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Industrial Training Report



Submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology

Electrical Engineering

Session: 2020-21

Submitted to: - Submitted by: -

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Aakriti Dwivedi


VII Sem, EE - A

Department of Electrical Engineering

Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan,
Ramnagariya, Jagatpura, Jaipur (RAJ.)

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I would like to show gratitude towards my teachers and the Course organizers for the
opportunity given and help to complete my training within the time allotted.

This Course would not have been completed without the support of my teachers and
parents. Therefore, I would like to thank our Industrial Training Coordinator,
Dr. Sarfaraz Nawaz for extending his cordial support throughout the course completion. I
would also like to thank my HOD of Electrical Department, Dr. Dhanraj Chitara for
giving me enough time to complete the course.

Our efforts made together led to the effective completion of the training. This report is
made with utmost care, interest and effectiveness, but imperfections are the basic beauty
of any work.

The suggestions and guidance of my teachers are the basic priority and therefore I shall
extend my apologies and work on my mistakes regarding this report and course, leading
to effectiveness and perfection.

Aakriti Dwivedi

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page v

Main Page i
Certificate I ii
Certificate II iii
Certificate III iv
Acknowledgement v
Contents vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
Abstract xi

S. No. Chapter Name Page No.

Chapter 1 Python Programming Language 1
Introduction 1
Writing Paragraph of a Code 2
Expressions 4
Conditional Statements 7
Functions, Loops and Iterations 9
Advantages and Disadvantages 12
Summary 13
Chapter 2 MATLAB 15
Introduction 16
MATLAB Desktop 16
Matrix Operations 18
Plotting 21
Advantages and Disadvantages 22
Summary 23
Chapter 3 Business Skills 26
Introduction 26

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Communication Skills 27
Accounting Fundamentals 36
IT Foundation Skills 37
Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 39
Summary 40
Chapter 4 Conclusion 42

Appendices…………………………………………………………………………… 43

References……………………………………………………………………………. 44

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page vii

Fig No. Figure Name Page No.
Fig 1.1 Features of Python Programming
Fig 1.2 (a) Main window, (b) Editor window 2
Fig 1.3 (a) Editor window, (b) output shell window 3
Fig 1.4 (a) ‘if’ structure code, (b) Output 6
Fig 1.5 (a) ‘if-else’ structure code, (b) Output 7
Fig 1.6 (a) ‘elif’ structure code, (b) Output 8
Fig 1.7 (a),(b) Trace-back without try- except (c),(d) using 8
try & except 9
Fig 1.8 Defining a Function 9
Fig 1.9 Calling a Function 10
Fig 1.10 Passing Arguments 10
Fig 1.11 Passing multiple arguments 11
Fig 1.12 (a) ‘for loop code, (b) Output 12
Fig 1.13 (a) ‘while’ loop code, (b) Output 12
Fig 2.1 Key features of MATLAB 16
Fig 2.2 Salient features of MATLAB 16
Fig 2.3 A simple MATLAB program 17
Fig 2.4 The MATLAB desktop view (default view) 18
Fig 2.5 Some pre-defined constants in MATLAB 19
Fig 2.6 Special Matrices 20
Fig 2.7 Matrix operations 21
Fig 2.8 Plot command used code 21
Fig 2.9 Output of plot command 22
Fig 3.1 Business Skills 27
Fig 3.2 Process of communication 28
Fig 3.3 Cover letter format 31
Fig 3.4 Example of an email 35

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page viii

Fig 3.5 Do’s and don’ts of telephone etiquettes 35
Fig 3.6 Do’s and don’ts of an email 36
Fig 3.7 Accounting elements 36
Fig 3.8 IT foundation skills 38
Fig 4.1 Simulink in MATLAB 43

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page ix

Table No. Table Name Page No.
Table 1.1 Operator Precedence Rules 3
Table 1.2 Types of Operators 5
Table 2.1 Basic Syntax 23
Table 2.2 Desktop Management 23
Table 2.3 Array types 24
Table 2.4 Evenly-spaced vectors 24
Table 2.5 Indexing 24
Table 2.6 Array Operations 24
Table 2.7 Multiple outputs 25
Table 2.8 Plotting 25
Table 2.9 Logicals 25
Table 2.10 Programming 25
Table 3.1 Dos and don’ts of communication 29
Table 3.2 Do’s and don’ts in a résumé 31
Table 3.3 Do’s and don’ts in a group discussion 32

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page x

Software is used everywhere now-a-days for simulation, design and formatting purposes.

Software reduces the probability of getting an error and most importantly, we can create

something with less efforts and more accuracy. Coding languages such as Python, C,

MATLAB, etc. are being used in every industry before implementing anything; things are

being converted to smart ones as the technology is advancing.

Each programming language has its own merits and demerits, coding in Python and

MATLAB is comparatively easier than C, C++ as they tend to execute one-line statements

instead of a whole document. Errors in them can be easily detected and the statements can

be easily executed as they save the time of compiling. These come under technical skills,

but the equally important ones are the communication skills. These are the basic keys for

success in all fields, especially during a job interview. The more you communicate

effectively, the more are your chances of succeeding. Therefore, soft skills and hard skills

both are important for a person’s development.

In this report, all the above things have been discussed. Business skills include

communication skills and some basic knowledge of key elements such as AI, IT and

accounting which form the nervous system of any company.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page xi



I. Course details
 Name of Course – Programming for everybody (Getting Started with Python)
 Course offering institute – University of Michigan, on Coursera
 Duration of course- 7 Weeks

II. Brief Introduction

Python, a programming language which was developed by Guido Van Rossum, is a

general purpose language which can be used for other types of programming, besides
web development, which includes software development, data science, writing system
scripts, etc.

Python, unlike other programming languages, emphasizes code readability, and allows
you to use English keywords instead of punctuation. The readable and clean code base
will help you to maintain and update the software without putting extra time and
effort. It shortens the amount of time you spend on projects by allowing you to
repurpose chunks of code [6].

Python is also used for scientific research and computing and even has several science-
friendly or science-specific libraries including:

 Astropy for astronomy

 Biopython for biology and bioinformatics
 Graph-tool for statistical analysis of graphs
 Psychopy for neuroscience and experimental psychology

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 1

Python is used for machine learning via specific machine learning libraries and
frameworks including scikit-learn and TensorFlow.

Therefore, we can say that Python is incredibly easy to learn and use. In fact, it's one
of the most accessible programming languages available. Part of the reason
is the simplified syntax with an emphasis on natural language. But it's also because we can
write Python code and execute it much faster.

Fig 1.1 Features of Python Programming


Python has a chevron prompt (>>>) where you can write series of statements.

For example, >>>x=1

1 (Output)

These series of statements form a paragraph [1].

a) Saving a file: 1. Never save a file using reserved words

2. No spaces should be used; instead underscore can be used to join words.
3. Do not start filename with number and don’t use special symbols.
4. Save a file with extension .py

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 2

b) Types of codes
i. Sequential code: It follows a flowchart and all the statements are executed
in a sequence.
ii. Repeating code: The code which repeats until a specific condition is met
or till we get a desired value.
iii. Conditional code: The code which executes when one of several
conditions is satisfied by the statement.
c) Operator Precedence
Table 1.1 Operator Precedence Rules
Operators Priority (high-1 to low-4)
Parenthesis() 1-highest
Exponential(**) 2
*, /, % 3
+, - 4
 To determine which one to solve first for same priority operators, left to
right solving approach is followed.
 To simplify the calculations, parenthesis can be used for any calculation.
d) Editor Window: 1. In an editor window, we can type several statements in a
single program or code and can execute all together, unlike, python’s main
window in which only a single statement can be executed at time.

Fig 1.2 (a) Main window, (b) Editor Window

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 3

2. If we don’t want an output to be displayed on main window, then colon operator (:) can
be used at the end of the statement.

e) Comments: Comments are given at the end of the statement for the purpose of
understanding of the code by user. Comments are given by hash tag (#).
Ex. #Code to convert elevator floors
INP=input (‘Europe floor’) #Input the floor in Europe
Usf=int (INP) +1 #US floor is increment of Europe floor
print (‘US floor’, Usf)
OUTPUT: Europe floor 0
US floor 1

There are 4 atoms in Python, which are variables, constants, reserved words and operators.

i) Operators: They are special symbols in Python that carry out arithmetic or
logical computation. The value that the operator operates on is called an
Ex. >>>2+3 (2 and 3 are operands, ‘+’ is an operator)
5 (Output)
ii) Reserved Words: 1. A reserved word has a specific meaning or function in
2. They cannot be kept as a file name or a variable name.

Ex. Print ()-prints a value, float ()-converts a value to decimal value, exit ()-closes the

iii) Constants: 1. They include strings, integers and float (decimal) numbers.
2. If we want to convert string to integer- int () is used.
3. If we want to convert string to float- float () is used.
4. Integer division results in floating numbers.

Ex. >>>9/4 2.5 (output)

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>>>float (99) 99.0 (output)
5. Concatenation- When 2 strings are to be added.
Ex. >>>eee=’hello’+’there’
>>>print (eee) hello there (output)
Table 1.2 Types of Operators

Types of Operators
Arithmetic Comparison Logical Bitwise
operators Operators Operators Operators
Addition(+) Greater than(>) and AND (&)
Subtraction(-) Less than(<) or OR (|)
Multiply(*) Equal to(==) not NOT (-)
Divide(/) Not equal to (!=) XOR (^)
Modulus or Greater than or Right
remainder (%) equal(>=) Shift(>>)
Less than or
Exponential(**) equal(<=) Left shift(<<)
Special Operators Operators
is "=, &= , |= "
is not "+=, -=, *=, /= "
">>=, <<=, ^=.
in **="
not in
6. To Trace a value type- type () is used.
Ex. >>>type(eee) <class ‘str’>(output)
>>>type(‘hello’) <class ‘str’>(output)
>>>type(‘1.0’) <class ‘float’>(output)
7. To print more than 1 input;
Ex. >>>x=9
>>>print(‘welcome’,x) welcome 9 (output)
iv) Variables: 1. Variables are assigned with a value which takes up some memory
from which it can be used whenever required.
Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 5
2. Values in variables are assigned using assignment operator (=).
3. MNEMONICS: Variable names should be user-friendly and sensible as it simplifies
the code to an extent.
Ex. >>>Hours=35: (variable Hours) ;
4. When ever, a new value is assigned to the same variable, the memory uses the new one
and wipes out the old memory and value.
5. Variables are case sensitive, i.e. x and X are different and store different values.
6. In Python, variable value is not printed unless print() function is used.
7. Never start a variable name with a number, we can use underscore ( _ ) to start or to fill
the blanks between words in a variable name.
8. Variable ‘None’, it is a flag value given to a variable for which an initial value cannot
be provided for the time being.
Ex. To calculate smallest and largest number, we have make loops and we have to take an
initial value as reference. As we cannot say what will be the initial value, therefore, the
variable is given value as ‘None’.
Example of a code

Fig 1.3 (a) Editor window, (b) output shell window

The parameter which is passed in Fig3.1 (a) input function is (Enter hours) is called a

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 6


The conditional statements mainly used are if, if-else, elif (else-if), try and except

1. If: ‘If’ statement is used for one way structure where another condition is not
Ex. >>>x=inp(‘value’)
>>>if x==5:

Fig 1.4 (a) ‘if’ structure code, (b) Output

2. If-else: It is a two way structure in which if the 1st condition is true then the ‘if’
code is executed otherwise ‘else’ one is executed.
The shifting of statement or assigning argument shifted after using conditional
statements is called Indenting.
Ex. >>>If 2>1:

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Fig 1.5 (a) ‘if-else’ structure code, (b) Output

3. Elif: Elif is a keyword used for nested else-if statements in a code. Many nested
conditions can be inserted in a code. It can be used when several attempts or
conditions are to be provided in a single attempt.
Ex. >>> if a>b:
print(‘no modulus required’)
elif a==b:
print(‘take modulus’)
print(‘take another value of a’)

Fig 1.6 (a) ‘elif’ structure code, (b) Output

4. Try-Except: Some conditions get a trace-back when we try to run them, for
example, if we try to convert a string to integer type. Therefore, try and except

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 8

structure is used. In this structure, only one of the statements from try- except is

Fig 1.7 (a), (b) Trace-back without try-except, (c), (d) using try and except


I. FUNCTIONS: A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called.

You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function. A function can return
data as a result.

 Defining A Function: In Python a function is defined using the def keyword;

Fig 1.8 Defining a function

 Calling A Function: To call a function, use the function name followed by

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Fig 1.9 Calling a function

 Arguments: Information can be passed into functions as arguments.

Arguments are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses. You can add as
many arguments as you want, just separate them with a comma.

 Parameters: A parameter is the variable listed inside the parantheses in the

function definition.

Fig 1.10 Passing arguments

The following example in Fig 5.3 has a function with one argument (fname). When the
function is called, we pass along a first name, which is used inside the function to print the
full name.

 Multiple arguments: By default, a function must be called with the correct

number of arguments. Meaning that if your function expects 2 arguments, you
have to call the function with 2 arguments, not more, and not less.

If you try to call the function with 1 or 3 arguments, you will get an error.

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Fig 1.11 Passing multiple arguments

 Some important functions: (a) Max() and Min(): These functions are predefined
and have a code saved previously which can find the maximum or a minimum
value of the statement (string or numbers) passed inside them.

Ex. >>>big=max(‘hello world’)

>>>print(big) w(output)
>>>tiny=min(‘hello world’)
>>>print(tiny) e(output)

(b) Return(): Return is an in-built function which has a code inside it to return whatever
value is passed in the argument.

Ex. >>>def greet()



Output- Hello Sarah

II. LOOPS AND ITERATIONS: Loops and iterations are used to execute a
statement or a series of statement till the desired conditions are met and result
is displayed.

Loops used in Python are for and while.

1) ‘For’ loop: It is a loop in which the condition is checked for a particular

set of values.

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Fig 1.12 (a) ‘for’ loop code, (b) Output

2) ‘While’ loop: In a while loop, till the condition given in while loop is true, it keeps
on executing the statements under it.

Fig 1.13 (a) ‘while’ loop code, (b) Output

3) ‘Break’ keyword: It breaks the current loop and jumps to the statement immediately
followed by the loop.
‘Continue’ keyword: It ends the current iteration and jumps to the top of the loop. It is
helpful as when the statement is not true, we don’t have to run the entire loop or program.
It saves time and memory.

Python is a popular, high-level, general purpose, dynamic programming language that has
been present on the market for almost 30 years now. It can be easily found almost
anywhere today: web and desktop apps, machine learning, network servers and many
more [7].

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It has several advantages like

 Presence of third-party modules.

 Extensive support libraries Open source and community development.
 Easy to learn.
 User-friendly data structures.
 High-level language.
 Dynamically typed language.
 Object-oriented language.
 Portable and Interactive.
 Portable across Operating systems.
 Versatile, Easy to Use and Fast to Develop.
 Great for Prototypes - You Can Do More with Less Code.
 Easy to detect an error as it detects on the spot while executing.

It has some disadvantages like

 Speed limitations.
 Weak in Mobile Computing and Browsers.
 Design restrictions
 Underdeveloped database access layers.
 Problems with threading.

G) SUMMARY: Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented

scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords
frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical
constructions than other languages.

Python is a must for students and working professionals to become a great Software
Engineer especially when they are working in Web Development Domain.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 13

 Python is Interpreted − Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. You do
not need to compile your program before executing it. This is similar to PERL
and PHP.

 Python is Interactive − We can actually sit at a Python prompt and interact with
the interpreter directly to write your programs.

 Python is Object-Oriented − Python supports Object-Oriented style or technique

of programming that encapsulates code within objects.

Python is a Beginner's Language − Python is a great language for the beginner-level

programmers and supports the development of a wide range of applications from simple
text processing to WWW browsers to games.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 14



I. Course details
 Name of Course – MATLAB Onramp
 Course offering institute – MathWorks
 Duration of course- 1 week

II. Brief Introduction

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm environment and proprietary

programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix
manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation
of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.

Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox

uses the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. An
additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based
design for dynamic and embedded systems.

MATLAB is a very useful tool as it is easy to use as it stores data in a form of matrix
which can be simplified and used easily in any program.

It has multiple windows for various purposes for storing, executing and solving purposes
which makes it easier to operate on [8].

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Fig 2.1 Key features of MATLAB

Fig 2.2 Salient features of MATLAB

i. Command Window: 1. In a Command Window, user can assign values to the
variables as well as write expressions at the command prompt (>>) [3].
2. These commands can be executed instantaneously.
3. If we don’t want the output to be shown on the window, we use semicolon (;) at
the end of the statement.
4. clc command is used if we want to clear the command window.
Ex. >>a=2;
>>c=b+a^2 c=8 (output)

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ii. Command history window: 1. It displays a list of commands that a user has
entered in the command window, and remain there until deleted.
2. To execute the previously executed commands, press ‘UP’ arrow key at the
command prompt and then press enter.
iii. Current Directory Folder: 1. MATLAB browses the directory to execute the file.
2. We can set the path of the file in the current directory box.
iv. Workspace: 1. In the above example, MATLAB creates variable names a,b and c
and stores them in the memory (Workspace).
2. The symbol ‘%’ is used for inserting comments to understand the codes.
Anything written after it is not executed.
3. Double-clicking any variable brings up the array-editor, which allows the user to
observe and modify the information stored in the variable.
4. The command whos can be used to display all variables or selected variables’
values in the command window and clear is used to clear workspace.
v. Help Window: It consists of links to documentation on all commands, functions
or components for your MATLAB version.

Fig 2.3 A simple MATLAB program

vi. Editor Window: 1. Files with .m extension containing MATLAB statements are
known as M-file or Script files or Editor, which execute a series of MATLAB
2. The result of editor window is displayed in Command window.
3. It saves time and memory as several statements are executed together.

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Fig 2.4 The MATLAB desktop (Default view)

 Data types in MATLAB [2]
1. INTEGERS: Can be positive or negative. (1,2,-1,-2)
2. FLOATING POINT NUMBERS: These are the numbers with decimal places
such as 3.1416. The exponent notation can be used to specify the floating point
constants. For ex. 1.5 x 10^5 can be written as 1.5e5.
3. COMPLEX NUMBERS: Specified using special complex operators (i or j). For
ex. 3+4*i.
4. CONSTANTS: Having fixed values.
5. TEXT STRINGS: These are the array of characters specified inside single quotes.
For ex. ‘Hello World’

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Fig 2.5 Some Pre-defined Constants in MATLAB .

 MATLAB ARRAYS: An array is a collection of data values organized into rows

and columns. There are 2 types of arrays: 1-dimensional and 2-Dimensional.
1. 1-D Array: a. When collection contains a single row or a single column, it is
known as a vector.

b. Creating Vectors: >>A1=[1,2,3,4]; (row vector); A2=[1;9;0;4]; (column vector);

A3=[2]; (scalar).

c. Access any value of vector (INDEXING): >>A1(2) 2 (output)

>>A1(end) %access the last element 4 (output)

d. Renewing a value: >>A1(2)=3 output – A1= 1 3 3 4

e. Creating vector: i) using colon- >>A=1:5 A= 1 2 3 4 5 (output)

ii) using linspace(1st,last, no. of elements)

>>Ag=linspace(2,20,5) Ag= 2 6.5 11 15.5 20 (output)

f. Calculate length of a vector: >>length(A1) 4 (output)

2. 2-D Array: a. When collection of data consists of both rows and columns, it is
known as a matrix.

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b. Creating a matrix: >>S=[2 2 2; 3 3 3] S= 2 2 2

3 3 3 (output)

c. INDEXING: i) single element: >>S(2,2) 3 (output)

ii) Multiple elements: >>D=S([2,[1,2]) D=3 3 3 (output)

iii) Single row, all columns: L=S(1,:) L=2 2 2 (output)

iv) All rows, single column: P=S(:,3) P=2 (output)

d. Calculating size of a matrix: C=size(P) C=1 2 (output)

e. Concatenation: 2 matrices, A & B can be joined as [A B]

Ex. I=[L;D] I=2 2 2 (output)

f. Some special matrices

Fig 2.6 Special matrices

g. Matrix operation: MULTIPLICATION--i) Matrix ii) element-by-element

DIVISION – i) Matrix (Right division) ii) element-by-element iii) Left division

Ex. >> A=[1 2;3 4]; >> B=[2 3;6 7];

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Fig 2,7 Matrix operations

D) PLOTTING: The plot(x,y) function is used to plot a function on x-y plane. We can
edit the plot using different commands, add labels to axes and change the color and
size of plotted graph, etc. It makes out capability to distinguish among different plots
easier. An example is given below with its output plot which includes all possible
commands that can be executed for a plot.

Fig 2.8 Plot command used code

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Fig 2.9 Output of plot command


It has advantages like:

 MATLAB is a compiler independent tool and doesn’t require any compiler to

execute like as required in C, C ++. Codes are written in sentences and executed
one by one [8].
 The inbuilt rich library of MATLAB contents library of the neural network, power
system, communication, fuzzy logic, hydraulics, Simulink, electro-magnetics,
electrics, etc. Thus, using this reach library it is always easy to develop and
implement any scientific simulation. These tools can be controlled by using built-
in codes so that any manual intervention of the control can be avoided in the

 Complex mathematical operations like matrix multiplication and addition can

easily accomplished in a single code by using MATLAB.
 MATLAB also supports loops by using the length of code same or even shorter
as compared to C or C++ in a much convenient way.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 22

 It is easier to detect an error in MATLAB as compared to C, C++.

It has disadvantages like:

 Cross-compiling of MATLAB code to other language is very difficult and requires

a deep MATLAB knowledge to deal with errors produced.
 MATLAB is used mainly for scientific research and not suitable for development
activities which are user specific.
 MATLAB is an interpreted language thus it can be very slow.
 MATLAB is more expensive. The license is very costly and users need to buy each
and every module and need to pay for the same.

F) SUMMARY: MATLAB basic syntax that were learned in the course are listed

MATLAB Basic syntax: Table 2.1

Example Description
x = pi Create variables with the equal sign (=).
The left-side (x) is the variable name containing the value on the right-side
y = sin(-5) You can provide inputs to a function using parentheses.

Desktop management: Table 2.2

Function Example Description

save save data.mat Save your current workspace to a MAT-file.
load load data.mat Load the variables in a MAT-file to the Workspace.
clear clear Clear all variables from the Workspace.
clc clc Clear all text from the Command Window.
format format long Change how numeric output is displayed.

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Array types: Table 2.3

Example Description
4 scalar
[3 5] row vector
[1;3] column vector
[3 4 5;6 7 8] matrix

Evenly-spaced vectors: Table 2.4

Example Description
1:4 Create a vector from 1 to 4, spaced by 1, using the colon (:) operator.
1:0.5:4 Create a vector from 1 to 4, spaced by 0.5.
linspace(1,10,5) Create a vector with 5 elements. The values are evenly spaced
from 1 to 10.
Indexing: Table 2.5
Example Description
A(end,2) Access the element in the second column of the last row.
A(2,:) Access the entire second row
A(1:3,:) Access all columns of the first three rows.
A(2) = 11 Change the value of the second element an array to 11.

Array operations: Table 2.6

Example Description
[1 1; 1 1]*[2 2;2 2] Perform matrix multiplication.
ans =
4 4
4 4
[1 1; 1 1].*[2 2;2 2] Perform element-wise multiplication.
ans =
2 2
2 2

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Multiple outputs: Table 2.7
Example Description
[xrow,xcol] = size(x) Save the number of rows and columns in x to two different
[xMax,idx] = max(x) Calculate the maximum value of x and its corresponding index

Plotting: Table 2.8

Example Description
plot(x,y,"ro-","LineWidth",5) Plot a red (r) dashed (--) line with a
circle (o) marker, with a heavy line width.
hold on Add the next line to existing plot.
hold off Create a new axes for the next plotted line.
title("My Title") Add a label to a plot.

Logicals: Table 2.9

Example Description
[5 10 15] > 12 Compare a vector to the value 12.
v1(v1 > 6) Extract all elements in v1 that are greater than 6.
x(x==999) = 1 Replace all values in x that are equal to 999 with the value 1.
Programming: Table 2.10
Example Description
if x > 0.5 If x is greater than 0.5, set the value of y to 3.
else Otherwise, set the value of y to 4.
for c = 1:3 The loop counter (c) progresses through the
disp(c) values 1:3 (1, 2, and 3).
The loop body displays each value of c.

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I. Course details
 Name of Course – Career Edge: Knockdown the Lockdown
 Course offering institute – TCS iON (Tata Consultancy Services)
 Duration of course- 2 weeks
II. Introduction
Business skills are an important component of workplace success. Whether you are a business
owner or an employee, possessing certain business skills can positively impact the efficiency,
performance and productivity of the company.

Business skills are skills that help people understand consumer and organizational behavior and
use this information to promote the success of the company. Business skills are often
considered soft skills and may include team management, leadership and communication skills.
These skills are primarily important for entrepreneurs, company owners and managers, however,
more and more employers look for job candidates who possess a combination of both
business and technical skills [5].

Along with communication and soft skills, technical skills are also important. They can
help you work more efficiently, boost your confidence and make you a more valuable
candidate for employers.

As job hunting becomes more competitive, graduates need to work even harder to
differentiate themselves from other candidates, and acquiring technical skills is one way to
achieve this.

This course includes business skills, which are helpful in any field of work, IT foundation
skills, accounting basics and overview of AI.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 26

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines
that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be
applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning
and problem-solving.

Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and
expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and
government with quantitative financial information which can be used in making business

Fig 3.1 Business skills


Being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill. It is what enables us to
pass information to other people, and to understand what is being said to us.

Communication involves words, intonation, facial expressions and body language &
actions. Intonation is variation in spoken pitch used for a range of other functions such as

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 27

indicating the attitudes and emotions of the speaker, signaling the difference between
statements and questions, and between different types of questions, focusing attention on
important elements of the spoken message and also helping to regulate conversational
interaction [9].

1) Process of Communication: The process of communication refers to the

transmission or passage of information or message from the sender through a
selected channel to the receiver overcoming barriers that affect its pace.
The process of communication is a cyclic one as it begins with the sender and
ends with the sender in the form of feedback.

Fig 3.2 Process of Communication

2) Types of Communication
 Verbal (Speaking)
 Non-Verbal (Actions – Face Expressions, Speed of Communication, gestures,
posture, eye contact & appearance)
 Writing
 Visualizing

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 28

3) Barriers in communication: Barriers in communication can be caused by many
reasons leading to ineffective communication and misunderstanding.
 Physical Barrier: Due to time, noise, distance and separation.
 Cultural Barrier: Due to person’s behavior and country.
 Gender Barrier: Due to Differences in the way men and women communicate,
gender biasing.
 Psychological Barrier: Difference in retention capability, inattentiveness, status,
closed mind, source, emotions, attitude and opinion.
 Language: It includes semantic barrier (misunderstanding of statement/difficulty),
Jargon and Accent.
 Perceptual: Having notions about speaker previously.
 Paralanguage: Clarity, tone, pace and volume of speaker.
Table 3.1 Do’s and Don’ts of Communication

S. No. Do’s Don’ts

1. Eye contact Checking phone
2. Dress for the occasion Dressing shabbily
3. Speak with clarity Fumbling/using filler words
4. Right tone Speaking rudely
5. Correct posture Slouching/being nervous
6. Positive face expressions Looking disinterested
7. Positive gestures Fidgeting
4) Soft and hard skills: Soft skills include communication skills, time management,
negotiation skills, critical thinking, self confidence, workplace etiquette, goal setting
and team work.

Hard skills include your degrees and talents. Both hard and soft skills are important for
bright future.

5) Interpersonal Communication skills: These involve the exchange of words,

expressions and ideas between 2 people or a group of people. Some mediums have

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 29

been listed below of interpersonal communication along with the ways to improve
their effectiveness.
1) Presentation: Here are some key points listed on how to make effective presentation:
1. Before a presentation, 5-Ws should be known, i.e., what is the topic, who to deliver,
why the presentation is being made and when it has to be presented [4].
2. Number of Slides should be minimum, as more number of slides distracts the
3. Fewer words, more diagrams and images and no sentences should be included. 4.
Simple language should be used and try to avoid abbreviations.
5. Quotations can be included. Thank you and question slide is a must.
6. The font should be readable and font size should be appropriate.
7. No unnecessary sound and animations should be used. No upper case letters should
be used, Bold or Italic can be used to emphasize on words.
8. No spelling mistakes. Videos, charts and excel sheets can be used.
9. Light background and dark background should be used.
10. Use bullets and proof read the complete presentation. Maintain proper body
language and eye contact and leave some time for questionnaire.
2) Résumé: A résumé contains the following elements: 1. Contact details.
2. Objective
3. Educational Qualifications
4. Technical Skills
5. Additional Qualifications or certifications
6. Personal details (DOB, address, hobbies, etc.)

Types of résumé: 1. Chronological: The order mentioned above comes under

chronological résumé.

2. Functional: No previous employment details are mentioned in this. Only skills are

3. Combinational: It involves both skills and previous job data.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 30

Cover letter for job: Tells the employee the job role that you are interested in.

Fig 3.3 Cover letter format

Table 3.2 Do’s and Don’ts in a résumé
S. No. Do’s Don’ts
1. Customize according to the sector Exceed 2 pages
2. Cautious hobbies Exceed 3-5 bullets per section
3. Use bullets Grammatical/spelling mistakes
4. Space between sections Jargon or slangs
5. Keywords used by machines Paragraph or images (unless specified)
6. Calibri font, 12-14 size False information

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 31

3) Group discussion: The key points to remember in a group discussion are: 1. It is not a
2. It is conducted to check team work, communication skills, knowledge and
ability to handle criticism.
3. One should look after his clarity of thoughts, posture and eye contact.
4. Listening skills should be good enough and tone of voice should be neutral.
5. Appropriate language should be used.
6. Courtesy, conciseness, correctness and confidence should be maintained.
Table 3.3 Do’s and Don’ts in a group discussion
S. No. Do’s Don’ts
1. Dress formally Letting one group dominate
2. Eye contact with everyone Drifting away
3. Neutral voice tone Interrupting
4. Try to initiate the GD Taking personally
5. Express point earliest Being emotional
6. Listen to all Compelling
7. Be open minded Agreeing with all
8. Bringing GD back on its track it Being biased, panicking, losing
has lost it. decorum and hurrying to start.
4) Interview skills: A. Before an interview: 1. Company information: The most
important step is to read and research the company you are interviewing for. Go through
the company website, blog, and social media pages to assess its products, services [4].
2. Research about the interviewer: Prepare for the interview according to the interviewer
3. Evaluate job description: So, make a good effort to go through the job description so
that you are aware of the expectations the company has for the position.
4. Fit in skills and qualities: Analyze what the employer is seeking concerning your
qualifications and always tweak your resume accordingly.
5. Make a list of questions.
6. Mock interview

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 32

7. Organize documents
8. Interview dress: Choose a formal outfit for the interview. If you are not sure about the
color, wear black formal trousers and a crisp shirt, preferably in white, blue, pastel, or
nude shades.
9. Check directions: Check the distance of the venue a day before.
10. Sleep and eat well: A night before the interview, sleep well for at least 6 to 7 hours.
Eat something an hour before the interview so that you have the energy and patience to sit
through it. Carry a bottle of water or juice along to keep yourself hydrated.
B. During the interview: 1. Timing: It is best to arrive 20-25 minutes before prior to the
interview time. It will give you time to relax.
2. Interview body language: While waiting for your turn, sit properly and maintain a
good body posture. Be polite to the guards, receptionists, and other candidates. Keep a
smile on your face. In the interview room, sit and answer questions confidently. Be firm,
yet polite. In case you do not know an answer, be honest about it and pass on to the
3. Questions for interviewer: It is most likely that the interviewer will end the interview
with the question - 'Do you have any questions for me?’
4. Ending the interview: At the end of the interview, shake the interviewer’s hand and
thank for his/her time and consideration.
C. After the interview: 1. Analyze the interview
2. Inform your references
3. Follow up: If you do not hear from the interviewer within the expected number of
days, do not hesitate to drop an email and ask for an update.

In the email, mention the following details:

 Begin the email by thanking the interviewer for considering your candidature.

 Remind him of the meeting and mention how pleased you were to get in touch with

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 33

 If the interviewer showed interest in your past projects, attach some samples of your
previous work, projects, etc. and any other relevant additional information.

 Finally, mention your motivation, qualities, and reiterate your interest in the organization.
Politely ask for an update on the interview process.

D. Some don'ts of interview preparation

 Do not arrive late for the interview.

 Do not arrive for the interview without a copy of the resume.

 Do not speak loudly on the phone while waiting for your turn.

 Do not laze around or hunch while sitting in the waiting area.

 Do not ask the interviewer any personal questions.

 Do not use bad words about your previous or current company/employer in your social
media posts.
5) Email skills: 1. An e-mail includes To (primary person’s email address), CC (carbon
copy), BCC (blind carbon copy- invisible for TO, CC and other BCC addresses), subject,
salutation and complimentary close with your signature.

2. Proof read before sending the email.

3. Write relevant details only.

6) Telephonic skills: 1. Positive Tone

2. Answering business calls: Be polite.
3. Putting callers on hold: Always ask first.
4. Controlling the conversation.
5. Leaving them satisfied: Answer all possible queries.
6. Adjusting your voice: Don’t be rude
7. Providing top quality
8. Handling tough questions

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 34

9. Providing ongoing feedback
10. Sincerity over excuses

Fig 3.4 Example of an email

Fig 3.5 Do’s and Don’ts of telephone etiquettes

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 35

Fig 3.6 Do’s and Don’ts of an email

Accounting is the recording of financial transactions along with storing, sorting,
retrieving, summarizing, and presenting the results in various reports and analyses.
Accounting is also a field of study and profession dedicated to carrying out those tasks.

Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and
expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and
government with quantitative financial information which can be
used in making business decisions.

 Advantages of accounting: 1. Maintenance of business records.

 2. Preparation of financial statements.
 3. Comparison of results.
 4. Decision making.
 5. Evidence in legal matters.
Fig 3.7 Accounting elements

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 36

6. Provides information to related parties.
7. Helps in taxation matters.
8. Valuation of business
Disadvantages of accounting: 1. Expresses Accounting information in terms of money.
2. Accounting information is based on estimates.
3. Accounting information may be biased.
4. Recording of Fixed assets at the original cost.
5. Manipulation of Accounts.
6. Money as a measurement unit changes in value.


Information technology (or IT) is defined as “the application of computers and internet to
store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information.” Network Administration &
Security is a specific category of Information Technology, focused on the transmitting
data aspect of IT [11].

From small businesses run by a single person to huge multi-national corporations, the
importance of information technology in any business setting is evident. Computer
technology is used across the business world in every department and has become vital to
business operations in the modern world.

Without information technology and system support, businesses simply stop. If the
internet or phone service goes down in an office, nothing can get done — HR, finance,
operations, communications, sales, and all other departments depend on functional
computer and information systems to complete their work. Plus, IT and Information
Services (or IS) protect the integrity of data and keep it safe from a world of technological

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 37

Fig 3.8 IT foundation skills

In a socio-technical perspective, information systems are composed of four components:

task, people, structure (or roles), and technology.

Information technology benefits the business world. They will allow the organizations to
work more efficiently to maximize the productivity. Advantages that IT can have on the
enterprise are the faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of records.

Business–IT alignment (B/I alignment) is a process in which a business

organization uses information technology (IT) to achieve business objectives, typically
improved financial performance or marketplace competitiveness.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 38

The term “artificial intelligence” refers to a specific field of computer engineering that
focuses on creating systems capable of gathering data and making decisions and/or
solving problems. An example of basic AI is a computer that can take 1000 photos of cats
for input, determine what makes them similar, and then find photos of cats on the internet.
The computer has learned, as best as it can, what a photo of a cat looks like and uses this
new intelligence to find things that are similar [5].

Types of artificial intelligence:

 Analytic AI: Powered with machine learning (including its most advanced deep
learning techniques), analytic AI scans tons of data for dependencies and patterns to
ultimately produce recommendations or provide a business with insights, thus
contributing to data-driven decision-making. Sentiment analysis and supplier risk
assessment are just a few examples of analytic AI in action.

 Functional AI: Functional AI is very similar to analytic AI – it also scans huge

amounts of data and searches for patterns and dependencies in it. However, instead of
giving recommendations, functional AI takes actions. For example: robots that
Amazon uses to bring the shelves with the goods to the pickers, thus speeding up the
picking process.

 Interactive AI: This type of AI allows businesses to automate communication

without compromising on interactivity. To envisage this type of AI, one can think
of chatbots and smart personal assistants whose abilities can vary from answering
pre-built questions to understanding the conversation context. Interactive AI can
serve another purpose – improving a company’s internal processes.

 Text AI: Businesses that use text AI can enjoy text recognition, speech-to-text
conversion, machine translation, and content generation capabilities.. For example,
the company can use text AI to power an internal corporate knowledge base. Contrary

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 39

to a traditional knowledge base that rests upon a search by keywords, an AI-powered
one can find the document containing the most relevant answer even if the document
doesn’t have full keywords.

 Visual AI: With visual AI, businesses can identify, recognize, classify and sort
objects or convert images and videos into insights. A computer system that helps an
insurer to estimate damage based on damaged car photos or a machine that grades
apples based on their color and size are the examples of visual AI. This type of AI
covers computer vision or augmented reality fields.

Parts of AI:

 Machine learning: Machine learning is the process by which an AI uses

algorithms to perform artificial intelligence functions. It’s the result of applying
rules to create outcomes through an AI.
 Neural network: When we want an AI to get better at something we create a
neural network. These networks are designed to be very similar to the human
nervous system and brain. It uses stages of learning to give AI the ability to solve
complex problems by breaking them down into levels of data. The first level of the
network may only worry about a few pixels in an image file and check for
similarities in other files. Once the initial stage is done, the neural network will
pass its findings to the next level which will try to understand a few more pixels,
and perhaps some metadata. This process continues at every level of a neural

 Deep learning: Deep learning is what happens when a neural network gets to
work. As the layers process data, the AI gains a basic understanding.

F) SUMMARY: Possessing business skills means seeing the big picture of

organizational and consumer behavior. It also means being aware of the needs of
others and knowing what resources are available to meet those needs.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 40

To be successful, you'll need more than technical and learned skills (Accounting, IT
developing, etc.) —a variety of soft and hard skills are essential for you to flourish in
every field.

And, for those going into business as entrepreneurs, you'll also need the ability to plow
through obstacles and see solutions where no one thought one was possible.

Employers seek business candidates who possess high levels of emotional intelligence,
communication skills and organizational skills.

Passion and determination can go a long way, and those skills are proven over time.
Organizations also look for candidates with hybrid (technical and non-technical) skills that
can add value to the workplace in a variety of ways.

Today, the amount of data that is generated, by both humans and machines, far outpaces
data. Artificial intelligence forms the basis for all computer learning and is the future of
all complex decision making. Therefore, AI is an integral part of technology.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 41

Python was designed for readability, and has some similarities to the English language
with influence from mathematics. It uses new lines to complete a command, as opposed to
other programming languages which often use semicolons or parentheses. Python relies on
indentation, using whitespace, to define scope; such as the scope of loops, functions and
classes. Other programming languages often use curly-brackets for this purpose.

Python is popular because it is highly productive as compared to other programming

languages like C++ and Java. The Python features like one-liners and dynamic type
system allow developers to write very fewer lines of code for tasks that require more lines
of code in other languages.

MATLAB is a programming language developed by MathWorks. It started out as a matrix

programming language where linear algebra programming was simple. It can be run both
under interactive sessions and as a batch job. MATLAB has a number of features that
distinguish it from standard scientific programming languages (C and FORTRAN). It is
interactive, interpreted rather than compiled.

Business skills are often considered soft skills and may include team management,
leadership and communication skills. We studied about the communication skills, the
alignment of business with IT, accounting fundamentals and artificial intelligence. These
are the growing parts of business that need to be worked upon for incorporating the skills
needed to conquer all challenges and events.

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 42

Modeling with Simulink in MATLAB

Simulink is a block diagram environment for multi-domain simulation and Model-Based

Design. It supports system-level design, simulation, automatic code generation, and
continuous test and verification of embedded systems [10]. Simulink provides a graphical
editor, customizable block libraries, and solvers for modeling and simulating dynamic
systems. It is integrated with MATLAB, enabling you to incorporate MATLAB
algorithms into models and export simulation results to MATLAB for further analysis.

Modeling in Simulink helps us to develop a circuit and simulate the results in Graphical
user interface.

Fig. 4.1 Simulink in MATLAB

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 43

1. Python resources- Programming for everybody- getting started with python
2. MATLAB resources- MATLAB (MathWorks)
3. Book- Programming in MATLAB, A problem – solving approach by RAM N.
4. Resources for Business skills- Tata Consultancy Services (TCS iON)

Department of Electrical Engineering, SKIT M&G, Jaipur Page 44

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