer.
Identifying the architecture that best suitable for the available dataset is time consuming
process. A method based on CNN is proposed to classify three grades of Gliomas with
MR images are used in this paper. Selecting appropriate deep neural network
architecture for a specific purpose consists of a challenging procedure which is usually
done by trial and error or employing a common architecture . The genetic algorithm is
introduced in this project in order to find the best network the suit for the available
dataset. The best network evolved is used as the classifier. The proposed paper
consume less time in identifying the network layer with the help of genetic algorithm.

• Most of the datasets used in this paper are obtained from two databases that are available online
for research purposes. Normal brain MR images were obtained from the brain development website
(IXI dataset)[10].MR images of Glioma tumors were collected from the cancer imaging archive
datasets[11]. The oligodendroglioma-3, astrocytoma-2,glioblastoma-4 are the different grades of
giloma .The grade2 tumor grow very slow ,the grade 3 tumor will grow fast.The datasets collected are
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery -Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (FLAIR-
DICOM) brain MRI images. FLAIR has an advantages of cerebrospinal fluid–suppressed T2-
weighted and its a MR imaging contrast technique. The most common MRI sequence are T1
weighted,T2 weighted and the FLAIR .Of all the three sequence the fat are white , bones is dark, gray
matter is gray. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and white matter are the changing factor for all the three
sequence. In,T1 weighted CSF are darker and white matter is white.In,T2 weighted CSF is bright and
white matter is dark where as in FLAIR both the white matter and CSF are dark. Therefore, the
FLAIR MRI sequence is considered for this paper. The gold standard image for low grade
giloma were collected from State-of-the-art imaging for glioma surgery, Niels & Philip
C. de Witt Hamer ,SpringerLink. FIG:1-Represents the grade-1 giloma which is smaller
in size and slow growing rate.FIG-2-Represents patient with a right parietal enhancing
glioblastoma,IDH-wild type.GRADE-4 tumor. , Fig:3 Represents patient with a left
temporal non-enhancing astrocytoma, IDH-mutant.GRADE-3.
The datasets have the collection of images with different brain giloma tumor.Those images are extracted and label loading
is done. In the gadolinium-enhanced T1 MR images, due to the injection of a contrast agent called Gadolinium, tumor boundary can be better
identified. The aforementioned images are used to classify tumor grades in this study. All images that are used as the proposed network's
inputs are normalized using data rescaling which projects the data into the [0,1] range and they are dimensioned 128 x 128 pixels.The image

present in the dataset is splitted as 80% for the training purpose and 20% for the testing purpose. The novel Convolutional Neural
Network architecture is obtained by choosing suitable parameters such as number of convolutional , max-
pooling layers, number of filters , size of filter, number of fully connected layers, activation function, dropout
probability, optimization method and learning rate in order to training the network for classification of
Gliomas.The suitable parameter for the formation of network is formed with the help of genetic
algorthim.Based on the network training and classification accuracy the network is selected.The performance
evalutation is done finally to find the accuracy.

A.Convolutional neural networks

This section describes the parameters ,structure and layers of convolutional neural networks. Machine learning
algorithms has a sub-division called deep-learning in the world of artificial intelligence. Deep learning helps
the computer with applications such as creating, characterize, and recognizing complex concepts. In other
words, multi-layer models or deep learning helps to learn representations of data with multiple levels of
abstraction .
One of the most efficient supervised methods of deep learning which have made remarkable improvements in
classification of images is Convolutional neural networks (CNNs).The three layers which from a convolutional
neural network are convolutional, pooling, and fully connected . Various feature maps are created with the
help of kernels or filters applied to the input image in convolutional layer. Applying this layer will
significantly reduce the weight sharing of the network and the network learns the correlation between the local
The training of the neural network takes a place in 2 stage referred to as the feedforward and backward. In feed
-forward step input images pixels fed to the network. In alternative words, scalar product of the input vector
and parameters vector of the nerve cell is performed and convolution operator in each layer is applied.
Afterwards, the output is computed. By employing a loss function, the network output is compared with the
required to be output and the error rate is computed then, supported the error, back propagation stage begins.
Calculation of the gradient of every parameter is finished during this step via the chain rule and finally all the
parameters are updated. This is often continual for associate degree adequate range of iterations.
Network training:
In order to train a deep network, the loss function should be reduced by a gradient-based improvement formula. Random gradient descent
(SGD) is wide used as AN optimizer in deep learning . Recently a way for random improvement referred to as Adaptive moment estimation
(Adam) is bestowed in . It's incontestable that Adam works higher than customary improvement algorithms. Moreover, its machine potency
within the presence of enormous dataset could be a privilege of this methodology. Learning rate for change the weights can stay constant in
SGD formula, but Adam formula computes Adaptive learning rates by estimating the primary moment (the mean) and therefore the moment
(the centered variance) of the gradients. Different optimizers like Ada grad, Ada delta, Ada max and Na dam were additionally examined during
this study. In Ada grad optimizer, the training rate adapts to the parameters. This happens by doing larger updates for infrequent parameters
compared to frequent parameters . Not like Ada grad that accumulates all past square gradients, Ada delta limits the dimensions of the window
of the accumulated previous gradients . In Nadam, before computing the gradient, parameters with the momentum step area unit updated and
this makes it potential to require additional precise steps within the gradient direction. The values of these optimizers' parameters, apart from
the training rate, area unit chosen supported the author's recommendation.Ada max could be a variant of Adam optimizer supported the
eternity norm. Na dam combines Adam and Nesterov Accelerated Gradient optimizers.

Set hyper-parameters using genetic algorithm:

Generally, by testing various common network structures a desirable network architecture is obtained .
Therefore ,this process results in high computational cost. The numerous CNN architectures for the classifying
MRI images are obtained using genetic algorithm. Instead of training many different architectures, by
employing GA and comparing less than 500 architectures a suitable architecture was discovered. Thus, there is
a decrease in the computational cost. More details on selecting the network architecture are given below in
table-1 where the hyper parameters for the purpose of optimization is considered.

The GA is used for the mechanism of the natural selection. After each generation the offspring for the next
generation is found by fittest individual of the population which survive. Sometimes a new characteristics is
created by mutation phase of the genetic algorithm.This will take place for many generations individuals which
are superior will survive .

In this paper, GA is implemented to choose proper parameters for the network from which the best structure of
the CNN is obtained. These parameters which are involved for the selection are number of convolutional layers
,number of max-pooling layers, number of filters and size of them, number of fully connected
layers,optimization method, learning rate,dropout probability and activation function. The values associated
with these parameters are specified in Table 1.

Considering the parameters of Table 1, more than a million alternative convolutional neural network
architectures are possible. Finding the best possible architecture in minimum amount of time is not possible but
GA helps out to find the best architecture. The puesdocode of the genetic algorithm used in this research is
given. Here 10 networks with different parameters are created and considered as the initial populations. All
network will be trained by 80 percent of input brain MRI image and tested with 20 percent input brain MRI
image. The criterion for retaining or rejecting the network in the next generation is based on the validation
accuracy obtained after all the networks . In the proposed method, GA is stopped when the number of
generations exceeds the prespecified maximum number of generations else if early stopping criterion is
satisfied . Early stopping criterion is a when no improvement happens in the validation accuracy. In order to
reduce computational costs the early stopping criterion is implemented. In this paper, maximum number of
generations considered here is 15.

Based on the obtained validation accuracy, 40 percent of elites will retain and all others will moves to the next
generation.The networks with 10 percent probability also have a chance to be transferred to the next
generation. In other words,the first top most 20 networks are allowed to enter directly to the next generation,
and rejected networks might retain which are almost 30 may retain and with 0.1 probability enter next
generation.By applying selection and crossover operators,all the other members of the next generation are
created . There is a chance for the network structure to be randomly mutated. This process is repeated until
stopping criteria is met, and finally the network architecture which has the best performance is selected for the
classification of brain tumor
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