Civics Exam g12

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SOS A loving home of every child B/Dar Civic &Ethical education 2009/2017 Model examination for Grade 12
Students Gizew Beyene Page 1
1. Which one of the following is true about the constitution and other laws?
A. A constitution is the direct reflection of a nation while an ordinary law is secondary legislation
B. Constitution is genera principle while ordinary laws are details of the constitution
C. constitution specifies the rights, duties and obligations of citizens which do not have be changed by as
ordinary laws
D. All of the above
2. In the fight against corruption all are parts of curative approach except one. Which one?
A. Registering official’s property.
B. Investigating corruption cases
C. Taking an appropriate measure
D. Bringing perpetrators of corruption before court
3. All the followings are power and function of the federal government of Ethiopia except one. Which one?
A. Determining nationality
B. Determining regional states annual budget
C. Establishing &administering the defense force the country
D. Formulating & implementing foreign policies of a country
4. Of the following statements is correct according to the principles of due presses of law
A. An individual has the right to be represented by legal counsel
B. An accused person has the right to a quick public trial
C. All persons have the right to appeal the next competent courts of the respected states
D. All of the above
5. Which one of the following is not true about equality?
A. It is one of the fundamental principles of democracy system
B. It means treating people as equals regardless of sex, race, religion or nationality
C it is human rights
D. It is a state of sharing identical benefits and burdens
6. According to the FDRE constitution which one is considered as a democratic right?
A. Right to liberty C. Freedom of association
B. Right to equality D. Right to privacy
7. The former president of USA, Barack Hussein Obama facilitated a peace talk between the governments of
Israel and Palestine to deescalate the tension occurred in the area. What was the role of Obama?
A. Mediation C. Negotiation
B. Arbitration D. Litigation
8. All are the function of judiciary body of FDRE government except one. Which one?
A. Defending the constitution
B. Interpreting laws with the reference to the constitution
C. Interpreting the FDRE constitution
D. Defending international norms and values accepted by the state
9. The process where the country officially recognizes certain international principles as
important and includes them in its own law called
A. Ratification C. Publication
B. Domestication D. Declaration
10. Which one of the following statements is true about group right ?
A. group rights are aimed to facilitating realization of equality among different groups
B. the FDRE constitution gives priority to group rights
C. group rights are not universal like human rights
D. all of the above
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11. It is the act or attempt to exterminate a clan, family or a person is called
A. Terrorism C. Suicide
B. Homicide D. Genocide
12. What does Negotiation refers as the way of resolving conflict?
A. It involves applying legal principles to the controversy for the final decision
B. It involves the direct discussion among the conflicting parties to reach in agreement
C. It is none binding dispute resolution involving the neutral third party
D. It involves settling conflict based on the formal procedural rules
13. It is international tax principle which says that people who earn the same amount should be taxed
the same is:
A. Vertical taxation C. Progressive taxation
B. Horizontal taxation D. The ability to pay principle
14. Which one of the following is not true about taxation?
A. Those that their monthly income above 600 birr must pay tax
B. Those that get the same amount of income should be taxed the same
C. Those that get more income should be taxed more
D. Those that get the same amount income should be taxed differently
15. All are true about due processes of law except one. Which one?
A. an accused person has the right to a quick pubic trial
B. an accused person has the right to appeal after the decision of the first court
C. every person charged with the criminal offence has no any right until proven innocent
D. a summon has to be written in a language that the defendant can understand
16. Which one of the following statements is true about the principle of secularism?
A. according to which if necessary, State can declare state religion
B. according to which State and religion cannot be fused together
C. according to which state and religion cannot support each other
D. according to which within a state there should have only one dominant religion
17. According to the FDRE constitution all constitutional disputes resolved by
A. The house of people representative C. The federal supreme court
B. Joint discussion of the federal and regional courts D. The house of federation
18. Which one is wrong as to the relation between authority and power?
A. Undemocratic government may have power but lacks legitimacy to rule
B. Power is force or ability to compel others what the power holder desires to do.
C. Power and authority are political related term and have similar concept
D Authority is the legal power vested from the people
19. According to FDRE constitution, chapter two, all are the pillars of the constitution except one. Which one?
A. The separation of state and religion.
B. Human and democratic rights
C. The supremacy of the constitution
D. Amendment of the constitution
20. Which one of the following factor account for applying federalism in Ethiopia
A. Ethnic diversity C. Gender diversity
B. Religious diversity D. All of the above
21. A secondary legislation enacted by the highest executive organ such as council of ministers is called
A. constitution B. Rules &regulation C. proclamation D. laws

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22. To whom does the FDRE constitution give the power to sign international treaties?
A. The legislative branch of government
B. The executive branch of government
C The judiciary branch of government
D. All branches of government can have the right to sign international treaties
23. Which of the following indicates the similarity between parliamentary and presidential democracy?
A. The head of state is elected by direct vote of the people
B. Government is formed by the party that won majority of vote
C. State power is transferred from one party to another peacefully
D. The judiciary branch has more effective power than the executive branch
24. Which one of the following is correct about constitution?
A. It is a mother law from which specific laws can be derived
B. It is a mother law that emanates from specific laws
C. it has equal weight with specific laws
D. constitution and specific laws don’t have any relation
25. The act of changing business venture or investment to one that pays less tax is called
A. Tax evasion C. Tax avoidance
B. Contraband D. progressive taxation
26. The principle of due process of law that against punishing twice the same offence is
A. Presumption of innocence C. Habeas corpus
B. Double jeopardy D. Right to appeal
27. The principle of taxation which says that people who earn different amount of income should
be taxed differently is called.
A. Vertical taxation C. Horizontal taxation
B. Ability pay principle D. Progressive taxation
28. Which one is not true about the principle of foreign relation of Ethiopia in accordance to article 86?
A. seeking peaceful solutions to international disputes
B. protecting national interest
C. preparing its policy based on the interest of other countries
D. Protecting the sovereignty of its people and recognized the sovereignty of other countries
29. A conflict resolution method which involves direct discussion between disputing parties is called
A. Litigation C. Arbitration
B. Negotiation D. Mediation
30. Which one of the following is true about laws?
A. They are made by the special body called constituent assembly
B. They are basic source of constitutional preparation
C. They considered as primary legislation
D. They are considered to be secondary legislation enacted by organs lower than the parliament
31. A type of corruption which is committed to favor relatives is known as
A. Political power abuse C. Cronyism
B. Nepotism D. Embezzlement
32. A type of first degree crime tries to exterminate a certain religious, ethnic and political group is known as
A. Terrorism B. Homicide C. Genocide D. Apartheid

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33. Which of the following statements can best describes about the concept of equity in taxation?
A. The tax rate must be the same irrespective of the amount of income
B. The tax rate must be proportional to the income of individuals
C. collection of tax has to consider the family numbers of the tax payers
D. using of social services should be determined by the amount of tax payment
34. Which of the following statement best describe the concept of progressive taxation?
A. The more you get, the less you pay
B. The less you get up to 600 birr, nothing you pay
C. The less you get, the more you pay
D. all of the above
35. All of the followings are the benefits of having federal state structure especially for hetrogyniouse
Societies except one. Which one?
A. Empowerment of minority groups in exercising of self-government in their local affairs
B. Devolution of political power to the different political units
C. Development of the confidence of the people in their government
D. None
36. According to the constitution of FDRE any domesticated laws are came to effect on the date of
A. Signing by the prime minister C. announced by the official news paper
B. Signing by the heads of the state D. Ratified by the parliament
37. One of the following is not true about ethnocentrism
A. It is a good attitude to building democratic system C. It leads to develop sense of extreme nationalism
B. It affects unit in diversity D. It creates dis trust between people
38. The parliamentary types of democratic political system has an advantage over other types of
democratic political system
A. In its good reception of human and democratic rights
B. In its quick and smooth enactment of laws
C. In its establishment of good justice system
D. In its achievement of fast growth and development
39. If a police officer fails to bring a charge against the suspected criminal, the suspected criminal has
the right to write a petition to court stating that his arrest is illegal and he should be released.
This refers to;
A. Speedy and public trial C. Presumption of innocence
B. Habeas corpus D. Right to appeal
40. Which of the following best describes parliamentary system of government?
A. The head of the state is accountable to the people of the state
B. The head of the government is the president
C. The head of the government is elected from the wining party
D. The prime minster is head of the state
41. Among the following constitutions of Ethiopia which one stipulates the formation of council of
nations, nationalities and people at the regional level
A. The constitution of Amhara region C. The constitution of Ethiopia Somalia region
B. The constitution of Oromya region D. The constitution of SNNPs region

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42. An institution through which nations, nationalities and people are represented by the virtue of their
A. Members of state council’s C. The house of federation
B. The house of people representatives D. All of the above
43. One of the following elements of due processes of law suggests revising the decision of lower
A. Speedy and public trial C. Presumption of innocence
B. Habeas corpus D. Right to appeal
44. Which one of the following is incorrect about features of federalism?
A. having relatively more than one autonomous government
B. Having written constitution
C. Having constitutional arbitration
D. None
45. The right to public trial and presumption of innocence until proven guilty is the way of ensuring
A. Distributive justice C. Procedural justice
B. Corrective justice D. Progressive taxation
46. Which organs of government have executive power at the federal level of government of Ethiopia?
A. Hose of people representative C. House of federation
B. Council of ministers D. Supreme court of the federal government
47. Preventive approach of corruption deals with all of the following except one. Which one?
A. Issues related to ethical regulation C. Receiving corruption related complaints
B. Creation of committed citizen D. Registration of officials assets when they come to power
48. In Ethiopian federal system of government the power to give final decision issues like regional
states border conflicts to
A. The hose of people representative C. The house of federation
B. Council of ministers D. Supreme court of the federal government
49. Which one of the following is correctly ordered in relation to hierarchy of law from lower to
A. Constitution---ordinary laws—rules and regulation
B. ordinary laws---constitution----rules and regulation
C. Rules and regulations—ordinary laws---constitution
D. Ordinary laws---rules and regulations---constitution
50. “Nations, nationalities and people of Ethiopia are the owners of this constitution” to which of the
following Ethiopian constitution the preamble belongs to
A. The 1931 constitution C. The 1995 FDRE constitution
B. The 1979 PDRE constitution D. The 1955 revised constitution
51. Presidential system of government has an advantage over parliamentary system of government by
A. It’s good implementation of human and democratic rights
B. It’s quick and smooth enactment of laws
C. It’s establishment of good justice system
D. Its effective check and balance system
52. Which of the following is not among the obligations of citizens in a democratic system?
A. Membership in a political party C. promoting political tolerance
B. Respect rules and regulations of a state D. respect for the rights of others
53. Which of the following intangible cultural heritages of Ethiopia is recently registered by UNESCO
as World heritage?
A. ‘Timiket’ C. ‘Erecha’
B. The Wolayta Folk Dance D. ‘Mesikel /Demera’
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54. Identify the wrong statement about the House of Federation (HF)?
A. Each Nations, Nationality and People shall be represented in the HF by at least two members
B. The house is composed of the representatives of the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples
C. Members of the house elected by the state council
D. The house is the responsible organ to interpret the federal constitution
55. According to the FDRE constitution all are the benefit that the nations nationalities and
Peoples of Ethiopia enjoy except one. Which one?
A. Self-administration
B. Using national resource and social service
C. Use once own national (mother) language
D. Respecting and defending the constitution

56. The notion that refers to unity without uniformity and diversity without fragmentation is
A. Equality C. Unity in diversity
B. Ethnocentrism D. cultural relativism
57. According to the FDRE constitution what constitutional rights are given to the regional
A. The right to formulate and execute investment policies and strategies
B. To determine issues related to nationalities
C. To lead and regulate inter-state trade and commerce
D. To enact and execute the state constitution and other laws
58. Which one is true about hybrid democratic political system?
A. The prime minister is the head of the state & government
B. The prime minster is elected from the wining party and has to be the members of the parliament
C. The head of the state is appointed by the prime minister and has to be the member of the parliament
D. The president is accountable to the parliament
59. The federal system of government can be organized in one of the following except one.
Which one?
A. Rivers C. Religious back ground
B. Mountain chain D. Ethno-cultural background
60. Which one of the following is correct about state structure?
A. Power is more distributed in unitary than federal state structure
B. Confederation cannot be considered as a form of state structure
C. Federal states are characterized by bi-cameral houses
D. The issue of sovereignty is exposed more in federalism than con-federal state structure
61. Which one of the following is true about presidential democratic political system?
A. Power is fused among government organs C. Smooth check and balance system
B. The president is elected from the wining party D. provides veto bill for the president

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62. The present Ethiopian foreign policy is based on the following principles except
A. Territorial expansion and integration C. National bride and globalization
B. Promoting development. D Building democratic system
63. Which of the following statement is not correct about the relationship between individual, society and
A. The well-being of the society is the basis for the well-being of its member
B. The well-being of individuals’ contributes nothing to the well-being of the society
C. A person who fulfils responsibilities will be able to utilize his own rights fully
D. All of the above
64. What is morally acceptable in one society could be immoral in the other societies. This is because
A. Moral values determine the culture of specific groups
B. There is no universally accepted definition of culture
C. Morality is culture specific and could vary from one to another
D. Morality has standard definition that is acceptable to all cultures
65. Which of the following statement is not necessarily true about a parliamentary democracy?
A. All ministers have to be members of the parliament
B. The prime minister has to be appointed from the wining party
C. The prime minister leads the executive branch of the government
D. The prime minister has to be a member of the parliament
66. Democratic rights are different from human rights because of
A. Democratic rights are guaranteed by democratic constitution
B. Democratic rights are naturally given rights
C. Democratic rights can sometimes exist in the absence of democratic constitution
D. Democratic rights are irreversible and not limited by law
67. The deliberate act of endangering the lives of people or property and denying the freedom of a
individuals or a group of people is.
A. Drug smuggling C. Terrorism
B. Human trafficking D. Ethno-centrism
68. According to the FDRE constitution which one of the following is directly elected
A. Members of the council of ministers C. Heads of the state
B. Members of HPR D. Heads of the government
69. Which one of the following given alternatives is not an element of due processes of law
A. Presumption of innocence C. Habeas corpus
B. Duty to self-incrimination D. Impartial tribunal
70. Which one is the following is true about morality and ethics
A. Morality is somewhat similar to the principles of virtue and goodness
B. The study of morality is the subset of ethics
C. Morality is a system that tells us how to act whereas ethics is the scientific study of that system
D. All of the above
71. There is an Amharic saying “saykatel bekitel”.This saying is best suit with regarding approach to
fight against corruption
A. Preventive approach C. Rehabilitation approach
B. Curative approach D. Systematic approach
72. According to FDRE constitution chapter two all are the pillars of the constitution except one?
A. The separation of state and religion.
B. Human and democratic rights
C. The supremacy of the constitution
D. Powers and functions of the federal and regional governments

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73. “Every person has inviolable and inalienable rights to life, the security of a person and liberty”
what does this statement mean?
A. the right to life, the security of a person and liberty are inherent to humanity
B. these rights are endowed to every individual by virtue of being human
C. no one has the right to deprive natural entitlements of a person, except those provided by law
D. all of the above
74. What does it mean when we say laws should be possible to follow?
A. People should find them possible to live up to their expectations
B. Laws must be impartial, just and equitable
C. Laws should be discriminate
D. None of the above
75. Which elements of due process of law deals with the summons which must be written in a language
that the defendant can understand?
A. Right against self-incrimination C. Impartial tribunal
B. Fair notice D. Right to counsel
76. One of the following is the advantages of applying federalism state structure?
A. to incentivize to empower citizens at all level to exercise power by themselves
B. to build sense of confidence among people
C. to create sense of responsibility among citizens of a given nations
D. All of the above
77. One of the following constitution of Ethiopia mentioned and decided the colour of the national flag
of a country for the first time
A. The 1995 FDRE constitution C. The 1979 PDRE constitution
B. The 1931 Imperial constitution D. The 1955 revised constitution
78. The primary purpose of the petition called habeas corpus is
A. Determining the guilty or innocence of detained person
B. Making an unjustly imprisoned person free
C. Getting a fair trial for an accused person
D. Getting a detainee released from lawful detention
79. Which of the following is more important for a country’s sustainable economic as well as social
A. Creating strong economic bond with the developed countries
B. Building good governance
C. Availability of abundant natural resource
D. Deploy well educated individuals in different government institutions
80. Which one of the following is not true about authority and power?
A. the mode of application of the two determines the type of governmental power
B. Power can be defined as the force or ability to compile others to do what the power holders desire
C. Authority refers to that power vested in a public agency and its members to execute its function
D. None of the above
81. Which of the following is not true about the functions of constitution?
A. Limits the power of government
B. Specify the measures would be taken against criminals
C. Specify the rights and responsibilities of the citizens
D. Regulate the relationship between the government and the governed

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82. Ethiopia and Eritrea conflict over their common boundary and they agreed international court of
justice to decide on the case, according to which, which methods of conflict resolution is practiced
A. Negotiation C. Reconciliation
B. B. Arbitration D. Mediation
83. An illegal international trading of goods through borders in order to avoid payment of the tariff is
an incident of------
A. Tax evasion C. Contraband
B. Tax avoidance D. Transaction
84. Which of the following is not the basic goal of civic and ethical education?
A. Enabling citizens to protect any form of violation of rights
B. Enhancing the moral and ethical values
C. Developing democratic outlooks and strengthen democratic norms
D. Promoting & inculcating the political philosophy of the ruling party
85. One of the following is important to develop a character of cultural relativism
A. Being less arrogant and more open minded in relation to other societies and culture
B. Developing the sense of civic-mindedness
C. Widen our scope of understanding about the concept of culture& diversity
D. All of the above
86. Which one of the following does not go with group rights?
A. The right to vote
B. The right to self determination
C. The right to self-governance
D. The right to develop one’s own culture
87. A kind of social principle that defines the willingness of people to accept any kinds of differences
as natural in practice would entail respect the rights of others is indicated through
A. The principle of transparency C. The principle of constitutionalism
B. The principle of tolerance D. The principles of secularism
88. One of the following statements is not correct about alternative conflict resolution methods
A. They are less expensive
B. Relative they are faster in its decision than the formal ones
C. They are more flexible than the formal ones
D. To correct conflicts apply the same principle like that of the formal one
89. Which one of the following is true abut tax avoidance and tax evasion?
A. tax avoidance is an illegal while tax evasion is legal
B. Both tax avoidance& tax evasion are an illegal act
C. tax avoidance is legal while tax evasion is an illegal act
D. All of the above are correct
90. Which one of the following is correct?
A. Group rights are aimed at facilitating the realization of equality
B. The FDRE constitution gives priority for group rights
C. There are areas of conflict between group and individual rights
D. There is no conflict between affirmative action and the ideas of all human beings are equal
91. Nationalism different from patriotism mainly by the fact that it strongly
A. Shows dedication for protection country from enemies
B. Preaches about the superiority of one’s country to others
C. Teaches love for one’s country t and its national symbols
D. Requires peoples of one country to live in peace and harmony

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92. According to the proclamation number 240/2008 of Ethiopia, those their monthly income is
below 600birr, the tax rate will be
A. 10% B. 15% C. Nil D. 5%
93. All are the constitutional amendment criteria of the constitution of FDRE except one. Which one?
A. Approval of the proposed amendment by the joint session of the HPR& HF
B. The support of the council of the member states of the federation by two-third vote
C. The consent of the prime minister & the president of the state
D. None
94. Which one of the following could be considered as one of the reason for the prevalence of corruption in many
A. Absence of exemplary ethical leadership
B. Power monopoly by the same ethnic groups for a long period of time
C. Existence of greediness among many leaders
D. All of the above
95. Which one of the following statement is not true about ethnocentrism?
A. It is a tendency to evaluate cultures in their own terms
B. Strong ethnocentrism may leads to conflict b/n cultural groups
C. It does not allow us to understand the true qualities of other cultures
D. All of the above
96. Among the basic sources government finance which one is the most reliable
A. Loan C. Foreign aid
B. Tax D. all of the above
97. According to the FDRE constitution article 93 sub article 1 state of emergency declared when
A. There is an external invasion
B. Breaks down of law and order which endangers the Constitutional order
C. A natural disaster, or an epidemic occur
D. All of the above
98. Progressive taxation system is a method of:
A. Encouraging direct investments by reducing the tax of the tax payers
B. Collecting tax at rate proportionate to payer’s income
C. Levying equal tax on all irrespective of their income
D. Encouraging local industries by applying free tax system
99. Among the following founders of OAU African leaders which one is incorrectly matched?
A. Nkrumah — Ghana
B. Khedive smile-----Egypt
C. Jomo Kenyatta --- Kenya
D. Haile Selassie---Ethiopia
100. One of the following is major reason that made Addis Ababa one of the diplomatic hubs of the world and the
seat of Africa union.
A. Because Ethiopia had played unreserved role in Africa and international politics
B. Because Ethiopia is a good example of wonderful hospitality
C. Because Ethiopia is one of the beautiful city of the world
D. Because Ethiopia is one of militarily strong state of the horn of Africa

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D 21 B 41 D 61 D 81 B
2 A 22 B 42 C 62 A 82 B

3 B 23 C 43 D 63 B 83 C

4 D 24 A 44 D 64 C 84 D

5 D 25 C 45 C 65 A 85 D

6 C 26 D 46 B 66 A 86 A

7 A 27 A 47 C 67 C 87 B

8 C 28 C 48 C 68 B 88 D

9 B 29 D 49 C 69 B 89 C

10 D 30 C 50 C 70 D 90 D

11 D 31 B 51 D 71 A 91 B

12 B 32 C 52 A 72 D 92 C

13 B 33 B 53 C 73 B 93 C

14 D 34 B 54 A 74 A 94 D

15 C 35 D 55 D 75 B 95 A
16 B 36 C 56 D 76 D 96 B

17 D 37 A 57 D 77 B 97 D

18 C 38 B 58 B 78 B 98 B

19 D 39 B 59 C 79 B 99 B

20 B 40 C 60 C 80 D 100 A

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